Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 567 The lifeblood: Yanghu Waterway

I suddenly discovered that even if I am devolved as an official, it is actually quite good. I have something to do during the day, something to play at night, and something to enjoy when I wake up in the morning. Lin Su stretched out his hand from the quilt and grabbed Yuan Ji's tiny hand.

Yuan Ji glanced at him: There are only twenty-two days left. After twenty-two days, you and I are strangers again.

Are you reminding me to hurry up and do it more times?

Yuan Ji almost poured the mouthwash directly from his head...

After getting up and having breakfast, Lin Su walked out of the backyard with splayed steps. At the door of the backyard, He Xingong was waiting early, with a tangled look on his face...

Master He, you got up very early. Lin Su greeted him pleasantly.

He Xingong stepped forward and bowed: Your Excellency, I didn't sleep last night, so I can't talk about getting up or not...

Oh? That's not the case, is it? Lin Su smiled and said, There were a lot of people who couldn't sleep last night, but they shouldn't be here to congratulate you, Sir.

Master Fu Zun, 伱... you should have thought... Yesterday, Master Fu Zun dismissed the heads of departments, houses, and counties, and the entire Nanshan Mansion was in chaos...

Each department has no master and is in chaos.

Each house is ownerless and in chaos.

Each county has no owner and is in chaos.

You just want to mess with people, and don't care about the floods that will follow. Of course, he didn't dare to say the next sentence.

However, Lin Su also understood the meaning.

Lin Su smiled: Master He, everything is like this, there is destruction and establishment, and destruction is followed by establishment. In this dead situation in Nanshan, how can we survive if we don't risk our lives?

There is destruction and establishment, destruction and then establishment...

He Xingong slowly read it twice: How do you want to establish it, Master Fu?

The government office is in chaos today. We don't have to stay in the government office anymore. How about following me out for a walk? Lin Su said.

He Xingong frowned slightly: Are you going out to investigate the public sentiment at this time?

This is a routine operation for new officials to go down to the grassroots to check public sentiment.

But is this the right time?

The government offices are in chaos, and so are the counties. When you arrive at a place, there is no one to receive you...

It's not about checking people's sentiments, it's about finding a person!


The former magistrate Cao Li heard that he gave up his official career and entered the teaching profession. Is he running a school in Qingtian?

He Xingong's face was tangled: Cao... Mr. Cao abandoned his official position and became a teacher. He did run a school in Qingtian. However, his school did not start up. At first, there were seven or eight students, but then they disappeared completely.

Oh, why couldn't it be done?

He Xingong explained in detail...

Cao Li left his official career and threatened to teach and preach. He wanted to teach the disciples of Nanshan, and then let his disciples return Nanshan to a clean and upright society.

These words were spoken with such force that they became a literary legend.

However, these words also closed the door to his preaching.


My parents don’t want it!

The fact that you, Old Cao, have gotten to where you are now proves that your path is totally unworkable. You have made a mess on your own, so why should I send my son to you to cause trouble?

Moreover, there is also a conclusion in the officialdom. No matter how outstanding Lao Cao's children are, they can never even think about entering the officialdom.

There are even rumors in Zhongzhou Academy that no children of Lao Cao will be admitted to the academy.

Think about it, what do students look for when enrolling?

Just merit, fame and profit.

Officialdom is closed.

Schools are closed.

Where does the profit come from?

Therefore, the former magistrate Cao Li's heroic words became a laughing stock.

Lin Su's eyes flashed: So, at this moment, Cao Li is living in an old house with no energy, spending his days carrying pots and getting drunk?

He Xingong replied seriously: Although he really wants to get drunk, he has no money and can't even buy wine, so how can he get drunk?

Ha ha!

Lin Su looked up to the sky and smiled: Then I will send him some wine today to keep him drunk!

The two of them stepped towards the door of the mansion. As soon as they reached the door, an official came hurriedly: Master Fu Zun, Master Zhengsi, something happened... the Luhu waterway is completely closed and no water is flowing.


He Xingong's expression suddenly changed.

The two of them followed the official and rushed to the edge of the city, where they saw the river in front of them.

Yesterday, the river was still half full of clear water, and the small bridge beside the city was flowing like a paradise. But today, the river water dropped sharply, and the upper reaches had dried up, revealing an ugly river bed.

He Xingong's face was extremely ugly, King Lu Yang, the water supply has been cut off!

King Lu Yang's water cutoff is not considered news. Everyone in Nanshan Mansion knows that once the newly appointed prefect disrespects the prince's house, King Lu Yang will cut off the water supply.

The new prefect, without exception, had to visit the house as soon as possible, give generous gifts, and reach a new water fee agreement with King Lu Yang.

If you have a good relationship with Prince Lu Yang’s Mansion, the water bill will be low. If you displease Prince Lu Yang, the water bill will be high.

Naturally, the high water bills will not be paid by the prefect, but by the entire five million people of Nanshan Prefecture.

Therefore, everyone in Nanshan Mansion has a basic understanding that whether their life is good or not depends on the relationship between the government and King Lu Yang.

When Lord Cao took office as the prefect, he refused to accept King Lu Yang's account, causing the water bill to triple. Five million people elected a hundred clan elders to gather in the government office and angrily accused Cao Li of not caring about the lives of the people.

