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“hong long long!”

In the sky, the palace carried by Divine Beast Bloodline birds breaks through the sky and rolls the clouds.

When I came to this piece of empty space with four Legendary present, Sacred Dragon stepped out of his palace and looked ugly: “What’s going on?”

” Two days! In these two days, we lost three Legendary teams! Two of the teams were led by two Legendary teams, while the other … led by the three Legendary teams! “

The commander of Zhenbei Army is still Shaoyuan Yuan.

Looking at the dozens of corpses on the ground, his expression is full of gloom.

“Three Legendary squads!? among which is included Team with three Legendary!?”

Holy Star Dragon stared at him: “Not that she can only rely on at best Is Jianshen Mirror entangled with the two Legendary? “

” According to our inference … “

” How do you explain this Legendary team? “

Holy Star Dragon said loudly.

Yuan Shaokong was silent for a moment, and finally slowly said: “She is getting stronger!”

“Being stronger?”


Rare Item looks like a mirror on the dragon body of Holy Star at this time.

As he took out the mirror, there was a Legendary ’s horrified voice: “His Royal Highness, we have found sixteen corpses here, from the search team of Lord lineage, the Legendary of this team … There are three! “

” Another three-person Legendary squad!? “

Holy Star Dragon finally changed his face.

If the three Legendary squads were killed before the accident can be explained by accident, then when the second team consisting of three Legendary is eliminated, things …

It’s not that simple.

This undoubtedly proves that the little girl already has the strength to confront and kill the three Legendary.

Strength of this kind …

Compared with High Level Legendary, it is slightly better.

“Damn, half a month is not enough, we have lost 13 Legendary!”

Holy Star Dragon eyes are full of anger.

Thirteen Legendary!

Know that every Legendary is a general-level character on the leading side of the Star Empire, with at least tens of thousands of elite soldiers under his command. The Legendary powerhouse in the Northland is willing to play for the empire. Three digits that’s all.

Although this half a month has come, each and everyone Legendary squad looks majestic, but these Legendary, in addition to the direct personnel of the Star Empire, also include the powerhouses of various territories and domain temples.

If it were not so …

Thirteen have already been called a broken bone for the Star Empire.

“Adult, can we have any way to break the cover of Jian Shen Jing to determine her position? Otherwise … there is body protection of Jian Shen Jing, even if we can kill her in the end, our loss will be too great It’s too big. “

” Lost losses must be caught! “

Holy Star Dragon said heavily:” Otherwise, when Baili Qingfeng recovers, he will revenge with all his strength, and it is our stars that will ultimately suffer. The empire is over. “

Although the God of the Realm is waking up, but …

It will take time.


At this time, a starlight at the end of the sky soared into the sky, shining in all directions, the rays of light, the tens of kilometers in a circle is clearly visible.

“It ’s a distress signal from other teams! They caught her!”

Yuan Shaokong cried out in surprise.

“What are you waiting for, go!”

Holy Star Dragon shouting loudly.

The birds with Divine Beast Bloodline beeping and carrying Saint Star Dragon at full speed to the place where the distress signal came, Yuan Shaokong and other four Legendary follow closely from behind.

The tens of kilometers of distance can be crossed in less than ten minutes for everyone who has a speed of more than 600 kilometers per hour.

However …

When everyone actually came to the scene, they found that it was already corpses everywhere across the field.

“Damn, we ’re late!”

“It ’s Lord Naharper ’s team, consisting of three Legendary! That little slut has now started the attack on open and aboveboard three The Legendary team!? “

” Wait! This is … Wumeng!? “

” Wumeng !? ”

As soon as the name came out, the atmosphere of everyone in the field was stifled, and each and everyone appeared next to one of the bodies.

“It ’s Wumeng!”

“Wumeng is a High Level Legendary with more than ten years of fame …”

“In other words, she killed Among the three Legendary, including a High Level Legendary!?

Standing in front of this body, everyone felt a chill for no reason.

How long is this!

Twelve days ago, Legendary could chase her everywhere!

And now …

High Level Legendary, and still assisted by two ordinary Legendary, still killed by her in a very short time, from Umeng and the others are attacked to death …

The time is no more than five minutes!

This slaughter efficiency …

The title Legendary is allly this!


A voice suddenly sounded.


Yuan Shaokong shouted.

100 meters away, a petite silhouette holding a sword stood quietly there.

The mirror light of Jian Shen Mirror covers her body, so that there is almost no leakage of breath on her body.

“It’s that little slut!”

“Kill her!”

Holy Star Dragon angry roar.

Bai Li Bamboo is standing on the spot.

But behind her, a silhouette suddenly appeared, followed by a cloud that covered the sky, sweeping the suffocating Qi of Death, and swept away to the crowd instantly.

At the same time, the mirror light of the Jianshen Mirror shines on the void.

“Carefully appraise the mirror!”

A Legendary exclaimed.

