Godly Fisherman

Chapter 1616: Don't mess with the traffic police

"Honey, don't be angry." Emilia comforted.

Xiao Peng said angrily, "I want to find someone to beat me out!"

He was very angry now. At the reception that day, the live band played a very considerate slow dance. It was a step away from the attraction, which was an episode from the movie "Scent of a Woman".

That's a slow tango, Xiao Peng hasn't skipped tango in his life, alright!

Emilia was still very considerate, she took Xiao Peng to dance--so Xiao Peng was tragic.

The original scene in "Scent of a Woman" reappears, but the roles are reversed, Xiao Peng has become the girl of Xiaoniaoyiren.

Even the mother couldn’t laugh so much. The most annoying thing was that the old witch’s friend was embarrassed to take the photo. After all, this was a reception etiquette, but Yang Meng and the others didn’t care about it. Xiao Peng wanted to find them to confiscate, but my mother took the phone to take pictures. What else can I do now?

Xiao Peng caught the fire and wanted to beat them up and let them watch the jokes, but everyone ran away ------ Qian Congcong and Tang Fang had to go back to deal with problems with domestic business, and they didn’t even participate in the auction. Now, Yang Meng will take his wife and children to New York to meet his father-in-law; Pan Peiyu will take his father and grandfather back to China first.

This group of people ran away. Xiao Peng wanted to beat others, but he didn't have to beat them. He wanted to chase them back and beat them, but he couldn't. After all, he had to settle the children well.

In other words, it is really not easy for these three children to come to Gezhi Middle School. This is because Xiao Peng personally donated a building and added some sporting goods to change the school qualifications for the children.

This is a well-known'secret' in the Star-Spangled Nation. Some time ago, the FBI cracked the largest enrollment fraud case in the Star-Spangled Nation, but the target was the universities in the Star-Spangled Nation instead of high schools. In fact, this phenomenon is High school is also very common. Especially the top private schools. It's just that it's more ruthless in college.

Take Harvard as an example. In the last year, one-fifth of the students at Harvard University came from rich families. The chances of the children of the rich going to private schools and entering prestigious schools are 20 times higher than that of ordinary people! Those rich second-generation students who want to enter a prestigious school can cheat through the SAT, bribe college sports coaches, and pretend their children are talented students into prestigious schools. Including the actress Felicity who starred in "Desperate Housewives" and the actress Lori of "Full House", they all use this method to put their children into top universities to study.

If you think about it from the perspective of the school, this matter is understandable: they are not China, and there is a unified government funding. How can these schools do scientific research without the money? How to establish a school? Even schools that are not charities need to survive. Therefore, it is understandable to have privileges. After all, without these rich people spending money, where are the famous schools?

But this makes it unacceptable for the general public. Why are they all human, and the rich have privileges? In the eyes of those righteous people, behind every kid who relies on fraud to enter school, there is an honest and truly outstanding kid who has been rejected by a prestigious school.

So the higher the incident, the bigger the case. The number of people involved in the case was 50 people, including well-known actors and corporate executives, as well as admissions exams and famous school coaches. The amount involved in the case exceeded 25 million US dollars, including USC. Several prestigious schools in Stars and Stripes have been dragged down.

This is actually just the tip of the iceberg. If you really want to catch it carefully, I am afraid that how Emilia went to Harvard back then will have to study it.

Of course, this fraud case can only be regarded as some ‘little rich’. The real big tycoons disdain to do so, and their method is simpler and more straightforward: just donate your building!

I donated the building so that the school can cultivate more talents in the future. Can't you let my children enter your school just like that? What an international joke!

Michael, the director of Gezhi Middle School, is also very experienced. He directly gave Xiao Peng the identity of an "honorary alumni", so Xiao Peng's behavior of donating buildings directly became an "alumni donation".

This alumni donation is a very common thing in Stars and Stripes. Some time ago, the universities in the Stars and Stripes made a statistics, which is the average donation rate and per capita donation amount of ‘alumni donations’ made by students of each university to their alma mater after graduation.

Nearly 50% of the students at Williams University, ranked first, have donated. The average donation is 23,500 U.S. dollars. This is not the most able to donate. The most able to donate is Caltech and The average donation of MIT's two polytechnic universities and California Institute of Technology students is 53,000 US dollars! MIT is a bit less, but it is also as high as more than 40,000 US dollars.

Donations from alumni like this can eliminate suspicion of money laundering and can reasonably avoid taxation. Therefore, in the donation building of the Star-Tiao Nation, the identity of the entire ‘honorary alumni’ is generally adopted.

This building is donated, but if the children can use it, it will be another matter.

