Extraterrestrial parasite

Chapter 301 Hope (Part 2)

Excuse me, does andexa really have a therapeutic effect on ndm-eh infection?

At the crowded press conference, everyone who entered the venue was issued a sky-blue isolation gown, put on a mask, and washed their hands with disinfectant before being allowed in.

The person who just raised his hand to speak was a New York Times reporter.

Yes, through a large amount of clinical trial data from our company and testing by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, it has been proven that Andexa is indeed effective in treating NDM-eh bacterial infections.

Fang Ye sat on the rostrum, lowered his head into the microphone and answered reporters' questions.

With a crash, the reporters and people below the rostrum suddenly fell into conversation and uproar. Many reporters rushed to raise their hands to ask questions.

Don't be anxious, please come one by one.

Sir, I am a reporter from the Associated Press. I would like to ask a question. Why is this new antibiotic developed by your company? Sorry, I just want to say that your company is just a new company. Does it have the ability to develop antibiotics? Strength?

This question is not [top][point] of the novel, it is not sharp.

However, Fang Ye just paused for a moment and then said with a smile: I also want to ask this journalist friend a question. I don't know why the theory of relativity was discovered by a post office clerk and not by a well-known person in the world at that time. What scientists discovered?”


Fang Ye's answer was obviously suspected of subverting the concept. Just when the Associated Press reporter was stunned and wanted to refute, Fang Ye didn't give him a chance to speak and said directly into the microphone: Okay. , please ask the next friend.

Sir, I would like to ask. I don't know how much cargo Andexa has reserved. Can it meet the needs of the United States and the epidemic outbreak areas around the world?

About the reserve capacity... I'm sorry, because Andexa has a good therapeutic effect on ndm-eh, which we recently discovered and conducted clinical trials. Moreover, we have not yet fully obtained the FDA's production document approval, so our reserve capacity is not not much.

So how much can your company's production line produce every day?

The reporter asked questions continuously.

Regarding this issue, I can only say that we will try our best... We have received support from the White House government and have sufficient funds, so you don't have to worry too much about this issue.

Naturally, Fang Ye would not reveal so easily that a large amount of antibiotics had been stored in the warehouse. Otherwise, this would be illegal production, and it would be bad to leave a clue.

His answers were watertight, which disappointed many people present.

Next, reporters from all over the world asked an unbelievable amount of pointed questions... Some even pointed out that Fang Ye was Chinese. Is there anything wrong with it?

Fortunately, Fang Ye looked calm. There were not many mood swings throughout, as if he was playing skilled Tai Chi Kung Fu, and he smoothed out all the attacks without attracting any more suspicion or hostility. It has to be said that Fang Ye, who was already extremely good, has become much better than before in all aspects after experiencing the broadening of his horizons during this period.

The entire press conference. The final climax came with the appearance of the President of the United States, the first black president in the history of the United States. I thanked all the guests first, and then spoke in a heavy voice about the huge damage this epidemic has caused to the United States and the irreparable losses it has caused to people around the world. His words were powerful and full of emotion, which actually attracted all the attendees. The mood was completely aroused. It attracted cheers from below.

Fang Ye nodded secretly after hearing this. If nothing else, if the President of the United States wants to sit in this position, his ability to do things may be insufficient, but his speaking skills are absolutely outstanding. Compared to this black president. He is still inferior.

But it doesn't matter, as long as there are no mistakes in his previous answers, he is not here to elect the president of the United States.

A two-hour press conference ended, and Fang Ye understood that the matter had entered a truly critical moment. The difficulties encountered above are just the appetizer.

Sure enough, as soon as the reception ended, Fang Ye walked out of the venue. The outside was crowded with reporters from all over the world. There were five or six hundred people in the crowd. I don't know why these people came so fast.

And it can be expected that this number of people is by no means the end. I am afraid that there will be more people coming from all over the place in a hurry.

It took a dozen bodyguards a lot of effort to get Fang Ye into the car. Behind the convoy of cars, many reporters followed unwillingly, hoping to find some useful exclusive clues.

But compared to the madness here, the madness on the global Internet is the real madness!

Television stations in various countries will broadcast the reception live if conditions permit, and purchase the broadcast rights if conditions do not exist. As for YouTube, the world's largest video website on the Internet, it will broadcast the entire event live.

After the meeting, this live video had more than 12 million views in less than three hours!

The search volume of Andres' name on Google is also rising rapidly. The traffic of the official website has increased exponentially, and it almost froze and collapsed due to the load.

Of course, the question that netizens from all over the world are most concerned about is very simple: when can we buy finished antibiotics?

