Godly Fisherman

Chapter 1650: Ready to slaughter sheep

"Let me just say, this was introduced by Beidao's mother Sang. How could he introduce it if it is not a high-quality customer. I will accompany him for a couple of drinks and see if he can ask for another bottle of'Issuance'." He said cheerfully: "One bottle can make eight thousand yen."

Ryoko looked at him with an expression of hatred for iron and steel, "You can't be a good one? A pair of shoes is 800,000 yen, but your eyes are on that 8,000 yen?"

"You read that right? That's from Huaxia, Huaxia is fake!" The boss didn't believe Ryoko.

Ryoko shook his head and said, "I can stay in Tokyo for more than half a year. If I can't tell whether this is true or false, then it is really useless! The owner of the shop where I was working at the time was a collector of sneakers. He had a pair of these. They are in the glass cabinet. This is the first time I have seen anyone wearing these shoes!"

After hearing this, the boss sighed: "Now Huaxia people are really rich!"

"Have you made a mistake! Is it time for you to sigh? Now we are thinking about how to get money from him? You still look at the eight thousand yen? I just looked at the woman. There is 20,000 yen in it! If you accompany the wine girl out without any money, she made 20,000 yen at this moment! I blame you today, or I should make the money!" Ryoko Staring at the boss.

When Beidao’s mother Sang called to find someone, the first thing she thought about was Ryoko. After all, was Ryoko young? But at that time, Ryoko and the two drank "sexuality" and rolled the sheets there, so they didn't go to Beidao's mother Sang, but they didn't expect high-rollers to come there. Then think about the commission from Beidao's mother Sang. How do you feel that you missed hundreds of millions?

"Okay, I have missed it and there is nothing I can do, right?" The boss didn't think so much as Ryoko thought: "Mother Bei Dao San is already very benevolent. Introduce such a good customer to us. Let's work hard and earn more. Money will do!"

"Effort?" Ryoko immediately became anxious after hearing this: "If hard work is useful, I am not a poor person!"

If Xiao Peng heard Ryoko here, he would definitely applaud. What mankind can never achieve but has always longed for is the so-called ‘fair’, born as a human being, and born unfairly.

Especially in the Wa country, they have experienced the collapse of economic myths, so they are more sensitive to social justice.

Not long ago, the University of Tokyo held an entrance ceremony. One of them, a female scholar named Chizuko Ueno, delivered a congratulatory speech, saying that the content was very realistic. As a female scholar, she pointedly pointed out: In real life, it is not like young people imagine that “work will succeed”. The reward is not brought by hard work, but given by the environment.

In today’s society, as Chizuko Ueno said: “There are still people in this world who can’t get rewards no matter how hard they work. They want to work hard but they can’t do it, and they even suffer physical and mental harm because they work too hard.”

Simply put, it is eight words: the direction is wrong, the effort is in vain.

As the most industrious Chinese in the world, Xiao Peng agrees with her very much.

Huaxia people are very hardworking, but why are there still rich and poor? Some of them are delicious and lazy, but there are many people who are clearly hardworking but still struggle for food and clothing.

They are not industrious or not working hard, but the environment they live in does not have the ability to pay in return.

Why did the country develop rapidly? It was the hard work of a whole generation of Japanese ‘996’. However, this has also caused excessive consequences in the country. Many young people in the country nowadays prefer not to marry or buy a house than to work hard because they have seen their parents work so hard but grow old, and simply start living with low desires.

As a result, Ryoko didn't respond after speaking, so she looked back. The boss is counting money cheerfully there! She was so angry that she knocked the boss's money to the ground!

"What are you going to do?" The boss glared at Ryoko.

Ryoko smiled coldly: "Who would have thought that the'mad dog' Ichiro Kashima would now be like this? Are you still the first generation of the famous'Miyagu Soul'? If you know you are so useless now, I Why should I stay with you?"

In any country, after a war, there will be a wave of people raging. For example, China’s ‘stubborn lord’ back then, such as the ‘hippies’ and the ‘Flying Car Party’ of the Stars and Stripes, and the same is true of the Wa country, which is the so-called ‘trooper’.

The establishment process of the ‘boozou clan’ of the Japanese nation and the ‘speeding car party’ of the Stars and Stripes is extremely similar.

The earliest ‘Boozou’ was born in Hiroshima, where the atomic bomb was hit. After World War II, the retired Japanese soldiers from Hiroshima returned to their hometowns and saw the city turned into rubble, their hometown turned into rubble, and relatives and friends turned into pictures on the walls. What is the meaning of this life?

