See [That is not the human sun! ] When those words were spoken, the audience felt shocked!

They have even begun to imagine that scene in their minds - a huge bright sun lights up in the sky, and this sun will illuminate everything very brightly! but.

This is not a human sun!

In other words, this is not the sun that humans know!

The Death Star appeared suddenly, reaching maximum brightness within a few seconds, and was first seen by people in the Eastern Hemisphere. The most spectacular celestial phenomena are seen on the west coasts of the Atlantic Ocean, Oizhou and Feizhou - people in these places witnessed the second sunrise a few hours after the sunrise! Two suns appeared in the sky at the same time. The human sun was much weaker than the new sun. In contrast, the human sun looked a little dark, almost like a black"one-zero" sun! The sudden appearance of the Death Star stunned the whole world! Almost everyone lost their normal ability to judge and act. On the playground of that elementary school. The children stared at the sky blankly. Before they could recover, lightning appeared in the sky! This is caused by the Death Star's rays ionizing the atmosphere. Long purple arcs appeared in the pure blue sky, getting denser and denser, and the thunder was deafening


It's like a death knell for mankind, and like the babbling of a child with a yellow mouth.

More than forty children returned to the classroom under the leadership of teacher Zheng Chen.

But the light from the Death Star still shines through the window.......

The air began to be filled with static electricity, and the small metal pieces on everyone's clothes crackled and flashed with small sparks.

Island Province.

Vacation villa.

Almost at the same time, the three giants of science fiction suddenly opened their eyes.

Lane said:

"There must be something wrong with the Death Star's light!"

"It is eight light years away, but the light can still produce such static electricity on the earth, indicating that its radiation intensity is very strong!"

Green also said:

"That's right!"

"When the Death Star's bright light passes over Pluto, it can stir up a cloud of steam on the blue crystals of Pluto's solid nitrogen."

"Passing over Uranus and Neptune, making their rings crystal clear......"

"This shows that strong light contains huge energy!"

"This energy will definitely have some impact on the living things on earth!"

"Humanity on earth may start to face crisis due to this.——"

"For example, some biological mutations and so on."


Even the three experienced sci-fi giants did not expect at this time that this was a"killing" disaster for adults!

Their thinking still stayed at the level of biological mutations caused by radiation.......

And this is also one of the most novel creative points in"Supernova Era"!

Before this, no science fiction creator could imagine that a disaster would wipe out all adults on earth, leaving only children to survive in this world.

Because those creators couldn't imagine what would happen if the earth only had children?! what happens?!

When it comes to children, most people’s impressions are: lack of cognition, innocence, purity, innocence......

So those creators couldn't imagine what kind of stories they could create in a world with only children.......

Is it possible to let children go through the development path of modern science again? but!

《"Supernova Era" shows a world that no one dares to imagine.

A world with only children shows horror and cruelty that no one could have imagined - these children are engaged in the bloodiest battles and killings!

Tanks, aircraft carriers, fighters, and even nuclear warheads......All weapons have become their new toys!

After shining in the universe for an hour and twenty-five minutes, the Death Star suddenly disappeared......(To read Baoshuang novels, go to Feilu Novel Network!)

Now, only a huge radio telescope array can detect the remains of the Death Star - a rapidly rotating neutron star!

It is sending out electromagnetic pulses at precisely timed intervals.

The light shining on the Earth from the Death Star is converging, and soon shrinks to a circle around the Death Star, with the color transitioning from blue-violet to white.

At this time.

Most of Earth's sky has returned to darkness.

And the Death Star has become a bright spot in the black night sky and an ordinary star in the Milky Way.

After another five minutes, the Death Star completely disappeared into the darkness.

Saw the lightning stop[]

The children ran out of the classroom.

They found themselves in a fluorescent world - under the black night sky, everything glowed with blue-green fluorescence: trees, houses, the ground......

Even the children's own bodies fluoresced like a group of ghosts!

It's as if the earth and everything on it have turned into translucent jade........

At this time.

The lights in the classroom turned on, and the lights of the surrounding cities also turned on one after another.

Only then did the children realize that there had been a power outage.

And with the appearance of lights, the ubiquitous fluorescence disappeared.

The children thought the world had returned to its original state, but it did not— a red light lit up in the northeast, and a red cloud rose in that direction.

Then, the red clouds fluttered mightily and soon covered half of the night sky.......And then the whole night sky!

When the front end of the red cloud floated to the middle of the sky, the children saw a huge light band, like a red curtain hanging from space.......Slowly twisting and changing there!

It was a trembling aurora that spread all over the world!

The audience was shocked

:"ah?! Aren’t auroras generally seen in the South and North Pole?"

:"Auroras all over the world?! my God......"

:"What's going on.! Is this still caused by the Death Star's light?"

At the judges' table.

Shi Xifeng frowned and thought:

"Aurora is a colorful plasma phenomenon"

"What we usually call the Northern and Southern Auroras occur due to the flow of charged particles from the sun entering the Earth's magnetic field. They are brilliant and beautiful lights that appear at night in the high altitudes near the Earth's North and South Poles."

"And now there are auroras appearing all over the earth. Could it be that the charged particles from the Death Star are all over the world?!"

"How could the charged particles from the Death Star travel that far?! 5.9"

On the stage,

Bingbing was slightly startled after hearing Shi Xifeng's words.

Then she immediately asked:

"Teacher Shi, if this is really the scene caused by the charged particles of the Death Star, will these charged particles have any impact on human beings? Shi

Xifeng replied:

"Not necessarily, it also depends on what kind of charged particle it is"

"For example, particles with negative electrostatic radiation are fine."

"High-energy charged particles will have an impact on humans. Such as radioactive effects, electromagnetic effects, biological effects"

"But no matter what kind of particle it is, it will not have any impact on humans."

"Because these charged particles from space are generally blocked by the earth's magnetosphere outside the earth's atmosphere!"

"This is also the reason why the sun’s charged particle stream does not affect humans"

"It can be said that the earth’s magnetosphere outside the earth’s atmosphere provides a [protective umbrella] for the earth.】"

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