Enemies At Reach

Chapter 1042


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Reckless ancient forest.

Generally refers to a barren mountain of Daze that stretches for tens of thousands of kilometers between Middle Earth and the North.

In addition to the vast territory, this mountain forest also has countless Fierce Beast, Legendary lifeform, and even Divine Beast, which has a fatal threat to True God.

Thousands of years ago, the gods of the North led their followers to travel from Middle-earth and spent many years. Even during the time when the 29th True God escorted at the same time, there were still millions of people. Always fall on this road of migration.

Be aware that those who could be selected by the Northern Gods to leave Middle-earth at that time were all elites among the believers, and almost all started as High Level martial artists, during which they reached the stage of supreme powerhouse, Legendary, and Demi-God. Powerful existence is unknown.

Under such circumstances, the migration of the northern gods still pays such a huge price, which shows how dangerous the ancient forest is.

In the face of such a horrible mountain forest, Baili Qingfeng, even with Demi-God Level cultivation base, still dared not be a little slack.

If Divine Beast provokes a group … Divine Beast rushes out with a mighty momentum, how can he resist it?

Therefore, he must be cautious when crossing this wild forest.

“Wait a minute, I may be besieged to death by a group of Divine Beasts through this ridiculous ancient forest. Although Xiaozhu is expected to be far away, he can avoid Divine Beast in advance, but can be stared by Divine Beast ten thousand It ’s still dangerous because of it … “

Baili Qingfeng thought for a moment, and he had a decision in his mind.

Although Divine Beast is powerful and Divine Power is difficult to measure, but …

He still intends to open and aboveboard a road from the wild ancient forest.

At least one road must be cleared without Divine Beast.

As long as there is no Divine Beast along the way, even if Bailizhu encounters any danger, she can still retreat with her Demi-God Level Strength.

Thinking of this, Baili Qingfeng took care of the flying birds into this mountain forest that has not seen any trace of human smoke for hundreds of years or even thousands of years.

Although he is at high altitude, he can look around and still clearly see the dense forest.

one after another ancient tree rises from the ground, covering the sky and the sun, the mountains are undulating, and the towering and dangerous, no one knows what kind of risks are hidden in it, and how powerful Fierce Beast lurks .

As far as Baili Qingfeng is concerned, he only entered this wild land less than 300 kilometers, and Wang Yuanshu noticed a group of powerful birds 800 kilometers away. Among the group of birds, Legendary lifeform alone It took dozens of heads.

Although Legendary lifeform is inferior to human Legendary, the prepared Half-Step Legend squad will even make a living by hunting Legendary birds, but …

Dozens of Legendary birds swarmed up, and Demi-God would be caught in a siege to death if he accidentally moved.

Although he and the dozens of Legendary birds do not get along, but …

For safety’s sake, he corrected the flight direction a little bit and went straight to the huge number of birds.

An hour later, the bright light shone to the sky!

Along with the shock wave that completely tears the atmosphere within a radius of several tens of kilometers, and the burning fire, the horrible Fireball almost burning the heaven and boiling the sea.

This wave of Legendary birds was eliminated, and Baili Qingfeng returned to the nearest fairway and moved on.

At this time, he traveled unharmed for more than 4,000 kilometers.

Legendary lifeform has seen a lot in this more than 4,000 kilometers, but Divine Beast ……

Not really.

For a time, Baili Qingfeng wondered if Divine Beast needed hibernation.

But the current climate …

It’s not yet time to hibernate.

Unfortunately, while maintaining speed, he had to expand the search range a little bit, and sometimes even vaguely judge Divine Beast’s life territory based on the materials he learned, and then deduced it …

Finally, Kungfu pays off.

After traveling two thousand kilometers forward again, and all offsetting the straight road for 600 kilometers, he finally found a trail of Divine Beast.

“These Divine Beasts are the biggest roadblocks that Kotake made to go to Middle-earth World. Their presence will bring Kotake a fatal danger … Therefore, no matter how powerful Divine Beast is … I must also destroy them . “

Baili Qingfeng now takes press forward Faith and rushes towards Divine Beast, which is offset by a straight path of 1,500 kilometers.

After more than an hour, the rays of light shine again.

Strong light enough to deprive all of the raw Spirit Vision within tens of kilometers to illuminate the sky dome.

A terrifying shock wave that uprooted trees within ten meters of the distance was accompanied.

When the shock wave dissipated, an area of ​​tens of kilometers of the reckless forest seemed to be wiped out by a great strength, leaving a scar like a wound.


“Divine Beast.”

Baili Qingfeng rides on Legendary birds and continues to depart.

Just as if the Half-Step Legend-level squad was fully prepared to hunt Legendary Fierce Beast, Divine Beast was halfway compared to the real god.

They are more powerful than True God ’s body and far better than True God ’s recovery, but …

But he does not possess the will of God!