However, when he shouted this sentence, he was shocked to find that everyone looked at him in horror. Among them, Yuan Shaokong seemed to shout with his mouth open, looking at the mouth … p>

“Be careful!”


next moment, the transmission of nerve signals in the brain is interrupted, and darkness completely envelopes his consciousness.

Before he died, he was horrified to find that the shadow of death that had swept through had actually killed him.

“Why … obviously she has just shot …”

Not only him, but also the second Legendary who was stared at by Baili Zhu.

Despite the reaction, the Holy Star Dragon wanted to go to rescue, but his figure was fixed by the mirror light of the Jianshen Mirror, slightly stagnate.

During such a stagnation period, he clearly saw the Legendary being attacked as if he was in a sleepwalk. The other party ’s sword was quickly assassinated, but he did n’t respond at all, so that …

Let the opponent not have any mysterious Sword Technique lightning assassination except speed!

“No! It ’s not without mysterious! This Sword Technique is not very fast, but also has the effect of confusing people, everyone Concentrates One’s Mind is fully alert!”

Holy Star Dragon suddenly Woke up.

But …

It ’s too late.

Three Legendary in the team were killed in a very short time. Although Yuan Shaokong shot back with a sword, the shadow of death, which seemed to be composed of energy, moved speed too quickly.

She is almost free from physical rules, blinking, rushing, and assassinating, completely contrary to common sense.

“What the hell is this monster!”

Holy Star Dragon is full of panic.

Soon, the mirror light of Jian Shen Mirror enveloped Yuan Shaokong ’s body.

As soon as Yuan Shaokong dies, there will be only one person left in the field, one person, against the Baili Bamboo holding the Jianshen Mirror …


Yuan Shaokong without the slightest hesitation soared up, and ordered the birds under him to soar up to the sky with the fastest speed and fled towards the direction of the Star City.

The bird under his seat has Divine Beast Bloodline, not only its strength is strong, but its speed is above 99% Legendary bird.

“A breath of fear …”

Abruptly, a voice rang beside him.

When I do n’t know, the shadow of death that seems to be composed of energy has appeared on his side.

“How come …”

The holy star dragon has a cold body all over.

“This is the Yunhai mountain range. I know that you set up a temporary headquarters in the Emerald City outside the mountain to take me over. In addition, give me the jade token to control this bird.”

The sound of Bailizhu came.

“You … what do you want to do …”

Shengxinglongqiang bears the fear in his heart: “Are you a Baili Qingfeng discipline? This thing is not related to you.” Relationship, if you give Baili Qingfeng to me, I can assure you … “

The holy star dragon is not finished yet, the sword is light flashed, and one of his arms is directly cut off …


mournful scream came from the mouth of Saint Star Dragon, and his face was suddenly painful and white: “My hand …”


The second sword penetrated the body of the Saint Star Dragon and was inserted into his chest. As long as a shock, he could shatter his heart.

“You …”

“Do n’t talk, concentrate on leading the way.”

Bai Lizhu said softly.

“You …”

Holy Star Dragon sweats coldly on his forehead.

Fortunately, Legendary ’s powerful life force caused him to die despite this serious injury.

People had to bow their heads under the eaves. At the moment, he dared not make a rash speech, surrendered the control card, and without a word retreated to the palace to point Bailizhu in a direction.

The Legendary bird with Divine Beast Bloodline is extremely fast.

In addition, this bird seems to symbolize the identity of the Holy Star Dragon, so that two Legendary squads were clearly encountered along the way, but there was no conflict between the two parties, and they came to the Emerald City unimpeded. Over the sky.

Emerald City is a big city about 2,900 kilometers away from Zhongxing City. Although its population is not comparable to Zhongxing City, because of its location in the hinterland, it still has a population of more than 10,000,000.

As you get closer and closer to the Emerald City, the number of birds all around is increasing, and the mind of Sacred Dragon is becoming more active.

Just considering the battle strength of the Four Legendary Killed by Baili Bamboo, he did n’t dare to act blindly without thinking when he did n’t see enough powerful powerhouse.

“Already to the Emerald City, the temporary headquarters is in City Lord Mansion ……”

Holy Star Dragon said solemnly.

At this time, it seems that there is a person Legendary in the distance who saw this mount belonging to the Saint Star Dragon, and immediately came over enthusiastically: “Second Prince His Royal Highness …”

” xiu! “

sword light is empty.

This Legendary, who has no preparation at all, feels that a shadow of death rushed out from the palace of His Highness Second Prince.

By the time he reacted and wanted to resist, sword light had penetrated his head.

Finally, his body became a corpse, falling down in the sky.

“This is …”

“His Royal Highness Second Prince?”

The Legendary ’s fall suddenly caused a stir in the city.

As the base camp for searching Baili Qingfeng, the Emerald City is now full of legendary legendary seats, and now there are three Legendary who simultaneously rise into the void and question loudly.

Waiting for them is the second bloom of sword light.


(The plot in the next chapter is the same, you can jump.)

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