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“hong long long!”

The horrible roar mixed with the air wave instantly tore the trees of several dozen meters into pieces.

Vaguely, the sky came bursts of rage: “Over there! Kill her, don’t let her run!”

“Six days, even a little girl I ca n’t catch it, our military department how to save face! “

Soon, a Legendary powerhouse or a emptiness of the sky, or riding a bird, rushed to this void.

“Remember, be careful to appraise the God Mirror! The two are in a group. Once illuminated by the God Mirror, a group of spirit energetic swords will be killed, and the Strength of Domain will be excited at that time. Only to the extreme can she capture her attack trajectory to resist, and as long as both of these methods are blocked, any Legendary can kill her! As soon as she dies, Baili Qingfeng, who is obviously in trouble, will be in our pocket! “

” What is the identity of that little girl? Obviously there is only the Great Knight cultivation base, but it is so difficult? Since she extinguished the team led by Jiufeng four days ago, there have been two teams She suffered a lot in her hand! “

” Baili Qingfeng this person is very strange, killing several Demi-Gods with Legendary cultivation base, the little girl is said to be her disciple, I am afraid that he also has his inheritance Only in this way can we have such a record. “

Digital Legendary gathered together to discuss and searched for a moment. After no results, these people quickly dispersed.


Soon after the Digital Legendary disperses.

In a deciduous leaf, a thin silhouette carrying a person, climbed out of it with difficulty.

It is Baili Bamboo.

Four days ago, she used the power of the mirror to kill the Legendary Eagle Peak at a very fast speed. There are too many Level 9 Knight and Ten Great Knights that follow the Legendary Eagle Peak. Her whereabouts are still exposed.

After the news came out, it was like stabbing a horse honeycomb. A large number of Legendary carrying elite teams, riding a powerful lord bird to search wildly in the sky, hundreds of powerhouse densely packed, all over here Every corner of the void.

Especially after she killed two Legendary again with Jian Shen Mirror, the enemy seemed to determine her approximate range of action, making her situation more difficult.

At this moment, she has no idea how long she can hide.

Bai Lizhu wiped the dirt on his face. The original white skirt on his body also became muddy and was ragged in the escape.

She leaned her head and stared at Baili Qingfeng, who was still sleeping, with worry in her eyes: “Qingfeng big brother … how long will it take you to wake up.”

She has a lot of grievances and wants to tell Baili Qingfeng and wants to cry to him, but …

Qingfeng is silent.

He seems to be unable to sense any outside conditions during his sleep.

At present, there is only one person.

A man faces the pursuit of a Pang Great Empire.

A man fleeing through the mountains in a panic.

A person stays alone in this World.

Look at …

The grievances and weakness in Baili Bamboo’s heart gradually converged.

It seems that some kind of strength has been reinfused into her mind, and Huanhuan once again starts fighting and Faith.

“Qingfeng big brother, I wo n’t let you have anything to do.”

Baili Qingfeng is going to leave this area.

At this time, a group of Fierce Beast gathered around silently.

Bai Li Bamboo looked up …

The silver moon fell, and there was a round of purple moon hanging someday in the sky.

Bai Lizhu’s face was pale for a while.

In the past few days, she was exposed time and time again because of the existence of Ziyue.

As soon as Ziyue comes out, Fierce Beast riots.

She can hide from humans, but she ca n’t escape the riotous Fierce Beast!

Slaughter Fierce Beast will inevitably produce movement, which will lead to the pursuit of killers …

This is a vicious circle.


Fierce Beast roared, swept through the wind, and furiously killed!

“Purple Moon!”

Bai Lizhu held his sword nervously and rushed his teeth.

sword light howling!

In less than three breaths, this group of riotous Fierce Beast has been wiped out by the slaughter, and the roar stopped abruptly!

However, when she was about to flee quickly, the two breaths broke out at a very fast speed, accompanied by a burst of wanton laughter: “hahaha, I think the midnight beast roars wrong, This little slut is really hidden here! “

” Do n’t talk nonsense, this little slut’s life is worthless, kill her, then kill Baili Qingfeng! “

” Baili Qingfeng really Something went wrong. Without him, it’s already done. Let’s be careful of her mirror! ”

While speaking, the two of them are already driving the birds to dive down.

