Extraterrestrial parasite

Chapter 311 Impact

Putting aside this ridiculous idea, the day after the meeting, a message came from Los Angeles.

Boss, we are in trouble.

Well, what's wrong?

Chen Yang picked up the fragrant tea cup on the table and took a slow sip.

our side……

In the video, Shangye's communication avatar changed and accessed the real-time footage captured by the surveillance camera.

Ants... No, countless black heads, like ants, blocked the entire street outside Andres Park. At a glance, the end of the crowd could hardly be seen. According to the successive transfers of other surveillance cameras, Chen Yang ate Startled.

The rest of the streets outside the park gate were also filled with vehicles and people rushing to block it. Countless people came from Los Angeles and even all over the place, wearing thick clothes and masks, holding banners in their hands. ——Open andexa production permissions and disclose the manufacturing process!

Different genders, different races, people of different ages, and people from different countries. Although they are different in appearance and dress, they are blocking several streets at the moment, with more than tens of thousands of people. The crowds of people all have the same characteristics!

That’s anger and excitement!

What makes them angry is Andres's indifferent attitude. What makes him excited is that many people have gathered together to put pressure. The medicine will soon be made public and they will be saved!

Open the production process...Open the production authority!

Large groups of people crowded in front of the iron gate of the park, roaring at the guards at the edge of the gate.

A dozen guards looked nervously at the dark crowd outside the door, holding batons in their hands with very frightened expressions. With so many people surrounding them, if they rushed in, they would really be dead.

Quick. Look there!

A guard suddenly shouted loudly.

Looking in the direction indicated by their companions, many guards were startled. They saw someone in the crowd outside brought a ladder and put it on the wall of the park, trying to climb up.

This was really serious, and guards immediately ran over. People from outside who want to come in this way are blocked.

However, as the crowd gathered more and more, many angry crowds, seeing Andres's delay in responding, began to throw objects, such as glass bottles, cans, stones, etc., into the park with their debris, causing the guards guarding the door to I also had to dodge for a while.

Fortunately, the gate of the park is indeed strong enough. The crowds crowded at the gate can never rush in, allowing the guards to breathe heavily.

Why haven't the police come yet?

It seems like the police are blocking the outside and can't get in at all.

This should be a fact. I don't know how many people... at least tens of thousands of people have come from home. It's normal for a few streets to be blocked, and it's normal for police cars to be unable to get through. Even if the National Guard is mobilized, it will take time. I don’t know if this place can last that long.

Chen Yang frowned as he watched the video content, After you had a problem last time, I asked you to make rectifications. Why is it still like this now?

Fang Ye smiled bitterly. Barbed wire was added to the top of the outer wall. But it can't stop so many people from forcing themselves on it.

How many guards do you have there?

There are seventy-five people on the job now... This is already the result of expanding the team, boss.

Fang Ye said: Some people are specifically looking for former Marine Corps members. They should have good fighting qualities.

Chen Yang shook his head. No matter how good his fighting qualities were, facing an angry crowd of tens of thousands of people with a baton in his hand would still be useless.

Normally, if someone breaks into a private area, they will be shot according to American law. It also belongs to the nature of self-defense. But this must not be done at this time. Once guns are used to suppress the people, it is very likely to cause large-scale trampling and mass death, and Andres will definitely cause big trouble.

Have you notified the city government?

It has been notified, and Garcetti said that the police would be dispatched as soon as possible. However, according to the news received earlier, the police sent to clear the defense were all blocked a few streets away.

Then notify the state government and the White House and ask them to send people to rescue. Otherwise, the first batch of antibiotics will be delayed and destroyed. Don't say we didn't warn.

Boss...isn't this too rude? Fang Ye hesitated.

Don't worry, be tougher, we are what the other side needs at this time.

Chen Yang didn't take it seriously: In addition, before the rescue force arrives, you can abandon the office area and enter the production park for defense when necessary. No one should be allowed to break into the production plant.

Yes, boss.

Also, I remember that the five-person team led by Ryan is on your side? Ask him to organize the guards to enter the first-level alert state and apply defensive measures according to the situation.

Turning off the communication, Chen Yang rubbed his temples. The trouble here was really difficult to solve.

To be honest, with his current force methods, not to mention sending too many armed personnel over, just transporting ten TC-300 drones over would be enough to defeat the unarmed crowd.

