Full-time insurance agent

Chapter 187 We are all good friends

York City Magic Academy training ground.

Six teenagers practiced magic in a training ground surrounded by a circular black stone fence.

Although these little guys have studied the basic water magic skill book, the success rate of magic skill release is still a bit touching.

Ordinary water bombs are supposed to be the size of an adult's fist, but in the hands of several people, the water bombs released each time are not as big as a grape.

"Hey, magic skills don't mean that once you master them, you can always use them. Your mood, environment, and magic power reserves can all affect the success rate of magic skills!"

Feifan held a cigarette in his mouth and looked at the seventh boy on the sidelines: Trunks.

It has to be said that Trunks is very talented in magic. The water mist condensed on his palms has a tendency to condense. If he is given a basic skill book of "Water Bomb Technique" now, he might be able to master it.

"It's better to take it slow. It's good to have a solid foundation!"


Exhale a smoke ring, relaxed and comfortable.

"Hey, Fei Fei! What are you thinking about?"

Next to the training ground for the extraordinary apprentices was the place for the fire magic apprentices. Casper Rodney came over at some point.

"Hi, Rodney! Did you see the 'steam locomotive' just now? Are you interested in getting one to play with? I'll give you 20% off!"

The 20% discount is only 80 amethyst coins, but the current price is hard to say!

"Twenty percent off? It also costs four thousand amethyst coins. I don't have the courage to buy a transportation tool!"

Feifei didn't say anything against his will. If the faculty hadn't found their students, Feifei would be overcrowded now.

"Haha, think of the roar of steel and the thrill of lightning speed. You deserve to have an 'extraordinary motorcycle'!"

Feifan, who was grinning from ear to ear, seduced Rodney. Now there were tens of thousands of amethyst coins lying in the space. Feifan had an incomparable yearning for wealth.

"Hey, I gave it to you!"

The exquisite iron pine cylinder was patted on the extraordinary chest by Rodney.

"Hey, what is this?" Feifan asked curiously.

"Open it and you'll find out!" Rodney said.

There is a raised silver spring buckle on the top of the cylinder. With a light press of Feifan's fingers, the small round cover pops open.

The seal inside the cylinder was sealed with amber rosin, and I probably had the answer in my mind.

Take a light sniff, and the fresh rosin is mixed with a touch of burnt tobacco.

"Top pine resin tobacco from Bagut County?" Fei Fei asked uncertainly.

"Papa" Rodney clicked his palm twice.

"Sure enough, you are not just hanging out with a cigarette in your mouth, you are indeed a member of the same hobby!"

"Why are you so embarrassed? Rodney!" Feifan declined.

"It's not too much to ask for a cigarette!"

"Hey, come on, this is my homemade cigarette, try it!" Feifan was helpless, but for a gift worth more than a hundred purple coins, he couldn't wait to give it more.

As a result, the apprentices from the two disciplines who were originally incompatible with each other on the training ground saw their priests squatting together, holding cigarettes in their mouths, and chatting happily.

"Tsk, tsk, I guarantee that the cigarettes in the hands of the Extraordinary Priest definitely come from the Extraordinary Chamber of Commerce! Look at the blue smoke, I can smell its aroma from so far away!"

Priest Dunk looked at the two colleagues who were puffing away with envy, which made Priest Dathra on the side feel secretly resentful.

Why, the person who went up on the pole to take a picture of the subject is now turning around to take a picture of that annoying silver-haired boy.

What's special is Rodney's action of patting the rosin tobacco tube directly on Feifan's chest, which is even more affectionate and endearing. Is this still the arrogant heir of the Casper family?

Of course, Dathra will not take the initiative to provoke.

Of course, they can't beat each other. It seems that both of them are high-level magicians, but in actual combat, Fei Fei can stay a few blocks away from him.

No one else has the money, but with five thousand purple coins and a motorcycle, I estimate that I will have to work for several years.

The most important thing is that Huan Ma is so handsome. If instead of having black eyes, he had blue eyes that symbolized noble blood, Dathra would have thought that Fei Fei was the illegitimate son of His Majesty the King.

More importantly, Feifan is a head taller than Dathra!

Goddess of nature, it's not that I'm filled with jealousy, but that so many good things have been done by this extraordinary boy! Just a little frustrated!

"Yes, I'm just a little depressed!" Dathra muttered to herself.

"What? Are you sulky? Dathra." Dunk's honest and caring face made Dathra want to kick him.

During the break between classes, Fei Fei and Rodney taught their magic apprentices the key points of practice and the control of magic power.

And the chanting of magic spells has a high pitch and a long and short interval in between.

The afternoon magic practice class passed while the two water and fire priests chatted and slapped each other. Rodney and Feifan met to enjoy dinner in the restaurant of the academy.

After returning to the residence of the college, after a short rest and simple freshening up, Fei Fei came to the faculty restaurant of the college.

"Hey, Fei Fei, here!" Rodney sat at the dining table in the corner and waved.

There were not many people in the restaurant. Following the waiter, Fei Fei came and sat down in front of Rodney.

"It is not in line with noble etiquette for you to shout so loudly, dear Lord Rodney!"

Being teased by Fei Fei, Rodney smiled slightly and pushed the menu in his hand in front of Fei Fei.

As a smooth meal was served on the table, the two of them chatted while eating.

"Rodney, thank you again for the turpentine tobacco. Please accept this small gift in return!"

A bright copper finger-length key lay in a small black stone box and was pushed in front of Rodney by Feifan.

Although he had never seen the "steam locomotive" key in real life, Rodney still recognized what it was at a glance.

"Haha, Feifan, you are so hypocritical. You also said that the gift I gave you is expensive. This key is worth thousands of amethyst coins!"

"If we only look at value, it would be enough to buy dozens of tubes of tobacco!"

Shaking his head, Rodney pushed the black box back.

Just as Fei Fei was waiting for another persuasion, a dusty young man came in from the door of the restaurant, wearing the Casper family crest on his chest.

The young man walked straight up to Rodney, took off his hat, and touched his chest.

First he saluted Rodney, and then he saluted Feifan.

It's not strange to be polite to many people, Feifan nodded in return.

"Phenomenal, this is my butler Nimit."

Rodney introduced the visitor, and without waiting for Extraordinary to introduce himself, he asked Nimit the reason for his visit.

"Lord Rodney, this"

Judging from what Nimit meant, he had something he wanted to report privately.

Unexpectedly, Rodney waved his hand and said, "Speak directly, Fei Fei is my friend!"

"Yes, sir!"

"The family's silver car should have arrived yesterday, but there is still no sign today. I have sent someone back on a wildebeest to find out the news!"

Most of the non-local nobles living in York City have their own businesses. A traveling nobleman like Rodney needs family support for his expenses.

It was obvious that either the "silver carriage" carrying the dinar had not been in an accident or Rodney had been weaned by an elder in the family.

After Rodney said a few words of indifference, Nimit bowed and left.

Rodney's mood was not affected as he was slicing the ground dragon steak, at least on the surface.

"The only thing that can be considered delicious in the restaurant is the tender pork ribs with onions, ground dragon, and onions!" Rodney bit into the steak and asked Fei Fei to eat it while it was hot.

"Well, although it sounds a little rude to say it, Rodney, if you have financial difficulties, I can provide some minimal help!"

Although he was rejected, when the extraordinary understanding of Rodney's character pushed the steam locomotive key again, Rodney no longer had a good excuse to refuse.

If you refuse to give money directly, but if you refuse the key as a gift in return, then you can't be good friends!

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