Although the children will have to study here for several years, but the construction efficiency of Star Stripe Country is incomparable with China, if it is in China? Maybe the school started when the school just started, and before the end of a semester, a teaching building will be up, and in the Star Stripe country? It may not be available until the children graduate.

But this is also Xiao Peng worrying too much.

How could Michael miss the fact that Xiao Peng became an "honorary alumni" of Gezhi Middle School and donated a building? Although under Xiao Peng's strong request, Michael did not hold a press conference. But Xiao Peng's donation of buildings here was discovered by ‘a reporter who occasionally passed by Gezhi Middle School’, and the news was quickly circulated.

At this time, many people also knew about Xiao Peng in Los Angeles, such as Eminem and others. So they contacted Xiao Peng very positively.

But Xiao Peng was not happy at all.

Because the first sentence everyone calls Xiao Peng is: "Xiao, your tango dance is so beautiful!"

Only then did Xiao Peng know that the video of himself dancing with Emilia had spread online. He wants to catch the person who filmed the video now!

Xiao Peng also watched the video. It was obviously not filmed by Yang Meng and others. Even if it was filmed, they would not post it on the Internet. They must be the guests at the reception or the service staff on the scene.

Thinking of this, Xiao Peng felt qi liver hurt! What the **** is this!

Seeing Xiao Peng angry, Emilia comforted: "Okay, my dear, don't be angry. I think the video was shot well, and you did a great job! I watched that video and said you are the number one. Who believes in a dance?"

He is right, how fast is Xiao Peng's body coordination and reaction? Although it is the first time to dance, he is also a kind of master at all, so the dance is really good.

But there is a prerequisite for all this: he is a female!

Because Xiao Peng doesn't know how to dance tango, Emilia guides the whole process. Emilia dances men's dance steps, and Xiao Peng dances women's steps. Can he be awkward?

"Honey, get angry and get angry, drive slowly!" Emilia exhorted.

Xiao Peng said ‘oh’. Just now he was just angry, and the car drove a little faster. But Emilia's words were a bit late. When the car slowed down, there was already a sirens behind the car. From the mirror, a policeman had already followed up on a motorcycle.

Xiao Peng was a little speechless: "Damn, why is it so unlucky? Can you run into the police?"

Emilia explained: “The law and order here is very good. There are police officers on duty every few intersections. I forgot to tell you just now. Pull the car over!”

Xiao Peng curled his lips and said: "We are driving a Rolls-Royce, and this is all checked! No, I didn't speed when I passed there!" But he said, he still leaned on the road slowly. At the same time, put your hands on the steering wheel. When you met the police in the Stars and Stripes, you must put your hands in a prominent place to avoid unnecessary misunderstandings.

After hearing Xiao Peng's words, Emilia laughed: "What's wrong with Rolls-Royce? The traffic police of the Star Stripe Nation are fearless. One incident happened that year when a truck convoy was stopped by the traffic police. Yes, it was a military convoy and it was still carrying out the mission. The result was that they couldn't make it through. All the trucks were stopped and it was difficult to move."

Xiao Peng asked curiously: "This is also OK?"

Emilia said: "The more awesome thing is behind--------these trucks are loaded with a total of twenty nuclear warheads. Compared to them, what are you doing! Stop it!"

After hearing this, Xiao Peng blew his whistle and stopped the car to the side of the road: "Yes, I think I don't have the face of a nuclear warhead, I will bear it!"

He rolled down the car window, and the Star Stripe National Police also parked the motorcycle on the side of the road and walked over.

"Police officer, did I violate the rules?" Xiao Peng asked.

"Um, Mr. Xiao, of course you have not violated the rules. I just saw you and Miss Emilia coming over to say hello to you!" The policeman took off his sunglasses and looked at Xiao Peng.

Xiao Peng smiled at a glance: "Hey, police officer, it's you! It's really fate!"

The police officer who came was the one who caught Xiao Peng when he came to Los Angeles last time. He claims to be a fan of him, that is, he helped himself to make a translation of his driver’s license, otherwise Xiao Peng would not be here now. Drive. what do you say that is? Got, forgot one clean!

The police officer said cheerfully: "Mr. Xiao, I watched your dance, you are amazing! I just saw you today, so I came to say hello to you!"

Xiao Peng sighed, "Neither doctors nor policemen should joke with people casually. It can scare people to death. I thought I would be arrested for what I did!"

The police officer laughed: "Then you have to be prepared. The people in our police station know that you are coming to Los Angeles, and many people say they want to intercept you and take pictures with you. Unexpectedly, let me take the lead again! Mr. Xiao, we Can you take a group photo?"

Xiao Peng: "...you are too skinny? Are you afraid of something wrong?"

"The law and order here are so good, how could something go wrong?" the police officer said cheerfully.

As a result, as soon as his voice fell off, he heard a sound: "Bang!"

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