Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 566 Nanshan’s officialdom is in trouble

The officials below were all shocked!

Du Tiangao shouted: How dare you, I belong to Lord Zhizhou...


With the sound of wind and thunder, a staff landed accurately on Du Tiangao's back, click!

Du Tiangao's muscles and bones were all broken, and he only screamed half a scream before falling into coma.

The officials all over the place were sweating on their backs at the same time. In the courtroom, if they disagreed, they would immediately take action. Moreover, if the staff was used, all the muscles and bones would be broken, and they would become useless!

What kind of determination can lead to such madness?

Most of them have been in the officialdom for most of their lives and have never seen such a crazy prefect.

The Da Cang Official Regulations stipulate that anyone who insults a superior official without any basis will be punished with thirty sticks! At present, it is only one stick, and this person can no longer bear it. This government does not do it for myself, so I will send the remaining twenty-nine sticks for the time being. After his injury recovers a little, we can make up for it!

Lin Su's words made all the officials' eyelids jump.

One stick has already wiped him out. Do you still have the remaining twenty-nine sticks?

How cruel is it to do this?

Lin Su's staff flew out and was inserted accurately in front of the detective, more than half a foot deep. The detective's face turned pale.

Head catcher Li Xinwei's expression changed.

Because Lin Su's sharp eyes had already locked onto him: Li Xinwei, right?

Yes! Sir... Li Xinwei suddenly felt his throat was a little dry.

You just talked eloquently, and you seem to have a lot of experience in the world of people. From today on, you don't have to be the head catcher. You can work as an errand in the Chengfa House! There, your ability to observe people and the world is quite useful.

The receptionist's office is similar to a concierge, a place where you deal with all kinds of people. It does require some understanding of the world.

Li Xinwei's face turned as pale as a sheet of paper.

He, the head catcher, is walking around all over Nanshan Mansion, and now, with just one word from the Master of the Mansion, he has become an errand boy? Who can bear it?

You seem quite dissatisfied. How about you scold me? Lin Su stared at him, half-smiling.

Li Xinwei's back was instantly covered in cold sweat, scolding? The man lying on the ground is an example.

Xiaoguan...xiaoguan...order! Li Xinwei completely softened.

That's good! Lin Su nodded: Don't say that I didn't ask for your opinion on your position adjustment... Okay, Deacon Li, you can go down now!

With a wave of his hand, Li Xinwei's official seal changed.

Li Xinwei did not actually attend the wedding banquet of King Lu Yang today. In fact, he was one of the eighteen people who came earlier. There was no such disaster at the beginning, but he refused to carry out the order of the governor, which was a serious crime.

Captors, police officers, and yamen servants, these represent the force system of the prefecture. The force system is in the hands of such a person. How can Lin Su tolerate him?

Therefore, as long as he does not act decisively enough today, there will be a disaster.

He Xingong saw it, Wei Qun saw it, but Li Xinwei didn't.

Lin Su glanced at the entire audience: Is there anyone else who wants to scold me?

of course not!

Since you are so rational, I will tell you a few words rationally! Lin Su said: You can write a memorial to the superiors overnight. This is your right. However, before the superiors erase me as the prefect, You can only serve in the ceremonial room, and I can tell you responsibly that as long as I am still in Nanshan, you will never be able to turn around! You can curse my eighteenth generation ancestors in your stomach, but don’t curse out loud! If I hear it... haha, it will obviously be another version!

Everyone's face turned green and they were silent.

The meeting is dismissed!

Lin Su turned around and left.

All the officials looked at each other, seeing anger and hatred in each other's eyes, but no one dared to curse...

Xiling City, the capital of Zhongzhou, is within the Zhizhou Prefecture.

Cao let go and asked for the official seal, with black lines flowing across his face.

Son of a bitch!

I was deceived by him!

During the day today, he came to Zhizhou Prefecture to report for duty. He looked downcast and seemed to be quite shocked. I thought this guy had really changed his temper. Who knew, on his first day in office, he would do this? , 48 officials of seventh grade and above were served by him!

It is common for officials to eliminate dissidents, but he has never seen the feat of eliminating 48 out of 61 officials of seventh grade or above at one time. He has been in the officialdom for half his life and has never seen it before.

It is simply lawless and unscrupulous!

Sir! said the master next to him: As soon as this man entered Nanshan, he eradicated 48 officials of seventh grade or above with an iron fist. We must not let him succeed. Otherwise, Nanshan Mansion will become his one-man mansion!

Cao Fang's face twitched slightly: We can't let him succeed? How can we prevent him from succeeding? Everything he did today has laws to follow!!!

This is what he hates most.

Lin Su eradicated 48 officials. Although it was extremely excessive in the officialdom, he had the law to follow! He is following the Da Cang Official Regulations! He followed the law of the country!

Forty-eight officials participating in the concubinage ceremony of King Lu Yang is nothing in itself, and it is not a serious crime to take it anywhere. Even if His Majesty learns of it, he will just laugh it off.

However, Lin Su issued the government order three times in a row, but 48 subordinate officials refused to accept the order. The nature was serious!

This is a real violation of official regulations.

Lin Su grabbed this sore foot and killed him, directly solving the first and most difficult thing for him to do when he took office, and brought the officialdom of Nanshan Mansion to its knees!

