Get Rich: Starting from the Game of World of Warcraft

Chapter 354 The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse

Naxxramas, the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

Alexandros Mograine, Lord Kurtaz, Duchess Broughamux, and Sir Thrijek.

High Lord Alexandro Mograine is one of the leaders of the Knights of the Silver Hand and the earliest holder of the Ashbringer. After being killed by his eldest son Raynor, Kel'Thuzad transformed him into a death knight, one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse stationed in Naxxramas.

Renault is the dog man among the men and women of the Scarlet Monastery, and one of the filial sons of Azeroth.

Whitemane, the dog girl among the Dog Men and Women of the Scarlet Monastery, will become the new Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse in the future, and will be whitewashed to become a member of the Knights of the Ebon Blade.

Azeroth has thousands of filial sons, half of them are Lordaeron. Who will perish if Lordaeron does not perish? There is no need for the undead natural disaster. A bunch of outstanding people in Lordaeron died at the hands of their sons, daughters, apprentices and other filial sons. The Lich King called him an expert, so he "passed" the Lich Throne to Arthas, fearing that he would also be filial.

After Mograine was killed by his son with the Ashbringer, the Ashbringer fell and held the corrupted Ashbringer, making him the strongest of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse.

Wen Xin gave Mograine the No. 1 mark: "This boss has a very awesome weapon."

Regardless of the attributes of the fallen Ashbringer, as an artifact as famous as Frostmourne, even if it falls, it will not hinder players from pursuing it.

In the 1980s, Tirion Fordring cut off Frostmourne with the Ashbringer and killed the Lich King Arthas.

The weapon that everyone dislikes the most.

Especially the spicy glutinous rice balls, my heart almost jumped out of my chest: "Brother, are you very strong?"

Wen Xin pointed at the fallen Ashbringer in Mograine's hands: "Invincible."

"Is this a two-handed weapon?" Zhan perhaps's eyes were shining, as if he were seeing fallen leaves in the autumn wind for the first time.

Dabao was a little excited: "Based on my ten years of experience in playing games, it must be a two-handed sword."

Two-handed swords are equal to warrior weapons. Only two-handed swords that warriors do not want can hunters be eligible to participate in the competition.

Punishment Cavalry also uses two-handed swords, but there is no Punishment Cavalry in the regiment now. The only Punishment Cavalry, Liu Feng, has gone to the Second Regiment.

"Oh, why is it a two-handed sword? It's boring."

No matter how awesome the unusable weapons are, they are just garbage in Mala Tangyuan's mind and he will immediately lose interest.

"The fallen Ashbringer. Those who have read the background story of the game should know that the Ashbringer is an artifact."

Wen Xin was filled with emotion: "Unfortunately, it has fallen and is now just an epic weapon."

The most impressive two-handed sword in the 1960s was none other than the Fallen Ashbringer. The shape of this weapon was domineering. Even in the 1970s, there were still a group of players who spent money to find people to play 4dk for it.

This was a weapon that could still be sold for tens of thousands of gold even in the 1970s.

Jingye Siyu likes to read the background story of the game released by the game company and knows something about the Ashbringer: "King Magni Bronzebeard used the living void and shadow entity purified by the believers of the Holy Light to cast the Ashbringer. This sword was made by This gained the extraordinary quality of carrying holy light. Because this sword can turn the dead into ashes, it was named the Ashbringer."

Different from artifacts brought into "World of Warcraft" from "Warcraft" such as Frostmourne and Doomhammer, Ashbringer is an original artifact from World of Warcraft and can be regarded as the first orthodox artifact in World of Warcraft.

As an artifact, players can only get the corrupted Ashbringer initially, and the real Ashbringer is taken away by Tirion Fordring.

An NPC did nothing in the 1960s and took away the most awesome loot in Naxxramas. How could it be justified?

In the 1980s, Tirifudin used Ashbringer to cut off Frostmourne and kill the Lich King Arthas.

Wen Xin didn't agree. It was obviously a player who killed the Lich King Arthas, so why did he end up killing Old Fording and take away the first achievement?

It wasn't until the Legion invaded that Tirion Fordring died on the Broken Shore. Before his death, he entrusted the Ashbringer to the (Retribution Specialized Paladin) player. After 10 years, players finally obtained this legendary artifact.


Regardless of whether the Ashbringer is corrupted or not, an artifact is enough to drive warrior players crazy.

Wen Xin corrected: "It has fallen. It is not an artifact at the moment, it is just an epic weapon."

Zhan Maybe slapped his bare forehead: "No matter, I want this weapon. I am full of awe and righteousness. Holding it in my hand may make this weapon stop corrupting and turn it back into a divine weapon."

