Enemies At Reach

Chapter 1043


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“I do not at all mean the establishment of Divine Kingdom on the ground in Muquan City. I want to ask you a message. Do you fear the whereabouts of the Divine Lord?”

Baili Qingfeng said patiently.

“Evil God, fear God!?”

This sacrificial complexion changed.

There is no line of faith in front of this deity. It is clearly separated from the back-to-back True God. If he wants to build Divine Kingdom to achieve the existence of True God, he actually has a relationship with the god of fear.

Wait Evil God …

Not only trouble, but also permeation, not to mention the True God behind them, even those who built Divine Kingdom and even Divine King who developed a god system, are not willing to provoke easily!

Thinking of this, the priest quickly said: “I am just a priest in a small city, and I cannot touch the traces of terrifying existence such as the fear of God.”

“Then who knows where the god of fear is?”

“There is a big city named Xiangyang City 3,000 kilometers to the north, which is the largest city in our area with a radius of tens of thousands of kilometers. You can definitely hear what you want.”


Baili Qingfeng nodded.

Seeing that these people are extremely repulsive to himself, he is also reluctant to continue to communicate with them. He is now controlling the birds, rising from the sky, and heading north.

When Baili Qingfeng left, several people were relieved to be relieved in relief.

Despite what they say, they seem to be backed by True God, fearless and dauntless, but they are only half-step legend, supreme powerhouse level, but they have to face a powerful Demi-God, and they can bear the pressure of spirit. Think about it.


Three thousand kilometers to the Legendary bird under the seat of Baili Qingfeng will not cost him much time.

However, as he flew along the way, he kept looking at the Middle-earth World, but he noticed a problem.

That is faith!

In the Middle-earth World, everyone has their own beliefs.

Although the beliefs of these people are different, some people even believe in several True Gods at the same time, but without exception, they all have the existence of faith, similar to the unbelievers like Baili Qingfeng …

So far he has not seen any of them.

“The reason why the sacrifice thinks I want to occupy a small town as the Divine Kingdom on the ground is because I have no faith? Plus I happen to be Demi-God cultivation base …”

Baili Qingfeng wondered, either he simply believed in a god.

“Unfortunately, my God ’s will is peace. In order to bring peace to the World, I can face all difficulties without fear and danger. I press forward to face all difficulties. This Faith and the fear of the Divine Lord are different in fear. After the vast distance, otherwise I will directly believe in the god of fear, and then trace back to the true body of the god of fear according to the line of faith, and kill him directly … “

Baili Qingfeng regrets: “After waiting for the city of Xiangyang, I will inquire carefully to see if there is a god of peace in Middle-earth World. If there is one, I will directly believe in the god of peace and get into the village.”

With this idea, he quickly crossed the 3,000 km distance.

A huge city that is not inferior to the star cities is suddenly in sight.

The city ’s architectural pattern is quite similar to the Star City. In addition to various houses and palaces, there are also a lot of tall towers.

It’s just different from the dozens of towers in the Star City that are connected together as a whole. These towers are often gathered around ten to form different individuals. It seems that they are planned into different types, and it seems that there are several The smaller versions of the Star City are put together to form a large city with an urban area of ​​2/3 of the Star City.

This city, like Star City, has a lot of middle-earth people flying birds.

The levels of birds they ride are different. The high ones are like Baili Qingfeng riding Legendary birds, and the low ones are taking High Level Fierce Beast.

Just seeing that they are going in and out of Xiangyang City, it can be judged that the management of this city is worse than the Star City.

Baili Qingfeng wanted to follow the cultivator of Fierce Beast, the leader of the rider, into the city, just …

There are not many Legendary birds in the city.

The configuration of his Demi-God plus a Legendary bird is too conspicuous.

So that when he landed in this area, there was a person High Level Legendary immediately coming from the sky.

“Is n’t Zunjia planning to build his own Divine Kingdom on the ground in Xiangyang City? You should know which of the Majesty ’s blessing places are in Xiangyang City.”

This High Level Legendary looked at Baili Qingfeng. Although he was on alert, he was not as enemies as the priest of Muquan City.

Obviously, the strong strength possessed by Xiangyang City gives them the confidence to suppress a troubled Demi-God.

“I mean not at all to establish Divine Kingdom in Xiangyang City. I am here just to get some news.”

“Get some news …”

The High Level Legendary gaze looked at Baili Qingfeng: “Do you want to buy territory to prepare for the establishment of Divine Kingdom on the ground? Or other reasons?”

Baili Qingfeng is speechless.

How do everyone feel that they want to build Divine Kingdom on the ground.

“I have no plans to build Divine Kingdom on earth, but my core of will is peace, and I hope there is no war between the world, but at present I do n’t know which True God has the same will as me, otherwise I do n’t mind believing in him. “


This High Level Legendary slightly startled, looking towards Baili Qingfeng’s eyes has obviously eased a bit.

Neither Demi-God nor True God. Will not joke with his own core, otherwise, it is to shake his roots.

“Will a peaceful will … sorry, I was rude, I am the senior Adjudicator Ringer of the Temple of Justice Tribunal, I do not know how to call Zunjia?”

“Baili Qingfeng.”

“Mr. Baili can use peace as his core … I can trust his character, but … the situation in our bimonthly world has been in turmoil. Whoever comes to True God with peace as the core will … I’m afraid it won’t take long to be dragged down by his own core will. After all … For many True Gods, war and plunder are the best ways to grow. “

Linger said, expression was a bit emotional.

He seems to understand why Baili Qingfeng has no faith.

Peace …

There is no market at all in the bimonthly world.

Although the low-level people will yearn for a peaceful and stable life, those great characters of aloof and remote do not think so.

“Bimonthly …”

Baili Qingfeng thinks of his first encounters with the bimonthly realm, and is also somewhat sighed: “I think the bimonthly realm needs to be changed, but … my strength is too weak, and I am weak in the general trend of the bimonthly realm.”

Ringer nodded.

Similar to Baili Qingfeng, a person who regards peace as the core of will can be called a good person.

No matter how well people are defined in the social environment, and even regard them as stupid, but a truly good person can always be respected by others.

“Mr. Baili wants to know what news, can you tell me? Maybe I can help you.”

“I want to inquire about the whereabouts of the god of fear.”

Baili Qingfeng said solemnly.

“Fear of God!?”

Linger pupil suddenly shrink: “What are you doing looking for the god of fear?”

“I have a disciple that has been stared at by the god of fear. It is inevitable that she is in crisis. The best way is to directly kill the god of fear.”

“You are going to kill Lord Fear!?”

Ringe suck in a breath of cold air: “Do you know what it means to fear God?”

“A powerful Evil God.”

“Evil God is not as simple as we think. The average person only knows that Evil God is difficult and weird, good at playing with people ’s hearts and desires, but I have witnessed a Slaughter Son, and I almost lost myself in the desire brought by Slaughter Son Among … “

Speaking of this, Ringer said with a bitter smile: “When you work hard for several decades and only a few centuries to grow a cultivation base, the other party only needs to rush into a mortal city and kill a city. Who can endure this temptation after acquiring your several decades, and even hundreds of years of cultivation base? This is the case with Lord Slaughter, the same is true with fear God … Fear is their source of strength, they just need to spread their fears in the hearts of mortals , So that those mortal minds keep the shadow of fear, they can continue to grow stronger … “

“I know, and I heard that as long as the desire is not extinguished, the fear is not dead.”

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