Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 455: Find out all the problems that have been studied for a hundred years

There was a lot of discussion...

The consensus is that regular challenges are often poetry, but for Lin Su, the poetry level is either not set or placed at the back. As long as he can't pass the previous level, there is no need to compete with poetry.

Normally, poetry is the focus of literary battles, but facing Lin Su, a freak, they really have no confidence in poetry.

First pass, let's do arithmetic, right? an elder suggested.

Arithmetic? Everyone nearby objected. Are you okay? When it comes to arithmetic, Wenyuan Pavilion has become a sect of arithmetic. How can you compete with him in arithmetic? Who's on? Xie Yun? Xie Yun lost his official position and aged ten years overnight while hiding in a small courtyard. He had a psychological shadow on him...

Everyone is making a big mistake! The elder's eyes flashed: His calculation lies only in the creation of a new system, not in his ability to solve problems. Today, Bailu Academy has the first opportunity to solve problems. I am absolutely I don’t believe that the professor Hao Shouqiu can easily calculate problems that have been calculated for decades. If you give him ten problems, he can complete the arithmetic corridor in an hour? Impossible, right?

Everyone's eyes are bright...

Lin Su's sect became famous in the capital only because he created his own system.

In his system, all saints are blinded.

However, why should I enter your system? Today you are challenging White Deer Academy, and White Deer Academy is the one who sets the question!

I asked so many professors at White Deer Academy to take out all the most difficult questions that have been calculated for so many years and choose ten. Can you answer them all within the allotted hour?

Haha, how is that possible?

By the time you fall headlong into the Arithmetic Corridor, White Deer Academy has successfully completed the sniper attack. At the same time, it can wipe out your title of Arithmetic Sect and let you know what a painful lesson is!

Suddenly, all the elders were in great spirits.

It is also an obsession of the elders to erase the shadow that Lin Su has brought to the calculation department of White Deer Academy.

Using arithmetic as the first level is truly a genius idea...

Although theoretically he couldn't pass the first level, the elders of White Deer Academy are all meticulous people, so they still arranged the second level and the third level... By the way, there is another benefit of using arithmetic as the first level, arithmetic. The most exhausting thing is that if this person really has arithmetic skills and really passes this level, he will definitely be exhausted mentally and physically. For a literary person, being exhausted mentally and physically means failure. Every subsequent level will be a failure. gate of hell……

OK, ready!

Countless rays of holy light rose from Bailu Academy, layer upon layer...

Countless book projections appeared, and the sky was filled with the smell of books...

The bell rang twice, and a rainbow bridge extended from Bailu Mountain to the Confucian Temple...

A voice resounded across the sky: Grandmaster Lin, please!

At White Deer Academy, all the students left the classroom and gathered in the huge endless square, looking up at the sky...

Lin Su stepped onto the Rainbow Bridge, stepped on the void, and walked into the distance step by step...

His figure is recorded on the literary wall and can be seen all over the city...

In the Xishan Villa, the girls went out and arrived in front of Lingyin Temple, looking at the cultural and religious wall of the capital...

A young monk about four or five years old ran over, came to Bi Xuanji, and looked up at her: Master, what are you going to do? To save the tribulation?

What is tribulation? Can you, you bastard, talk?

Bang! Bi Xuanji hit the little monk on the head with a bang, and there was a metallic sound. All the girls were surprised. Bi Xuanji forced a smile on his face, quietly stopped his hand, rubbed the painful fingers, and gently touched the ones in front of him. Little brains to show kindness...

Sisters, guess what levels White Deer Academy will use to welcome him? Xie Xiaoyan raised a key topic.

Luyi mused: The most conventional methods for a literary battle are poetry, classics, history, and arithmetic. But Bailu Academy knows his background well, so he shouldn't choose poetry or arithmetic!

There are only eight literary and Taoist schools with deep foundation in Bailu Academy: Confucianism, poetry, arithmetic, painting, music, law, military, and ink. They don't know how to choose poetry. It's just to give him points. Count, they can't I don’t know how to choose painting, and theoretically I don’t know how to choose... Bi Xuanji added with a slight hesitation.

Luyi turned to her sister, a little surprised: Why can't you choose a painting?

He was talking about Taoism at Qingfeng. When One Painting Theory was published, there were 999 green lotuses. With such attainments in painting, how could the master of the painting department of Bailu Academy dare to show off in front of him?

Lu Yi's heart was pounding wildly. Oh my God, we, the real little wives, still haven't thoroughly investigated our husband-in-law's affairs. We actually forgot to reveal more details about Qinglian's discussion. We didn't even know he was there. Qinglian talks about painting!

This is so strange. How could he have such profound attainments in painting?

I'm afraid I don't even know about Qiu Shui Hua Ping.

