Enemies At Reach

Chapter 1005

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The blazing rays of light flooding Heaven and Earth lasted a few seconds before gradually dispersing.

“hong long long!”

At this time, the deafening roar exploded from the stars.

This is a sonic boom formed by the rapid compression and friction of air.

Although the starlight of the Star God array has risen tenaciously, but under this burst of sound, almost all the glass and porcelain in the entire Star City are still shattered and smashed into the sky In the Star City with a population of 40 million, it is even unknown how many people are deaf and blind.

Even if Baili Qingfeng finally rushed into the void, the location where the Strength was detonated was 2000 meters away from the sky, but the torrent of energy like destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth would still be sufficient below The city of kilometers was turned into ruins, and the Imperial Palace was repaired directly above the explosion. It was directly scattered ashes and dispersed smoke in front of the shock wave formed by the explosion strength.

The Imperial Family of the Star Empire is almost directly erased at this moment.

The air waves are rolling, the smoke is filled, and it cannot be calmed down for a long time.

This horrible formidable power, not to mention the survivors of Star City, even Bailizhu looks a bit incredible.

“Qingfeng big brother …”

Bai Lizhu looked at Baili Qingfeng in surprise.

Baili Qingfeng looked at the raging fire below. Almost half of the cities had flames and smoke-filled star cities. Unable to bear sighed: “I deliberately lowered some formidable power …”

He lowered this round of fusion reaction. On the one hand, he was worried that when the time comes, he would have no time to escape from the explosion center …

On the other hand, Xiaozhu was closer to him and he did n’t want to Xiaozhu was injured by mistake.

The third reason …

Unwilling to cause too many deaths and injuries.

war, no kindness is allowed, but …

When performing this move, he still rushed to more than 2,000 meters.

Otherwise, if this Strength is detonated between 500 metres and 1000 meters, the destruction effect on the Star City will be at least doubled.

“Qingfeng big brother, what kind of magic is this?”

“Divine …”

Baili Qingfeng looked at it and it was completely erased from the Star City Imperial Palace, said: “Just call it nothingness.”

“Shenshu nihility …”

Bai Li Bamboo lights up in front of it: “This is great, Qingfeng big brother , I want to learn this. ”

Waiting for Baili Qingfeng to speak again, a spirit full of sorrow and shocks has spread from the center of the white rays of light.

“My eyes … my body …”

“What kind of magic is this! Why is there such a horrible magic!”

“I’m wrong! Qian Ye is right, we should not rashly provoke this class to the immortal Divine Emperor, who can lead the great ancient god to personally shoot terrifying existence. This is really God’s Force! Even if it is strong, Demi-God can’t fight it. True God’s Force! “

The God ’s will of the four Demi-Gods of Holy Star Song, Incineration, Pinghuang, and Salary Burning also escaped from that terrible energy fluctuation, each and everyone looks Panic, full of fear.

Seeing this scene, Baili Qingfeng strongly suppressed the emotions in his heart, and his eyes fell on the will of the remaining gods of several Demi-Gods.

Sure enough, although the energy released by nuclear fusion can destroy everything on the physical level, it is absolutely necessary for the relatively idealistic existence of spirit and will.

But anyway.

As the river system manifested by his Spirit World swept through like a scroll, Holy Star Song, Burning Shadow, Pinghuang, and salary suddenly changed dramatically, each and everyone at the fastest speed Fly towards the end of the sky.

At this time, one after another star manifests from the will of their god, and the stars shine.

next moment …


One after another star collapsed suddenly, as if collapsed into a black hole, simulating the strength of the Heavens and exterminating the Earth Strength, it seems that they will be buried together with their will of God!

Star collapse!

Holy Star Song, Burning Salary, Pinghuang, Burning Shadow and the others yelled at the same time, and their bodies continued to fall into the black hole that collapsed towards the stars.

“Baili Qingfeng, do you really want to kill!”

“Misunderstanding, misunderstanding Baili Qingfeng Your Majesty, I was just blinded by the Imperial Family Our lord lineage is your natural ally! “

” The great God Lord is about to wake up, he will not let anyone who treats his followers harsh! Baili Qingfeng, you can only get back on the right now The path can save the life in the trial of the future God Lord Your Majesty! “

Spirit bursts circulated from several Demi-Gods.

But Baili Qingfeng ignored it at all. Seeing that a round of star annihilation could not kill these people, the second round star annihilation was immediately followed.

Anyway, now he only needs to rest a little for an hour or two to recover 20-30 natal stars, dealing with their four Demi-Gods. The round of celestial annihilation consumes less natal stars than him. Half an hour of recovery.


The panic-spirit volatility erupted, seeming to contain endless fear.

Soon, the will of the two who burned the salary and burned the shadow was completely destroyed.

The two “High Level Demi-God”, Holy Star Song and Pinghuang, are still alive, but in the face of the star collapse that can destroy even the will of True God, it will only be a matter of time.

Seeing Baili Qingfeng seems to be really planning to let him go. Before he left, he still sounded: “Dear Baili Qingfeng Your Majesty, I think you should go to the peaks of the gods as soon as possible … The Empire of Stars Behind the real Ruler, the real Supreme Divine King in the North, the realm god, waking up … “


(Sure enough , The state of forced codewords is not good when I don’t feel it.)

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