Bai Lizhu is pale, and there is an unstoppable fear in his eyes!

Two Legendary!

Two powerful Legendary powerhouse!

Fear continued for a moment, and it has been replaced by a crazy emotion: “Even if I die, I will not let you hurt the Qingfeng big brother!”

next moment , Sword Immortal Primordial Spirit rushed out, carrying a word light that made people think stagnation, rushed into the sky and assassinated in the sky!


“Two dead!”

“Two Legendary teams were killed by this little slut, this little slut …… Actually so Great! “

” The real power is the Jianshen Mirror! As long as it is photographed in the Jianshen Mirror, simply is the lamb to be slaughtered! “

” Two Legendary shots together, One person was photographed and the other person was able to rescue. In this case, the two Legendary were still forcibly killed. In other words … she already has the ability to kill Legendary alone … “

“It’s a monster, Baili Qingfeng is like this, and his discipline, a twelve-year-old little girl is the same.”

At this moment, in a forest where a war has just erupted, the digital Legendary powerhouse Leading dozens of elites around, discussing spiritedly.

In a few moments, the powerful bird with Divine Beast Bloodline at the end of the sky pulls a huge palace like a sky-and-sky battleship.

Along the way there is Peak Powerhouse guarded by birds riding birds, and the scenery is infinite.

“It ’s the Palace of the Holy Star Dragon!”

“Your Highness Second Prince actually came in person!?”

“Unfortunately under the Great Hall of Holy Star Soul” After being killed, Second Prince is the most promising candidate for succession to become the new emperor. It is said that the two veterans of the Imperial Family have ordered that whoever can capture Baili Qingfeng will be able to take the throne … “

in the sky The legendary buddies quieted down.

Soon, a powerful bird pulling a huge palace was hovering in the void, and the Divine Beast Bloodline Strength in his body rolled away, almost overwhelming the Legendary in the field.

This venomous bird with Divine Beast Bloodline is not far from Demi-God, even if it is not as good as Demi-God.

For a moment, a silhouette came out of the palace. It was the Second Prince Holy Star Dragon.

His expression swept away from Digital Legendary, said solemnly: “Who is responsible for this area?”

Digital Legendary glanced at each other, and finally came forward : “In the lower town, the North Army Commander Yuan is empty, see Second Prince, this area is jointly responsible for our Town North Army Commander and the Town West Army Commander.”

“What is the situation now, But there are clues about that little girl and Baili Qingfeng! ”

“This …”

Yuan Shaokong bitterly said: “His Royal Highness … Although the little girl can’t reach Legendary, but she intensively mastered the technique and turned it into a spirit spirit body like a god body. Although the energy spirit body is extremely weak, it can shuttle at extremely fast speed, and the speed is fast, even if the High Level Legendary ca n’t match it. In addition, she seems to have another technique that can be separated by tens of kilometers or even hundreds of kilometers. understood our movements … so she quickly retreated whenever we were about to approach her … “

” I do n’t want to listen to too much explanation. In the past few days, we mobilized thousands of people to guard The Legendary generals of the imperial city come out of the nest, but they ca n’t even catch a little girl who ca n’t reach the Legendary realm !? Generals, that ’s how you serve the important task of our Star Empire!? ”

Holy Star The dragon was dissatisfied.

“We will do our best!”

“I hope you will not let me down again.”

Snorted by the dissatisfied Sacred Dragon, but it ’s not good either Words are too much.

Although he has the highest call to the throne, he has not become the emperor of the constellation of stars in one day, and he has no absolute jurisdiction over the leaders of these Legendary realm.

After exhorted, he returned to the palace.

In the palace, a young girl greeted her: “His Royal Highness, I just got the news that the Third Prince and Sixth Imperial Prince who are defending the Three Great Kingdoms rebels on the front line have returned at full speed … They will arrive soon.

