Enemies At Reach

Chapter 1016

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Only Baili Qingfeng and Baili Bamboo came when they came, but when they went there was one more bird with Divine Beast Bloodline and Zhao Jiansheng.

As the birds pass by in the sky, Baili Qingfeng overlooks the ground beneath his feet, and when he sees an endless mountain range in the distance, he seems to think of something: “That ’s the thunderbolt mountain range.

“Yes, thunderbolt mountain range, this mountain range was originally a lord ’s domain, he has already given the mountain range to the Qingfeng big brother, due to the skyland federation and the nearest Space in the Northland Node is here, so a Space Gate and a small city will be built here as a 2nd gateway between the Heaven and the Wild Federation to and from the Double Moon Realm. “

Bai Lizhu introduced it.

Baili Qingfeng nodded, looking at the reckless mountains in front of me, suddenly felt a sense of peace: “The things in the Northland have finally been resolved, and this time, the Tianhuang Federation is truly a peace of mind, although there will be Some unavoidable minor troubles, but … The strength of the Confederacy Federation is fully able to cope with it, and the ordinary people in the Federation can finally live a stable and peaceful life. “

” en.

Bai Lizhu glanced at Baili Qingfeng, what he wanted to say, but for a moment, it seemed to stop again.

The birds with Divine Beast Bloodline are extremely fast, even if Baili Qingfeng chooses to go back from the blood blue Duchy’s space channel, it still takes two days.

A lot of people have built houses here in the space channel of blood orchid duchy, and developed into a small town.

Although the opening of the Space Gate caused the backflow of Heaven and Earth Origin Qi, the energy backflow only benefited the eight-level martial artist to comprehend One with the World and supreme powerhouse to gain a glimpse of the mysteries of the field and the cultivation environment. The Heavenly Waste Realm is still no better than the Double Moon Realm. Otherwise, the Heavenly Waste Realm will not be known as the Cave Heavenly Immortal Realm in the past.

Because the blood orchid duchy defaults to the Space Gate as the center, hundreds of kilometers are allocated to the Tianhuang Federation, and the people of the Tianhuang Federation have not wasted this land, directly here Developed into a training base.

At present, the resident population of the base in the form of a small town has reached 8,000.

I believe that as time goes on, more and more people will adapt to the gravity of the bi-moon world, and after having a body comparable to the War Grade powerhouse, the town will become more and more prosperous. Until it becomes a town, a city, or even a super city with a population of over 10 million like Titan City and Star City.

It seems to know the arrival of Baili Qingfeng.

When Baili Qingfeng entire group came to the Space Gate, cheers like mountains and rivers could be heard everywhere.

Everyone sincerely praises the True God that brings peace and strength to the heaven and earth federation.

However, Baili Qingfeng did n’t stay much in this town. After passing through the Space Gate, he quickly came to the heaven and earth.

As soon as the sky is over, the energy factor contained in the air drops. Baili Qingfeng feels that his cell activity seems to have dropped a lot, and the body feels soft and not much energy.

“Adverse reactions from a zone with high oxygen content to a zone with low oxygen content?”

Baili Qingfeng grunted.

This time he finally understands why Legendary powerhouse enters the world of heaven and wasteland, and the battle strength is congenitally hit 20% off.

“It ’s much better now, but it ’s just a little discomfort like altitude sickness. In the past, life forms will fall. If you want to maintain normal conditions, you can only stay near the Space Gate, just like after entering the plateau It can only be the same as inhaling oxygen in the hospital. “

Zhao Jiansheng’s experience on the change of vitality in the two realms is obviously richer than Baili Qingfeng.

Due to the Divine Beast Bloodline contained in this body of Legendary bird, the Legendary form will be degraded if it lives for a long time in the city of Chaiya.

So when the entire group spanned more than a thousand kilometers from Xuelan Town to Xiaya City, Baili Bamboo put it back to guard the Space Gate.

Although this kind of bird is not as suitable as Legendary powerhouse, it can still be used in many situations when there is no battle strength in the heaven and earth.

“I ’m back, and I have n’t been home for more than half a year …”

Zhao Jiansheng looked at his small courtyard 100 meters away, and was a little bit emotional.

“What is Zhao Uncle ’s next plan?”

“I tried to solve my problem, and I had to spend some time at home.”

“Just right, I will not go out for a long time after I come back from the Grotto World. We when the time comes to chat, play chess, read books, listen to songs, and enjoy life.”

“This is fine.”

Zhao Jiansheng nodded, waved to Baili Qingfeng, and turned away.

“How about Xiaozhu? Do you want to go to school again?”

Baili Qingfeng Road.

