Godly Fisherman

Chapter 1651: This unscientific

Xiao Peng sitting in the hot spring smoking a cigar and drinking a little wine is not comfortable.

This time at sea is indeed exhausted. Even Xiao Peng paid great attention to the comfort level in the ship, but he couldn't stay at sea for too long. It was really hard work.

It's so peculiar. Why do I still suffer this sin because I made so much money? Why did he agree to accept this task? Isn't this finding awkwardness for yourself! You said that you can honestly accompany your daughter-in-law to play with pets in Qianliyan. This ran to the sea in the wind and the sun. . . . . .

He picked up the white porcelain jug in front of him and was about to pour a glass of sake, only to find that the jug was empty. He was just about to get up to get the wine bottle and pour himself a jug, but saw a figure walking over, he saw clearly Sit back directly to the hot spring afterwards.

It was the Ryoko who came here, wrapped in only a bath towel.

Seeing Xiao Peng want to get the wine, Liangzi bent over to pick up the wine bottle from the ground, walked up to Xiao Peng and filled Xiao Peng's small wine bottle, but did not speak to Xiao Peng, just confronted him. Xiao Peng smiled slightly, went to the other side of the hot spring, then untied the towel and sat naked in the hot spring.

Xiao Peng was silent for a while. He began to think that this Ryoko was here to hook up on him, but when he saw that Ryoko was just sitting there and soaking himself and didn’t do anything else, he slapped his forehead and suddenly realized that he curiously asked Ryoko, "Here is Mixed bathing?"

Ryoko did not speak, just smiled and nodded.

Xiao Peng let out a sigh of relief, but still sighed, "Damn it, I'm really not used to it."

There are many traditions in the Japanese country that have been preserved to this day. Mixed bathing is one of them. To put it bluntly, men and women bathe together.

This tradition can be traced back to the Tang Dynasty.

At that time, the Japanese sent Tang envoys to the Tang Dynasty to bring back the Buddhist bathing culture. At that time, the Japanese people saw the Chinese people just like some Chinese people now see the Xingtiao people. It’s incense to fart, so the Japanese people also Starting to repair the bathhouse, rich people installed baths in their homes, while those without money went to public baths.

Anyway, this Wa country is surrounded by volcanoes, hot springs can be seen everywhere, and it is a veritable hot spring archipelago, so bathing in hot springs has become the daily routine of the ancient Japanese people, men and women, young and old, together. Those rich dignitaries or temples want to make merits? It is to invite everyone to take a bath in the nice hot spring of your own home, which was a fashion and style back then.

But about four hundred years ago, those public baths encountered some problems. Back then, the lighting system was not as developed as it is now. So many people have **** in this public bath.

In fact, this thing is not rare at all. Since ancient times, there has been a Japanese country-unlike Hua Xia, it pays attention to courtesy, justice and shame, otherwise it would not be mixed bathing with men and women? But at that time, I didn't know what was going on, and there was an outbreak of personality-illness. Run to take a bath, go home and get sex-ill, isn't this trouble?

So the shogunate at the time, Matsudaira Matsuba, issued a notice prohibiting adult male and female mixed bathing. What kind of style is this man and woman washing and washing away?

It's a pity that it didn't take long for this ban to be banned, and Songping confirmed that people were ousted from office, and the ban could not be maintained.

Fifty years later, the natural protection reform began again, and it was ordered not to prohibit mixed bathing, and then. . . . . . The host has been ousted again!

The people of the Japanese country can't do without mixed bathing! You are the enemy of the people!

Until the Meiji Restoration, the Meiji government felt that it was not worthwhile for foreigners to joke about the small things like bathing. For three consecutive years, it was ordered to ban mixed bathing of men and women. However, the men and women were still taking pictures together.

The Emperor Meiji couldn't bear it anymore, so he finally issued a decree in 1900, prohibiting mixed bathing for men and women over the age of 12. If found, the operator of the bathhouse will be fined 25 yen, which is 30,000 yuan today!

And this ban is plainly punished for ordinary people-----the rich take a bath at home, and those who have no money go to public baths, and how to change the bathhouse, it will cost money, right? Therefore, people's enthusiasm is generally not high.

At that time, many Japanese people were defending the right to ‘mixed bath’! For example, the well-known great writer Yukio Mishima stepped forward: "All things that are boring from the perspective of Westerners should be abolished, and everything that is ignorant, weird, unsightly, and immoral from the perspective of Westerners should be abolished. It is civilized and civilized. From the perspective of Westerners, the waves are low-level, the special agents are stupid, the caesarean is barbaric, and the Shinto is ignorant and simple. If all these things are denied, what is left in the country? Nothing left! ’

(Ps: The wave of waves can understand Japanese hip-hop, playing the shamisen accompaniment, sing and reading poems for a while, and those who are interested can listen to "Hands are like a wave of waves", which is quite representative.)