It was precisely because of the bloody and tearful accusations of these hundreds of clan elders that Cao Li became truly disheartened. He claimed to be the master of the people and an honest official, but in exchange for the reprimands of five million people, what the hell was he doing? ? Resign!

Now, it's Lin Su's turn!

Today's situation is far more serious than that of Cao Li's time.

Because Lin Su fired 48 officials last night, which was a huge move that surpassed the entire officialdom.

Who are these 48 people?

They were all people who participated in King Lu Yang’s concubine ceremony, and showed goodwill to King Lu Yang.

As soon as you came up, you killed all the people in the officialdom of Nanshan, King Lu Yang. How could King Lu Yang let you go? This water cutoff is completely different from the last time. Last time, the water flow was only controlled to allow you to eat and drink. It was barely enough to keep you alive, but there was no water to water the crops.

And what about this time?

The river water bottomed out overnight, and no drop of water flowed upstream. This would put the entire five million people of Nanshan Prefecture to death!

Even more decisive than Lin Su’s actions last night!

Your Excellency, I will go to Prince Lu Yang's Mansion now! He Xingong said slowly.

What...are you going to do? Lin Su said.

The official argued that although the location of Yang Lake is the fiefdom of King Lu Yang, as the prince of Da Cang, how could he ignore the death of millions of Da Cang's people without water supply? Therefore, reducing the flow is feasible, but cutting off the flow is absolutely impossible. !”

Forget it! Lin Su said: He made this move for me to see. You are going back and forth in vain, so why bother yourself? Let it go for now and follow me to Qingtian!

You can't let it go, my lord. If your lord can't resolve this big matter today, I'm afraid hundreds of clan elders will arrive in the afternoon. By then, the matter will be serious...

Rural clan elders and officials generally don't care much.

However, once the clan elders gathered together and pointed angrily at the government with great righteousness in their hands, the government would become passive. He had almost calculated that once that time came, the young man in front of him would be helpless.

He knew Lin Su well. He knew that Lin Su would never be subdued in front of officials, but he would have a different look in front of the people. He had the world in mind.

Because of this, he respected Lin Su.

However, he also knew that Lin Su was young after all, and his ambition for the world was sometimes his weakness.

He didn't want this young Lord of the Palace to fall into a dead end within three days of taking office.

I didn't say I won't solve the matter, but it's not your way of solving it! Lin Su smiled slightly: Holy words, governing a big country is like cooking small delicacies. Although Nanshan Mansion is a small place, it also requires governance. Pay attention to the heat. The heat is not here yet, so let them do whatever they want. When the time comes, I will show them what means are!

He Xingong looked at him blankly.

Master He, when I first took office, I have read your information. I know that you will be a good helper for me, and what you have to do is very simple, that is, trust me, and at the same time, keep an eye on me and watch me carefully. How to deal with this series of complex situations.”

He Xingong licked his lips: Okay! I will obey your orders.

Let's go!

The two walked out of the city and stepped out of the city gate. The Nanshan City behind them was already boiling.

The river water plummeted, heralding an extremely miserable winter.

The wheat is already in the ground. If there is no water, it will dry up in the harsh winter. Although this is a big deal for the people in the city, it is not the most fatal. The most fatal thing is that it becomes a problem for them to eat and drink.

Everyone panicked.

Rumors are spreading around the city, does anyone know why?

It's the new prefect's nonsense.

Yesterday, King Lu Yang took a concubine, and 48 officials from Nanshan Mansion came to congratulate him. Who do they want to have a good relationship with King Lu Yang for? Isn't it because the five million people in Nanshan can pay less water bills?

What happened to this prefect?

Just because these people didn't give him face, they dismissed 48 officials in one night, all of whom were high-ranking officials above the county magistrate. Wasn't this a slap in the face of King Lu Yang?

How can he tolerate sand in his eyes? So the water was cut off today.

With such a bullshit prefect, what hope does Nanshan Prefecture have?

As soon as these words came out, they immediately spread throughout the city and throughout the counties of Nanshan Prefecture. Countless people were furious. They chose clan elders from various places and were ready to join the government at any time...

A storm swept through the entire Nanshan Mountain immediately...

Lin Su and He Xingong stood on Mount Lu in one fell swoop.

Under their feet was the water of Yanghu Lake.

The Baili Yang Lake and the vast Lushan Mountains together form the beautiful mountains and rivers of this world.

It is late autumn now, the sky is high and the clouds are light.

Lin Su looked around Yang Lake from a distance, surrounded by mountains on three sides and two gaps.

A gap faces Nanshan Mansion.

It has been blocked at this moment, and there is no construction scene with people coming and going. There is only a cultivator standing proudly on the gap. This gap is clearly a section of the mountain.

This popularity of Shen Xiong is like a peak standing on the gap.

Like heaven and earth, one sword can move mountains! Lin Su spat out eight words lightly.

He Xingong's heart suddenly shook: Sir, is this person responsible for the blockage of Yanghu Lake today? Is he in the realm of heaven and earth?


He Xingong felt a great chill in his heart: Shi said that King Lu Yang recruited many extraordinary people from all over the world, and his subordinates were as powerful as heaven and earth?

It's not unusual for the royal family to be like the sky and the earth. Lin Suda measured the gap: I think this gap was not naturally formed from the beginning.

Exactly, this gap is actually the work of King Lu Yang. The matter can be traced back to twenty years ago. At that time, King Lu Yang had just been crowned king and came to the fiefdom...

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