Homo sapiens

Chapter 550 Difficulties

In an exclusive laboratory.

Li Qingye entered the prepared relevant knowledge bit by bit into the genes of the experimental cells through the gene memory entry device.

The principle of this gene memory entry device is actually a derivative technology developed after figuring out how genes memorize data.

More than a dozen related laboratories have developed decoding technology and input technology through genetic encoding technology.

However, compared with genetic memory decoding technology, genetic memory entry technology currently still has some problems.

For example, the problem Li Qingye encountered before him.

Several assistants operated the equipment, but the input speed of only 10G of content was as slow as a turtle crawling.

When Li Qingye saw this year's progress bar on the screen, there was no anxious look on his face, because this was what he expected.

Gene memory entry and brain cell interaction and communication through biochips are two different models.

The principle of interactive communication between biochips and brain cells is based on the transmission of brain waves and neuron signals, which is fast, fuzzy, and forgettable.

Gene memory entry will change part of the gene sequence. This is a fundamental entry and will basically not be forgotten unless the gene sequence responsible for recording information is destroyed.

Li Qingye calls this gene responsible for recording information "memory gene".

Typically, these memory genes are placed among recessive genes in the genetic sequence.

In fact, humans, like many animals and plants, have a large part of their genes that seem to have no purpose. These genes generally have no effect in the human body.

However, after extensive research by researchers from the Homo sapiens company, the basic situation of human genes has been figured out.

Human genes can be divided into dominant genes and recessive genes, with the proportions of the two being 35% to 37% and 63% to 65% respectively.

Among them, most of the memory genes are recessive genes, which are dominant genes, accounting for only about 3 to 9%.

This phenomenon causes humans to have an inexplicable fear of some animals or objects.

In fact, this is a manifestation of a small part of ancestral memories from ancient times being activated.

Humans are relatively weak in this area.

Among other animals, such as elephants, migratory birds, and whales, more of their memory genes are in a dominant state, so they can obtain more memories.

In fact, this is an evolutionary choice.

The reason why humans abandoned the inheritance of genetic memory is that humans developed language.

Although animals have a simple vocal communication mechanism, it is difficult for them to transmit a lot of information to the next generation through sound, and they can only rely on genetic memory.

Both have advantages and disadvantages.

The advantage of genetic memory inheritance is that the knowledge is fixed and does not need to be taught by hand, which increases the survival rate of the cubs; the disadvantage is that genetic inheritance is not 100%, memory loss will occur, and genetic memory will form instinctive reactions, and it can only It is inherited from the same origin, and the information of inherited memory is also very limited.

The advantage of language and text inheritance is that the information density is relatively high, and the information carrier can be separated from the living thing itself, and can also be passed down one-to-many; the disadvantage is that the cub breeding cycle is too long, and the young cannot hunt and live independently. Without the protection and protection of the previous generation, Education, the survival rate is too low, even if you barely survive, you will degenerate into a savage.

The genetic memory inheritance that Li Qingye wants is not the original model of animals, but needs to eliminate some shortcomings.

For example, the information density is too small, memory is lost, memory is blurred, and the input speed is too slow.

"Chairman, the entry is complete."

Li Qingye glanced at the time. It took him 3 hours and 24 minutes to input 10G of data into the memory gene. He shook his head: "It's too slow. It seems that the input method must be improved."

As for why not use the interactive communication method between biochips and brain cells to enter information into memory genes.

The reason is very simple, because the memory of biological brain cells will not be 100% included in the memory gene. This is fuzzy memory.

This situation is ultimately caused by the brain's self-protection mechanism.

Most of the memories in human life will be forgotten, and only those profound contents can be recorded.

Li Qingye had activated the memory of his ancestors and knew this clearly.

In the memories of his ancestors, only important contents often remain.

Things like eating a bowl of rice today and drinking an extra glass of water yesterday will most likely not be recorded by the memory gene.

Unless one is on the verge of death due to lack of water, the memory gene will record this information.

Based on his own situation, Li Qingye concluded a rule, that is, the more content that threatens life safety, the more it will be recorded by the memory gene, while the more trivial things are, the less likely they will be recorded.

Why do humans generally feel uncomfortable when seeing snakes?

It is because in ancient times, human ancestors saw their companions bitten to death by venomous snakes. This kind of horror between life and death would stimulate the brain cells of the survivors and carve this memory into their genes.

This focused memory and forgetting mechanism made it very difficult for Li Qingye to accurately enter information.

The modern knowledge system is very large and interlocking, especially knowledge in the scientific field.

If the entered information is inaccurate or missing, it will result in the host being unable to form a complete knowledge system after activating the memory gene, and it will have to learn twice and check for omissions and fill in the gaps.

Li Qingye looked at the report that had just been decoded and entered 10G of data. However, only 1.3G of the decoded information was accurate, and the rest was a lot of garbled codes and invalid data.

13% accuracy, which cannot guarantee inheritance at all.

This technology cannot be put into application until the accuracy reaches 99%.

After all, literary works, music, etc., if some content is missing, they can still be used.

But a lack of 1% of scientific knowledge is a very serious problem.

Science must be rigorous and precise. This is a hard requirement.

However, there is a certain degree of uncertainty in the entry of memory genes.

Now Li Qingye is troubled by this problem.

Putting down his report, he picked up the tea cup and took a sip of green tea.

The bitter fragrance made him calm down a little.

He put down the tea cup, leaned back on the chair, and sighed: "Things like memory and genes are indeed the most difficult to deal with."

Sanji Badaliyar quickly rubbed his shoulders.

Other assistants continue to work hard and check various experimental data.

Suddenly, the laboratory door slowly opened, and a middle-aged man wearing gray-white protective clothing walked in and reported to Li Qingyehui respectfully:

"Chairman, there is a problem in the forest of Pangu Realm. This is the investigation report."

Li Qingye raised his eyebrows and took the tablet. He flipped through a few pages, and then a surprised expression appeared on his face: "It seems that the effect of environmental pressure is unexpectedly good!"

"Chairman, do you need manual intervention?" the middle-aged man asked quickly.

Li Qingye thought for a while: "Intervention? No, continue to observe. As long as it does not threaten the protection system, continue to let it develop naturally."

"I understand." The middle-aged man nodded.

However, Li Qingye still added: "After you go back, let the people from the security department make a targeted plan."


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