Especially at that time, the Japanese soldiers were all'showa youths' who received militarism education and grew up. They were educated from childhood how powerful and fearless the Japanese nation was, but in the end, all of them became piles of rubble. For the bereaved dogs, they seem to have no other way to survive except to continue to fall.

So those Hiroshima veterans formed the so-called "Thunder Clan", dressed in military uniforms of the Kamikaze squad that fell like cherry blossoms, and wandered on the ruins of Hiroshima on their motorcycles and wielded samurai swords. And these people have become the ancestors of the ‘troopers’ of the Japanese nation!

Since the birth of the so-called ‘boozou’ in Hiroshima, there was a stage in the former U.S. country. Almost everywhere there were riot groups. Miyako City is no exception. Of course, the scale of rioters in large places is large, and that in small places. small. Large-scale violent tribes like the'Black Emperor' in the 1970s have more than five thousand people!

But later, with the Japanese attack and the formulation of laws and regulations, there were fewer and fewer mobsters, but they still exist today. but

Because laws and regulations limit the number of people, there will never be a behemoth with thousands of people. And now there are more and more ‘wen bruises’.

The so-called ‘Certainty Walking’ are those middle-aged people who are ordinary office workers. They are under too much work pressure during the day and ride a motorcycle at night or on rest days to find a sense of freedom.

Because of the economic strength of these tyrants, the cars are all expensive and good cars, and there will not be a large number of groups. Only a few people will go out and ride together to have a good time. (By the way, motorcycles such as Honda CB400 or Yamaha SR400, which are blown to the sky in China, are cheap ‘grocery carts’ in the country. They are the first choice for Wuhugou, because they are cheap...)

When Ichiro Kashima was young, he also founded a riotous clan with Guofeng. He named him "Miyako Soul" and went to Tokyo aggressively. The better name was "War to the End". In fact, he wanted to travel around. , What can a dozen people do?

As a result, they hadn’t even arrived in Tokyo. They molested a little girl when they were in Mito. Who knew that the girl was the woman of a small local mob leader. There were not many people at the time. After they started, Ichiro Gijima and the others After a fight, I found out that I was in trouble!

What to do at this time? It must be running! So they quickly fled back to Miyako City.

And even though the violent clan they fought was angry, but the two places were separated by thousands of miles, can they really take someone to Miyako to find a place? So I suffered from this dumb loss.

So Ichiro Kashima and the others have bragging capital. "Expedition to Tokyo Bay, and retreat after killing the largest local mobster" has become the signboard of their "Miyagusoul" mobster, and it continues to develop from generation to generation. , This'Miyagu Soul' really spread to this day. As the ‘first generation of Miyako Soul’, Ichiro Gajima is still very famous among the gangsters of Miyako. In addition, he drove a small hotel, although the business was not very good, but he was not hungry, so this bad girl Ryoko came to the door.

Regardless of his age, this Ryoko is still a character in Miyako City. But it's not a good reputation: I got a big belly when I was in school, and I was dissuaded by the school.

This incident once again illustrates: sometimes the law is really a shit.

Under the Japanese legal system, schools have no right to interfere with the study life and personal wishes of pregnant students. Due to the increasing incidence of pregnancy among Japanese middle school students, the Japanese Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology has issued a notice requesting schools not to dismiss students easily if they are willing to continue studying. Of course, such a clause is often just a clause, it's no different from a fart. You should persuade you to dismiss and you should go home. The reason is that it will have a bad effect on other students.

Hey, these Japanese people are still inexperienced, so why quit school! Look at Huaxia, isn't it that more middle school students are pregnant? Just find a hospital to get rid of it, just like a okay person, you should go to school, and you should continue to slap. . . . . .

But after all, Miyako is a small place, where people make irresponsible remarks, so Ryoko left Miyako City, went to Tokyo, and returned half a year later, the child also disappeared, and people became foreign. Then I don't know what happened, and hooked up with Ichiro Kashima.

This Kashima Ichiro is also considered a good fate, and he has a good father. When he died, he left him a big house. He opened a family hotel. With the help of several nearby pubs, the business was pretty good. The fishermen came back from the sea to buy them. The two and Ryoko hit it off: one wants a long-term meal ticket, the other shows the other's youth, the so-called cowherd in the sky with the weaver girl, and the lazy donkey on the ground with a broken cart. So soon the two of them mingled with firewood.

Hearing what Ryoko said, Yadao was taken aback for a moment, and then there was a fierce look on his face: "Don't say this to irritate me! If it weren't for the guest introduced by Beidao’s mother, I would have done it!

"How do you know that Beidao's mother, Sang, introduced the guests for the purpose of not letting you start and get the share? After all, she is a Chinese. What is the use of money? This is the country of Japan!"

"Hey, what you said is right...Come on, tell me your plan!"

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