Anyway, the central idea is one. If mixed bathing is forbidden, what culture is left in the country?

Including our great writer Zhou Zuoren in China, he has also dealt with the issue of the prohibition of mixed bathing in the Japanese country. Anyway, in his words, it is nothing great for men and women to take a bath together.

However, many people think that he has no backache while standing and talking, because there is a saying that the reason for the break between Zhou Zuoren and Lu Dawenhao's brothers is that Lu Dawenhao once peeked at his younger brother and sister to take a bath, so this is the reason why he stays old. .

Well, it’s okay to look at other women in a mixed bath, and don’t let your own women be seen--this is the standard Chinese way of thinking.

But anyway, with their efforts. The Japanese people finally succeeded in maintaining the tradition of'mixed bathing'. It also triggered some strange customs. For example, on Father’s Day every year, the daughter had to pay her father to take a bath and rub her back with her hands. Many female celebrities also publicly promote themselves to take a bath with men, such as Gang Li Caiya

I once said that I would take a bath with my parents from time to time, and Maki Goto in "Morning Morning Girl" even blew himself up and took a bath with his nephew for seventeen years, and his mother was also by the side when his husband took a bath. . . . . .

This kind of ‘sitting without chaos’ together in a bath is really possible in the country. Ahem, this is why in the Japanese love action movie, many men and women have **** when they take a bath together. It seems that the Japanese people themselves don’t believe that these men and women take a shower together every day and never wipe their guns and get angry.

At present, there are more than 500 formal public baths for mixed men and women in the country, and hot springs in remote places are not included in the statistics, and there are countless hot springs in hotel styles like this.

The position where Ryoko sat was very knowledgeable. It was a small stone platform. The water was not deep and could only cover the lower body. Her chest was displayed in front of Xiao Peng without any obstruction. Although Ryoko was very thin, The chest was surprisingly big, and she was slowly wiping her chest with a towel there. Under the rubbing of the towel, Quantum's chest constantly changes its shape. I have to say that this is indeed very tempting.

Xiao Peng is not a saint. He has been holding back at sea for so long. When he was drinking just now, Sakata Yumi teased him for a long time and said he had no idea? That's pure nonsense!

Seeing all this, Xiao Peng couldn't help taking a sip of water. Especially now that the lights are dim, this dim feeling is more attractive! The little brother ‘stands up’ directly in the water.

This belongs to human instinct, right? He took a sip of sake to demonstrate his embarrassment.

These actions made Ryoko see in his eyes. Ryoko couldn't be proud of it, men are like this, all of them are big trotter!

But there was nothing on her face, she just wiped it with a towel more carefully, um, it was more attractive.

She is familiar with the psychology of men. Although men like active women on poles, this is not the case for such rich men. They prefer to conquer. If they are too active, they will think that they are seeking their money, so this The best way to fight against a man like Xiao Peng is trying to catch it.

As a result, she waited for a while, but there was no movement from Xiao Peng. This makes Ryoko very puzzled-shouldn't you talk to me at this time and then I cooperate with you. What happened to us? Are you a man? Your lack of action makes me embarrassed, okay?

You took the woman to open the room but didn't go there. You were not bent, right?

However, this thought flashed through her mind. Xiao Peng saw her body's performance just now, but she was in the bottom of her eyes. It was definitely a normal man's reaction, it was definitely not a gay.

What made Ryoko even more unacceptable was that Xiao Peng didn't even look at him now, but looked down for something in the water.

Ryoko feels that he has been insulted, so I'll take it, I'll be naked here, where are you looking for something? Is my chest not big enough or my face is not good?

She rolled her eyes and figured out a way: "Sir, do you need me to rub your back?"

"Huh?" Xiao Peng was taken aback after hearing this, "Can you still take a bath in the hot spring?"

It's not that he has never taken a hot spring in Waguo. The rubbing and soaping are all done in the bathroom next to him. It's just a hot spring in the hot spring. Why can he rub his back here?

Ryoko smiled and said, "We are a private hot spring here. If there are any other guests, of course it is your first priority!"

She just thought of getting up and moving to Xiao Peng, but she saw Xiao Peng's expression happy: "Found it!"

Ryoko was also curious about what Xiao Peng was looking for, but saw Xiao Peng fished out a white towel from the water, which was the one he brought with him when he entered the hot spring.

After Xiao Peng wrung out the water on the towel, he got up and covered his sensitive parts with the towel and said to Ryoko, "Well, Miss Ryoko, you are soaking here now, I will go now!" After that, he ran back to the dressing room. Going to change clothes.

Ryoko watched Xiao Peng leave in a daze, I'll go, your little brother is almost a towel rack, how can you bear it?

This unscientific!

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