But doing so would completely put him on the side of anti-humanity, and would attract the attention of the US government. The person in charge of Andres would be directly brought to court, and the company would immediately be investigated.

That would be all over.

Therefore, flexible means must be used. It is not a big deal to abandon the office area as a last resort. As long as you enter the production park that is fully protected by high-voltage electricity, there is not much difference in time to prevent the crowd from reaching the rescue force.

His current main trouble is not this side, but the special attention from the US government.

The epidemic that spreads around the world is a huge opportunity, but it has attracted countless attention and must be endured. Especially this time ndm-eh came suddenly and all antibiotics became ineffective. However, just when the world was in despair, it happened so quickly. , such a coincidental answer to the emergence of antibiotics, as long as you think more about it, you will cast suspicious eyes on Andres.

Ordinary people wouldn’t think of it, and they might not have so many ideas, but the U.S. government wouldn’t think so?

it's out of the question.

There is no direct evidence, and now the U.S. government needs them, so they won't say anything publicly, but they may use secret investigation methods.

This is on the one hand, and on the other hand, the huge pressure from major pharmaceutical companies around the world will also be faced in the future.

Maybe the people who stormed Andres Park this time have these forces behind them, but who knows.

This is not over yet. Next, Andres will face negotiation meetings with governments of various countries to discuss the procurement of antibiotic Andexa.

You can imagine the intrigue and the intensity of the negotiations!

Forget about countries in Brazil, Southeast Asia, and Africa that are severely affected by the epidemic. Andres can completely avoid them. These countries have nothing to do with Andres, and they are powerless.

However, the pressure and negotiations by the Chinese government, the Russian government, the European Union and other countries and alliance forces are the highlight of the event, and these countries must not be underestimated in the slightest.

If this negotiation goes well, it will be a business worth tens of billions or even hundreds of billions of dollars. If it goes bad...then wait until the United Nations meeting, where the five gangsters will directly notify Andres that Andex must be disclosed. All production processes.

According to Fang Ye’s report just now, officials from the Chinese Consulate General in Los Angeles, as well as more than 30 countries including Russia, the United Kingdom, France, Germany, and Italy, contacted Andres immediately after the press conference. Request He Fangye and other senior officials who can call the shots to start discussions on the purchase batch of the antibiotic Andexa.

Many people have even made plans to purchase authorized production...

The Chinese officials are the most generous here, hinting inside and out that as long as Andres releases what they need, all problems will not be a problem - whether it is the policy of giving the green light in the future or money, it will not be a problem!

Chen Yang likes it very much because of its wealth and wealth, especially the Chinese government...it is indeed too wealthy and may be the big country with the least negotiation pressure.

As for countries like the United Kingdom, France, and Germany, they wanted to carve out only a little bit of benefits without saying a word, and then get the maximum benefit, which made Chen Yang feel very displeased with them.

The reason why Andres is not feeling so much pressure now is because of a previous negotiation with the black president, Barack, and the hidden thoughts of the White House, which allowed him to resist the pressure from these countries. Otherwise, Chen Yangyuan It will never be as easy as now.

I wonder what happened to the batch of goods shipped to Australia?

Calculated based on time, the batch of goods arriving in Australia, weighing 10,000 pieces, was a reward for the support of the Australian government.

In addition, 50,000 Andexa doses need to be delivered to the U.S. government and 10,000 Andexa doses to the Los Angeles City Government within three days...

It seems like a lot, but it’s actually a drop in the bucket. According to Chen Yang’s calculations, according to the current development of the global epidemic, the total number of Andexa needed should be as high as 80 million!

If each Andexa is priced at US$200, there will be US$16 billion in revenue.

This is only for now. As long as the epidemic continues to spread, the demand for andexa will continue to increase. After one month, the number needed will not be 80 million, but as high as 2 billion! This is an 800 billion dollar cake!

If the related preferential policies and other social benefits are taken into account, the value of this cake will increase ten times!

No wonder so many mad dogs are about to pounce on it. Anyone who sees this cake can't help but come over and bite it.

Knocking on the table, Chen Yang's eyes were filled with a sneer. Although completing the plan is the fundamental goal, the hard work process is also part of what human beings need to enjoy! (To be continued...)

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