“The third and sixth … How dare they leave the frontline at this time?”

“It is said that the pterosaur kingdom and the frost empire retired …”

Holy Star Dragon complexion changed.

The reason why the Six Kingdoms dared to set off the rebellion was mainly due to the knowledge of the fall of the Lord of the Domain. However, due to the awakening of the Divine Star God Son, the side proves that the Lord of the Domain still lives, but is in a deep sleep. The True God behind the Great Kingdom naturally dare not be impudent again.

“Not only Third Prince and Sixth Imperial Prince, the Temple of the Territory is said to have transferred a large number of people from all over the place, and the major lords have also led their troops to come to the reinforcements, and they have arrived in the city of stars …”

Holy Star Dragon’s face is a bit gloomy.

It ’s not surprising that the Domain Temple and the major lords made this choice. The awakening of the Domain Lord makes them dare not order the Imperial Family outward devotion but inner opposition. They urgently need to do something to be great. The domain god expresses his loyalty, plus Baili Qingfeng is pregnant with two divine essences and two Divine Item ……

“Damn, must find Baili Qingfeng as soon as possible! If I can bring Baili Qingfeng The first-ranked high-ranking will surely receive the full support of the two elders and the Elder Council. When the time comes the third and sixth, they can no longer threaten my status! “

Holy Star Dragon said , Immediately ordered: “Since the little girl has a secret method that can peep into people who are 100 kilometers away, then mobilize soldiers, disguise as ordinary martial artists, and turn them into zeros. Carry out a carpet search in this area and do my best to patrol! Unbelief can’t pull her out! “

As the Holy Star Dragon ordered, hundreds of thousands and millions of soldiers unloaded their armor, disguised as ordinary passers-by, and poured into this area to proceed Carpet inspection .



In the woods, a thin silhouette shuttles at a very fast speed.

“There is a situation here.”

Behind her, there seems to be a burst of shouts.

Six days!

It is another six days before Baili Bamboo kills two Legendary in one breath!

In other words, she has taken Baili Qingfeng to escape for ten days.

These six days …

She failed to kill any Legendary.

On the one hand, the Legendary people are guarded, not only in groups of two, but also with more than twenty people around them.

On the other hand …

There are too many people searching in this ancient forest in the deep mountain, so much that she dare not show up!

As soon as she appeared, the Peak powerhouse, which was all around and surging, rolled up like a tide, drowning her thin body completely.

“It does n’t matter if I die, but … I promised Qingfeng big brother, must guarantee his safety …”

Bai Lizhu pursed his lips.

This action seems to affect the injury of the chin …

Fighting with two Legendary four days ago, she broke out the Sword Immortal Primordial Spirit, killing at the fastest speed Change one’s life, kill one of them first, but …

The other party ’s sword is also slashing her head …

Almost put her in the sword.

She was n’t dead, but she left a scar that went straight from the base of her ear to her chin.

But …

Bai Lizhu leaned her head and looked at Baili Qingfeng, who was still asleep on her back …

“Qingfeng Big brother, I said that unless I die, I wo n’t let you do anything anyway. ”

After she finished, she turned her head resolutely, pressing the exhaustion of her body and moving on.

Aggrieved, weak, and meaningless.

She must take Baili Qingfeng alive to escape the pursuit of the empire of stars.

The rays of light of the telescope slowly circulate.

Bai Lizhu quickly avoided the direction of progress.

Front …

There is Legendary!

Three Legendary teams!

This is the sixth Legendary team she sensed today, and the number of each Legendary team is not less than two!

“There are too many, more and more enemies …”

The expression of Baili Bamboo is dim for a moment.

But this bleakness was quickly replaced by perseverance.

“The enemies seem to be narrowing their search. If I continue this way, I will be found sooner or later … I must tear their encirclement and kill them!”

Bai Lizhu ’s There was meditation on the dirty little face.

For a long time, there was a trace of weakness in her eyes.

She ca n’t kill it.

Compared to Baili Qingfeng, she is too weak.

