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Nearly a month after the Wind & Rain value-for-money price cut, China Business Fabric gave the foreign mobile phone manufacturers a reply, and the Wind & Rain mobile phone did not violate the dumping law.

Other manufacturers don’t believe that even if your labor costs are cheap, but the price of electronic components is now rising, how can you still be so cheap?

But at this time they suddenly reacted, Wind & Rain Electronics and Taihua Crystalline Silicon can belong to Taihua Holding Group, yes, they must be black-box operation!

But at this time Wind & Rain Electronics came up with a contract proof that they signed a three-year price protection agreement with Taihua Crystalline Silicon, so the cost is so low.

As for the issue of this price protection agreement, Wind & Rain Electronics also explained that the price of crystalline silicon in the world has not yet risen. We have signed this agreement for the production of our electronic components because of the increase in production. The production plant does some protective measures.

This price protection agreement, which of your organizations has not signed? Only after we signed it, just the global price of crystalline silicon has risen.

However, the price of crystalline silicon has risen, and it is not the leader of Taihua Crystalline Silicon. They are the last price increase. If you feel that you are losing money, take the crystal silicon company that first increased the price.

At this time, the Dongzhi Group was once again turned over. When the price of crystalline silicon rose, it was led by the crystal silicon company of Dongzhi.

For a time, the reputation of the Dongzhi Group fell a lot, and even their stock prices fell. Dongzhi’s shareholders are crying and crying. This time we didn’t participate, how come we got on our heads?

Although those mobile phone manufacturers are unwilling to accept the explanation given to China Business Bubu, this is true. The cases in Europe and the United States accused Wind & Rain of mobile phones have also withdrawn, they have received detailed evidence from the Wind & Rain mobile phone, which proves that Wind & Rain mobile phones are not dumped.

Our cost is so low, we guarantee normal profits, can we not earn less? With the continuous innovation of technology, the production efficiency itself is constantly improving. Otherwise, the low-cost mobile phones launched by other manufacturers are obviously not as good as ours. Why is the price lower than ours?

Allowing them to make technological advances will not allow us to advance the technology of Wind & Rain Electronics? This low-cost mobile phone is the first research we have done. In the market we developed, what surprises do we keep leading the technology?

You said that our current price is still profitable, so the previous price profit is too high?

How can I calculate this? We have invested in technology research and development before the money we earned, otherwise how will our cost drop?

Our net profit is actually not high, really.

Wind & Rain Electronics gave such a reply, leaving other mobile phone manufacturers helpless.

Some Japanese manufacturers are clamoring for Wind & Rain Electronics to publish detailed cost and profit data, saying that this can really prove. Wind & Rain Electronics directly rebuts, through our production and our mechanical efficiency, material costs, etc., we should be able to measure our approximate cost.

As for the specific detailed cost and profit, what is it announced? Although we are a joint-stock Corporation, are you not our shareholders?

We are not listed on the Corporation. How much money have we made? Shareholders know it. What is the relationship with you? Our results here, the relevant departments will accept it, and you will not accept it.

If you continue to spread rumors, we will pursue your legal responsibility!

This time, those mobile phone manufacturers in Japan dare not say anything, they know very well that Wind & Rain Electronics is so fearless, then it must be true. If you continue to make trouble, then you can only suffer from them.

Even if you go to China Government to sue, it will become a joke, and the blow to them is not small. Moreover, as a result, it is very likely that they will completely lose the market in China.

Consumers also accept this explanation. If the profit is not invested in new product development, can the price of the Feng Yu value-added machine fall again?

Wind & Rain Mobile is the benefit to our consumers, why don’t we support it?

Even some people on the Internet said that they all use the Wind & Rain value-added machine for all their homes. They can make calls and send and receive text messages. They work very busy. Other functions are good, but they don’t have time to experience it.

Especially in the China market, it was previously surrounded by major mobile phone manufacturers, and the sales decline was more serious.

But this time, the price has dropped, and because of the moving machine and the connected contract machine, the sales volume of this Wind & Rain value-added machine has soared again, and it is far from the other models.

When other mobile phone manufacturers also produced low-cost machines, and specifically targeted at Wind & Rain phones, Jiang Wanmeng also believed that the value of the Wind & Rain mobile phone may not reach the level that Feng Yu said.

Feng Yu said that the sales of this mobile phone will be unprecedented, and they will feel a bit exaggerated. Later, when sales surged, they felt that this was the case, thinking that the phone sales could reach 200 million, or more.

But then they adjusted their psychological expectations, and they thought that perhaps 150 million units would be the sales limit of this phone.

However, such data is unprecedented, and the future is unlikely to be surpassed. They are actually very satisfied.

But this data, Feng Yu is not satisfied!

In the past, Nokia’s 1110 can sell 250 million units. Although some of the last ones are reluctant, it is said that they donated, and the actual sales volume is definitely more than 240 million units.

The value of the Wind & Rain mobile phone appeared earlier, so the sales time should be longer, so Feng Yu thinks that more than 250 million data is normal.

No other mobile phone manufacturers have sold more than 5 million low-priced machines. Feng Yu never looked at them.

This time, the price of the Wind & Rain mobile phone was smashed, and all the mobile phone manufacturers were hurt.

This knife is divided into other grades. The value of this value-added machine in China is even more explosive. It is now the model of the contractor of the company and the Corporation.

As for foreign markets, those countries have secretly encouraged consumers to buy the Wind & Rain mobile phone, and want more claims and fines.

But now, they find it seems to be in an embarrassing situation, because they can’t make a fine because they can’t be fined. Instead, they help the sales of this phone break out.

With the outbreak of sales of this phone, the monthly global sales of Wind & Rain phones are the first to lead Nokia and millions of units higher!

It also means that the Wind & Rain mobile phone, starting this month, is the world’s first production and sales!


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