Godly Fisherman

Chapter 1771: Mediterranean hurricane

"Emilia, our luck is enough." Xiao Peng sat on the rocking chair and looked at the heavy rain outside the window. He couldn't help but sighed. Not only did the rain not stop for three days, it was getting worse and worse.

Emilia asked puzzledly: "This looks like a hurricane, doesn't it?"

Xiao Peng smiled bitterly: "We have encountered this rare and rare scene."

"What a rare encounter?" Oceanus just came over and heard Xiao Peng's words.

Xiao Peng explained: "The'typhoons' and'hurricanes' we usually talk about are actually the same thing. They are tropical cyclones. Those that occur in the western Pacific are called'typhoons', and those that occur in the eastern Pacific and the Atlantic are called'hurricanes.' , Look at what Star Stripe Nation said all day long that it was hit by a'hurricane', which is the same as encountering a'typhoon' in China. But logically speaking, there will be no hurricanes in the Aegean Sea."

Emilia asked curiously: "Why do you say that?"

Xiao Peng explained: "Whether it is a hurricane or a typhoon, it is generated in the tropical ocean. The Aegean Sea is located in the northeast of the Mediterranean Sea, far from the Atlantic Ocean. It is surrounded by three major states in Europe, Asia and Africa. Only the Strait of Gibraltar is connected to the Atlantic Ocean. It is closed, so the Atlantic hurricane can't move to the Aegean Sea at all. Otherwise, those Middle Eastern refugees would dare to flee out in rubber rafts? Waves over 40 cm in the Mediterranean Sea are extremely rare. The term'calm' is used to describe The sea here is really suitable!"

After hearing Xiao Peng’s explanation, Emilia pointed out the window and said, “Then how is this explained? How can it be a hurricane?”

Xiao Peng sighed: "Do you think the global environmental deterioration is just frightening people? Outside the window is an example."

Oceanus blinked: "Dad, you explain in detail, don't talk half way!"

Xiao Peng thought for a moment and said, "You first need to know what the tropical cyclone is about." He lit a cigarette for himself, and then did not smoke, but pointed to the rising smoke and said: "This cigarette **** lit up with it. The heavy smoke that continued to waft out after that was similar to the cause of tropical cyclones."

He pointed to the burning cigarette **** and said: "This is equivalent to the tropical sea surface of the earth. The temperature here is very high, so a lot of sea water is evaporated into the air like these thick smoke, and then a low pressure center is formed. But the earth is spinning, and the air pressure will also change, so the air flowing into the center of this low pressure will also be promoted, and finally a counterclockwise rotating air vortex is formed. This is a tropical cyclone. As long as the temperature does not drop, this tropical cyclone will be It turns out that the stronger and stronger, it will eventually form a typhoon or hurricane."

After listening to Xiao Peng’s explanation, Oceanus nodded: “I understand, that is to say, the continuous high temperature is the cause of the typhoon! Now we talk about global warming all day long, is this tropical cyclone here because of this? caused?"

Xiao Peng snapped his fingers: "It's almost what it means. But this is really not a tropical cyclone. From a meteorological point of view, it has the characteristics of both a typhoon and some extratropical cyclones. You can say that it is' "Shemale cyclone", in more academic terms, should be called "semi-tropical cyclone". This kind of weather has only appeared in recent years. Scientists put

This climate is called a ‘Mediterranean hurricane’. In the past two years, this ‘Mediterranean hurricane’ has been suffering near the Mediterranean. "

"Why do you suffer?" It was Emilia who asked this question.

Xiao Peng smiled and said: "Think about where the Mediterranean Sea is around? North Africa to the south, the Middle East to the east, Europe to the north, and Europe. It's better to say something about Europe. How do you let North Africa and the Middle East resist such storms? The internal structural characteristics of this Mediterranean hurricane are very special. Its energy source mechanism is different from tropical cyclones and extratropical cyclones. Some Mediterranean cyclones can maintain wind eyes and wind wall structures on the Mediterranean sea at about 20 degrees. Unlike the Japanese country, where dozens of typhoons a year, they are used to it. They don’t have the ability to face such severe weather, which is likely to cause disaster."

Oceanus heard this and said: "There was such a Mediterranean hurricane a few days before Christmas last year. At that time, there was heavy rainfall in Greece and it also triggered floods. It seems that many people died in that flood."

Xiao Peng added: "In 2014, the island country of Malta in southern Italy was almost destroyed by a hurricane in the Mediterranean. Don't mention the damage caused. Anyway, this unfortunate weather only appeared in these years. I don’t know whether to say we are lucky or bad."

"We will have nothing to do here?" Emilia was a little worried.

