Homo sapiens

Chapter 549 Rapid Update

The spillover effects generated by a large number of scientific research results are rapidly affecting all areas of Homo sapiens companies.

For example, the fixed cables of the Stratospheric Railway were previously braided from composite alloy wires. They were too heavy and relatively weak in strength.

Now with the emergence of carbon nanotube multi-layer casing technology, which can produce a single line of 20 to 30 kilometers, the Sky Railway Group has rapidly updated it.

The cable made of carbon nanotubes with multi-layer casing weighs only 3.4% of the previous alloy cable, but its strength is increased by about 48 times.

The reduction in the weight of the cable has greatly increased the effective carrying capacity of the stratospheric railway.

In addition, there are many applications of carbon nanotubes in other fields. The application of this technology has greatly reduced the disadvantages of metal cables.

Of course, carbon nanotubes are not perfect. For example, air erosion and cosmic ray damage have seriously affected the service life of carbon nanotubes. This is a fatal problem that is difficult to avoid for carbon materials.

However, the service life problem can also be solved.

For example, the anti-radiation gel developed by Li Qingye in Pangu Realm can be used as the outer coating of many materials after secondary processing. Its protective effect against cosmic rays is very good, except for a few high-energy neutrons and gamma rays. No other cosmic rays can penetrate this gel.

Of course, this anti-radiation gel is not permanent. It also has a service life. If it is exposed to the stratosphere, a 3 mm thick gel solidified layer can only last about 17 months.

The Skytrain Group is not too disappointed with this. After all, the materials are radiation-resistant and lightweight, so don’t ask too much.

The lead plate composite layer, which is also resistant to radiation, can be used for decades. The problem is that the lead plate is too heavy.

Therefore, the Skytrain Group chose anti-radiation gel, which will require frequent maintenance and repainting in the future.

Compared with replacing the expensive carbon nanotube cables, regular application of anti-radiation gel is the most cost-effective solution.

Pangea—earthquake zone.

Li Qingye spent a week browsing the annual reports of various departments of the company, and then assigned some tasks.

And he himself came to the earthquake zone.

This area has been used as a backup scientific research area before, and was transformed into a biological information decoding center some time ago.

Li Qingye was discussing some things with the leaders of several earthquake areas, such as how to apply gene reverse decoding technology to obtain information about the earth's ancient times.

Zhang Zaiwen, majoring in paleontology, said excitedly: "Chairman, this technology is really powerful. We chose crocodiles as the target for decoding and obtained a lot of pictures from ancient times."

Li Qingye looked at the very weird restoration picture: "Is this the crocodile's perspective?"

"Yes." Zhang Zaiwen nodded.

Since the vision and hearing of crocodiles are different from humans, they are hidden in their genes, and the pictures and sounds they inherit will feel very strange when viewed from a human perspective.

For example, some animals may not be able to see colors that humans can see, and humans may not be able to observe colors that some animals can see.

For example, most mammals are red-green blind.

Many people think that the tiger's fur is very conspicuous. This is because humans are generally not red-green blind. However, in the eyes of other mammals, the color of the tiger's fur is a very subtle environmental camouflage color.

The visual organs of insects and arthropods are often very specialized. For example, mantis shrimps can see more colors than humans by an order of magnitude.

Zhang Zaiwen patted the biocomputer on the side: "We are currently trying to solve the problem of perspective and try our best to transform the original image into a picture that humans can easily browse."

"What is the furthest period of genetic memory that can be traced so far?"

"Crocodiles can reach 270 million years ago. Their family is a living fossil, but their genetic memory is very fragmented."

Li Qingye knew this very well. This was the case with the ancestral memory ability he gained after modifying his genes.

Genes can record an organism's lifetime memory, but as genes continue to iterate, part of the ancestral memory will be lost with each iteration, which is one of the costs of evolution.

Li Qingye also saw the idea of ​​Zhang Zaiwen's team. They now use crocodiles as materials to extract ancient information. The reason is that crocodiles do not mutate much, and they are not much different from their ancestors hundreds of millions of years ago.

This is a relatively rare group of living fossils among modern animals.

If you choose other animals, such as common pheasants, their ancestors are dinosaurs, and the differences between the two are too great, which means that relatively large mutations have occurred during the evolution of pheasants.

And this kind of mutation often seriously damages the information inheritance of ancestral memory.

Li Qingye is very vague about what happened to his ancestors hundreds of thousands of years ago. This is because humans have undergone several major mutations in the process of evolution.

"Although the memory of hundreds of millions of years ago is very fragmented, we have still obtained a lot of important information, such as climate changes in ancient Africa, and changes in longitude and latitude..."

As Zhang Zaiwen spoke, he called up a simulated earth model, determined the age through genetic iteration, entered the crocodile gene memory corresponding to that age into the supercomputer, and then started the deduction.

Soon the simulated earth will undergo a dramatic evolution.

Including plate movements in Africa, volcanoes and earthquakes, seasonal changes, etc., were analyzed bit by bit.

The vicissitudes of the earth are unfolding in front of everyone one by one. Although this is only a biological perspective of a drop in the ocean, as long as enough memories of animal ancestors are collected in the future, a relatively clear evolution of the ancient earth can be pieced together.

"Not bad." Li Qingye saw the evolution of the earth's climate very clearly.

In particular, the climate models of the past 3 million years are basically very clear.

This is different from studying geology. The data analyzed by this kind of genetic memory can be accurate to the year, or even the month and day.

The closer we get to modern times, the clearer the information in animal genetic memory will be, and we can naturally judge the evolution of climate.

Li Qingye inspected here for a while and then went back to the marsh area to work on new projects.

His new project has something to do with genetic memory.

However, the genetic memory of this project is not analysis, but input.

Li Qingye hopes to achieve the purpose of inheritance by recording knowledge into genes and then activating hidden genetic memories at specific stages of development.

The reason for embarking on this project is that the human knowledge base is getting larger and larger. Even with biochips, it will take several years to complete the study of a major subject.

The increasingly large knowledge base and long learning time will make human development slow down again.

Although the new human race has not experienced a decline in development speed at this stage, this situation will inevitably occur in the future.

When there is so much knowledge that there is no end to learning, it is when the development of new humanity enters a bottleneck period.

Li Qingye was planning ahead. He planned to use the power of genes to record knowledge into genes, and then allow humans to directly inherit the knowledge in genetic memory after completing physical development, thus breaking the development bottleneck.

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