Godly Fisherman

Chapter 1785: Slaughter sheep

"Sister, are you sure that brother-in-law is a billionaire?" Joel Jos asked Julia in a whisper.

Don't talk about him, even Lucas is at a loss, looking at Julia with Katina.

The traditional way of slaughtering sheep is to chop the head and saw the neck. This is not the case with Xiao Peng.

He tied the four hooves of the sheep to be slaughtered together, then put the sheep over and lay on the ground with its stomach up. Then he cut a fist-sized hole in its chest with a dagger, and after groping for a few times, the sheep died without struggling a few times, and the whole process was clean and tidy.

Like Lucas, they usually wipe their necks when they kill sheep, and the blood is sprayed everywhere. That's why they let Xiao Peng go to slaughter the sheep. They didn't expect Xiao Peng to use such a method of planting and killing sheep. Except for the sheep blood on Xiao Peng's arm, no drop of blood came out.

Lucas was full of curiosity and walked directly over: "Boy, how did you kill sheep?"

They killed the sheep by hanging the sheep upside down, and then fixing the two front hooves of the sheep, and then chopped off the head of the sheep with a knife. After the chop, the blood flowed all over the floor, and then directly cut open the belly of the sheep to take out the internal organs. This way, not only the blood of the sheep, but also the excrement in the greasy internal organs, etc. flowed all over the floor. It was very disgusting. Xiao Peng's method of killing sheep really opened his eyes, saving time, effort and hygiene.

Xiao Peng explained with a smile: "I have a fisherman with a Mongolian ethnicity, and where I live there are sheep. He taught me this Mongolian way of killing sheep. I have to tie the hooves of the sheep and he kills them. Sheep don’t need it at all. Grab the two premises with the left hand and the right hand knife, and make a two-inch cut here to cut off the aorta with your fingers. Once they did not use this method to kill the sheep, it was sentenced! I am not attacking you The sheep that you have been raising for a long time are all pediatrics compared with the Mongolians in China!"

After hearing Xiao Peng's explanation, Lucas was a little confused: "What did you say? It is illegal to kill sheep without this method?"

Xiao Peng nodded: "Yes, the ancient Mongolian Wo Kuo Tai Khan and the Yuan Dynasty's Kublai Khan both issued special decree to kill sheep'must be killed by an open mouth.' Later, over time, today, it has become the Chinese grassland. It’s a kind of tradition."

"It's such a good way to kill sheep quickly and cleanly!" Lucas exclaimed.

Xiao Peng smiled and said: "It's not just that it's as simple as dying fast. This way, the blood of the sheep stays in the chest cavity, which is convenient for the blood of the sheep. Moreover, because the sheep die fast, the blood in the wool capillaries is too late to flow out, so the blood content in the mutton It is also high, so the meat is more tender and delicious, and the nutrition is more abundant."

Lucas shook his head and exclaimed: "What kind of genius can invent such a good way of slaughtering sheep."

Xiao Peng smiled and said: "The Mongols have been nomads since ancient times. They live in harsh natural environments. These animals are everything to them. If they get along with the animals day and night, they will definitely have feelings, right? So when slaughtering sheep, too. They will try to make them suffer as little as possible. For example, if a sheep is bitten by a wolf, they will immediately dispose of the sheep to avoid the living sheep from suffering. And there are many kinds of sheep that cannot be killed."

"Is there anything I can't kill?" Katina asked curiously.

Xiao Peng nodded: "The breeding sheep cannot be killed, the ewe that has given birth to many lambs cannot be killed; the owner's life was saved.

The sheep can no longer be killed and so on. Not only did they not kill these sheep, but they did not take them out when they were old and weak. Instead, they waited for them to die and were buried in a high place. "

"Why is that?"

"Oh, the Mongolians believe that animals and humans can be reincarnated in their beliefs. Everything has a soul and can ascend to heaven after death. According to their belief, only a good soul can have a good reincarnation, in order to let the sheep live in the next life. No longer being a sheep with a good reincarnation, the souls of these good sheep can ascend to heaven. In ancient times, the Mongolians believed that the souls of sheep followed their gazes. After birth, they looked at the earth with their eyes, and there was no life searching for fragrant grass. The opportunity to see the sky. So their souls cannot see the sky, so turn them over when slaughtering the sheep. They can see the sky before they die. Well, in your words, the soul of the sheep can go to heaven." Xiao Peng explained to them.

Lucas shook his head: "I don't know if the souls of these sheep can go to heaven. I only know that this way of slaughtering sheep is really great. Can you teach me? You have seen it, even though my family is Karting Na is responsible for raising the sheep, but I do the job of slaughtering the sheep."

"Next is my job." Joel Joss answered.

Xiao Peng smiled and said, "Is this not over yet?"

"The sheep are dead, why haven't they finished? Oh, I know, and I have to skin the sheep." Lucas brought a ‘reverse chain’, which is a kind of hoisting machinery commonly known as ‘hand chain hoist’ in China. In fact, it is a pulley block, which can be lifted by pulling the chain after hanging it in a high place.

