The next morning, when everyone wakes up from sleep, Alexander has been able to move down.

Not only did that, but even if the torn soul of Ernsna was reintroduced by Marx’s hand, he opened his eyes when Alexander came to see him.

This time, through potion, combined with Marx’s spiritual rule magic, with an outbreak of growth, the capacity of Herpo’s best at his disposal, seems to be no longer a challenge to him.

However, Marx is today an improvement from the adventure, but it does not seem that everyone is Joyous.

鈥淎t the same time, taking control of the two rules of soul鈥?can this really be done?鈥?/p>

Delphini sat at the corner of the living room, and there was no small spot biting dry Baba’s bread, but at the end of the cup in another hand, the water was almost unabated.

Her eyes, when they look away from Marx, are more worrisome in her heart than in her joy of their safe return.

As a former holder of that rune, Delphini was aware that 鈥渃olor lust” had a characteristic of increasing the attractiveness of owners in intangibles. However, in addition to that, she felt that Marx had changed somewhat she had not known.

It is this senseless disorder and feeling that Delphini is somewhat disturbed.


general, however, Marx’s performance is normal – at least it looks right.

鈥淭hat’s right! There is one thing I talked to Hermione last night when we gave Alexander potion — from today on, I intend to give you a” supplementary lesson “in a short time. In terms of course content, there may be significant differences in access to Hogwarts in the past鈥?But don’t worry, because it’s all about you personally, but it’s hard to get you a fog water… and we may start to fight Herpo when you have some strength.”

鈥淕o to class?鈥?Ron, listen to me. Even nodded, 鈥渢hat sounds good!鈥?/p>

While Ron’s very positive response, Ginny, sitting next to Harry, was somewhat late saying, “Can this happen? Oh, I mean, I’m actually worried about the outside… and after all, Herpo won’t wait for us.”

In this regard, Marx can only light the head.

鈥淵es, I think the longer we stay here, the more serious the situation outside. But now we can’t really stop Herpo’s insane behavior – some of them, probably inevitable.”

It was said by Marx that its weight was really different from that of others.

In fact, this issue has been repeatedly mentioned in private. Regrettably, the tremendous impairment of power has left them with no choice.

And now it seems that even Marx has to make a degree of compromise after repeated discretion.

鈥淚n sum,” Marx looks at the mood of a bunch of people with some low emotions, and when it comes, 鈥渨hat we can do is to raise our strength as quickly as possible and as much as we can鈥?Until now, many facts have proved that I can’t do it alone, and I need your strength.鈥?/p>

鈥淥f course, Harry hearing this, consciously tightened the sword of Gryffindor’s sword,” we won’t let you down – remember? We are “R.A.” and the Order of the Phoenix Reserve Army, established by Professor Dumbledore. 鈥?/p>

Hearing Harry suddenly raised this memorable name, Marx also forbids slightly smiled.

鈥淵eah,鈥?he slight out, “although some other members are not here, it’s probably the same. But with your ability today, I think the word” ready “should not be needed anymore.鈥?/p>

Speaking of that, in order to give you some morale, Marx suddenly stood up.

鈥淪ince Professor Dumbledore originally chose to hand it over to me, I declare here today that 鈥榯he Order of the Phoenix鈥?will be reinvigorated here. And you, from this day on, are its new members.鈥?/p>

Marx didn’t make that very exciting, even calm from the beginning to the end, but the little partners, instead, taste the sense of the spiritual continuity of that affection.

And after that, Marx didn’t paint more snakes. See him throwing the last bread of breakfast in his mouth, and then he slipped a little bit behind the back door.

鈥淭he course starts early, and I’ll wait in the back yard for you – Wynie, go and call your father too! By the way, send Delphini to take care of the maid.”

He left here first and went to the small courtyard in the back of the tower.


Owing to the fact that little elf Pack is not cleaned up here, wild grass is growing happily around the corner. If it were carefully looked at, it would have been possible to find that one side of this small courtyard was probably a medicine field, although no one would have come here long ago to cultivate medicinal herb, but the field’s monopoly was still rare.

There’s basically nothing in the yard, just to put these old tools and sticks on the wall. The doors are on the right side, and they are a shitty path towards the depths of the jungle.

Marx came here and looked around, and even looking at the direction of the woods – honestly, if it was to be used as a magic classroom that could be used “practice”, it might be little less than enough for his next course.

After so many hits, Marx suddenly picked up his hand, and in the next minute, the land outside the yard suddenly began to swell up.

With a long time of 鈥淟oung Lung” bombardment and a tremendous earthquake on the earth, the ground is as high as a giant wave, and then very softly “shoot” down, pushing a large amount of trees directly into the ground.

The local surface has been restored, and there is already a lot more space outside the yard.

This tremendous turmoil outside has allowed small partners to step up their footsteps and rush to the yard to look at it.

Like Ron, we can’t stop thinking about how to get rid of the obsession of the past and find a magic path that really belongs to ourselves after Marx’s course is over.

Of course, he cannot ask himself to reach such a level of resilience that he can become a helper in the future – rather than continue to be protected as a visitor – and he can already be satisfied.

鈥淎ll here? Well, let’s go first! Harry, bring the sword.”

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