Xiao Peng shook his head: "We are so high here and the doorway is such a big flat ground. You don't have to worry about mudslides and landslides. What are you afraid of? I have noticed on this island. Most of them are made of granite made from local materials. Architecture, except for the wooden houses on the seashore, don’t worry about what will happen—the only thing to worry about is Julia’s boat. I don’t know if the pier will be able to bear the storm."

"Dad, are you sure this is a Mediterranean hurricane and not continuous rain?" Oceanus asked.

Xiao Peng nodded: "Of course." After speaking, he pointed to the computer on the table and said, "Ocean, don't forget what dad does. People who live at sea are very sensitive to the weather. I just looked at it. Yuntu, according to the animation reality, has developed a phoenix-like structure. The center is already located in the eastern part of Malta in southern Italy and moving eastward. It is not certain whether it will land directly on the Greek mainland or travel eastward along the Mediterranean to reach the Aegean Sea. Anyway, according to this development, The weather will continue to be bad for at least four or five days!"

Just then Julia came in and heard Xiao Peng's words and said to Oceanus: "Oceanus, I contacted you for the ticket, and Annie will take you back to Athens in the afternoon."

"Why?" Oceanus' eyes widened.

"Go back to school!" Julia replied: "Don't forget, you have asked for leave now."

"But my dad promised to teach me to dive and take me to ride a shark!" Oceanus protested.

Julia shook her head: "No, learning is the most important thing! Look at your dad, why can answer your various questions? It is because he improves himself through continuous learning. He is constantly learning now. Is there any reason to be lazy?"

Xiao Peng laughed out loud after hearing this.

Julia looked at Xiao Peng: "What are you laughing at?"

Xiao Peng smiled and said, "You can also count as studying? After Ocean has received the formal Huaxia education, you will find that your education here is just a play house."

"Why do you say that?" Julia asked.

Xiao Peng smiled and said: "Strict, strict, then strict, discipline and hardworking are the characteristics of Chinese education. It is said that the comprehensive development of'ethics, intelligence, physical education, and labor' is what we pay attention to. It’s a witty saying:'Fenfenfen, the lifeblood of students', almost all Chinese people come here."

"My God!" Julia sighed, "Is this possible? Is this going to exhaust the child?"

"Believe me, I hated this teaching method when I was in school. At that time, I couldn't wait to choke my teacher to death, but I had to admit that China has developed rapidly over the years, and the students taught under this education system It’s a big relationship. Maybe the chance of so-called'genius' coming out like this is smaller, but the chance of appearing'talent' is even greater. To put it a funny thing, now there is a group of people in China all day calling for students to reduce stress, saying This kind of education method is too rigid and is not conducive to children becoming talents. It is necessary to learn from the "happy education" model of western developed countries. The Ministry of Education of the Eagle Country has issued a notice that half of the primary schools in the Eagle Country have begun to adopt the mathematics teaching method of the magic capital, and the Eagle Country The Secretary of State of the Ministry of Education Nick Gibb proposed to set Huaxia's teaching method to the fixed standards of Eagle Country School at the time. The developed countries they admire have begun to learn Huaxia is not'happy' anymore, they are still there shouting to make Huaxia'happy'? Mad!" Xiao Peng said cheerfully.

After hearing Xiao Peng's words, Oceanus's face became a little difficult to look like: "Dad, are you scaring me, right?"

Xiao Peng shook his head: "I really didn't scare you. Didn't you have the contact information of Via and their communication software? You can ask them, they are now in the private school in Los Angeles, which is famous for its strict teaching, but they use them. In my own words, I feel like I’ve been in “paradise” and I’ve never felt so easy to go to school. Ocean, when you come, you will experience a “happy life” of eight hours a day in school and four hours of homework at home. "

Oceanus forced a smile and said: "Dad, is what you said is true? How do I feel that what you said is more like being in jail than going to school?"

Xiao Peng nodded: "What I said is true. This is the experience that every Chinese child will definitely go away. But your mother said just now that it is right, that is, to enrich yourself through study anytime. You see, there is a library on Qianliyan. Even the fishermen in my place are constantly enriching themselves. Going to school is a basic stage and the most important stage of learning, so the pressure is particularly high. How about Are you scared?"

After listening to Oceanus, he thought about it for a long time, and gritted his teeth fiercely: "Sooner or later, it's dead! I'll die! Mom, you heard that too. I'm about to challenge the hell-difficult way of learning. Just relax! I won’t go to school during this time, I want to have fun with my father."

Xiao Peng gave a smirk: "It's good to have this consciousness, and enjoy your last happiness before becoming an adult."

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