As weak as long as the enemy ’s Legendary reaches two, she will die death and still alive, one will accidentally lose her life.

She has no value. Those Legendary who searched for her in the Empire of Stars will never be half-hearted.

“Ziyue … coming soon.”

Bai Lizhu looked up.

The silver moon is gradually falling, and the purple moon is empty.

The most difficult time is coming!

“Under the influence of Ziyue ’s Strength, Fierce Beast will become extremely offensive. I ’ll kill Fierce Beast, but it will inevitably lead to movement, when the time comes there will be people from the Empire of Stars … “

Despite the Paragon Divine Sword Sword Qi devoured by Sword Immortal Primordial Spirit, she strengthened her body and strengthened her mind all the time, relying on this Strength to give back, within ten days, she arrived at Supreme Powerhouse level, give her a month, she can go to Half-Step Legend, three months later, she can become a true Legendary …

But …

It ’s too slow.

She does n’t know if she has three months left.

“I need more strength! Any strength will do!”

Purple moonlight spills from the sky.

In the forest, there are also roars of beasts.

Fierce Beast ’s carnival in the wilderness … began.

“Any Strength …”

The bamboo in the front row stopped.

She slowly put Baili Qingfeng off her body, and then sat beside him.

“I won’t let you do anything.”

Bai Lizhu spoke softly.

“They all want to kill us, they don’t give us a way to live, but we have to survive and live well, let them see, let them pay for what they have done today ! “

Say, she took out several items from Baili Qingfeng.

If it is those Legendary powerhouse who chased them, seeing these items, they will definitely be jealous.

True divine essence!

These items are true divine essence!

There are the true divine essence of True God of death, the true divine essence of True God of blood, and …

The essence of Evil God who fears the Lord of God!

Three kinds of true divine essence, the true divine essence of death True God and True God of blood is undoubtedly weaker, and it takes a few months to digest the true divine essence. Even years.

But …

The eyes of Bailizhu fell on the essence of Evil God, the god of fear.

The essence of Evil God who fears the Lord does not need it!

The digestive efficiency of this Evil God ’s essence is only related to one thing, that is …


Enough fear can quickly catalyze the effectiveness of Evil God ’s essence, and reduce the digestion speed of Evil God ’s essence from several years to one year, several months, one month …

Even a dozen days!

when the time comes she will have the strength of Demi-God in a leap!

Demi-God ……

In addition to the two Divine Items, the Kingdom of the Field and the God Mirror, who can stop her in the Star Empire?

Holding this essence of Evil God, she looked at Baili Qingfeng again …

“Qingfeng big brother … You said, you can see your Heart clearly from the singing voice, and pursue the lost courage, I am the same …”

Bai Lizhu groaned.

“I will become a fairy tale, the angel you love, open your hands and become wings to protect you …”

The essence of Evil God she holds, in In the song, without the slightest hesitation sipped down.

Later, she looked away from Baili Qingfeng, right hand clenched the sword, and stroked the void …

“from now on, your name is called Guardian! Guardian sword! “

Petite body, at this moment valiant and formidable looking!


She is in the body, and something seems to have exploded.

next moment, a black flame began to rise from her body surface, making her involuntarily scream out pain.

In my mind, countless horror pictures have emerged, Heaven and Earth in this brief moment seems to become extremely dark.

Countless grievances, Evil Spirit, surged out of the ground standing at her feet, screaming and yelling at her frantically, as if to tear her body and eat her soul.

Legendary Eagle Peak, which was killed by her, also appeared in the endless grudge, screamed sharply, and rolled up the dark monster flame.

Farther away, hundreds of millions of kilometers apart, there seems to be a pair of double pupils full of evil and fear, spanning the distance of space and time, falling on her body, just a glance, has been aroused The most primal fear in her heart …

“Fear! Fear! Fear!”

A trembling voice echoed in the ear.

In my mind, a giant sword with 1000 meters on it, cut through the sky, cut off the fire mountain, and the home was detonated in endless flames and destruction.

Countless grievances rose up to the small courtyard in Xiaya City and Qingyuan Mountain, which she regarded as her new home, screaming and shattering everyone inside.

