1723. Chapter 1723 Shipyard? (subscription)

Feng Yu didn’t know that Sony was studying the alliance, but Kameido Masao sent back the news. Sun Zhengyi refused their condition and insisted on a split, so this cooperation was a collapse.

However, Feng Yu did not care about this. Although there are many software organizations under Softbank, there is nothing irreplaceable. Even Microsoft products can be replaced, not to mention less important software.

At the same time, Kameido Masao told Feng Yu an important news. Since the Wind & Rain Holding Company group released news and interested in investing in the shipyard, many shipbuilding companies have contacted Wind & Rain Holding Company, hoping Wind & Rain Holding Company Can be a share.

These include large shipyards such as cruise ships and shipyards that make small yachts, but without exception, they only want the Wind & Rain Holding Company to participate in the shares, and even the shareholding ratio is not high, no one is willing. Give more than one-third of the shares.

Less than a third, Feng Yu is definitely not considered. Feng Yu originally wanted to be absolutely controlled or even sole proprietorship. Since it is not possible, then the equity can exceed 50%, and the last time is more than one-third.

If you have more than two-thirds of a company’s equity, it is an absolute controlling party, and you can make a decision directly on the business without paying attention to the opinions of other shareholders.

Although those shipbuilding companies sold part of the equity of Feng Yu, there is no absolute controlling shareholder, but the hidden dangers are still there, Feng Yu can’t help.

One-third of Feng Yu is not very satisfied. Don’t say less. Will the profits of the financial market be recovered next year, will he be bad?

And as China’s economy is getting better and better, coastal development is getting faster and faster, especially the coastal tourism industry is very developed. Many inland people like to go to the beach to play and even settle down.

Some coastal cities have slogans of sea view rooms, and many cities, even relying on so-called sea view rooms, can drive large GDP growth every year.

With more and more rich people in the country, it is not very strange to have a yacht like a movie and TV. China’s yachting industry is on the rise.

In fact, in the past few years, the yacht industry in the world has developed very well, because the global economy has been very good in recent years. In the European and American side of the yacht manufacturing Corporation, one by one received a soft hand.

However, due to the economic downturn caused by the subprime mortgage crisis, many yacht orders this year have already become yellow, and will be even more bleak next year.

This has caused the profits of many yachts to plummet, while the cost of labor and other costs continue to increase, which has seriously reduced the profits of these yachts.

Feng Yu originally planned to acquire a large shipbuilding company and then acquire one or two small yacht brands, which is enough.

However, after Feng Yu arranged, I realized that the world’s top large shipbuilding company was almost in Asia, and Europe and the United States could not be ranked.

You said that the army in Europe and the United States is so strong, how to build the ship industry is weak?

First of all, Russia, the United States and other military equipment have already been completed, leading a lot of China. They mainly do technology research and development, but they are not very mass-produced. The old styles before are enough to ensure that they are leading the world.

Secondly, Japan, South Korea and China are all developing their ocean-going business. The demand for cruise ships and other growth is faster, and this is also a combination of military and civilian shipyards.

The world’s top ten shipyards, four in Japan, three in South Korea, two in China, one in the country of rice, and none in Europe. If you count the top 20, then Nanyang, India, etc. can also be listed, so Asia or the Pacific Rim is the most developed area of ​​the world’s large shipbuilding company.

However, many small shipyards in the country have very good profitability. They have introduced one or two best-selling ship types, just like strategic products, which is enough to ensure that they have good profits.

Especially in small boats, such as yachts, Europe and the United States are leading Asia in general, Japan, South Korea and China are not ranked, Nanyang has a number that can still rank.

Therefore, the plan to acquire a large shipyard was suspended by Feng Yu, and the company acquired a small company that manufactures yachts.

After the acquisition, two shipyards will be opened in China, and the market here will be opened. It should not be lost.

Ralph et al. have done market evaluations and believe that the probability of losing money is lower than 1%, the probability of making money is more than 80%, and there is a certain possibility of capital preservation.

If so, why not do it?

As for the acquisition of shares in the port, this is still difficult. Now that global trade is very developed, the port is the hen that will lay golden eggs, but few people are willing to sell unless their company industry encounters financial difficulties.

Feng Yu is very calm about this. I have not encountered difficulties this year, so next year?

The global economic situation will deteriorate sharply next year. Many small shipyards in the past will have a large loss in the next year.

Shareholders in many ports, as well as shareholders of shipyards, do not sell this year, and may not be able to do so next year.

And the shipyard is different from the car company. Feng Yu needs the other’s brand and technology most, and then builds a factory in China. Therefore, Feng Yu did not care if the shipyard lost money or even the factory shut down.

As long as the technology is ok, the brand is worth buying.

Feng Yu told Kameido Masao that he was not in a hurry and talked slowly. Because he intends to start spending money at the end of next year.

Since Feng Yu is so commanded, Kameido Masao knows how to choose. Just like the negotiations with General Motors, the longer you drag, the less money you spend. If the other party is willing to sell the technology now, then you can talk about it.

Feng Yu started to communicate with the head and made some preparations in advance. When the negotiations are completed, the shipyard can be built as soon as possible, and even the framework of the shipyard can be done first.


“Chief Feng, what did you say, you want to invest in the shipyard?!” Bao member looked at Feng Yu with a look of eccentricity. How did Feng Yu suddenly want to invest in this?

Feng Yu tilted his legs and leaned on the sofa: “What’s wrong, is this so strange? I didn’t say it, just make some small yachts and fishing boats. In this respect, we are in a weak position in the world. Do you not allow investment?”

“This is not a violation of the regulations, but you can make a fishing boat to say that the yacht can make money?” Bao said hesitantly.

“You certainly haven’t understood, how many yachts are imported in our country each year, how big is the market here. Besides, I also lack a yacht and get a shipyard to make it more secure.” Feng Yu said easily.

Mr. Bao’s eyes are wide open. Wouldn’t Feng Yu be trying to build a yacht that he is satisfied with, and invest in a shipyard?

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