Oh my God, thank God, my name is Ashwath, I'm in Cambridge now, does anyone have andexa? Really, I really need it... My wife and kids are in quarantine right now, I have to get this Antibiotics, I'm willing to pay any price...

I also need an Andexa, who has one? I'll pay $10,000 for one! This is a forum user from Dubai.

I'll pay you $100,000! There are many users in Dubai, and they won't be short of money.

Please everyone, my child is really in need, please help my child...

A large number of remarks like this appear all over the Internet. Unfortunately, the information they have searched so far shows that Andres is far away in Los Angeles, USA, and the drug has not yet been mass-produced. Not to mention satisfying the rest of the world, it may not even be able to satisfy the United States.

At this moment, a new wave of public opinion appeared online.

It is strongly recommended that now that the entire human society is in the most dangerous moment, Andexa should be fully announced so that pharmaceutical factories around the world can produce it unconditionally...otherwise Andexa will be responsible for the lives lost all over the world!

Hidden several big hands that control public opinion. It quickly led public opinion in a direction that was extremely unfavorable to Andres.

In fact, such public opinion is not completely beyond Chen Yang's expectation. Those giant pharmaceutical companies will definitely not be willing to let Andres eat such a large amount of profits alone, and they must take corresponding measures to deal with it.

Under normal circumstances, this kind of public opinion has no effect on Andres. After all, it is natural for research and development to enjoy patents. Only madmen would attack others.

But when this epidemic involves all parts of the world. When it causes harm to human society as a whole, it is no longer important who owns the patent. What is important is to control the epidemic in the shortest possible time.

Then the White House, under pressure from the giant pharmaceutical companies, is likely to ask Andres to disclose his authority and allow pharmaceutical companies around the world (of course the big companies) to produce it to save people. Of course, making money by selling is inevitable. This way you can get a share of the pie. At the same time, it can also suppress Andres, a strange company that suddenly appeared.

But good and evil depend on each other, and this incident can be both a disaster and a disaster. But it's also an opportunity.

As mentioned before, during this critical period, the White House can indeed put pressure on Andres, but Andres's headquarters is not in the United States, but in Australia. It is an overseas offshore company and is not subject to relevant legal constraints of the US government.

As long as the White House requires Andres to disclose the patent authorization in this way. Then Andres can directly make the matter public and claim that the U.S. government is blatantly violating the law. Even if it does not gain the advantage of media public opinion, it can still upset the White House.

In addition, it is claimed that any company or individual that is not authorized to produce andexa is illegal... This effect is indeed very binding.

Anyway. The above effects are not the biggest reasons, but just the key point!

The drug process files and other related materials submitted by Andexa to the FDA for review missed some key points. These key points may seem important at first glance, but if you want to produce andexa without knowing it, you will inevitably suffer setbacks.

This setback can indeed be overcome, but time waits for no one, not just the whole world, but the American people still have the patience to wait for the government to spend another month studying it? The black president did not yet have such authority.

Although doing so does not comply with the FDA review procedures, with this confidence, Fang Ye's previous secret negotiations with Barack not only got exactly what the company wanted, but at least dispelled many bad thoughts of the White House government.

Public opinion on the Internet is moving in a direction that is unfavorable to Andres, but Andres has yet to give an official explanation, allowing public opinion to become increasingly unfavorable to the company.

In fact, this disadvantage does nothing to harm the company if you think about it seriously.

No matter how dissatisfied you feel, no matter how arrogant you shout, when Andexa is placed in front of you, as long as you don’t want to die, you have to pay for it honestly. You have to be quick when buying this, otherwise you won't be able to buy it.

No, it should be said that it is not available at all now.

Chen Yang sat in the office, holding his chin and thinking seriously about a question. Should he also learn from some domestic companies and do something like F code, M code, and do hunger marketing?

A batch of antibiotics is opened for purchase at ten o'clock every morning. People all over the world sit in front of their computers and rush to buy them. They are sold out in less than 0.1 seconds, causing countless people to smash their computers...

Just thinking about it makes me feel unbelievable and ridiculous...

This is also because the death rate of ndm-eh is too high, and it is promoted as incurable and terrifying. Even those who are not infected are panicking and hiding at home. How can they resist buying, buying, buying... …(To be continued...)

ps: Thank you for your blessings from book friends. Hey, my family was notified of critical illness last night, and I almost died... I am still in the ICU now, which is really heartbreaking. Although death is inevitable, it is very painful to see my family members struggling to survive in such pain. Car accidents really kill people. My family members were hit by cars while walking on the sidewalk. I hope book friends will be more careful and pay more attention to the car, especially in the blind corners when turning, which is very dangerous.

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