Xiao Peng asked puzzledly: "What are you doing with this?"

Lucas explained: "Hang the sheep upside down and fasten the iron chain to the sheepskin so that you can lift the chain up to remove the whole sheepskin."

After hearing this, Xiao Peng shook his head, and directly used a knife to make a cut in the hooves, chin, breast and tail of the sheep. Then he clenched his hand into a fist and reached into the cut in the chest when he killed the sheep just now. After seeing him pushing and peeling the sheepskin over there a few times, he only heard a dozen or so sounds of slamming, and half of the sheepskin was peeled off. After a few minutes, a whole sheepskin was completely peeled. under!

"Joel Joss, can you help me with those clean basins?" Xiao Peng turned around.

After hearing this, Joeljos said ‘oh’, ran back to the room with a stride, and soon saw him come back with a few pots.

After Xiao Peng put the basin in place, he spread the peeled sheepskin on the floor, poured the blood in the chest cavity of the sheep into a basin, put the mutton on the sheepskin, and then used a knife to laparot the sheep. After everything was cleaned up, Xiao Peng held the pot of sheep's blood and asked, "Katina, where is the kitchen?"

Katina didn't understand Xiao Peng's meaning, what did these sheep blood keep for?

But still telling Xiao Peng's kitchen location, Xiao Peng asked Oceanus to help him take all the mess of offal and lamb to the kitchen.

"Jorjos, you go and set the oven!" A Greek family like this has a home-made oven at the door, and their main food is ‘baked’.

Joeljos glanced at his parents, Julia glared at him: "What do you look at, do as Xiao said! He is the kind of chef who can become a rich man!"

Joeljos said bitterly

Said: "I'm afraid he wastes lamb intestines, that is my favorite."

Those who say that Westerners do not eat offal will definitely be surprised when they arrive in Greece. Every time a Westerner arrives in China, and I heard that the food of Chinese people is animal innards, they always have a Sima face. In fact, Westerners eat innards in many places. Like in Northern Europe, sheep tongue, sheep head, sheep heart It's delicious, and Latin American countries love to eat all kinds of water. Even the Eagles, who are famous for their gentlemen, have blood sausage.

One of the favorites to eat offal is Greece.

Their history is similar to that of China, and their history is also a history of fighting to solve the problem of food and clothing. So they don’t waste anything when they eat, they eat all the offal!

But the method is relatively simple, it is stewed and roasted. Their traditional lamb intestines are very interesting and they are also grilled.

They wash the lamb intestines, stuff them with lamb or chicken, and slowly roast them over charcoal fire; or chop up the viscera of lamb heart and lamb lungs, marinate them with spices, and stuff them into lamb intestines for roasting. Does it taste good? It's good to eat, but it doesn't work if you eat it regularly, the spices are too strong.

"Emilia, bring the kitchen knife from the car." Xiao Peng was responsible for cooking, so he bought a kitchen knife in Athens to take with him at any time.

Katina said after hearing this: "I have a kitchen knife here. A full set."

Xiao Peng shook his head: "I'm not used to it."

The kitchen knives in the hands of western chefs have clear functions. Kitchen knives correspond to food. You can find more than a dozen kitchen knives in every kitchen. But Chinese food often uses a large square knife, a kitchen knife to break the world.

This square knife is definitely a model of multi-function. One knife can be used for five purposes. In simple terms, it is'cut before and then slam the middle piece, and the back of the knife smashes the mud to pound the garlic': when shredding and dicing, only the first half of the blade is used. Contact with the ingredients is labor-saving and fast; when cutting bones, use a position close to the knife handle, so that you can use the upper force; when slicing, use the middle, so that the force is even and the thickness of the cut ingredients is consistent; if you want Shoot garlic? Just pat the knife horizontally; and the handle of the knife can replace the stone mortar to pound the plan into garlic.

A small kitchen knife can fully reflect the wisdom of the ancestors.

In fact, there is not only a square knife for Chinese food, but also a horse-head knife with a round front and a back; a round knife with a round front and a back; a deboning knife for deboning fish; an "axe-shaped knife" similar to an axe, such as a square-headed knife Half-thin side knives and so on, but all knives are as wide as a square kitchen knife, and they can be used for multiple purposes.

There is also a reason for this situation. Since ancient times, China has been short of resources, not only food, but also ironware. So a kitchen knife can even be passed down to several generations. This is why in the ancient three hundred and sixty lines, there was a special industry called "knife cutter", which is the one that we often used when we were young to shout "grind scissors and pick kitchen knives." Occupation.

However, in the eyes of some foreigners, the square sliced ​​kitchen knife of Chinese food has become a representative of Huaxia people's "not fine cooking". How can one cook all dishes with a knife?

Katina and the others were a little dumbfounded when they saw Emilia taking out the big knife.

"Can such a kitchen knife work?" Katina asked curiously.

"Just look at it, you!"

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