There is also a silhouette of a powerful and powerful shore …

If immortal, like detachment, carrying the irresistible power that destroys Exterminating Heaven and Earth, she will crush Baili Qingfeng into湮 粉, scattered ashes and dispersed smoke …

Her spirit, her will, her Faith, in this brief moment will almost completely collapse, sink into fear, endless fear and darkness Dragging into ten thousand zhang abyss, signed to eternal damnation ……

Bai Lizhu leaned his head hard and looked at Baili Qingfeng who was still asleep …

She flashed in her mind Countless pictures …


“Xiaozhu is the most powerful, you are the true Sword Technique genius of our Baili family!”


“Although everyone has the power of Heart, Xiaozhu has mastered Heart Strength at this time, it is really a young genius, this box of spar is for you, it is mine for you Reward, come on. “


” What does it matter to you, Xiaozhu, we are a family, my things are yours. “


Scenes of scenes flashed through the mind of Baili Bamboo.

“So, I really hope that I can see more of the goodness and light of this World.”

“If after all there will be darkness hidden in the corners that the rays of light cannot reach …… “

” So, I would like to turn into all the light shining in darkness! “


” Qingfeng big brother …… “


Bai Lizhu suddenly opened his eyes.



Infinite amount of light!

In an instant, what Strength detonated in her Heart, exploded into an infinite amount of light, like the blazing sun, and the ten thousand zhang abyss-like darkness, staring the pair at her Shaped eye pupils are completely dispersed!

“No matter what you are! Get me out!”

Bai Lizhu coldly shouted.


Sword Immortal Primordial Spirit concussion!

Cool Sword Intent seems to be guided by some kind of mysterious Strength, bursting out and sweeping everything.

Fearlessly, there seems to be a horror scream of fear that the God Lord does not know how many hundreds of millions of kilometers apart.

Bai Li Bamboo restored to sobriety and calmness.


Her Sword Immortal Primordial Spirit seems to be transformed at this moment, directly completing the transition from the power of Heart to the power of will!

After Heart Strength condenses into a Will Core, she can vaguely hear countless murmurs.

It seems that some people are frightened, some people are afraid, some people are afraid …

The source of fear is her.

The Slaughter Digital Legendary can still form a great shock to ordinary Knight and Great Knight.

Bai Lizhu leaned his head.

With this fear, she can feel that an invisible strength is injected into her body, making her constantly stronger.

“Sword Immortal Primordial Spirit …… not the same …”

Bai Lizhu said that behind her, the completed Sword Immortal Primordial Spirit manifested itself.

Primordial Spirit, which was originally just a sword-shaped energy body, seems to be based on a sword, extending a human appearance.

Exactly …

is a kind of lifeform on the back grows a pair of wings.

It’s just that the wings composed of that pair of energy are gray and black, and there is an unknown hidden in it.

However, Sword Immortal Yuan Divine Transformation does n’t care what she looks like. She cares about Sword Immortal Yuan Divine Power.


Fierce Beast does n’t know when it appeared.

This true Ruler is the lifeform of the bimonthly world.

The towns around which humans live are better, with Knight and the army regularly sieving, but those wild mountains and ridges far away from the people are the paradise that really belongs to Fierce Beast.


Primordial Spirit is empty!

Even under special circumstances such as the Double Moon Realm, assassination at speeds exceeding the speed of sound, dozens of Fierce Beasts that smelled in an instant were shot and killed.

Moreover, the special form of the energy structure of Sword Immortal Primordial Spirit has not driven any deafening sonic booms.

“The speed is fast and the sword is sharp.”

Bai Lizhu feels it.

It ’s just …

Killing a group of Fierce Beasts who are not the strongest at the lord level, it proves nothing.

Her telescope cast, her eyes crossed the void and landed on a Legendary team 60 kilometers away.

break through …

Start with this team.


(Two chapters in one, this chapter was deleted and modified for a long time last night, but finally decided to write according to the outline, but put This growth process has been shortened a bit.)

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