Their power is entirely based on their extraordinary Bloodline and the terrifying Fleshy body.

This kind of Divine Beast Baili Qingfeng uses the magic to deal with nothingness, and it makes a lot of sense.

The only regret is that every time the nihilistic art smashes over, something will not remain.

Otherwise, the things in Divine Beast are refining Divine Item, which assists Peak treasure in cultivation.

The stop and go along the way made Baili Qingfeng take four days to cross the wild ancient forest.

But even so, when he came out of the wild ancient forest, he was still a little unbelievable.

“Is this gone?”

He glanced at the apparently sparse wood.

Looking at the end of the sky again and again, the traces of people can be seen occasionally, and his face is unbelievable.

Do n’t you say that the ancient forest is dangerous?

Are n’t you talking about going through the wild forest to the Middle World World nine deaths and still alive?

But when he came along, Divine Beast, who had been killed by nothingness, had only six heads.

This is still the case where he deliberately ran the road and went around, and according to the Fierce Beast territory branch speculation to find the door, otherwise he could only “see” a telescope scan of a thousand kilometers, and he could meet three Divine Beast is good.

Results …

After four days, the Nine-headed Divine Beast has not been killed. He has actually walked out of the wild ancient forest.

There is no feeling of nine deaths and still alive.

“Would you like … to go back to another way to kill?”

Baili Qingfeng thought.

But for a moment, he left the idea behind.

He stayed in the wild ancient forest for four days, and the speed was not good. If Bailizhu rushed back and forth both day and night, he should have crossed the wild ancient forest and entered the Middle-earth World on these two days.

So it does n’t make much sense for him to go back and clear Divine Beast along the way.

Baili Qingfeng is sitting on this newly replaced Legendary bird, and is watching from the direction of the wild ancient forest …

“Hope … useful.”

After a few minutes, Baili Qingfeng looked back.

“Next … find the Lord of Fear!”

Thinking of this, his telescope technique looked again.

Although there are some people within a few hundred kilometers, they are basically barbaric tribes and do not contain much civilized atmosphere.

Baili Qingfeng continued to fly forward for thousands of kilometers, and finally found the end of the field of vision-a small town more than 900 kilometers away.

He is riding a Legendary bird and heading straight to the town.

An hour later, the town has appeared in Baili Qingfeng ’s field of vision.

However, when he looked closely at Xiaocheng, he found something: “It seems … strength of Faith?”

He can clearly feel the strength of Faith winding over the town.

And there are many kinds.

Baili Qingfeng has carefully sensed it, there are four kinds.

In other words, there should be four temples of True God in this small city.

And the population of the whole town …

Less than forty thousand! ?

A True God is less than ten thousand …

“These gods … are too hungry, are 10,000 believers worth building a temple?”

Baili Qingfeng looked at it for a moment, but still fell towards the center of the town immediately.

There, he felt the strongest breath in the city.

However, just when he was about to fall, the four temples in the city flashed divine light at the same time, faintly discernable.

Although this coercion is not very strong, it contains the essence of True God, and it seems to be based on deterrence.

The Half-Step Legend and the three Supreme Powerhouse, the strongest of the four temples, also quickly came to the square in the center of the city and looked at him with a wary face.

After a glance at the four people, the strongest Half-Step Legend stepped forward, and was afraid of it, but it was not humble or overbearing: “I am a cult of a fanatical god, I do n’t know how to do it, I do n’t know how to drive it?”

He did not report his name.

From this point, he can see the rejection of Baili Qingfeng’s arrival.

Baili Qingfeng looked at the four people, and he had a hunch in his heart. If it was not because he clearly had the breath of High Level life, the four people in front of him would be more than just repulsion. It might be directly hostile or even expel him. This small town.

“Should we be meeting for the first time?”

Baili Qingfeng looked at this sacrificial cult of gods who did not even want to report their names: “Why do I feel strong hostility on you?”

“Do n’t dare, Zunjia is ready to open up the Divine Kingdom on the ground, to condense the great existence of the god body. How dare I a little priest to disrespect Zunjia.”

This ritual is still a low-spirited tone.

“There must be a reason.”

Baili Qingfeng looked at this sacrifice: “I should never offend you.”

The cult of this fanatical god glanced at the others.

Finally, several people said at the same time: “The Muquan City is a city sheltered by four True Gods, and the great four gods will occasionally cast their eyes on our Muquan City. Reasons to occupy this city and develop it into your underground Divine Kingdom are all wrong. “

“Yes, although Muquan City is just a small city, the great Lord will not give up any territory or any believer.”

“Yes, please drive away, please.”

A few people followed.

Baili Qingfeng heard it, and even guessed that he understood it.

Emotions …

These people thought they wanted to occupy the city to build the Divine Kingdom above the ground, in preparation for the solid God body to achieve True God?

But …

Forty thousand people, is it necessary?

The lives of the gods of Middle-earth World, have you lived so tightly?

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