
Chi Wan finally remembered what she had forgotten.

Her two royal beasts are still in the breeding garden and she forgot to take them back.

When the Flame Wolf cubs all crashed into the glass wall and cracks appeared on the wall, Chi Wan was also panicked and her first reaction was to run away.

Later, she realized that the cubs were not very strong, so she took care of them all by herself and stayed where she was, wanting to see what the cubs wanted to do.

When it was confirmed that the glass wall was completely broken, Chi Wan directly summoned the rock-armored bear and Xiaobai, preparing them to subdue the cubs.

As soon as he landed on the ground, the little white bear heard the voice of the Flame Wolf cub, and showed a strange expression, looking at her with the look of a betrayer.


The rock-armored bear touched his ears and asked stupidly.

Are these new younger siblings?

Before Chi Wan could realize what the rock-armored bear meant, the Flame Wolf cubs bypassed Xiaobai and the rock-armored bear in front of Chi Wan, biting her trouser legs and trying to crawl on her.

The leading one collided directly into Chi Wan's arms, knocking Chi Wan down. The remaining ones climbed onto her body and started fighting over her body.

What follows is what the rescuers saw when they arrived.

As for Chi Wan's nosebleed, it was simply due to the cuteness of the Flame Wolf pups.

Just imagine, a bunch of cute and clingy red fur balls crawling around on you and calling you mom, who can stand it?

Are you making up excuses? I'm not in a hurry, you can think about it slowly.

Seeing Chi Wan deep in thought, Director Liu took a sip of tea and spoke unhurriedly.


Looking at the seemingly amiable Director Liu in front of him, Chi Wan was at a loss for words and didn't know how to answer.

Chi Wan himself couldn't figure out the reason why Principal Liu asked. When he was indulged in playing with his plush stuffed animals at the nursery, he asked the rock-armored bear to ask about the eldest of the Flame Wolf cubs.

The reason given was that Blaze Wolf felt friendly when he saw Chi Wan and liked her very much, as if he saw his mother.

Not to mention Director Liu, Chi Wan himself didn't believe this reason.

Later, in the school doctor's office, after getting rid of the temptation of plush, Chi Wan's mind was clear. Chi Wan carefully recalled the scene of the contract with the rock-armored bear, and then she realized that it might be the passive skill sent by the system again. Friends of Extraordinary Creatures works again.

This skill has no good results every time it appears.

It was the first time I was given a good guy card, and I was very happy to welcome the big boy, Bao Bao Xiong.

This time, she directly deceived the school's extraordinary creature cubs, causing her to be questioned in the principal's office.

Are you making up a reason?

Or tell the truth? He said that he had outstanding talents and charm, and was born to win the favor of extraordinary creatures.

I'm afraid Director Liu won't believe this reason at all, and will only think that she used some special medicine to attract the favor of extraordinary creatures.

Chi Wan struggled for a while, but finally chose the answer that was least likely to make mistakes.

I have no idea.

It's too easy to make up a reason, so it's better to just express that you don't know.

I'm afraid you'll make up a reason for me, and then I really don't know how to deal with it.

Chi Wan awkwardly buttoned the tassel of the cushion on the chair.

Director Liu smiled, looked at Chi Wan who was fidgeting because of her words, and said with a smile: Everyone has their own little secret, I won't force you, just ask you, is this method of yours good for these people? Children are no harm.”

Chi Wan's mind was a bit out of tune with Principal Liu, and she didn't know why she jumped here all of a sudden. However, Principal Liu had already given the steps, and she would definitely follow him down.

No harm, certainly no harm.

Chi Wan almost raised his hands and swore.

Let's go without you. If anyone asks you about this later, just say that these children miss their mother. You happen to have a pendant with flaming wolf fur on you. They admit it wrong.

Director Liu took out a small red wool felt pendant from the drawer, handed it to Chi Wan, and warned, Don't let it slip.

Chi Wan took the pendant with both hands, hung it up directly on her phone, bowed to Principal Liu, and left.

As soon as she put her hand on the door handle, she heard a voice from behind.

By the way, you haven't written your thesis on the evolution of the rock-armored bear yet. I suggest you don't rush and wait a little longer. The paper will be published later. It's never too late for good things to happen.

Chi Wan returned to the breeding garden and found the hall according to the contract.

Before she even entered the door, a white figure rushed towards her. When she was almost in front of her, another sudden brake came to a stop.


Remember me?

Xiaobai raised his head and asked coldly.

How could I have forgotten you? It was a complete accident. I told the medical staff. Maybe they were too busy and forgot.

Chi Wan lowered his head, wringing his fingers, feeling a little guilty.

Frightened by the madness of the medical staff, she did not think about the situation of her two beasts at that time. She only remembered it later when she was talking to Director Liu.

He looked up at Xiaobai and saw that his expression softened a little. He had a flash of inspiration and continued: Of course I have not forgotten you. I was just injured. The doctors took me to the school doctor's office. I was afraid that you would be worried. I didn’t say anything.”

After saying that, she inadvertently revealed the blood stains on her cuffs. She didn't pay attention to them when she had a nosebleed before. She didn't expect to save her life now.


Seeing the blood stains, Xiaobai was really panicked.

Although it asked about the smell of blood before, the smell here was too mixed and it didn't dare to confirm it. Now seeing is believing, and it hurriedly came over to see Chi Wan's injuries.

The technology in the school doctor's office is pretty good. I don't have any problems now.


After the two beasts settled down, Chi Wan was half relieved and began to ask Xiaobai about his little brother.

Where is the rock-armored bear? Isn't it with you? According to the contract, I sense that you are all together?

Ice! Ice!

Xiaobai suddenly became angry and complained about Yanjia Xiong's unreliability. Seeing that he couldn't speak clearly, he simply bit Chi Wan's sleeve and walked into the house.

Here, eat some more.

I'll give you this box of energy cubes. Can you let me touch your ears?


Before entering, Chi Wan heard a loud noise, including the voice of his own rock-armored bear.

After pushing the door open and seeing Chi Wan, the room suddenly became quiet.

Everyone in the room was in panic, with embarrassing smiles on their faces, secretly playing with other people's beasts, and was discovered by the owner!

The rock-armored bear also saw Chi Wan and hurriedly tried to hide the snacks in his hands. He completely forgot about his snack mountain. As soon as he got up, the snack mountain behind him collapsed.

Chi Wan raised his forehead.

How could she have forgotten that many of the zoos were breeders? How could the rock-armored bear, a unique and extraordinary creature in the world, not attract their attention.

Now the rock-armored bear is completely like a mouse in a rice vat, so unhappy.


The phone suddenly vibrated. Chi Wan took it out and the call note showed the words Vice Principal.

Chi Wan had already guessed the rest of the story, and sure enough, when she picked up the phone, a familiar voice came from the other end.

Hey, Chi Wan? After the extracurricular activities, you come and lie down in my office.

Chi Wan hung up the phone, thinking about transferring to another school.

When your leaders are fighting for power, can you please stop looking for me? I don’t want to take the blame.

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