Great Blue Night Watchman

Chapter 454 Battle at White Deer Academy

There was nothing strange about Lu Yi, and she didn't seem to think much at all: Sister Princess, when I come here this time, I mainly come to you for help...

Princess Yufeng said: Sister, you are too polite, but if you need anything, just ask.

Haining Soap Factory is already quite big, and some of the raw materials are in short supply. I want to ask Princess Sister for some alkali...

When the Haining Soap Factory was first established, it was because Lin did not have soap for bathing. On an impromptu idea, he and Cui Ying got some plant ash to make soap. At that time, the Beichuan of Yishui was overgrown with weeds and there was a lot of plant ash. But now, what happened Changes have occurred, there are not many weeds left, and the scale of the soap factory continues to expand. Women in Yishui North Beach and Haining River Beach can only go to the nearby mountains to find grass. The grass on the nearby mountains is gone, but it is still not enough. .

Therefore, Lu Yi came and wanted to dig some soda ash directly from Princess Yufeng's valley.

That's it! Princess Yufeng nodded directly: I asked them to prepare two boats and transport one to Haining every month, okay? Alkali is not found in other places, but in Yu Princess Feng’s valley has everything you need.

The amount of soda ash used is not that large. One shipment used to be enough for three months of production. There is no need to ship one shipment a month. Just give me one shipment every three months.

The deal was done in a blink of an eye.

Lu Yi's goal of coming to the capital has been achieved - of course, it was just on the table.

It must be said that when the Lin family goes out to discuss business, it is really easy. As long as they mention anything, the other party will often not offer any discounts, and they don't even bother to negotiate the price.

Of course, it's even simpler here with Princess Yufeng.

Not to mention alkali, even if... she wants it herself, it's not something that can't be discussed...

At this moment, another person came.

Lu Youwei.

As soon as she arrived, she felt a little embarrassed. In the eyes of several girls, Lu Youwei was Lin Su's girlfriend. She took him out and kissed her on the Lantern Festival. In this era, that was a proper lifelong bondage. The person who came today is Lin Su's concubine, and she is a real person who plays well. Will there be any sparks when the two meet?

Absolutely not.

As soon as Lu Youwei arrived, she grabbed Lu Yi's hand and called Lu Yi's sister. She was as affectionate as a real sister. Lu Yi immediately became a full cousin of the four talented women...

She is also generous.

Each person was given a bag of the latest Spring Hate perfume, which contained a hundred bottles, and even Shadow had a share...

Lin Su crossed the wall of the capital and landed in front of the Confucian Temple.

The Confucian Temple is located in the north of the city, echoing the White Deer Academy. There are not many people here, and most of the people walking outside the Confucian Temple are literati.

This is the layout of the capital. The rich are in the east, the poor are in the west, and the educated people move northward.

In this land in the north, it is certainly not objective to say that all those who enter are bachelors, but most of them are scholars, which is very objective.

What are the characteristics of a scholar?


Even the footsteps are gentle and quiet, especially in front of the Confucian Temple.

When Lin Su walked over, there were dozens of students standing by the willow trees outside the Confucian Temple, holding books in their hands and reading in the morning. They were students from Bailu Academy, with their backs to the Confucian Temple and facing Bailu, which has been popular in recent years. Many people say that the morning reading method has a unique effect on students' deepening of their understanding of the holy way. Some people say that this is purely a psychological effect.

No matter what the effect is, students believe it anyway.

Therefore, outside the Confucian Temple, Bailu students gathered together, which became a unique scenery in the capital.

As the number of students in Bailu increased, other industries also quietly came here.

What industry?

Restaurants, teahouses, singing stations, any place that literati like, are all open for business here.

What? Brothel?

Don't get me wrong, there really are no brothels.

Brothel literati love true love, but no one dares to open it here. Why? In the eyes of the world, the Confucian Temple is much more sacred than the temple. The place where the Confucian Temple is located prohibits killing and prostitution...

Lin Su strolled towards the Confucian Temple. Not many people paid attention because he was also wearing scholar's clothes.

But as he moved forward step by step, more and more attention was paid to him because he had crossed the line.

He takes three more steps, and there is a golden thread. This coil cannot be crossed by anyone without any reason, regardless of whether it is scholar, farmer, industrialist or merchant, human race or alien race...

What does he want to do?

Lin Su took two more steps and was only one step away from the golden thread.

He raised his gaze, and a ball of literary energy turned into a small hammer and shot towards the golden bell hanging on the second floor of the Confucian Temple.


Above the Confucian Temple, in the void, there are layers of golden light, like golden lotuses blooming...

The sound of Qingyue bells spread throughout the city, and the whole city was shocked.

When the bell of the Confucian Temple rang, what kind of cultural event occurred?

Pedestrians stopped, officials raised their heads, and in the restaurant, everyone's discussions stopped simultaneously, and everyone's eyes turned to the north...

