Goat Simulator

Chapter 329

Goat Simulator Chapter 329

"Respected sheep god, I have also seen the situation about the continent. If necessary, I can help the empire fight the demons. I just hope you don't hurt Catherine."

Black Dragon respectfully complained speaking of which, it seems to be a white dragon, but I guess it's largely because I brought five dragons here.

But I just learned that the Great Princess is called Catherine, which is a really good name.

"Of course, the little master calls her aunt anyway, so she has to give her some face, so you pack up and get ready, and you'll be living in the imperial city in the future, you won't even be able to see the sun here. , what a human life."

After hearing what I said, Black Dragon looked towards the Great Princess, his eyes were full of love, and it seemed that he didn't want the Great Princess to suffer underground with him.

The Great Princess said, "It's okay to fight the devil, but please don't let him engage in too dangerous a fight."

Good guy, that's my gag dog Food, it seems that the Great Princess is also sincere to Black Dragon, not because of Black Dragon's good conditions to run away with it.

"No problem, when you're ready, take your troops to gather at the original Red Dragon's castle, and we'll go to the Eternal Empire together, you all prepare first, and I have to go to the dark elves' territory. What."

After I finished speaking, I took five giant dragons to the Dark Elf's territory, which immediately caused a commotion in the territory, and many of the subordinate races were scared to hide in a hurry.

And we soon came to the sky above the city of the dark elves. At this time, the city of the dark elves was fully armed, and obviously had received the news of the giant dragon coming.

But they didn't attack rashly. After all, they were not facing one giant dragon, but five. Even if they had a Level 7 powerhouse, they might not have beaten the giant dragon head-to-head.

A group of dark elves surrounded the queen of dark elves on the city wall, and I saw two familiar silhouettes beside her, one was Lilith who was already Level 6.

The other is a Level 7 old witch, but now she looks so young, she looks much younger than Lilith, she is really old shameless.

When I saw them, I greeted them and shouted loudly: "Lilith! And the old... er, Linna! It's me, I got lost while chasing the silly dog, just caught Come here."

When the monkey saw me, he pulled Lilith's skirt and called, "It's the boss!"

Lilith looked towards the old witch, while the wife followed The dark elf queen said: "This is the sheep god who has many believers on the continent now, and is also my savior, the magical creature that helped me break through to Level 7."

"It's better than you said. It's even more magical." The dark elf queen said, squinting and looking towards these giant dragons, obviously very concerned about what happened to these giant dragons.

When I saw this, I explained: "These are all the little brothers I received along the way. Those giant dragons are all dead. Now there is no dragon kingdom in the Underground World, only the Aries Empire. ."

After hearing what I said, their faces showed incredible expressions, it seems that these guys are still too rare for such magical things, and I will come into contact with this kind of things more in the future More than that, it's no surprise.

"Can you let your little brother wait outside for a while? Let's go in and talk." The dark elf queen still seemed to be very afraid of these giant dragons.

But what's the difference between waiting outside and waiting inside, if you want to destroy the city, it's just a matter of a few dragon breaths.

But I guess it may be to see my authority. Are these guys listening to me? This bitch has a lot of heart. Sure enough, the mother's is the mother's, not as good as my male.

I immediately said to the giant dragons: "Wait for me outside, and I'll go in and talk to her about merging the dark elves."

After the giant dragons responded, I jumped off the top of Golden Dragon's head and walked towards the city gate.

When I walked into the city gate, the dark elves stood in two rows and greeted me inside the gate, which is not bad, but Interesting.

At this time, the dark elf queen also walked down the city wall and said to me: "Please come with me." Then she walked forward, Lilith and the old witch came to me around.

"What are you trying to do?" Lilith asked without any hesitation, and I said, "Do you know what happened on the continent recently?"

"No I know, but I sensed that the Dark Elements are getting thicker recently, and we're using sorcery more smoothly."

Lilith continued after a pause: "This situation seems to open up. The passage to the continent and hell, but the Demon King is still sealed in the Demon King tower, how could someone open the passage."

"It has already come out, and it has also killed the emperor, now the Demon King I don't know where to fight with an angel, the First Prince is now leading the army to resist the attack of the demon army."

After hearing my words, Lilith immediately started and said: "The Demon King has It came out!? How could it be so early?"

"Maybe it's earlier for some reason." I said casually, but the old witch said: "How could this be, how much it must be A powerful force can make it come out ahead of time."

The old witch stared at me when she spoke, but I didn't care, and I didn't have any guilt, she wondered what I could do, anyway, I wouldn't admittedly.

"Maybe it's a passing ghost." I answered them copingly, and soon we came to the castle's drawing room.

After sitting down, the dark elf queen asked, "Is there any important thing for you to come here this time?"

"For love and justice, for peace and beauty, I hope you can join the Aries Empire and go to the continent to fight against demons."

I don't believe what I said myself, Let the dark elves fight the demons, they turn their heads and defect to the demons, I believe.

Sure enough, the dark elf queen said: "But we live well underground, there is no need to fight demons on the ground, and we can't get sunlight, otherwise we will become very weak and can't fight at all. ."

I believe you, a weak level 3 dark elf can kill a level 4 troll, telling me you can't fight is a joke.

"I guess it's not voluntary for you to live underground, right?" I tried to convince the Queen of Darkness.

She nodded and said: "We are cursed not to see the sun. This is God's curse, and there is no way to lift it."

"So, if Can I help you with the problem of weakness in the sun, will you be willing to join the Empire of Aries and return to life on the continent?"

I intend to solve this problem at the root, the dark queen nodded, saying: " If you can solve our weakness in the sun and bring us back to life on earth, I'll agree to join the Aries Empire."

I nodded agreed: "Okay, that's it, Lilith, I and Lina are studying how to do it. In theory, as long as it's a curse, there should be a solution."

The dark elf queen said humbly, "Then I hope you can do it. Find out a way to lift the curse as soon as possible, and lead us back to life under the sun."

"Leave it to me, and I will help you solve this problem in the past few days." As long as she agrees to join Aries Empire, I don't think it's a big problem.

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