Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 580 Dongting Night Moon

Because Lin Su announced that farmers who rent land to grow flowers can sign an agreement with the Lin family and pay a deposit in advance!

What does this mean?

This means that a family with only a few members who currently have no money or land can rent a piece of land with nothing, sign an agreement with a deposit, and directly receive a deposit ranging from one to two taels of silver! What is the concept of two taels of silver?

Every winter in Nanshan, a large number of people sell their wives and daughters. Huanghua's eldest daughter is only twenty taels of silver a piece, and her appearance is outstanding.

Now, there is no need to endure the separation of flesh and blood, no need to make painful choices, you only need to wash your hands, come to Boss Li (bah! Changsui), sign an agreement, and then go to another table to sign the second agreement. Got the free money!

Holy shit! The whole Nanshan Mansion is going crazy!

Lin Su issued the three instructions at once, leading a beautiful woman to float up and go swimming in Dongting Lake.

The eyes of the prefecture officials and county magistrates behind him turned green almost at the same time, and they began to grab people!

Who to rob?

Boss Li! Bah... long follow!

What are you rushing for? What else can you do? Invite him to the county to guide the work... Oh, no, invite him to the county government, entertain him with good wine and food, and then let him bleed, and rent the land of 930,000 yuan purchased in the early stage to their county at a crazy 10% land rent. people.

Who else are you robbing?

He robbed a beautiful woman, which beauty? Mei Niang!

Mei Niang has been promoted, and she has become the sales manager of the perfume factory (this manager was originally her sister's, but her sister gave birth to a son, and it was her turn). Mei Niang is a woman who is soft on the outside and wild on the inside. The county magistrate warmly invited her, and she got a little carried away. She wished she could use the demon stone to take a picture of the scene in front of her and send it to her parents to see. You two, take a look and see if your daughter has become successful? Six or seven county magistrates were surrounding...

The river embankment reconstruction is also being debated!

The place where they are currently located is Qingluo County. Qingluo County took the lead. After hearing the news, the registration point was immediately surrounded by people, vying for the opportunity to work.

Several other counties are in a hurry. You can't do this. How can Qingluo County benefit from this? The quota must be shared equally!

A labor force of 300,000 is needed, 75,000 per county!

Some people also shouted, No! Most of your Qingtian County is based on mountains, and it is so far away from the Yangjiang River. It is inconvenient, and the maximum number of you is 30,000! We are close, we have one hundred thousand!

Suddenly, the seven county magistrates almost came to blows.

Next to him, He Xingong and Cao Li looked at each other with big eyes and small eyes...

Is this still labor sharing?

In the past, we had to share the number of people with each county. Which county was not complaining and competing to reduce labor? But now, everything has turned against them. All counties are vying for labor quotas. The more, the better. They wish they could take over the 300,000 laborers by one county...


This is a real preferential policy.

At present, in the cold winter season, nothing can be produced in the fields, but for work, one month of work is exempted from taxes for one year, and the price-performance ratio is incredibly high. Who wouldn't argue?

No matter how fierce the fight is, a compromise is always reached in the end...

All Lin Su's decisions were implemented immediately...

On the other side of the river embankment, for the first time, there are people with serious plans...

Among the people, for the first time, there are people who are happy to hear the news...

In the Yaozu store in Nanshan City, people from Haining Jiangtan were also the first to come. When talking about the number of seed varieties, Uncle Deng was worried that such a large quantity would not be available in a short while. The Yaozu shopkeeper smiled: They are all there, they are all there. They were prepared ten days ago. The magistrate ordered it himself. In addition, the little old man has also prepared the Demon Clan Ten Thousand Spirits Dew. Even if the cold winter continues, tomorrow March They will still bloom, even if these Ten Thousand Spirits Dew are given to me for free by the old man...

Following Haining and the others, Nanshan Chief Constable Sun Lie, who was playing the role of defender, couldn't help but give him a small slap because he never flattered him: Mr. Fu Zun, you really have the pearl of wisdom in your hands. It's your first time entering Nanshan. At that time, I had already arranged everything for today...

The man who stirred up the whole Nanshan Prefecture, our handsome Lin Da, was swimming in the lake with a beautiful woman in his arms.

Where is this beauty? It's Sister Chen.

Lin Su was appointed as the magistrate of Nanshan, and several women from the West Courtyard wanted to visit him, but after some discussion, both Lu Yi and Cui Ying finally raised their eyebrows...


It's not appropriate for them to come here!

Da Cang Official Regulations clearly stipulate that when local officials take office, they are not allowed to bring their family members to perform their duties without special approval from the peak.

According to Lin Su's habit of confronting his boss in everything, he obviously didn't get this special approval.

Therefore, the little wives from Xiyuan rushed to Nanshan. Although they could give him comfort in the winter night, they also brought him trouble in the officialdom. So... everyone, please bear with it. Anyway, the New Year is coming soon, and my husband will come back. It hurts so much, so do we.

Now that there is a consensus, Sister Chen cannot be an exception. However, she cannot resist the persuasion of Lu Yi and Cui Ying.

The original words of the two little girls contain two meanings. What about the first one? My husband is going to carry out a major transformation in Nanshan, and I need you, Sister Chen, to come over and take control of the overall situation. Sister Chen and my husband are the first, and they are more familiar with the transformation than we are.