Above the Confucian Temple, the watchman appeared, and a majestic voice sounded: Why are you ringing the Wen Dao bell?

Only those with a literary spirit above the level of a great Confucian can ring the literary bell, but not just any great scholar can ring it casually. Every time the literary bell is rung, there must be something important worth ringing.

Lin Su raised his head and said, I, Lin Su, want to launch a literary battle against White Deer Academy!

His voice traveled hundreds of miles away along with the melodious sound of bells.

Zhang Haoran, who had just landed in the Ministry of Civil Affairs, stopped suddenly and raised his head in surprise...

On the top of Green Willow Villa, Zhang Juzheng was preparing to go on duty. He looked up in surprise, his beard flying...

Qu Wendong suddenly opened the window and stared in the north direction...

Prime Minister Lu Tian, ​​who had arrived at the memorial pavilion, suddenly held up the hot tea in his hand when his hand trembled and the hot tea spilled...

The court is not going to court today. Your Majesty just got off Concubine Xia's bed. Half of his legs were already hanging down, and he was just frozen at the edge of the bed...

On the top of the Western Mountain, several women were chatting and laughing, and were discussing the adaptation of A Dream of Red Mansions in full swing. At this moment, the sound suddenly stopped, and the faces of the women all changed...

He challenges White Deer Academy? Princess Yufeng asked tremblingly.

We will still fight! The red glow on Lu Youwei's face dissipated and she turned a little pale.

Green Yi looked at this and that: What is a battle? Why do you all have such expressions?

Battle! With his own strength, he challenges the entire White Deer Academy... Xie Xiaoyan's chest rose and fell gently: One person challenges the top university in the world. Such a thing has not happened in thousands of years...

Lu Yi's face suddenly turned as pale as paper...

Is this the big event that Mr. Xianggong said?

Is this too big?

No one has more confidence in her husband's literary skills than she does. No matter who challenges him, she doesn't take it seriously. Anyway, he will always win in the end.

However, this should not be the opening mode today.

Are you challenging the entire White Deer Academy?

White Deer Academy, the top academic institution in Da Cang, is full of real talents, masters, countless sects, and numerous doorways. There is absolutely no one person who can sweep the entire academy by himself.

Not even a saint can do it!

Because saints also have areas of specialization, it is impossible to cover all fields of literature and art.

Above the Confucian Temple, the watchman seemed to be shocked: Are you sure?

Sure! Lin Su's two-word answer still spread throughout the city.

The watchman stared at him for a long time and said slowly: The iron rule of the temple is that one person can challenge a school. As long as the challenger's academic degree is lower than the highest academic degree in the school, the school has no right to refuse! White Deer Academy , prepare to face the battle, half an hour later, the cultural battle will begin! The cultural and Dao walls will be displayed simultaneously!

With a swish sound, the Wen Dao wall outside the Confucian Temple shone brightly, and Lin Su's image stood up to the sky.

The power of culture and education covers the whole city. Everyone in the city can see this image on the culture and education wall as soon as they open a window, no matter the distance or the direction...


Countless great scholars shot through the air towards the location of the Confucian Temple...

Zhang Haoran was the first to arrive. As soon as he landed, Qiu Mochi's voice came from beside him: What stimulated him? Why is he crazy?

How do I know?... Lin Su was now in the golden circle. No one could approach him, and he couldn't even ask questions. Zhang Haoran was so anxious that he jumped.

I have a bad premonition! came another voice, but it was Huo Qi who had just arrived: His target should be to target Qu Feiyan!

It must be! Li Yangxin fell from the sky: He was worried about challenging Qu Feiyan directly and Qu Feiyan rejected him like last time, so he chose this irresistible method!

The four people gathered together and seemed to find the answer to the question the moment they gathered together.

Lin Su's target in the battle against Bailu Academy is Qu Feiyan.

The last time he challenged Qu Feiyan on the Wenyuan Pavilion forum, Qu Feiyan didn't dare to accept the challenge. Now if he challenges him again, Qu Feiyan can also refuse to accept the challenge, but if Lin Su uses this method, he has to accept it. !

Because this is a temple rule.

In order to encourage people in the liberal arts to bravely climb to the top, the Temple stipulates the rules for the literary battle. Anyone with a lower academic rank than the highest person in a certain school can propose a literary battle to the school, and the school has no right to refuse. Must agree!

Zhou Zhang was not on duty today, he took sick leave.

In fact, he is not sick.

But he didn't dare to step out of his house, because people in the literary world were invisible, and even if it was a busy street, Qu Feiyan could still kill him silently.

There is only one place that is relatively safe, and that is home.

Because he had his wife and daughter at home, he and his wife teamed up to escape death once from Qu Feiyan.

Qu Feiyan was caught off guard that time, but it doesn't mean that Zhou Zhang and his wife can really defeat Qu Feiyan if they join forces.

