Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 579 Three Fires in Nanshan

So, Lin Da's handsome guy and Lin Da's magistrate rolled up his sleeves and helped a village girl dig the ground under the stars.

Once you dig into the ground, his difference really becomes apparent.

In this land, weeds are intertwined. It is not easy to remove the grass roots that have grown over the years. However, with his hands, he eliminated two and three, and in the blink of an eye, a vegetable garden was formed. The soil is soil and the ridges are ridges.

The village girl had a strange light in her eyes and walked over with a bamboo tube in her hand: Young Master actually knows how to do farm work?

I'm sure you won't believe it. There are really very few things I don't know how to do except give birth... Lin Su took her tea cup.

Yao Gu chuckled: Young Master just said that the young lady is not polite, but now Young Master is not polite either.

You're not polite, why should I be polite? Lin Su held up the teacup, took a big sip, and his eyes suddenly froze.

Yaogu looked at him: What's wrong?

Lin Su swallowed the sip of tea and said, There is something I need to ask.

Sir, you said...

Your tea...are you selling it?

After taking a sip of tea just now, Lin Su felt an extremely strange feeling.

This tea, with its abundant spiritual energy, is second to none.

More importantly, the mellowness of tea, the fragrance of tea, the mistiness of tea, and the aftertaste of tea are all at their best.

The most important thing is that this tea is extremely pure!

Yes, it was as if he had not experienced the wind and rain of the mortal world, and was picked directly from the spiritual valley by a pair of dust-free hands and delivered to him.

He has tasted the fine teas skillfully made by several ladies in his family, Sister Chen, Lu Yi, and especially Cui Ying, but he knows that he likes tea, not wine, so the Lin family's tea is the best in Quzhou. They are all first class.

He had tasted tea from Green Willow Villa. Zhang Juzheng occupies a high position and is well-educated. The tea he drinks almost represents the highest peak in the capital.

He has also tasted Qu Wendong's tea. Qu Wendong is a representative figure of human nature and sophistication. His tea carries the endless entanglements in the world of mortals.

Getting to know people by drinking tea seems mysterious, nonsense, and knowledge. Lin Su dare not say that he summed up his experience, but if he was asked to express his feelings after tea and dinner, he would probably be able to say one thing after another and fool people. Not life-filling.

However, he had never tasted this tea.

Tea is the way of the mortal world, how can we get dust-free tea?

But today, he tasted it. This is dust-free tea. Once he drinks it, his whole body becomes as calm as water.

This tea is not for sale! Yaogu smiled softly: Young master, if you have some leisure time, you might as well come to my place and have a few cups.

Okay! Lin Su said, It's late at night, I'm leaving.

Good riddance, young master!

Lin Su left the vegetable garden and returned to the magistrate's house in one step.

Yaogu looked at the tea leaves stretched out in the cup for a long time. Slowly, the tea leaves disappeared, the tea disappeared, and the bamboo tube in her hand also disappeared...

Lin Su returned to the prefect's house.

Although it was late at night, no one among He Xingong, Cao Li, Wei Qun and others wanted to sleep. Everyone had taken ten or eight tubes of chicken blood, and they were as excited as if they were more than ten years younger.

The Nanshan game finally officially opened today.

Lin Su entered Nanshan, and the new official took office with three fires, which directly created an unprecedented new situation.

The first fire burned was the officialdom. The entire Nanshan officialdom was reduced to eight out of ten. The extent of changes in officials, not to mention Da Cang, even if the history of the Nine Kingdoms and Thirteen States were all intertwined, it is difficult to see and find—— Except for the change of dynasty. Once this fire is burned, the officialdom becomes clear.

The second fire burned King Lu Yang. King Lu Yang is the biggest shackle in the entire Nanshan Mansion. He controls the Yanghu waterway, and Nanshan will always be in his palm. Nanshan's officialdom will always be half as good as Lu. Nanshan officials were like grandsons when they entered Prince Lu Yang's palace, but today, everyone was really proud and proud. Prince Lu Yang's garden was pushed aside! The fourth prince of the Luyang Wang family who used to be like a crown prince in Nanshan City was beaten half to death! King Lu Yang, this powerful prince who stomped his feet and made Nanshan City tremble, had he ever been half powerful in front of him? On the contrary, he was so unparalleled that he took a sword, broke into the palace, killed all the practitioners in the palace, and took over the Yanghu waterway.

This fire burned through all the haze that had shrouded Nanshan Mansion for more than ten years.

Nanshan Mansion can finally see the clear sky.

This group of officials, whether they are the former officials who lamented Nanshan's misfortune and were angry that Nanshan would not fight, or the new officials promoted by Lin Suxin, are all high-spirited and waiting for Magistrate Lin's third move!

They waited anxiously, but they did not dare to rush Lin Su.

Because Lin Su and his concubine were as tender as water by the lake, and their wedding was like a dream.

He Xingong rose to the sky several times and looked at Yangjiang River in the distance. When he came back, he shook his head: Everyone, don't wait. According to my understanding of Mr. Fu Zun, don't expect anything tonight. Let's talk about it tomorrow.

However, everyone still refused to leave...

Now, Lin Su is finally back.

What was even more surprising was that his concubine actually left.

What does this mean?

Explain that there is no program tonight and we can talk about business.

When Lin Su entered the government office, he saw everyone's surprised eyes...

Haha! Lord Fu, I have really convinced you today... Cao Li pinched the tip of his beard and walked over. At this moment, he truly looked like a master.

Lin Su glanced at him: Isn't it tougher than you were then?

More than just tougher than the old man? You are tougher than all the prefects in the Nine Kingdoms and Thirteen States...

