Godly Fisherman

Chapter 1813: Have a guilty heart? It's okay!

McAfee explained: "Alabama is the most conservative and traditional place in the entire Star-Spangled State, where the church is still strong, and you can see the most pious believers there. They don’t believe in evolution and global warming. , The earth was created by God more than 5,000 years ago. You can’t see a **** shop there. You can’t even buy wine because it’s time for mass on Sunday morning. Homosexuality is hard to do there. You Samuel's identity must be useful there."

Bloomberg shook his head, "No, no, no, the Christian church over there is mainly Protestant, such as the Southern Baptist Church, not Tiangong Church. So even if Xiao Peng used to be, it may not be easy to use."

McAfee patted his forehead: "Why do you forget this? The government over there is now letting conservative and religious forces dominate but is unwilling to change. What I think every day is how to prevent female abortion and deprive homosexual rights. It is also beautifully named for the sake of the next generation of Alabama."

Bloomberg laughed and said: "So I admire you Huaxia. Look at this trade war. The Star Stripe Nation levies taxes on Huaxia's high-tech products, while Huaxia mainly levies taxes on agricultural products and has become a'tech power'. The situation of China VS the "Agricultural Power" and the Stars and Stripes, including the trade war between India and the Stars and Stripes, is also for agricultural products. The reason is simple. Almost all the major agricultural provinces in the Stars and Stripes are **** supporters of Arp. How do you say it?'Snake hits seven inches.'"

Xiao Peng waved his hand: "What do you say about this? How many presidents in your country have imposed high tariffs on China's 301 tariffs? He is not the first one. This is an old trick. Anyway, the result is the same every time. When the relationship is tense, some Star-Spangled companies will organize to lobby the Congress and the government. In the end, the two countries will always settle their suspicions and reconcile themselves. I have never cared about this. Taxes are taxed? I am sure to cooperate. Anyway, it is the consumers in your Star Stripe country who suffer. Niu X should not eat my fish."

"In fact, when it comes to fish, I think the seafood in Alabama is quite delicious, but compared with your seafood, I am hungry. After I come back from you, I basically don’t eat seafood anymore--- ---The gap is too big!" McAfee exclaimed.

Xiao Peng laughed: "Yes, isn't it that exaggerated?"

McAfee shook his head and said, "It's not an exaggeration at all, Xiao, how about it? I'll take you there for fun?"

Xiao Peng shook his head: "No, no, no, forget it, you know, the old witch sent me a polar cruise ship, and it’s coming to China soon. I’m going to visit an old friend here for two days. Then go back."

"Do you have old friends here?" Eminem asked curiously.

Xiao Peng nodded: "Yes, we met when I was traveling poorly in the Star Striped Nation. If it weren't for her, I'm afraid I can't be together with Emilia now. That's our matchmaker, Emilia and I. To get married, of course you must invite her to go."

After hearing this, Eminem interjected: "You are talking about the girl named Alessi? Didn't you say that you want to introduce her to me to shoot the MV? I told the filming director to arrange a role for her, but I haven't waited for her."

Xiao Peng sighed and said: "The little girl thinks too much. It turns out that traveling together poorly has a good personality. Later, after discovering that both Emilia and I are rich people, we avoided us. Probably because of self

humble? So this time I will come to educate her well. "

McAfee laughed and said: "Inferiority complex, what is inferiority? I think it should be annoying! Think about it, you were poor travellers at that time, and she didn't like you, so she became the matchmaker for you and Emilia. When I looked back, my good fellow, he had missed a few hundred million. Can he not be depressed? The more he thinks about it now, the more angry he is, so he just avoids you."

Xiao Peng said speechlessly: "Why don't you write the script! What are you thinking about?"

Eminem asked curiously: "Where are you going to find her? Where is she now?"

"She returned to Los Angeles to work hard again, Emilia gave me the address, and I will go to her tomorrow." Xiao Peng said.

Eminem asked, "Where does she live?"

"It's the'Little Tokyo' side." Xiao Peng replied.

Eminem said: "Tomorrow, I will accompany you. The security there is not very good."

Xiao Peng was taken aback for a moment: "I look at Google Maps, her location is in the city center."

Eminem shook his head and said, "It's not that you haven't stayed in the Stars and Stripes. A few streets are like different cities. Fortunately, you are here now. If it was ten years ago, I would not recommend you to go there. You can Don't underestimate Los Angeles, Los Angeles is the second most homeless city in the star-stripe country."

"The second most?" Xiao Peng was a little curious.

Eminem nodded: "Of course New York is the number one. We won't compete with New York for this."

