Goat Simulator

Chapter 294

Goat Simulator Chapter 294

Soon the goblins rushed over carrying the ladders. After they put the ladders on the city wall, they struggled to climb up.

And the dwarf raised the stone and threw it down, immediately smashing all the goblins that climbed up, screaming for a while.

I found that they don't have ranged attacks like shooters on either side, and I don't know if it's because the underground is too dark or something else.

Although the dwarves kept throwing stones, the goblins outnumbered them, and soon they ran out of stones.

But at this time, the goblins were less than half dead, and the rest, under the supervision of the elite goblins, could only struggle to climb up.

The dwarves on the city wall picked up their axes and prepared to face the goblins who climbed up. After the goblins climbed up, they waved something, and suddenly the edge of the city wall filled with air. grey dust.

The dwarves seemed to be very familiar with this routine, and immediately took a few steps back, which prevented the smoke and dust from rising on them.

The goblins rushed up immediately. At this time, the smoke-like things had dispersed, and they charged at the dwarves with the weapons in their hands.

And the dwarves also roared and rushed towards them. When the two sides touched, the goblins were instantly split in half by the powerful dwarves.

Those goblins couldn't stop the leading goat cavalry, and the forging hammer also chopped them down one by one with an axe, and soon pushed them to the edge of the city wall.

And the goblin climbing up raised that thing again. After I smelled the smell, I had probably guessed what it was. It should be something similar to lime powder.

It's no wonder that the dwarves want to avoid it. If this thing is obsessed, it can be troublesome, and goblins don't seem to be afraid of this thing.

I looked towards those dead goblins, they seem to have a special membrane on their eyes, blocking these lime powder-like things.

After they pulled back and forth between the city walls for a while, more and more goblins rushed up, making it impossible for the dwarves to clear them for a while.

At this moment, those elite goblins also climbed up, and I discovered that not all elite goblins wore half armor, half of them wore leather armor.

I guess normal goblins can't even reach level 1, those who wear leather armor should be level 1, and those who wear half armor should be level 2.

And the average dwarves are a bit higher than they are, the normal dwarves are also level 1 and well equipped, even half of them are level 2 and have shields.

But it's also equivalent to a Level 2 Dwarf facing two Level 2 Goblins at the same time, but luckily the Dwarf also has five Level 3 warriors.

When those Level 2 goblins rushed up, some of them faced the Level 2 dwarves, and the remaining fifty rushed to the goat cavalry. It seemed that they wanted to concentrate on destroying the dwarves first. high-end battle strength.

The five Level 3 dwarves, including the younger brother, were soon surrounded, and the elite goblins rushed to fight them in turn, draining the dwarves' strength.

Although the Level 2 goblins who fought with the Level 2 dwarves were a little bit unbearable, the Level 3 dwarves were also a little tired. The elite goblins didn't kill a few, and they were already tired. Out of breath.

This is also because they are riding goats, otherwise they will be more tired, obviously the weight of those armors and weapons is not light, and it is impossible to fight for too long.

But compared to them, the Forge Hammer is not riding a goat, but he is still fighting with a live dragon and animated tiger, constantly wielding the battle axe to those elite goblins, as if tirelessly .

I vaguely saw a faint green rays of light on it, this rays of light are very familiar, I seem to have seen it on the Minotaur, I remember it appeared in the arena, it seems to be The power borrowed after believing in me.

Could it be that Brother Hammer also has such a fanatical belief in me? This really surprised me. It seems that although he has never been by my side, the fair and reasonable character of the dwarf made his belief in me more pure.

Seeing that the goat Knight was out of physical strength, after being slashed by a goblin, the hammer roared: "The great goat god gives me strength!!!"

Suddenly he More green light appeared on his body. After the green light merged into his body, it even made his muscles swell to a larger size. After he swung the battle axe violently, his body quickly rotated. This move is a bit familiar. .

Suddenly, the elite goblins who attacked him were smashed and flew out, and he quickly supported the goat cavalry.

Then he split open all the elite goblins surrounding him, saving the life of the goat cavalry.

But those elite goblins didn't retreat too far, but after the hammer-forging Tornado Slash stopped, they rushed up again, trying to get rid of him first.

Just when I thought the forging hammer was dangerous, he seemed to tirelessly spin again, and immediately smashed the elite goblins that flew up.

Then the forging hammer spun toward those elite goblins, and the elite goblins avoided one after another, unable to form an effective siege for a while.

At this time, the goat cavalry also took the opportunity to attack the scattered elite goblins, and soon hacked several elite goblins to death.

At the same time, those elite goblins who faced the dwarf shield warrior alone seemed to be unable to bear it.

The dwarves themselves have strong battle strength, so after the same level is against each other, the elite goblins can't hold it anymore after just resisting for a while.

Looks like their plan failed, I can probably guess how they planned, it must be to quickly deal with the five Level 3 dwarves, and then focus on cannibalizing those Level 2 dwarves.

If there is no forging hammer, maybe their plan will be successful, but unfortunately there is the exception of the forging hammer, which directly ruined their plan.

Seeing that the plan failed, the elite goblins retreated one after another, but how could the dwarves let them go, roaring and chasing after them.

It didn't matter if they retreated, the other goblins also ran back, and all of a sudden the goblins' camp was in chaos, and they all rushed to the edge of the city wall.

This made the dwarves even more unscrupulously slashed and killed, and the goblins suffered heavy casualties, but the elite goblins retreated to the edge of the city wall in an orderly manner.

They evacuated in an orderly manner while resisting, as if they had been trained many times, and looked very formal.

And the leading goat cavalry shouted: "Don't let one run away!" Then they took the lead and rushed up, and the other dwarves also swarmed to kill those elite goblins.

This goat cavalry looks quite old and seems to be their patriarch, but this old man is ruthless enough that he doesn't plan to let anyone go.

Or are you afraid of revealing any secrets? The only secret of their battle this time should be my little brother, right? Don't the goblins know that my little brother is so strong?

It's no wonder that the goblins didn't send Level 3 strength, so there was this failed sneak attack. If there were Level 3 ones, maybe the ending would be different. , of course in my absence.

When the goblins pulled down the city wall, dozens of corpses were left behind, but most of the elite goblins were pulled down, and the damage was not too serious.

Seeing that the goblins were about to flee, patriarch immediately took the dwarves down the city wall from the stairs, opened the city gates and quickly chased after them.

At the end of this battle, more than 1000 dwarves killed more than 1,000 goblins, throwing away their armor and armor, and even left corpses while fleeing.

But in the end, the dwarves failed to keep all the goblins, and ran dozens of elite goblins.

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