
The alarm sounded in the monitoring room.

The drowsy short-haired staff member was suddenly awakened and almost fell off his chair.

As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw the warning light on the ceiling, which was flashing red light and made my eyes hurt.

What's going on? Stop sleeping now.

He kicked the chair of his sleeping colleague next to him and woke him up.

What's the noise...

The other one also saw a different scene in the monitoring room than in the past, and realized something had happened.

There have been no accidents in the breeding park for many years. This is the first time they have been exposed to a similar situation since they joined the company. At this moment, both of them were a little confused and looked at each other, not knowing how to start.

The short-haired staff member was still somewhat impressed by the training when he was hired. He immediately stood up, threw himself on the operating table, and kept switching the display screens to find which area had the problem.

Since I was not very skilled in technology, it took me a long time to find the area where the accident occurred.


The two staff members gasped at the same time.

A group of flame wolf pups were like crazy, using their skills to move towards the glass wall one after another.

The glass wall was full of cracks and was crumbling. The flame wolf cubs were still banging against each other. The girl outside the wall seemed to be panicked and stayed where she was without daring to move.

Standing in front of the screen, the short-haired staff member yelled at the colleague standing stupidly on the other side: Who is that girl? Do you have her contact information? Tell her to run away and stop standing stupidly.

The colleague adjusted the flat glasses on his face, thought for a while, and said desperately: It seems to be a freshman in high school.

The two of them fell into despair at the same time, as if they saw the bonus getting further and further away from them.


The glass wall was completely shattered, and at the same time, the screen fell into darkness. The picture captured at the last moment was a group of sparks getting closer and closer.

Let's inform the person in charge of that area first. I hope the new student is lucky enough.

The short-haired staff member slumped in his chair, took out his communication device, and notified the person in charge of the situation. He felt like he was only one step away from losing his job.

The staff member wearing plain glasses clapped his hands fiercely and said in surprise, That girl seems to be wearing second-generation work clothes. She should be able to be saved.

Because most of the cubs do not listen to advice and cannot control their abilities, the second-generation work clothes in the park are fireproof, waterproof, puncture-proof and corrosion-proof.

Fortunately, the cubs are not very capable, and the fabric of the second-generation work clothes can prevent most injuries.

As long as the girl is not injured, the incident can be classified as an internal incident, and they can deduct a bonus. If someone is injured, the matter will become a big deal, and the higher-ups must strictly investigate: Why did the monitoring room find out after everything happened.

Then the two of them will definitely be found out for fishing in work, and they will definitely lose their jobs. It is not easy to find such a position with high salary, good benefits, and the ability to fish in troubled waters.

Those are five flame wolf cubs. If this girl reacts in time and can summon her own beast, she will be fine, but seeing how she stays where she is and doesn't dare to move, I guess she's worried.

The short-haired staff member didn't have high hopes for this matter. He contacted the regional director, explained the situation, took out his mobile phone, and began to submit his resume for the next job.


Chi Wan was lying on the ground, while Xiaobai and Yanjia Xiongxiong stood aside at a loss.

Tap! Tread!

A group of rescuers came running around the corner from the corridor carrying a stretcher.

Seeing the rescuers arriving, Chi Wan's eyes flashed with joy.

saved! ! !

There are still help waiting ahead, why did you stop?

The people at the front of the rescue team suddenly stopped, and the people behind did not stop the people they bumped into. If the people in the front weren't stable, the group of people might have fallen down like dominoes.

Hearing the accusation, the person in charge did not refute, but silently moved away, pointed in the direction of Chi Wan and said, See for yourself.

? ? ?

Aren't we here to rescue?

Who are these clingy people?

The people in the back row also saw the scene in front of them and had some doubts about life.

The news they received was that the glass wall in the breeding area was broken, the Flame Wolf cubs escaped, and the first-year high school girl was attacked and could not afford to be seriously injured.

As a result, there were only a group of flaming wolf cubs that transformed into clingy spirits, and a first-year high school girl who fell to the ground after being crushed by the flaming wolves.

Which link is the problem? The difference is too far!

Several experienced breeders stepped forward and took away the Flame Wolf cub that was still playing on Chi Wan.

The medical staff pulled Chi Wan up from the ground.

Classmate, are you okay?


Chi Wan followed the doctor's strength and stood up. As soon as he stood firm, he felt a stream of heat flow from his nose. He stretched out his hand and touched it, and found that his hand was covered with a familiar red liquid.

You don't act like you're okay.

Seeing Chi Wan's nosebleed, the medical staff felt that they had finally come in handy. A group of people rushed up, trying to save Chi Wan. Get on the stretcher.

You've come here, but you can't come in vain.

Chi Wan pushed away the medical staff who wanted to help her, turned around twice, and then said, I'm really fine!

You have a nosebleed and you still say it's fine. Am I the doctor or you?

The doctor didn't listen to her explanation and forcibly carried her onto a stretcher and walked to the school doctor's office.

I seem to have forgotten something?

On the stretcher, Chi Wan touched his head and finally decided not to think about it if he couldn't understand it.


Looking at Chi Wan's leaving figure, Yanjiao Xiong touched his head and looked at his eldest sister in confusion.

Has the master forgotten us?

Ice! Ice!

Xiaobai raised his paw and patted the rock-armored bear on the head.

The owner has not forgotten that she is busy right now and will come to pick us up later.

After saying that, Xiaobai sighed deeply in his heart.

well! Without me, this family will be broken up sooner or later.

Director Liu is looking for me?

After checking that there were no problems, Chi Wan was released by the school doctors. As soon as he came out, he heard the surprising news.

The director of the breeding garden, whose surname is Liu, is a master breeder who specializes in the cultivation of cubs of extraordinary creatures. Chi Wan admires her very much. Because of her love, in just ten years, she has gone from being an ordinary clerk in a beast-taming store to Grow into a master trainer.

If it weren't for the fact that the other party was a local, Qionghua wouldn't be able to hire her.

Now that the other party wants to see her, how can he not make Chi Wan excited?

Director Liu was more affable than Chi Wan expected, but as soon as he opened his mouth, Chi Wan almost spat out a mouthful of water.

Classmate Chi Wan, can you explain what you did to the Flame Wolf cubs in our school? Why are those cubs now calling you mom, clamoring to see you, and still on hunger strike?

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