1716. 1716 chapter question (subscription)

“Boss, Zong Zong and Liu Zong think that our electronic products are too slow to change. The foreign consumer electronics giant Company, their products are updated quickly, which will make us look old,” Wu Zhigang said.

Feng Yu smiled a little: “Oh? What do they think?”

“Our Corporation’s technical reserves are enough to upgrade our many electronic products to a new level, completely distanced from other companies’ products, and established our position as the first group.”

“Now we are famous, but we are in the middle of being with other electronic giants, and we may be overtaken by them at any time.”

“For example, our MP3, U disk, voice recorder and other small products, they think that we should design some niche styles, show our unique, take the high-end route.”

“As for notebooks, mobile phones and other products, they mean that we continue to speed up the launch of new products. One month a new product is too slow, it should be within a month, each series has a new product launch.”

“For example, our electronic paper book, there is no new product now, Sony and other companies over there, but new products are available, and we have taken away many of our markets.”

“Gangzi, you think about it, not all products are suitable for quickly launching new products. For example, mobile phones, we say that our Wind & Rain S3+ is a simple upgrade on S3, but it is very popular, right? Even gradually Become synonymous with smart phones.”

“And if we said that the fourth generation of products was introduced, what would users think? There is not much change in this function. How is the fourth generation?”

“Every generation of our products must have changes in life, or the evolution of functions, or the evolution of configuration, not a simple upgrade. This will give consumers a bright feeling, let them endure Live want to buy.”

“You look at Sony’s PSvideo game, and our G-BOX. It will take a few years to launch a generation. Does anyone say that this is behind? But when new products are introduced, not only will new consumers emerge, but there will also be Some original consumers, they will be updated.”

“So when our products are launched, we should not only target those potential new consumers, but also maintain the original users and let them continue to support our products.”

“And you think about it, why are many of our products going to be slower, why is it so slow? Because we sold it expensive before, right? If you cut prices quickly, people who bought it will have a loss.”

“We are positioning ourselves as a high-end product. You and the consumer think so. Right now, because it is a high-end product, just like the luxury products, as long as the performance is out of date, there is no need to urgently introduce new products, but instead It will make consumers unable to remember our products.”

“And you said that Sony and other companies have launched a new electronic paper book, but I look at the report, we still occupy more than half of the market share, what can be worried about this?”

“Do you think they will seize our market? The market is impossible to completely monopolize a company. Microsoft was so powerful and didn’t do it. Maybe they can grab a bit, but when our new product is launched, we will Recovering all the lost market share will not let consumers compare the product performance and loyalty to our products, our brand.”

“As for what you said is the introduction of some niche styles, those who take the high-end route, you think about it, how high-end MP3 can be high-end? AIWA represents the best MP3 in the world, although not our Taihua Holding Group, but Is it right to have a technical agreement with our technology?”

“As for the U disk, the high-end we did not launch? Sell high prices, pay attention to the security encryption performance of our U disk, not the appearance of good looks. I ask you, when you use the U disk, as long as the appearance is not particularly ugly, you Will you refuse to use it? But as long as the performance is a little worse, the appearance is beautiful, are you willing to use it?”

“There are also recording pens. The same is about performance, not design. Although I have always stressed that our products must be attractive in appearance, but can not neglect the root and pursue the tip, too Pursue the beauty and luxury of appearance.”

This kind of niche appearance of electronic products, it must be said that earning money is no problem, but it is best to create a sub-brand. And what should be designed, but the most important thing is performance. It’s slick, so you can brand it.

Feng Yu also knows that several new products of the sub-Corporation have been suppressed by him. This made Zong Qingxian and Liu Chuanzhi somewhat dissatisfied. This is obviously contrary to the previous development route of the Corporation. I am afraid that the two people think that Feng Yu is too capricious.

But Feng Yu’s new products, one is the new smart phone, one is the new electronic paper book, one is the new super MP3, and the other one is already designed, but Feng Yu did not let the tablet.

The Lenovo Group finally designed the tablet. In order to develop the product requested by Feng Yu, they spent a lot of research and development expenses, which also dragged down the development speed of other Lenovo products.

However, this is nothing. After the development, Liu Chuanzhi, they saw it, and felt that this product is not bad, there are selling points. Even if the performance is worse than the average computer, but with the Lenovo Group’s brand, the sale will not be bad.

At least back to this, they are sure.

But now that Feng Yu is pressing for production, this is not quite right. With so much investment, I don’t want to make it back. How is this going?

Feng Yu is the richest man in the world, not bad money, not only the company is damaged, but the product developers are not satisfied. Products can’t make money, where do their bonuses come from? After such a long time of hard work, is there no saying?

Look at the staff who developed other products, how much did the bonus take? For us, it took so much money and was said to be wasted by many colleagues. As a result, not only did we not get the bonus that we should get after hard work, but we did not give the opportunity to prove that our research and development was successful.

Those R&D personnel, can there be no complaints? These complaints, Liu Chuanzhi must pay attention to it. And Liu Chuanzhi is under great pressure. After all, Taihua Holding Group is not the controlling party of the Lenovo Group, but a shareholder.

The Lenovo Group not only has state-owned assets, but also their shareholdings, which represents the interests of all.

Another Lenovo group is listed on the Corporation. This report shows that the cost of R&D is so high and the profit will become very low. After the announcement, the stock price will definitely be affected, which hurts the interests of all shareholders.

Liu Chuanzhi They guessed that Feng Yu was so demanding, he must have his thoughts, but always explain it to everyone.

Feng Yu thought about it and said to Wu Zhigang: “The notice goes on, and the Taihua Holding Group temporary board of directors will be held tomorrow. Some things should be told.”

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