Enemies At Reach

Chapter 1015

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After all, Baili Qingfeng took the time to meet with the messengers of various countries and conveyed a message of peace and friendliness to them on behalf of the Tianhuang Federation.

After being enlightened by his goodwill, the emissaries of all countries are also patting their chests to ensure that they are willing to become the most loyal allies of the Tianhuang Federation.

Looking at a harmonious and friendly atmosphere in the field, Baili Qingfeng was nodded with relief.

Afterwards, a High Level Legendary from the Frostland Kingdom came up and took out a small box, full of respect: “Great True God Your Majesty, a little gift, this is us Offending Your Majesty’s compensation, please accept the True God Your Majesty. “

” Compensation? “

Baili Qingfeng glanced at him and then looked at this box:” This What’s inside? “

” It’s a magical technique called the emptying tactics. The emptying tactics is a blessing defensive spell that has a good rebound effect on any attack. If you use this The door magic is blessed on the Frost God Armor, which can maximize the formidable power of the Frost God Armor. “

This High Level Legendary whispered.

At this time, Baili Qingfeng remembered …

In addition to the Demi-God Holy Star of the Star Empire, there was also a Demi of the Kingdom of Frost -God Frost Dragon ……

But …

After looking at the box that the other person handed over, and the attitude of not mentioning the frost god armor, Baili Qingfeng thought for a moment, still Chose to forgive them.

People die big.

The frost dragons have all fallen, and the enmity and grievances should be cancelled.

He came to the Double Moon Realm with a kind and friendly attitude. Naturally, it was impossible because of such a thing, he once again killed the Frost Kingdom, and uprooted the Frost King royal family.

Furthermore, empty, empty, very in line with the essence of the True God of nothingness.

“I have taken care of it, I have accepted this empty tactic.”

Baili Qingfeng said.

“many thanks Your Majesty.”

The High Level Legendary of the Frostland Kingdom suddenly felt relieved in relief.

In addition to the High Level Legendary of the Kingdom of Frost, all the other five kingdoms have sent some gifts.

And the weight of these gifts is not light, and each one is taken out, I am afraid that there is a price that is not inferior to that of the tens of thousands of gold coins.

He actually found hundreds of kg of Red God Steel in a gift.

“There are also Red God Steel in the hands of the northern countries?”

This result surprised Baili Qingfeng.

At the moment, he made people call Marcia, the liaison of the Star Alliance, and conveyed to her the meaning of acquiring Red God Steel.

And less than three days after the news spread, Bailong Qingfeng ’s Kanglong Tower received a total of over 1,000 kg of Chishen Steel from each Great Influence.

Moreover, all forces are initiating relations, collecting this kind of gold as much as possible, making the price of this kind of gold in the market directly triple.

Baili Qingfeng is not aware of this.

More than 1,000 kg of Red God Steel, he feels better, immediately summoned the King of Flames who will turn around from the air like a tour of the territory every day through the contract, and then put thousands of kg Chi Shengang pushed towards him.

“Your Majesty, you are …”

“Flame, I have heard of your feat. At that time, it was you who could break my defense. Divine spear Isn’t it right? “

The king of flames trembles after hearing the huge figure, thinking that Baili Qingfeng wants to settle the bill after the autumn, he quickly said:” Your Majesty, this … I did n’t even recognize Your at that time. Majesty Your greatness, I do n’t know at all Your Majesty Your rays of light are as dazzling as stars, shining with brilliance that I cannot look directly at, and as deep as the Universe, full of convincing mysterious … How I hope time can Backward, let me meet Your Majesty early, listen to the sacred voice of Your Majesty, sing praises to Your Majesty’s deeds of peace, praise Your Majesty’s selfless dedication … “

” I don’t blame you.

Baili Qingfeng was stunned and waved his hand quickly: “If the material used is not a bit worse, it is already a Demi-God Artifact, you can use that material to be more dangerous Create a Demi-God Artifact comes, it can be seen that the level of refining equipment is very high. I would like to ask you to help me build a set of weapons. “

The King of Flames listened, without the slightest hesitation patting the scales on his chest promised: “Please rest assured that Your Majesty, although my flame is not an Artifact Refining Grandmaster, but as a Legendary Fire Dragon, he is born to deal with flames, so that he has the advantage of blessed by heaven in shaping weapons, plus I have indeed studied Divine. Item Practice method, I want to set a set of defensive armor besides the scale armor for me … So, I still have a little confidence in the refiner. “

” That line, I want to make a set Flying Sword, a set of Flying Sword that can perfectly carry the spiritual force, is the same as Chishen Steel. “

Baili Qingfeng said, sending more than 1,000 kg to the flames from lords and national missions around the world The king pushed forward: “Look, see what other materials are needed, I will try my best to supplement it for you.”

“Can it perfectly carry the spiritual force? No problem.”

“apart from this, the firmness is also Some enhancements. ”

” No problem. “

” Okay, my current Flying Sword is too weak to be shot on the Frost God Armor. My requirements are not high. Next time I will encounter a similar Frost Sword Divine item can be penetrated after waiting for Divine Item. “

” Frost God Armor … “

The King of Flames hesitated for a moment, but in response to Baili Qingfeng ’s trusting eyes, he agreed without the slightest hesitation:” no problem! Your Majesty You are waiting for my good news. “

” I’ve given it to you. Just ask for any needed materials.