Now that Qu Feiyan is alert, Zhou and Zhang are in danger. However, the Zhou family has also added a new force, and that is Zhou Mei.

The three of them joined forces, and Zhou Zhang's safety factor increased. Qu Feiyan wanted to assassinate them, which once again increased the variables. However, they could not be separated, because once separated, they would most likely be defeated by Qu Feiyan separately.

In the capital, it is almost impossible for the three of them to stay apart. After all, Zhou Zhang is a courtier and he needs to be on duty. If he is on duty, how can his wife and daughter follow him?

We can only guard against thieves for a while, but how can we prevent them forever?

However, just after early morning, I heard this shocking news. Lin Su was fighting against White Deer Academy...

Upon hearing the news, Zhou Mei almost knocked over the ginseng soup she prepared for her mother...

Her mother was able to sit up from the bed and stared at the literary wall outside the window in surprise...

Is this what he said last night? He wanted to kill Qu Feiyan? Zhou Mei's nose was sweating.

Zhou Zhang's eyes flashed with light: Although it's hard to believe, I'm afraid I have to believe that this little lunatic really won't stop until he's done something amazing...

Dad, he took such a big risk for you, and you still call him crazy. You have no conscience... Zhou Mei was unhappy.

The mother on the bed was not happy either: Hey, as a daughter, you dare to scold your father for a wild man. Come on, let me teach you what it means to be a woman first...

Seeing that the two women were almost fighting over their respective men, Zhou Zhang could only seek stability...

How can it be stable? Just one sentence will do...

Have you ever seen why he did this?

The two women looked at each other. Based on their experience, they would never be able to understand such a complicated matter...

Zhou Zhang explained...

You guys don't know the rules of civility. If Lin Su challenges Qu Feiyan, Qu Feiyan can reject him. The reason can be very grand: your literary status is too low and you are not worthy of challenging me.

But with Lin Sulai's move, he had no choice.

He has no right to refuse!

As long as Lin Su wins the battle, Lin Su can make a request, and everyone in White Deer Academy must listen to him! There is no right to refuse either!

If this little lunatic proposed that the Presbyterian Council of White Deer Academy should collectively ban Qu Feiyan, then Qu Feiyan would immediately have to vomit five liters of blood!

I guess this is the real purpose of this little lunatic - to humiliate Qu Feiyan to death in this way! If Qu Feiyan is subjected to such extreme insults, his literary spirit may collapse. Even if it does not collapse, it will be extremely dusty and will not see any light for ten years.

Then what? Like Zhang Wenyuan, collude with the demon clan to destroy him? The little witch's heart was pounding, and she completely ignored the fact that her father scolded Lin Su again.

What kind of demon clan are you colluding with? Isn't there still your mother? A glimmer of light flashed in Zhou Zhang's eyes.

Zhou Mei's eyes suddenly opened wide: Dad, why are you like this? Some people in the world do say that my mother is a witch, but that is a curse, and you also cursed with insinuations...

Zhou Zhang was a little confused. Did I make any insinuation?

With a shout, a sheet flew up from the bed. Zhou Mei screamed and was pinned down on the bed by her mother, who spanked her hard...

Zhou Mei screamed, it's probably because you have no conscience, mother. I asked someone to treat your injury yesterday, and you beat me up as soon as you are healed. Is this justified...

Early in the morning, a literary battle stirred up a storm in the city.

Officials are not worth their salt.

Those who are in a hurry are not in a hurry.

Several large fish left the pier and came back.

The workers stopped working.

Ninety-nine percent of the people were excited.

The Battle of Literary and Dao, in this world where Literary and Dao are revered, can arouse everyone's passion. Not to mention the authentic literati, people who have something to do with Literary and Dao are reluctant to miss it.

Even if they have nothing to do with Wen Dao and are just plain old men, they will not miss it. They can play it one day in the future. I have seen the Wen Dao battle.

That is definitely a hard-core conversation piece that could chill the entire audience with just one word.

Wen Dao is different from martial arts. It is very high-end. Most ordinary people have never seen many Wen Dao battles, let alone something like this today.

The first grandmaster of Qinglian, the number one scholar in Da Cang, will fight against the highest school in Da Cang!

This is the most top-notch literary battle in the land of Da Cang.

Compared with the excitement all over the city, White Deer Academy is like a dog...

Three hundred and sixty elders all broke through the sky and landed under the Dean's Peak.

All the teachers from various departments left their respective residences, even the old master who had not left home for a long time did the same.

Bailu Academy has been established for thousands of years. How many times have there been such moments?

Of course it has been challenged before, but that was all a gimmick made by a certain scholar to gain attention. White Deer Academy randomly sent someone over and used three tricks to throw the person out of the city in disgrace, and the matter was over. .

But today, the challenger is Lin Su.

Little Lin Su, this action is an insult to our academy! The Great Elder's white beard flew up: How to arrange the checkpoints? We have to make a decision quickly!

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