Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 188 Unconscious Power

After dinner, Fei Fei returned to the college residence and saw Nia outside the gate with her head lowered and kicking stones.

"Cordo Feifan, Dean Leslie wants you to go there!" The cold and dry imperative made Feifan sound uncomfortable.

This was the second time the two met since the riots, and Fei Fei was amazed by Nia's face-changing skills.

"Is it because my title of fire priest is not worthy of the name?" Feifan thought to himself.

Rodney's fire apprenticeship class was originally prepared for Nia, but now it has been robbed. No wonder the eldest lady is unhappy.

There are only a few magicians, and female magicians are even rarer.

Being a magic priest is not something you do casually. If Dean Leslie hadn't known about his level as a high-level water magician, he would still be a teaching assistant to coax children.

"Hey, Nia, I heard that you are leveling up to a high level? How many high-level magics have you mastered now?"

Following in the footsteps of the repressed eldest lady, Feifan had no choice but to find a topic to ease the awkward atmosphere.

"I want you to take care of it!" He replied bluntly without looking back.


Perhaps feeling that she was going a little too far, Nia turned a third of her delicate cheek to one side and hummed softly.

"Anyway, I don't know as much as you, extraordinary high-level magician! I don't know what magic equipment you use to hide your magic rank."

It seems like a question, but Feifan knows one thing. He controls the magic reserves in his body through his mental power, causing the magician badge to misread his information.

There are light gray badges for beginners, black badges for intermediate levels, silver badges for advanced levels, and gold badges for high-level and great magician levels.

As for the rank badges from wizard to holy magician available online, he had only read the picture description in the magic notes left by his mother.

Arriving at the high-rise residential area of ​​the college and leading Fei Fei to the living room, Nia ran upstairs.

"Hey, Fei Fei doesn't show up, Nia is still angry with me! Sit down!"

Sitting on the main seat in the living room, Dean Leslin motioned for Fei Fei to sit down and brewed coffee himself.

"Dean, let me do it!"

He took the boiling tin kettle from Leslie's hand and took the coffee cup from the iron stand on the table with extraordinary skill.

"Fei Fei, I wonder what you think of the competition among the four houses?" Dean Leslie asked on the spot.

The Fourth Academy Competition is privately known as the Four Academy Competition among the academy students.

Scenes of experiences in the past years have warned all the students of the Magic Academy that friendship first and competition second are all lies.

Even if it is for the rewards of the competition, all the students participating will do whatever they can.

"Well, Mr. Dean, I have just come to our college. Shouldn't these matters be discussed with the senior leaders of the college?"

"Ahem" the extraordinary question left Leslie a little confused.

"I already know about the competition between you and Priest Dunk and Priest Dathra. The courtyard means it is a competition for apprentices, oh no. The competition will let you lead the team!"

Putting down the coffee cup in his hand, Leslie looked at Fei Fei with bright eyes, which made the latter feel scared in his heart.

"Look, you have only been a teaching assistant for a long time, and now you are a priest. With your qualifications, is the rank of teacher and professor still far away?"

From teaching assistant to priest, if it weren't for my dean's push, would you think it was easy for you to get promoted?

"Master Dean, I am still relatively inexperienced!" Feifan explained with a smile.

"The winning team will each be rewarded with a primary magic crystal of this system, as well as three volumes of advanced skill books for each person!"

Temptation, pure temptation!

"Uncle Leslie, this is me."

"There is also a reward from the academy. Since you are asked to call me uncle, shouldn't this reward be discussed between the two of us?"

At this moment, Feifan was not only feeling terrified in his heart, but also felt that green hair was beginning to grow on his face, which was ominous.

In this way, after the two of them had a commercial bragging, there was still no result.

"Hey, you two are done! I almost fell asleep listening to this!"

Nia poked her dark golden head out from the corner of the stairs and shouted loudly.

"Deng, Deng, Deng!" Nia's angry voice coming up the stairs came from the stairs.

"Hey!" Leslie breathed, glanced at Fei Fei, and shook his head.

So scary!

"Ha, I mean, Uncle Dean, just tell me what you have to say!" After three cups of coffee, Feifan still felt sleepy.

"Okay, then I'll tell you the truth! Even if I don't tell you, you will find out the news when the competition is approaching!"

"I won't talk about these other departments. Let's just talk about our magic competition. This is originally a good measure for children to realize their own shortcomings and improve themselves in the future."

"But, I don't know which year, the magic competition will gradually change its flavor!"

Having said this, Leslie picked up the coffee, took a sip, and seeing that Fei Fei was listening seriously, continued:

"In the magic competition, the students were not the ones who suffered the most casualties. The ones who suffered the most were the magic teachers who led the team!"

It's a bolt from the blue, I said, Mr. Dean, you are talking about the competition and it's all over the top.

It's both a show of favor and a big temptation.

This also allowed Fei Fei to understand from the side that Dean Leslie did not want Miss Nia to serve as a priest, especially a priest with apprentices.

In the past few months in York City, there were usually casualties in fights.

Not to mention the competition with real swords, guns, and magic.

As the beloved daughter of the dean, if she is really selected, in order to show fairness, dean Leslie will definitely send Nia to the stage in tears.

The extraordinary black eyes were chattering wildly, and his face was very calm, and Leslie couldn't see why.

"This, Feifan, don't get me wrong! Uncle, I really don't mean anything else!"

"The main reason is that you are too conspicuous. Although Dunk is only an intermediate earth magician, in terms of defense, a high-level magician also needs to spend a huge amount of magic power reserves to break through his defense."

"Not to mention Priest Dathra, a quasi-high-level magician! Both of them are magicians who have experienced actual combat, not the kind who do research in the magic tower!"

"Dathra traveled in the mainland before coming to the academy, and even joined a large mercenary group!"

I don’t know why, but after listening to Dean Leslie’s words, I thought about my experience during this time.

"I suddenly realized that I really have extraordinary combat power! Oh my god!" The extremely powerful self-confidence in my heart.

"Okay, Dean Leslie, I'll take over this mission!" Feifan agreed.

"Hey, think about it again. You are still young and have a lot of potential. Eh? What did you say?"

After receiving the extraordinary affirmation, Leslin lost his composure and was so excited that he even opened a bottle of whiskey to celebrate.

"No, this is a contract! There are no penalties for violation, but they are all used to receive rewards! Haha!" When Laislin placed the extremely familiar contract style in front of his eyes, especially the shining silver needle, he was instantly confused. It feels like a quilt cover.

"This is not necessary, Mr. Dean, I usually bring my own silver needles!"

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