“Alexander, what would it do to you? In order to keep me here, you even think of your soul as a one-time consumables — how long do you think you can hold me here? As long as you completely lose consciousness, I can not only regain control of your body immediately, but even your soul will be used exclusively for me…”

In that dark cognitive space at the time, Ence was constantly yelling at, but was never answered.

To be honest, it’s probably not even Alexander himself who was inspired by Jones at that time, who was able to play the force that he had not even thought of.

At that moment, the spirit of his extremely angry had caused the gods to break out of the way, and the hardest was to haunt and forcibly drag back to a place like a day.

However, even half of the soul of Enns, which has grown by Herpo himself, is quite powerful. It is not enough to succeed if it is to be controlled by Alexander’s spiritual power in normal circumstances.

So at the outset, when Alexander dragged into that Darkness, Enns could also be able, at the beginning of the shock, to struggle to get rid of the former.

However, he apparently waxed up the resolve of this Alexander.

Alexander is likewise not going to have a soul magic, nor even a lot of knowledge of a soul, but it does not prevent him from trying to kill.

Conscious of the fact that only his current strength, I’m afraid, will not even be able to do anything with each other’s perish together, has been a little harder – he could have increased the strength of mental strength by increasing anger and, in that way, indirectly empowered the soul.

Yeah, that was a rather original way of empowering the soul.

Indeed, not only “anger”, but also other things such as “jealousy”, ”arrogance” and so on, can have a corresponding impact on the soul and increase in the sense of consciousness of these elements.

Unfortunately, since Alexander had no knowledge of these rules of soul at all, he would not even know that the excessive use of that approach to “dumb” spiritual power would necessarily be the depletion of mental power.

Yes, just as Marx used rule magic overly in the fight against Herpo, leading to the nature of unconscious.

But unlike Marx, Alexander’s soul is very common, and he does not have such a great spiritual resilience as Marx.

Moreover, his mental strength was undoubtedly consumed at a time when it was to keep the soul of Ence in Darkness for as long as possible, so that it could again control the body and surrender to Herpo.

As Enns said just now, for a long time, there is a great risk that Alexander, whose mental strength is extremely overruled, will cause permanent damage to the brain so as to completely lose consciousness.

“Alexander! Talk! I know you’re at least conscious right now. – Don’t you think about my proposal? If you want to let me out, I can get you back after I find another body, and I won’t give you back to Herpo!”

But this time, not only did you wait for Alexander’s response, but suddenly heard another voice that he probably didn’t want to hear in his life.

“Don’t worry, don’t go find another body, I’ll let you out soon.”


The moment when Alexander in the body’s “half-way” Ense heard Marx’s voice, it was also time for Marx to look down for Alexander.

Alexander is still in a seemingly, not a dizziness — actually, it can’t be called “dizzy”, because his consciousness is still alive.

Of course, there is probably some uncertainty at this point.

“Anyway, drink this first!”

Marx, having learned about Alexander’s state of affairs, immediately ignored the noise of Ence and put the potion that he had just redeployed into the mouth of the other party, Barry.

“There’s still a while before the drug works out… but seriously, Hermione, you really don’t have to follow. Look, Alexander, I’m here. He’s gonna be fine! Listen to me. Go to bed early.”

He put the potion bowl on the side of his hand and saw Hermione with the weight, some helpless shrugged.

Hermione finally spotted nodded after hearing Marx’s proposal to return to his room again.

“Well… see you tomorrow morning.”

Look at Hermione leaving the room and close the door, and then walk away with a set of footsteps. Marx, that’s how it went back, and look to the bed again, Alexander.

This time, he did not confuse Hermione, because Alexander’s situation is not very problematic. However, the state of Ernest is not a small one – the soul has been torn apart into two, and it seems that, at the same time, it has a sense of self-consciousness.

The study of the rules of the soul is now increasingly in-depth, Marx, and there is also some headache to the state of Enns.

Just when Marx was sitting in bed and tortured how to deal with the issue of Enns for a while, a wave of magic power fluctuated, and Alexander in the body was spreading from the moment he saw it.

See, he put down those doubts that need to be considered before he gets back to Alexander’s forehead. Subsequently, he was checked upwards.

The potion that just got back to the other person’s mental strength has clearly been restored.


Marx’s silhouette was once again ringing in Alexander’s consciousness space, and now he’s still screaming for Ens to shut his mouth.

Yes, he does want to talk to Alexander again, but he obviously does not dare go with Marx.

On the other hand, it is worth mentioning that Alexander of the Board of Governors has never spoken before and has finally heard Marx’s voice.


“Well,” Marx, come on, “don’t shrink in there, follow me out! There’s a lot to be busy out there, but there’s not much time for you to sleep!”

It was said that Marx came out of hand to shake up in front of Alexander, and the spiritual power of the Rule was instantly extended to the depths of each other’s knowledge.

At the

same time, Marx stopped a little bit, and that’s why:

“And Ens, you should come out of here, and stay in the body, and I think you should have stayed long enough?”

There’s no sound, Marx’s hands changed a little bit, and it’s empty to become claws. That brainstorming, Ence just felt that there was a time when there was no resistance, and he just pulled him out.

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