The master said: In the officialdom, the highest level of officialdom is overwhelming. Lin Su is the leader of the house. If he deliberately looks for the mistakes of his subordinates, no matter how careful the officials are, it will not help. However, why don't Lord Zhizhou show his humanity and return the favor? To treat his body?

Objectively speaking, what the master said is completely correct.

Lin Su is the prefect, and it is too easy for him to find mistakes in his subordinates. If there are mistakes, I will catch them for you. If there are no mistakes, I will give you an order. If you don't complete it well, it is a mistake. Even if you complete it well, there will be no mistakes in the process. Problems are all mistakes. To put it in a nutshell, it is too easy for a boss to cause trouble for his subordinates. If you are wrong, you are wrong. Even if you are right, you are wrong!

However, Lord Zhizhou, you can still follow the same pattern.

You are Lin Su’s boss!

What did Lin Su do to your father-in-law? Why don't you just end it with him?

I don't believe you can find anything wrong with him.

But Cao Fang's face was twisted, and he was obviously extremely embarrassed...


It wasn't his fault that he couldn't find Lin Su, but that Lin Su was sent to Nanshan Mansion, which itself was related to the overall situation of the court. The Prime Minister also expected to borrow his sword to get rid of King Lu Yang.

If I were to stumbling upon Lin Su at this time, using my power as the governor of the state, to trick Lin Su into imitating the situation, and wipe out his position as the governor, then the Prime Minister's clever plan would become a day lily.

The real purpose of Lin Su's mission to Nanshan is top secret!

Master doesn’t even know!

However, Cao Fang was a little doubtful whether Lin Su himself knew about it.

It was precisely because he knew this that he dared to be so unscrupulous.

He was sure that no matter how much nonsense he did, Cao Fang would not dare to do anything to him.

If so, that's really troublesome.

This kid is essentially a representative of lawlessness. Once he has mastered the fate of his boss, will his lawlessness have any trace?

It’s hard for me to be my boss!

The master observed his words and said: If it is not convenient for you to deal with him, there is actually another person who might...


King Lu Yang!

Cao Fang's eyes suddenly lit up...

Yes, there is also King Lu Yang!

Lin Su took action today and captured 48 people. Not only did he slap Cao Fang, King Lu Yang was also slapped by him! Why? The officials of Nanshan Prefecture attended the concubinage ceremony of King Lu Yang. Lin Su took down all the people attending the ceremony. What would King Lu Yang think?

King Lu Yang didn’t think about anything that night. He drank some wine and enjoyed the bustle and bustle of Prince Lu Yang’s palace. That night, he experienced the social gathering with his new concubine and unlocked several new postures. He was very happy. The old trees are almost blooming.

But the next day, the housekeeper came in and told him what happened suddenly last night.

King Lu Yang was furious on the spot: The new magistrate of Nanshan will take down all the people who participated in the king's gift on the first day he took office?

Yes, Your Majesty!

What a courageous dog! Someone is coming...


A group of people appeared in front of him, with earth-shattering murderous intent. Although these people were dressed in the uniforms of the palace guards, they all had strong auras and were simply more terrifying than the palace guards.

Your Majesty, Your Majesty... The Royal Master ran over quickly and said a few words in the Prince's ear.

The changes in the prince's face...

The newly arrived prefect is Lin Su, the first master of Qinglian!

Lin Su is extremely subversive, and even His Highness the Crown Prince doesn't agree with him!

The fact that he captured this group of people last night was supported by legal principles!

If the prince sends someone like this and asks him to come to the palace and he refuses on the spot, the prince will be disgraced...

Moreover, according to Master's judgment, Lin Su's refusal on the spot was a high probability event.

The prince is not a fool, otherwise, he would not be a thorn in the side of the third prince.

He soon knew that using the prince's power and the palace's force would not be enough to suppress Lin Su. If he launched blindly, he would only make the Luyang Palace look bad.

The prince pondered for a moment and then slowly raised his head: From today on, the Yanghu waterway will be completely closed to ensure that Nanshan Mansion is watertight!

The master smiled happily.

This is why he likes to follow the prince.

The prince is wise!

As a counselor, he doesn't like stupid masters who don't understand anything, but he likes smart masters who can understand everything.

This move by the prince is the real move.

Don’t you, Lin Su, claim to have the world in mind? Aren't you a genius in governing the world? There are five million people under your jurisdiction in Nanshan Prefecture. Once I cut off the water in Nanshan Prefecture, the people will immediately mourn and the fields will dry up. In just ten days, the farmland will dry up.

When that day comes, the lives of five million people are at stake. What will you, the prefect of Nanshan, do? Why don't you come to my palace obediently and take the initiative to plead guilty?

To set the rules, you have to kill the person first before they can be settled.

In the prefect's house, Lin Su slept for the first night.

When he woke up in the morning, Yuan Ji had already gotten up, leaving him a bed with a delicate fragrance. Lin Su took a breath of the fragrance she left behind, feeling somewhat intoxicated.

The door rang softly, and Yuan Ji entered the room holding the mouthwash. Seeing the way Lin Su looked at her, Yuan Ji rolled her eyes at him.

Speaking of which, this look is quite charming.

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