The fallen leaves in the autumn wind are about to vomit: "Yes, you are full of righteousness, but it can only last for 3 minutes."

The whole group looked at Qiu Feng Luo Ye with ambiguous eyes. The battle might only last three minutes, but Qiu Feng Luo Ye knew it, which meant that the two of them were hey hey hey hey hey hey.

Wen Xin, who didn't understand what "hehehe" meant, smiled and then gave the No. 2 mark to Lord Kurtaz, and then gave the No. 3/4 mark to Duchess Braumix and Sir Serijek.

Lord Kurtaz was a dwarf duke during his lifetime.

Duchess Broughamux and Sir Thrijek are a couple.

Their backstories cannot be compared with the background story of old Mograine, so the one most familiar with the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse is old Mograine.

Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, 4 Death Knights, 4DK.

"The difficulty of 4dk is very high."

Wen Xin's words made everyone think involuntarily: "They are the most difficult bosses in the lower levels. Only by defeating them can you be qualified to challenge the upper levels of Naxxramas."

Zhan perhaps said: "Yes, we must defeat them and seize the artifact from their hands."

This guy only has an artifact in his heart now, and can exchange it for anything except the goddess. If the Lich King is willing to be his brother-in-law, he doesn't mind introducing his sister to Arthas.

The battles in 4dk in the 1960s were more complicated for today's players. They did not automatically go to the four corners and required players to take positions. In the 1980s, 4dk would actively go to the four corners at the beginning, and the difficulty of combat plummeted. In addition, the value of Naxxramas in the 1980s was low, and it was not afraid of the damage of the aura at all. It could instantly kill two 4dk with a burst.

The 4dk numbers in the 1960s were high, and if you wanted to defeat them, you had to make foolproof tactical arrangements.

Wen Xin began to draw a picture on the ground, and what he drew was a simple diagram of the 4dk room.

Fortunately, Wen Xin won the encouragement award in the kindergarten painting competition, otherwise he really wouldn't be able to draw.

The simple drawing is good. Wen Xin marked a point in each of the four corners of the upper, lower, left and right corners, and then wrote the marks corresponding to 4dk.

The number 1 representing Mograine is in the lower right corner, the number 2 representing Lord Kurtaz is in the lower left corner, the number 3 representing Duchess Broughamux is in the upper left corner, and the number 4 representing Sir Serijek is in the upper right corner. .

Only by marking the position where you want to pull after starting 4dk can you make subsequent arrangements.

Wen Xin began to explain the skills of 4dk, starting with Mograine No. 1: "Mograine's skill is Fire of Justice. It has a 25% melee attack chance to trigger, causing about 3,000 fire damage to the front, and an additional 5,000 dot. harm."

Ling Jing said: "This is very similar to the elemental fire of the Molten Core Big Screw."

One man, one city said: "This old man who uses a magic weapon should be more powerful than a big screw."

Zhan Xu said: "That's natural. If there is a divine weapon, I can do it."

Wen Xin went on to talk about Lord Kurtaz's skills: "Lord Kurtaz's skill is Meteorite, similar to the 5 dogs in the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj. It is cast on the current hatred target, causing about 1.5W fire damage, and can be hit by 8 yards. It is evenly distributed among the players. It will be cast for the first time 30 seconds after the battle starts, and will be cast every 10 seconds thereafter."

Everyone has a deep memory of the five dogs in the Temple of Ahn'Qiraj.

"I understand. Let's gather together to share the damage."

"It's only 15,000 damage, Master, I can handle it with a refrigerator."

"Master Niubi, how about we bring 4dk together to get A?"

"The HP of 4dk doesn't seem to be much, each one is only 500,000 or 600,000. I think it would be useful to team up with A."

4dk does not have a lot of health alone. It seems that you can pull A together, and the damage of A together will be average. It doesn't matter if the health is shared or separate. Anyway, if you die together, it's over.

Wen Xin really wanted to bring 4dk together to a, but unfortunately he couldn't: "The death knight has a halo, if we pull together a, the boss is not dead, but we are dead."

Only then did everyone remember that the death knight boss monster in the game has a halo skill, and it will continue to lose blood under the influence of the halo around the death knight.

Wen Xin went on to talk about the skills of the Duchess Blaumieux: "The Duchess's skill is the void field, which summons a black AOE area with a diameter of 5 yards. The people inside will cause about 4000 shadow damage every 2 seconds. With floor skills, just hide away. ”

The floor skill is most obvious in holographic games. As long as you are not a fool, you can avoid it without any special reminder.

"Sir Seryek's skill is Holy Wrath. It is cast on a random target within 35 yards, causing about 600 initial holy damage. When there is a player within 10 yards, it will ricochet and the damage will be doubled. There is no upper limit to the number of ricochetes."