Ha ha ha ha……

Everyone laughed...

Lin Su's smile faded: I see that none of my colleagues are going to sleep today. Okay, let me explain to you. I have already arranged the next thing...

The seven counties in Nanshan are a land of plenty if there is water!

Let's run vigorously in this direction!

Lin Su raised his finger, and the topographic map of the entire Nanshan Mountain was generated on the official seal...

From now on, Yangjiang has become the mother river of Nanshan. In the past, King Lu Yang cut off Yangjiang and turned it into Yanghu Lake on the grounds of flooding. Now Yangjiang has recovered, but objectively speaking, flooding does exist. It is currently the dry season, and Nanshan The people of Yangjiang are looking forward to a river with clear water. However, in the rainy season next year, the situation will be reversed, and Yangjiang will become a life-threatening river for the people! Therefore, the first thing we need to do is to strengthen the river embankment! Long-term peace and stability!

Everyone looked at each other...

Is this the difference in vision?

They had just been cheering for the Lujiang River to be flooded. No one among the dozens of people present mentioned the flood.

And the prefect mentioned it in the first sentence.

Lin Su glanced at the slightly panicked expressions of everyone and said, Don't worry, everyone. In the past, the Haining River Beach was located on the main stream of the Yangtze River. The floods were ten times and a hundred times worse than those in Nanshan. However, Haining's Shili River Beach was flooded in just one month. Time has eliminated hidden dangers. The Yangjiang waterway in the Nanshan section is only a hundred miles long, and the people who can use it are ten times better than the river beaches in the past. Within one month, there is no problem in Ding Yangjiang.

He Xingong suddenly raised his head: Master Fu Zun, you are referring to...cement?

Yes! Lin Su said: Cement is a powerful tool for flood control. The officials slandered it as a demon. Today, I will let everyone in the world see if there is any demon in this cement!

This is actually the key reason why Lin Su is willing to take over as the official of one parent.

Cement was shamelessly defined as a demon by the officials. Floods took away countless lives every year, and they turned a blind eye. He could not change people's perceptions because he had no platform to display it. But now that he has a platform, he Taking office as the prefect of Nanshan, he can forcefully push down the cement.

No matter how many rumors you have, facts speak louder than words.

Five million people in Nanshan believe in cement, so naturally more people will believe in it.

When people in other prefectures also believe in cement, cement will spread all over the country, and it will be an unstoppable torrent. At that time, let's go over the old scores again, hehe...

All the officials looked at each other, and He Xingong coughed lightly: Master Fu Zun, in fact, Xianguan once went to Beichuan for inspection and saw houses made of cement with his own eyes. He certainly doesn't believe in the theory of demons. However, Master Cao is quite concerned about this... ...with quite some reservations, the adults are pushing cement, and Zhizhou is over there...

Lin Su smiled: Zhizhou... I don't think Cao Zhizhou will fall out with me because of this trivial matter. In fact, I'm not afraid of him falling out with me! This matter will not be discussed, it will be settled. The next step is for the people. A matter of livelihood...

Lin Su's arrangement for people's livelihood is even simpler. We won't discuss it tonight. Tomorrow everyone will follow me to the Dongting Lake. Don't worry, the good days of Nanshan people are coming...

The next day, things happened one after another that stunned all Nanshan officials...

Several large boats came to the shore of Dongting Lake. On board were three teams from the Haining River Beach. One team was to transport cement, one team was responsible for guiding the reconstruction of the river embankment, and one team was negotiating business...

Lin Su announced in public that the reconstruction of Yangjiang embankment had officially begun. The Lin family supplies cement, and the seven counties allocate 30% of their labor force. It will take one month to complete the Yangjiang reconstruction plan.

The transformation of Yangjiang is a big project. Why didn’t the government complete it before? There are many reasons. The most important ones are the lack of materials and labor. Those who can do this kind of hard work are all the main laborers of the family. The main laborers cannot work for free. Otherwise, what will happen to the whole family? How to complete tax payment?

But Mr. Lin was so awesome. The Lin family took care of the supplies and didn’t mention money at all. As for the labor force, Lin Su waved his hand: All participants will be exempted from taxes for one year! With just one move, the people watching were all rushing to sign up like crazy. Why? People are so busy all year long that it is difficult to pay a year's taxes. In just one month, I have solved a huge mountain that is weighing on people's heads. Even if I am exhausted, I will die!

The second thing was even more subversive.

A boss Li from the capital took out a box of land deeds in public and announced that he could rent land to landless farmers. How much would the land rent be? One percent! 10% land rent is simply insane! You need to know that in the entire Da Cang territory, no place has less than 30% of all land rental, otherwise, the landlord will also suffer a loss! But this Boss Li only has 10%, and he owns 930,000 acres of land! When this bombshell was dropped, the entire landowner circle in Nanshan was shaken. Several large landowners watching the excitement almost had a heart attack on the spot... It was local land, everyone harvested 40%, and the farmers had no income. The only choice is to rent. Suddenly a troublemaker appears and knocks the rent to the floor. Who can keep the tenant farmers? The more land they have, the more they can no longer afford it, and the rent must be reduced!

But, down to 10%?

That’s a loss!

Your surname is Li, why don’t you die? All the big landowners looked at Li San who suddenly appeared, and their teeth were itching with hatred.

Only He Xingong and Wei Qun had erratic eyes and sour teeth. Only they knew where this Boss Li from the capital was? Isn't it obvious that he is the prefect's long-term follower? Lord Magistrate, you are so called a troublemaker, you are everywhere, even in the landlord circle...

As soon as the third incident came out, He Xingong and others suddenly felt that the prefect was not just disrupting the situation, but was going crazy.

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