But she suppressed the surprise in her heart and said quietly: After excluding these three things, what is the comparison? Is it better than singing and playing the piano?

Could it be that as soon as this came out, all the girls were excited. They were all talented women. They originally thought poetry was their favorite, but later they discovered that they loved poetry even more. What happened next? They discovered that singing is their true favorite

Lin Su crossed the Rainbow Bridge, and there was a door in front of her!

A big word on the door: Forget it!

Arithmetic? On the Western Mountain, the four women were shocked at the same time.

They immediately ruled out the possibility of an arithmetic competition, but the first level exceeded their expectations, and the first level was arithmetic.

People all over the city were excited at the same time, and countless great scholars nodded: This is the magnanimity of White Deer Academy!


Maybe that's the explanation for this level.

Lin Su discussed Taoism in Wenyuan Pavilion some time ago, and the discussion was about arithmetic. Once this discussion was over, the name of the arithmetic sect spread throughout the world.

Now that he meets the challenge from White Deer Academy, they will use your strongest point to compete with you.

With just one word, White Deer Academy shines brightly!

Unparalleled magnanimity!

As soon as Lin Su arrived, the door to arithmetic opened...

In front of him was an abyss.

On both sides of the abyss, ten stone tablets stand in the void...

A voice came from the void: Master Lin, the way of arithmetic is your way to the greatest strength. Bailu Academy will use arithmetic to teach you the foundation. In front of you are ten tablets and ten questions. Solve each question and build a step. , ten questions can be solved to pass this level! According to the convention, it is limited to one hour.

Okay, please give me a question!

The first stone tablet flashed with light, and a question appeared on it...

There is an ancient temple where one hundred monks eat one hundred steamed buns for each meal. Each old monk eats four buns, and four young monks eat one bun. I asked, how many old and young monks are there?

As soon as the question came out, at least those on the periphery were collectively confused.

How does this count?

I don't know where to start at all.

The girls on Xishan Mountain were also confused at the same time. They were talented women, and talented women were also proficient in arithmetic, but they didn't know where to start with this question.

On the literary wall, Lin Su smiled faintly: There are 20 senior monks and 80 junior monks. Isn't it too simple?

From the time the question was asked to the time he gave the answer, it took three breaths!

As soon as the answer came out, the stone tablet in front of Lin Su fell down and lay in front of him, turning into a step at Lin Su's feet. This showed that his answer was correct.

The whole city was in an uproar.

The arithmetic problem that everyone felt was impossible to solve, in his hands, only took three breaths. Isn't this too fast?

The girls of Xishan were both excited and confused...

Lu Yi said: There must be a trick to this kind of question, but I don't know where the trick is.

The young monk Kong Ye in front of Bi Xuanji seemed to have some realization: I understand.

The girls were shocked: Do you understand?

The young monk immediately attracted the attention of the girls and scratched his head to explain: It is said on the stone tablet that the young monk cannot eat so much. I have been unable to complete the foundation building. I must have eaten too much. From now on, disciples Don’t eat and concentrate on practice. Farewell Master, boo!”

He knelt down and kowtowed to Bi Xuanji, turned around and entered Lingyin Temple, leaving a hole as big as a child's head on the bluestone.

The women looked at each other.

What do you understand?

The question they asked was an arithmetic question. How could you interpret it as follows: Children cannot eat more?

Bi Xuanji held his forehead: At most, I am only responsible for teaching him scriptures. He is not my disciple in essence. I really don't know where his wild ideas came from...

Look, here comes the second question...

The second question on the wall suddenly lit up: I heard that the guests next door were dividing their money. I didn't know when the guests were coming. I didn't know the money. Four taels per person was more than four taels, and five taels per person was half a catty less. I asked, how many guests come and how much silver?

Girls, you look at me, I look at you, I'm confused again. I still have a few numbers for reference in the previous question, but I don't have a single number for reference in this question. How to solve it?

Inside White Deer Academy, a student suddenly slapped his thigh: Shameless!

The student next to him said: Brother Deng, what are you...

These two people are Deng Qiushan and Qi Bei.

Deng Qiushan is the son of Deng Hongbo, the right minister of the Ministry of Revenue, and Qi Bei is the second prince of the Southern King. Lin Su taught Deng Hongbo the abacus method that day, allowing Deng Hongbo to escape the court, and the review was completed in less than half a month. From then on, Deng Qiushan took Lin Su as his teacher, and Qi Bei, in order to participate in the Wenyuan Pavilion discussion, asked Deng Hongbo to take him with him, and he became his brother from then on.