After Wen Xin talked about Serijek's skills, everyone understood again.

"Isn't this the green light of C'Thun?"

"No, it should be the skill of Zul'Gurub's Viper boss, the same holy anger."

I have experienced a lot of the same skills, so it is not difficult to deal with them.

Wen Xin said: "The difficulty of 4dk is mainly due to their halo. The entire battle needs to be carried out around the halo."

Wen Xin began to explain the halo of 4dk in detail.

4dk will cast its own unique mark on all players within 65 yards around it, once every 12 seconds. The number of layers can be superimposed. The damage is determined by the number of layers. The higher the number of layers, the higher the damage. With the dark resistance BUFF, there is no damage at level 1, around 300 at level 2, around 1100 at level 3, around 3300 at level 4, and non-tank professions will be instantly killed at level 5.

Generally, reaching 4 layers is the limit, and the mark lasts for 75 seconds. Each time the mark is hit, the duration will be refreshed. The marks of all knights are independent and will not overlap with each other.

After the boss dies, it will exist in the form of a soul. It will not move but will continue to cast marks and cause normal attacks to nearby people. Therefore, the BOSS must die in a specific corner, and players cannot approach the area where its mark is attached.

"The battle in 4dk requires us to constantly move according to the number of aura layers on our body. For example, if Mograine's aura reaches 3-4 layers, we must stay away from Mograine and fight other bosses."

"When you have stacked 3/4 layers on other bosses and Mograine's aura layers have not disappeared, you must go to the third boss."

"The halo releases damage once every 12 seconds. If you lose too much health at 4 layers, you will most likely not be able to run out of the 65-yard range before the fifth halo damage arrives. The safest thing is to run away with 3 layers of halo."

"In other words, you have to run in 36 seconds. It is impossible to really have 36 seconds. The actual time to output each boss is 30 seconds. You can run away in 30 seconds."

When Wen Xin said this, some people in the group were already dizzy.

It will indeed make you dizzy. 4dk's mechanism directly increases the complexity of the boss to a higher level, making it difficult for players in the 1960s to adapt.

Wuyue said: "The halo damage is infinitely superimposed. It seems that our tanks have to run too."

Wen Xin nodded and said: "Everyone has to run, including tanks and healers. This is also the core of 4dk's play style. Almost everyone is constantly changing positions throughout the battle."

The skills in 4dk are not the most difficult, the most complicated thing is how to move.

"There's one big problem."

Wen Xin did not immediately arrange who would pull which boss, how everyone should position themselves, and which boss should be killed first.

"What's the problem?" Qiufeng Luoye asked.

Wen Xin looked at the four violent warriors in the group: "Four violent warriors, please change your equipment into tanks and get into defensive postures."


Zhan maybe, I will take action, Dabao, Xiaobao, and others are all in the dark.

Wen Xin had no choice but to repeat it again, asking them to change tank equipment, switch to a defensive posture, and become guest tanks.

"No way, 4dk requires 8 tanks?" Dabao fainted.

I will change the equipment with one click: "I finally understand why the president wants all four of us to fight with tank equipment. It turns out that it is to fight 4dk."

There has never been a boss that requires 8 tanks. 4dk has refreshed everyone's understanding.

At this time, even Desert Guyan couldn't help but marvel: "There are 8 tanks. How can those teams that don't have tank equipment in the violent battle fight 4dk."

"There are also wild groups, which can't be fought at all."

"The wild group can't see 4dk, so there's no need to worry."

It is true that wild groups will not see 4dk unless Naxxramas is weakened.

4dk is the watershed in the difficulty of Naxxramas. Non-top teams can stop here and wait for the dungeon to be weakened before playing again.

Only 1%, or 0.1% of the top teams are qualified to challenge 4dk, thereby qualifying for the upper-level challenge of Naxxramas.

Wen Xin was prepared for a rainy day. He had been giving the tank equipment that the main tank no longer needed to the violent warriors in the regiment, so that each violent warrior in the regiment had a set of tank equipment.

Normally, I would change the tank equipment at most and play a role as a tank. This time, all four violent warriors are required to carry tank equipment in their backpacks and be ready to play a role as a tank at any time.

The reason why Dabao and Xiaobao were promoted from substitutes to the main force was because Wen Xin worked with them and let them serve as tanks. After making sure that they were capable of playing tanks, he promoted them to the main force.

In order to get the first kill in Naxxramas, Wen Xin selected all the candidates on the basis of merit. He would not select people for important professional positions based on favours.

The four violent warriors quickly changed the tank equipment and put it into a defensive posture.

Wen Xin started the follow-up battle arrangements.

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