1460. Chapter 1460 Disappointed Ballmer

Microsoft wants to force consumers to choose whether it is VISTA or XOS. This is a matter of concern to many people, especially those netizens.

They are used to the Internet, naturally they can not do without the computer, of course, can not do without the computer’s operating system.

Many people still believe in Microsoft, or they are used to Microsoft’s system. When Microsoft introduced a new system, some people couldn’t wait to buy and install, and some people abandoned the pre-installation when they chose a new computer. XOS, but chose to pre-install VISTA.

In less than a month, Microsoft reversed the trend, and in the sales of operating system discs, and later surpassed XOS, showing the power of Microsoft.


“Bill, try this red wine, my friend brought it back from France, it tastes good.” Paul Allen handed a goblet to Bill Gates, his face full of smiles.

Microsoft just announced that it will stop updating the XP system, and immediately let VISTA sales soar, while suppressing XOS.

Although the total sales volume at this time, VISTA is still not as good as XOS, but this month, VISTA has come to the fore, it will take less than a year, maybe half a year is enough, VISTA will occupy the full advantage.

Maybe you can’t let XOS disappear, but XOS can only appear on the low-end netbook in the future. Any computer with good configuration will choose their VISTA!

Fighting with us, you are destined to be failed!

Bill Gates made a sip of wine and nodded to Paul Allen with satisfaction: “This wine is really good, which winery is, my wife may also like it.”

“I still have a lot, you like it, tomorrow I will let you send it to you. Take out your treasured cigar, we should also smoke a winning cigar.” Paul Allen laughed heartily.

Bill Gates also found a cigar with a smile, and the two sat there and swallowed.

In the first stage, it seems that they have won Microsoft. In the next few months, as long as they win the battle, expand their market share and improve their reputation, it will be enough to completely suppress XOS. Like the Apple Corporation system, they can only suppress their Lenovo computers. use.

Even though they were eventually taken away by Lenovo-Silver Mountain Corporation, Microsoft is still the overlord of the operating system and still holds the ultimate say!

After winning the operating system, the office software will once again suppress the Lenovo-Silver Mountain Corporation and regain their market. The profit in this area is very high.

Ballmer knocked in and Paul Allen asked him to taste the red wine, but Ballmer refused.

“Bill, Paul, I think you celebrated too early. Don’t you look at the comments on our system on the Internet?” Ballmer looked at the two people who were celebrating, and sighed, this was not a big win. It’s too early to celebrate?

“Comment? Looked. Not that you are not used to it, what is this? Of course, let the users adapt slowly, get used to it, they will not be used for a long time, they will like it. At the beginning our system is not so popular. ?” Paul Allen said easily.

He took the initiative to invite Ballmer to drink, but he didn’t give face, hey, next time you want to drink, I still don’t give it!

“It’s not the same. At that time, our system brought surprises to users. It’s simple. But our new system has a lot of functions. The home version is much more than the XOS of Lenovo-Silver Mountain Corporation. Don’t say that we are about to release the Professional and Company versions.”

“But because our new features are too many, users will not adapt so quickly. Many users even think that our current system is not as good as the previous XP, saying that we are getting worse!”

“And you pay attention to the comments without XOS, the user is a piece of praise. For the time being, we are oversold, because we are Microsoft, those PC manufacturers have introduced new computers pre-installed with our system, and many users are willing to believe we.”

“But if these users are disappointed with us, what should we do? How do we respond?”

Bill Gates frowns scolded: “Steve, you are too alarmist. How can users be disappointed with Microsoft? We have always been the best. Not to mention, the VISTA system is useless, don’t you know how Innovation, how epoch-making?”

Ballmer would like to say that a piece of software is very different from the eyes of consumers in the eyes of programmers. We think it’s easy to use, that’s because we know IT very well, and software is the elite of the elite.

But ordinary users, they may be construction workers, maybe teachers, maybe students, or even a farmer. Do they understand those? What they want is simple!

At the time, Microsoft’s system focused on the simple word, but now it is completely different.

Innovation, innovation, and innovation.

Yes, innovation is likely to make us go further, but it is also possible to fail, let us lose the hit down!

According to Ballmer’s vision, Microsoft should be able to keep pace with the development of rules. Even if innovation is successful, how much market share can it increase? And once failed, the loss is huge.

He believes that Microsoft does not have to gamble at all, but should focus on developing smaller systems. Since netbooks are so popular, the Tab touch-screen notebooks that Microsoft originally promoted should be restarted.

Although the original hardware manufacturers were brought together because of the poor price/performance ratio, the design concept was very advanced.

This tablet was originally proposed by Bill Gates and is the dream of Bill Gates. However, when it was just doing promotion, Feng Yu retired, causing Microsoft’s stock price to fall. Then there was the birth of the dot-com bubble, which caused Microsoft’s market value to evaporate wildly.

In order to promote the Tab tablet, Microsoft did not spend less, and the result was a failed item, which was lost.

Ballmer thinks that the reason why this tablet is failed is not because the design is problematic, nor because it is not easy to use, but because the price is too high and the price is too bad.

Of course, these are the reasons why the hardware vendors are united. They don’t want Microsoft to enter the PC market, even the tablet.

However, this solution can fully cooperate with IBM or Intel. As long as we make a slight profit, we can lower the price of this product. With our product, we can compete with those netbooks.

The premise is that you have to re-announce that you continue to update the XP system for many years so that someone can buy it. Now Microsoft’s VISTA system, the Tab tablet may not be moving. If production can be driven, then the price will increase, or it will fall into the dilemma of high and low.

Unfortunately, although Ballmer is the third largest shareholder of Corporation and the president and CEO of Corporation, it seems to have the unlimited trust of Bill Gates, but in reality, only Ballmer knows that he is like a beggar.

Ballmer suddenly felt tired and he was a little tired of living at Microsoft.


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