Baili Qingfeng said aloud.

The king of flames nodded a huge head and left with a thousand kg of red god steel.

To be After he left, Baili Qingfeng found the faithful.

In a month, Constantine had already returned from the heaven and earth, and he came over the same way except for a warrior in the Temple of Nothingness. There is the commander of the first army of Sia Kingdom, Johnson, and five hundred war grade elite soldiers.

Divine City has both a communication channel between the Celestial Federation and the countries of the Northland, and also has the function of defending against the invasion of the countries of the Northland. In this case, it is natural that a part of the soldiers with battle strength will carry out military operations against the Star City化 管理。 Management.

Whether it is the soldiers of the Nether Temple and 500 soldiers, Baili Qingfeng made two requests to them before they arrived.

The first one is basically exhausted by Innate Talent, the second one …

The Starlight Catalogue has Small Accomplishment.

After spending a day to check the cultivation success of their star catalog, Baili Qingfeng did not waste time, directly took out the blood of Legendary and let them take it after one another.

Legendary ’s blood essence is a precious Peak resource in the world of heaven and wasteland, and is even retained by Jingshan, the Gate of Heaven, the only church and other forces as the background of the comeback of Dongshan, which can be said to Baili Qingfeng now There is not much difficulty in obtaining it.

If he wants, he can go to the mountain range where there are a large number of Legendary Fierce Beasts, as long as he does not cause Divine Beast to pay attention to personally hunt down, collecting a dozen copies of Legendary blood a day is not difficult. .

It does n’t matter if he does n’t want to do it himself, just collect gold coins.

There are many famous Legendary squads in the two-moon world dedicated to hunting Legendary Fierce Beast and collecting the blood essence of Legendary.

Because the hunting of Legendary Fierce Beast can make the Northland safer, this kind of behavior is not only supported by the authorities in the Northland countries, but also can obtain lofty honors, even if there is no The small risk still attracts a batch of Legendary powerhouse to succeed.

A variety of trivial things, zero and zero, always delay Baili Qingfeng for ten days.

Ten days later, the explanation was almost the same. The Wan Star God formation was also repaired smoothly. Finally, the king of flames and Shouzhen, Constantine, and Johnson led the team to stay here. And is responsible for the transformation and establishment of Zhongxing City.

And Baili Qingfeng came to the cultivation room outside Baili Bamboo Retreat to protect her.

As early as Baili Qingfeng went to practice Divine Transformatio Holy Spirit, Baili Bamboo then asked for a cultivation room to retreat. This retreat has been a month and a half, and there is still no point to go out. trend.

Fortunately, it seems to be aware that Baili Qingfeng is waiting outside, 2nd day, Baili Bamboo came out of the cultivation room.

It ’s just …

The breath inside is restrained to the extreme, and even Baili Qingfeng ca n’t feel it.

“Xiaozhu, you are …”

“Are n’t you going back? If you go back, you should press the cultivation base back.”

Bailizhuxiao Started.

“Um, actually, due to the space gates, the energy intensity of the Heavenly Waste Realm has increased. Although it still ca n’t support the battle of Legendary ’s life, it ’s just a normal life. It’s too big a relationship. “

It seems that Zhao Jiansheng who heard something came together.

“Is this so?”

Baili Qingfeng heard, the expression was a little dignified: “Then it is necessary to do a good job in the audit work of the Star City, and the Legendary of the Northland cannot be rushed into The sky is nowhere. “

Zhao Jiansheng is nodded.

“By Zhao Uncle, are you going back with us?”

“Let’s go together …”

Zhao Jiansheng said, after looking at Baili Qingfeng, he wanted to express his desire Only for a while, he said: “Qingfeng Little Brother, you can still remember the Three Thousand Great Dao we said earlier, which can be proved to be mixed. As long as it can be proven, the energy problem of the Heaven and Earth’s Law Manifestation environment will be Can it be completely resolved? “

” Remember. “

” I recently got a mystery technique, this mystery technique … how to say, it ’s a bit bad, it ’s through Looting the strengths of others for their own use, but I have studied the strengths carefully and found that there are problems … but as long as they provide strength to me, let me Three Thousand Great Dao Perfection, reshape Heaven and Earth, When the time comes Chaos is born, everything starts back, I can get infinite energy, their crisis can be solved, they pay only the accumulated energy, but on the other hand feel that this kind of behavior is like plundering others Cultivati on the achievements … “

” So you want to ask my opinion? “

” Yes. “

” Are you sure there is a problem with these energies? ”

“pretty close!”


Baili Qingfeng made a direct decision: “You think about it, if you get terminally ill, you will be ruined if you cure it. If you do n’t cure, you will die, then do you choose to cure or not? ”

Zhao Jiansheng heard it and suddenly said:” Of course it is cured! “

” Will it be saved? Saving a life? ” is more meritorious than building a seven-floor pagoda Ah, people can’t violate their own kindness! “

” I understand! “

Zhao Jiansheng is careful nodded:” I will take it back when I go back The problem is solved. “

” Let ’s go, let ’s go together, Zhao Uncle. You ’re ready. It ’s been five months since I came to Biyuejie. It ’s time to go back. “

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