What about the second one? Naturally, there are things that sisters are more concerned about. We all know that my husband cannot live without a woman. He stays in Nanshan, who will sleep with him at night? If we don't go, do you think he will sleep in an empty room? Instead of taking advantage of Nanshan girls, why don't you, Sister Chen, go over and feed your bad husband-in-law...

So, Sister Chen came.

Ms. sir, are you a little unhappy to be here? Sister Chen was sitting on the boat, with Lin Su resting on her thigh. This small boat is transformed by the mighty power of Wen Dao. A small boat in the Wen Road realm is no different from a real boat, and is even a hundred times stronger than a real boat.

Really not!

No matter where my husband goes, there are ways to break the situation. I'm not worried about that. However, the prefect is a very busy position. Magistrate Yang is so busy every day. Can your husband bear it?

Lin Su smiled: It depends on the person! Governor Yang is busy, but I am still free! In a few days, when all the framework here is rolled out, I will go home early to celebrate the New Year. It won't be on the fifteenth day of the first lunar month. I miss you. It’s absolutely impossible to come to Nanshan. After the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, I come to Nanshan only intermittently. I come for one day and rest for half a year.”

Sister Chen chuckled: On duty for one day and rest for half a year? How can there be a prefect like you?

Is it strange? Before I took office as the inspector, there probably was no inspector like me! Lin Su said: If those court officials are interested, they might as well give me all the positions. I can't guarantee that all the positions will be filled. Okay, but I promise to make all positions completely different...

Sister Chen was speechless...

The conversation changed quietly: Ms. sir, actually the painting screen is also here.


She said she was worried about me going out alone and escorted me all the way. After I arrived, she went back to Qiushui Villa and said she would go back to the Lin family after the New Year. At this point, Sister Chen chuckled: I think In addition to not trusting me, she might also want to see my husband, how about you go to Qiushui Villa to meet her?

Lin Su opened one eye and looked at her: Baby, there is something behind your words, why do you mean to show it!

No way? There really isn't... Sister Chen quickly denied: Although Lu Yi and Ying'er both said that you had an affair with her, I don't think so, really...

This night, the girls in the prefecture had their eyes opened.

The prefect had been playing with a beautiful woman day and night recently. Just yesterday when the beautiful woman left, he hugged another one. It was a seamless transition.

Is this indescribably handsome prefect of our family so inseparable from women? Is there any chance that the girl will catch something? Suddenly, Juan'er, the youngest prefect girl, had a slight problem...

But the next day, Juaner was drenched in a basin of cold water.

why? Because she suddenly discovered that all the women brought into the room by the prefect were not simple.

I heard that the former one was a cultivator with profound and unpredictable abilities.

And the one last night was a woman with a high level of martial arts, and she was also very capable. She was involved in the entire Nanshan situation. She arranged for people to build river embankments, arranged for people to sign land agreements, arranged for people to buy flower seeds, and arranged for people to sign on behalf of the Lin family. Regarding the Huaer acquisition agreement, several senior officials in the government were surrounding her. After leaving the government, seven county magistrates were waiting to see her. She casually said a word, and countless people rushed to handle it. Her casual decision affected thousands of people. The fate of thousands of families...

Nanshan was suddenly in a state of turmoil.

Countless people moved accordingly.

It is similar to the reenactment of the scene on Haining River Beach.

Everyone is full of passion and everyone has dreams. These days, regardless of whether the dream can be realized, simply having a dream is a rare thing.

Nanshan people have dreams!

The instigator, Lin, once again showed his specialness.

He is free!

The affairs of the seven counties and the affairs of the county magistrate should be handled by oneself.

The affairs of the four departments and eight houses are handled by the house officers of each department.

For important affairs of the whole government, ask He Xingong for foreign affairs. For domestic affairs, ask Cao Li. For business matters, ask Sister Chen. Where is he? I thought the official uniform was a bit heavy, so I changed into a scholar's uniform and dressed like a prostitute. I left the magistrate's house and walked around Nanshan City.

In front is the Yaozu store.

Lin Su entered the store, and the shopkeeper came over to greet him: Your Majesty the Master is here in person, and the store is really flourishing.

Yesterday they came to buy flower seeds. The shopkeeper was a little too kind. For flower seeds worth a thousand taels of silver, you can buy thousands of bottles of Wanling Dew. Isn't it a loss? Lin Su smiled. This Monster Clan Ten Thousand Spirits Dew is not cheap. One bottle costs ten taels of silver. A thousand bottles are a full ten thousand taels of silver. It is ten times higher than the total price of the flower seeds they purchased. Even if only the cost price is considered, it is enough to match the flower seeds. The values ​​​​are equal, which means that the shopkeeper has lost money on this business, and he has lost blood.

The shopkeeper smiled and said: The people under your rule have needs, how dare I not do my best?

Tell me, what do you want to ask for? Lin Su naturally knew the psychology of a businessman.

In front of adults, I don't dare to tell lies. This Ten Thousand Spirit Dew was given by my young lady. I have nothing to ask for. I want to apologize to Master Lin, the shopkeeper said.

Who is your young lady? How did she offend me? Lin Su frowned.

My young lady designed a wine and it also came with a set of cups. A poem by Your Excellency was engraved on the cups. My young lady said that she used Your Excellency's poem rashly, which was quite Meng Lang, so I sent you thousands of bottles. Spiritual dew as an apology.

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