Deng Qiushan said: This problem of dividing money between guests is a difficult problem that Grandmaster Zongmei has been studying for several years. It was the first time for him to solve this kind of problem. It took him three days and three nights. Now he is using it to make things difficult for Master Lin. How can it be fair if it is limited to only one hour?

In front of the literary wall, Lin Su said: 12 people, 52 taels of silver.

Back and forth less than five breaths.

Another stone tablet fell down and turned into steps under his feet.

The third stone tablet, five breaths.

The fourth stone tablet, seven breaths.

The fifth stone tablet...

There were five problems in a row, each of which seemed to everyone like a book from heaven and difficult to answer at all, but in his hands, it was as easy as eating beans.

The journey continues...

In the blink of an eye, the ninth stone tablet fell.

There was only the last stone tablet in front of him: There are 562 chickens and rabbits in the same cage, and there are 1282 feet. Ask, what are the sizes of chickens and rabbits?

On the west mountain, Green Yi smiled: A chicken and a rabbit in a cage are actually placed on the last question. Who are you looking down on? I can solve it! No, now the Lin family's girl can solve it!

The eyes of the four talented women were all focused on her face...

The green man's face turned a little red: This is actually just a matter of method. It's called 'the chicken raises its thigh and the dog chases the person'. You should also know it, right?

It does not make sense? The four talented women are all confused...

Xie Xiaoyan said: It seems that an unsolved case in Xishan Villa that day has been solved. A chicken raised its thigh and a dog chased people. You have to tell me how to lift this thigh. The dog... why did the dog show up? This has something to do with dogs. Does it matter?

That day in the Xishan Villa, Lin Su easily cracked Du Qing's chicken and rabbit cage, and backhandedly set up a chicken and rabbit cage that was a hundred times more difficult than before, and solved the problem at the same time.

Afterwards, the girls had doubts about this and discussed it many times. The conclusion was that someone Lin must have mastered some method. No matter how the number of chickens and rabbits changed, he could calculate it.

I originally planned to take the opportunity to ask him, but there were too many attractive things about Lin, including poems, lyrics, and ditties. After the girls met him, they were always distracted by new points of interest. I forgot to ask him.

Now that we have a chance, the same goes for catching Lu Yi...

They have this understanding, but others don't. Seeing such a large number of chickens and rabbits in the same cage makes them feel numb.

Lin Su gave the answer: 483 chickens and 79 rabbits.

The last stone tablet fell down, Lin Su stepped over, and the door behind slowly opened. Several old men beside the door were stunned. They were the designers of the ten tablets and the masters of the arithmetic department of White Deer Academy.

Lin Su easily solved the ten questions they had painstakingly set, and it took only a quarter of an hour.

Not to mention that this difficulty failed to snipe him, and even the mental effort could not be seen how much it cost. All the questions in his hands were so understated, so understated that they lost any confidence.

He easily conquered the White Deer Academy.

Lin Su had already stepped out of the door, but he stopped: The arithmetic department of White Deer Academy is a little bit like sitting in a well and looking at the sky. If all the masters have time, you might as well go to the arithmetic class of Haining Academy. Maybe your arithmetic can be improved. Go upstairs.

Let the professors from Bailu Academy go to Haining University?

What kind of university is Haining University?

Countless people expressed strong interest, and someone next to them gave an answer...

Haining Academy is an academy run by Lin Su for the children of refugees in Haining Riverside. The academy is divided into two classes. One class is a science class, corresponding to the scientific examination, and is taught by Baoshan and other great scholars. The other class is what he calls a martial arts class. The teachers were some failed students among the homeless people on the riverbank.

As soon as these words came out, the whole city was in uproar!

Holy shit! Isn't this insulting?

Even the man in green on the west mountain held his forehead. You little scoundrel, you are really not afraid of pissing people off...

An old grandmaster in front of Lin Su had his hair and beard trembling: Grandmaster Lin, you have won the calculation competition, but you still utter insulting words. How can you be a gentleman?

Lin Sudao: Do you think it is an insult to you that I compare Haining Academy to you? Let me tell you two things. First, the ten questions you just asked can be solved by a ten-year-old child from Haining Academy; secondly, Second, even the round and square problem, which you regard as the crown of arithmetic, will become a necessary skill in the arithmetic class in the second half of the year. If anyone can't calculate it, he will be punished, haha...

Lin Su gently raised her hand, opened the door outside, and stepped into the sunshine.

The question of round square?

All the elders' eyes widened at the same time...

Can a ten-year-old child in the art class solve it?

How can it be!

He insulted me, Bailu Academy’s arithmetic department, with such nonsense! It’s so abominable!

Naturally, all the elders would not believe what he said. What they interpreted from his words was just full of insults and malice, and they were all so angry that their beards grew taller.

But there is nothing you can do about him, because he won!

The winner has the right to insult the loser.

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