New York and Los Angeles, one east and one west, are the same as the two cities of China's capital city, and they have to compete everywhere. But it's just a matter of arguing, and it's better to let the other party.

Xiao Peng looked at the address: "Uh, well, I thought it was the name of the rock band when I looked at the address."

Emilia wrote his address: SKIDROW, in the 1990s there was a heavy metal band with the same name also called this name, Chinese people used to call it the "poor street band", but there is really a place in Los Angeles called This name, another meaning of the word is slums.

But the "SKIDROW" in Los Angeles is right in the city center, so Xiao Peng doesn't quite understand it.

Eminem answered his question: "The Los Angeles homeless shelter is over there. It provides free shelter and food for homeless people, and the shelter also provides opportunities for study and employment. Moreover, affordable housing is also there, and the government subsidizes. Rent provides a place for the poor to live."

Xiao Peng was taken aback: "There are also affordable housing in the Stars and Stripes?"

Bloomberg laughed: "Please, your China Affordable Housing should be based on our policies, right? But we are different from you. When I was in China, I saw that all of your affordable housing is in the local area. The corner is not a good place, but here, the affordable housing is in the city center. Because the poor cannot afford a car, we must let them live close to the subway station, close to the supermarket, etc. Convenient. This is very common in the Stars and Stripes. Isn’t there a'Hell's Kitchen' in Manhattan?

The word'Hell's Kitchen' appears in many film and television works. Many people think that this is a fictitious place name, but it is really not. This place is in Manhattan. The official name is'Klinton Street', which is roughly Manhattan. At the junction of 59th Street and 34th Street, it faces Eighth Avenue on the east and Harbin on the west.

Dexun He is a large rectangular area. In the early years, it was the most famous slum on Manhattan Island,

In recent years, with the development of Manhattan, Hell’s Kitchen is also developing, which is much better than before. However, due to the past notoriety, this is still the cheapest place to rent in Manhattan, so many people would choose to live here when they think of Manhattan development. There are mixed fish and dragons, so Hell's Kitchen is still the most chaotic place in Manhattan, and it is also in the center of Manhattan, which is a match for SKIDROW.

After hearing this, Xiao Peng curled his lips and said: "In our Huaxia, many people who live in affordable housing are not bad for money. Go to those affordable housing communities and see that there are all kinds of luxury cars. The national conditions are different. For houses such as affordable housing and low-rent housing, the procedures are a hassle. Only those who have the ability can apply for affordable housing, and those who have the ability generally do not need money."

"Is this not in compliance with the regulations?" McAfee asked.

"There are too many ways to evade the regulations. Once the assets are transferred, the application for economically adapted housing will be taken down. In the future, this situation will definitely be dealt with strictly, but now, there are still various loopholes in the system, even though I am China People, but I’m not talking about this. When it comes to exploiting loopholes to take advantage, you’re all too tender.” Xiao Peng shook his head and said, “After all, the place we are going is the slums of Los Angeles, right?”

Eminem said: "You are right, it seems that your friend is not doing well recently. What is she doing now?"

Xiao Peng shrugged: "I don't know, Emilia also spent some effort to find her, but anyway, just find it."

"That's fine, I'll be with you tomorrow." Eminem said: "I'll find some little brothers to go with."

"What are you doing?" Xiao Peng puzzled.

"Safety first!" Eminem said.

Xiao Peng waved his hand after hearing this: "I am not safe with you. I am very safe. Okay, I can prepare a car for me tomorrow and I can go by myself. It's the most annoying to be with you. Staring. I’ll be more comfortable when I go out to play by myself. Tomorrow you have the intention to take my kids to Disney and have fun."

Eminem thought for a while: "That's okay. Hailey liked going to Disney when she was a child. Now she is about to get married. I will take them to Disney for fun. But Xiao, you should not consider this now. !"

"Why don't you consider this?" Xiao Peng asked puzzledly.

50CENT said: "Tieman, I found you so many beauties, but you let go of playing. What happened to you today? We played together so many times, but I have never seen you so formal."

Xiao Peng said bitterly, "Isn't I more cautious? I'm about to get married now, but I don't want to burst out any lace news to let Emilia know about it and be unhappy. Let's drink, dance, dance and have a girl with me. Very satisfied! But let me go further? I really dare not, but no further? I looked uncomfortable. Oh. Now I know what is guilty and courageous. Can't let go of playing! You look at Looking at these girls, one by one, like wolves and tigers, I have almost turned into walking dollars in their eyes. How dare I play?"

"Puff, I was worried about this! Don't worry, I will solve this problem for you!" Kardashian said cheerfully.

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