“I …”

Bai Lizhu glanced at Baili Qingfeng, hesitating for a moment and said: “I am a little uncomfortable … It may be that the Legendary form and the heaven and earth are not the same Adaptability, so I should still find a place to cultivate for a while. “

” So, that ’s okay, you ’re in my cultivation room. “

Baili Qingfeng didn’t think much.


Bai Lizhu nodded.

At this time, Baili Qingfeng seemed to feel something and looked up towards the entrance of the courtyard.

There, in a white long dress, the young and beautiful teacher Yiyi Zhengting is waiting.

She looked at Baili Qingfeng, who was holding hands with Baili Bamboo, and smiled and gave birth to flowers.

“Qingfeng, come back.”

“Well, come back.”

Baili Qingfeng nodded.

Then he handed over some small gifts bought in Star City: “Bring you something to see if you like it.”

“It is the Empire of Stars Is it the capital city of Star City? ”

Shi Yiyi took the bag delivered by Baili Qingfeng and glanced down: “I like it very much.”

As for Baili Qingfeng ’s dangers and encounters in the empire of stars …

She never mentioned it.

No matter what happened, it has passed.

Baili Qingfeng is just back.

“I have already bought the dishes and the water in the water heater has been cooked. You can take a bath and rest, change your clothes and you can eat almost.”


Baili Qingfeng nodded, and then glanced at the Baili bamboo around you: “Xiaozhu, go wash it first, I will sort out what we brought.”

” en. ”

Bai Lizhu was nodded and entered the courtyard first.

“Give me something, let me help you in …”

Shi Yiyi stepped forward.

“No, I can just mention it myself …”

Baili Qingfeng said, the hands of the two unconsciously came together.

For a time, Shi Yiyi’s movement stopped.

And Baili Qingfeng hesitated for a moment, grabbed her hand, and said: “I can just put things in.”


Shiyiyi complied, did not speak again.

For a time, the two did not say a word, quietly crossed the courtyard gate and walked into the living room.



After taking a bath and changing clothes, Baili Qingfeng, who apparently has a lot of spirits, looked at a table and a chair in his room, a book and a painting …

Five years.

He has lived in this small courtyard for five full years.

No one knows how he came over these five years.

From the very beginning, study hard, improve every day, read books, listen to music, and later …

Leave school, put down books, even put down music, even a little of your own leisure time No, every day I have to go east and west, go back and forth between places, or just devote all my time and energy to cultivation ……

This …

It is all his experience in the past five years.

In five years, he has almost forgotten what he really wanted.

And now …

Of the three goals he set, the third one …

It is also the most difficult one to accomplish …


At last, it’s almost half done.

The peoples of the northern countries are friendly, and the World Cave people no longer dare to step into the heaven and wasteland. Many beasts and aliens lurking in the heaven and wasteland are also following the sky. With the restructuring of the Federation, all strengths are integrated into one unit, which is flattened by the combined human world one after another.

Although the crisis brought by the open of the space channel from time to time is still inevitable, but as the sky federation becomes more and more powerful, more and more martial artists are born, and the opened space channel allows the supreme powerhouse, and even As Half-Step Legend stared, the aliens coming out of it came to kill one and the other two to kill a pair. Naturally, they would not affect the stability within the Celestial Federation.

Baili Qingfeng thought, touching the books on the shelf.

He has n’t read some books in a long time.

“I hope that after several decades, when I die old, someone at my memorial service will carefully read, ‘Baili Qingfeng is a great great thinker, great philosopher, great scientist, The big musician and the big Martial Dao family ‘to prove that I have come to this World and left a track in this World … “

Baili Qingfeng watched as he opened a note of his own.

Among these standards, the big Martial Dao family should be realized, but the big musicians, big scientists, big philosophers, big thinkers …

Obviously still poor A big cut.

“Perhaps … I am barely able to afford the titles of Great Politician and Great Thinker. After all, thanks to my fighting skills in the Star Empire, I can only promote the weak to the Star Empire. Magnificent heavenly kingdoms and northern countries signed peace agreements … What kind of political wisdom is this? In addition, under the guidance of my peaceful thought, the entire heavenly federation is also good for everyone, peace and security in the world, The whole World is in an unprecedented prosperity … the big thinker … also barely meets … “

Baili Qingfeng thought, a smile appeared on his face.

Then he opened the drawer, picked up the MP3 that had not been listened to for a long time, then took out the ear line that still seems to have some girl fragrance, and came to the balcony and sat Leaning on the chair on the balcony, facing … the anti-theft network …

“It can be disassembled … Now the security, environment, humanities, and quality of Xiaya City are no longer available …

Baili Qingfeng thought to himself, turned on the MP3, just let himself bathe in the sun, listened to the song, and closed his eyes slightly.

Bring a gentle summer breeze from a distance, blowing his face …

Quiet and peaceful.

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