Enemies At Reach

Chapter 1004

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“Han Yingying, you use Mountain and Rivers Chart to divide Baili Qingfeng and the little girl, and trap the little girl first, I will work together to kill Baili Qingfeng and Baili Qingfeng Upon death, the little girl was left to deal with more! “

Sing star said.

Banying nodded, seeing the Baili Qingfeng field inspire, the land of the Divine Item, the land of the field, the Divine Kingdom began to spread and stretch around him, without his slightest hesitation, the Mountain and Rivers Chart towards Baili bamboo rolled out.


“Do n’t give him the opportunity to take out the Jianshen Mirror!”

“There is a banned crown, there is no school for the Jianshen Mirror. Opportunity to come in handy. “

Holy Star Song, Burning Salary, Pinghuang Few follow closely from behind.

Among them, the crown on the top of the head of the Realm Temple Pope Pinghuang exudes a circle of naked eye visible ripples.

Under the impact of these ripples, Baili Qingfeng clearly feels that the strength of his country is being weakened. It seems that the crown has the strength to block all Divine Item powers, although this ripple is not aimed at him. The country of the field seems to have reservations, but it has already caused some influence on his strength.

The electromagnetic field of Baili Qingfeng changed a lot, and the six flying Swords that were about to fly out were reduced to four. The sword edge is exactly the most powerful Divine Son Holy Star Song with the sword of the stars.

“Four-handling Flying Sword!?”

Holy Star song complexion changed.

Baili Qingfeng’s formidable power of this Sword Technique is very clear. Not only is the speed fast, but also the formidable power is amazing.

A few months ago, he could only shoot one Flying Sword at a time, but now it has grown to four!

“Strength increase of the realm of the domain! I will ban his realm of the realm, you must be careful!”

I originally planned to keep Divine Item Strength to be used against the Kamian mirror. Pinghuang Pope a long whistle, the crown above his head exploded a layer of golden light, and went straight to the Divine Kingdom swept away on the ground formed by the kingdom of Baili Qingfeng. Under the irradiation of this layer of golden light, he used the domain to cooperate with the kingdom of the field. Divine Kingdom on the ground melted away as if exposed to the sun in the blazing sun.

“Sky Sword Technique!”

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the starlight on Sacred Star Song reached the extreme, the swords of the stars in his hand were cut off in the sky, at this moment, he cut It seems that it is not a sword, but a star!

Contains a sword of star strength!

The two Demi-Gods, Qian Ye and Salary, also shot at the same time, and went straight to the electromagnetic Sword Technique that Baili Qingfeng was about to shoot off.

“zi zi!”

The electro-optic burst!

The four Sword Techniques at the same time erupted at the same time, and the sharp sword light shot the Holy Star Song with the sharp edge of the tearing sky.

The speed …

“It’s too fast!”

“His sword speed is nearly doubled compared to the previous one!”

Thousands of Ye Ye and Yanjian only had time to flash in their minds This idea, originally supposed to be intercepted by the two electromagnetic Sword Technique that they were responsible for, had been shot to the front of Shengxingge with a harsh sharp howl.


Flying Sword, the electromagnetic Sword Technique, was captured by Flying Sword at the crucial moment Time, the bright starlight contained in the swords of the stars exploded, instantly flying one of the Flying Sword, and the sword of the stars was also cut off, and then the second Flying Sword was cut off.

But …

Cut off two flying Swords is already the ultimate he can achieve.

The remaining two Flying Sword shoots him with the power of crushing dry weeds and smashing rotten wood.


The gas wave formed by the eruption of the horrible Sword Qi burst on the spot with the Holy Star Song as the center, exploding the clouds within a radius of several hundred meters, Atmosphere, torn into pieces.

“Holy Star Song Son!?”

The Mountain and Rivers Chart trapped Baili Bamboo’s burning shadow on the side.

Do n’t …

This is the end?

Fortunately, in the eyes of the four people, the figure of the holy star song was not shot by the volley under the shooting of the electromagnetic Sword Technique, as his outer clothing was broken, the inside A divine armor suddenly appeared.

The fluorescent streamer on this god armor blocked the cutting edge of Flying Sword cast by Chishen Steel at the critical moment, and the great shocking force shattered and crushed these two Divine Swords.

However, in the presence of the Divine Armor, he was still pale under this terrifying anti-strength Strength, with blood on the corners of his mouth, and internal organs seemed to be broken into powder, if not Demi-God life force Extremely tenacious, he was already dead at this moment.

“Damn, his Sword Technique formidable power is stronger …”

Heavenly song is awe-inspiring.

Although the Flying Sword made of Red God Steel ca n’t penetrate his Divine Armor, if the opponent can have 10 or 8 Flying Swords in his hand, there is no need to tear his Divine Armor. The strength of the horror shock was enough to shake his fleshy body into powder.

“God armor?”

Baili Qingfeng’s gaze narrowed.

There is still a defensive armor among the empire of stars?

Sure enough, the details similar to this ancient empire cannot be measured by common sense, let alone run out of a god armor that is not part of the Eight Divine Item, when will the people of the Star Empire take it out He will not feel exceptional when Lord Divine Item comes.

The Flying Sword cast by Chishen Steel is not even a Demi-God Artifact, and it is naturally difficult to shoot the God Armor.

“Is this part of your heritage?”

Baili Qingfeng said, seeming to see something.

Small half of the Star City seems to be mobilized. A large number of people are repairing the damaged towers of the Wan Star God array crazy. At this speed, it will not take long for the glory of the Wan Star God array. Will definitely shine again.

Seeing this scene, he suddenly shouting loudly: “The people of Star City, this is not your war! hurriedly escape go!”

Sound shock Nine Heavens, as if Thunder generally explodes across the entire Star City.

Although this sound has some effect, those who work for the Imperial Family are still trying their best to repair the tower of the Wan Star God formation …

They may be spelled by circumstances , Maybe to guard your own home, or you want to show yourself to the Imperial Family of the Stars Empire …

But …

This is war!

Baili Qingfeng ’s eyes fell on several Demi-Gods.

Although so far, according to his speculation, the Star Empire should have 20-30 Demi-Gods hidden in the dark still not showing up, but …

He does n’t plan to Wait any longer.

At the moment, Baili Qingfeng is flying vertically, rushing towards 1000 meters at full speed!

Seeing this scene, the holy star song shouting loudly: “His most powerful means is the Flying Sword Divine Art, do n’t give him the opportunity to open the distance! Lord Burning Shadow!”

Fan Ying heard the shouting of the Holy Star Song, immediately rolled the Mountain and Rivers Chart into Baili Qingfeng swept away, and seemed to trap him in the Mountain and Rivers Chart.

The power of the banned crown on the Pope Pinghuang was also inspired to the extreme. A circle of diffused ripples seems to form an area of ​​1000 meters. Any Divine Item ability in this area Almost completely deprived.

It was Qian Ye, who turned around and stopped the Baili Bamboo that rushed out of the Mountains and Rivers Chart.


Baili Qingfeng looked at the surging body of the four Demi-Gods, and a bright starry sky emerged.

River system.

This is the river system that his Spirit World has transformed.

The river system appears, and the powerful spiritual force is madly excited, instantly prying the star force field.

For a time, he was so powerful that even though his 128 spirits were overwhelming with horror pressure, he almost forced to crush the starry realm supported by the spiritual force he inspired.

At the same time, the two spirits containing “deuterium” and “tritium” attributes in the spirit oscillate sharply, separating and refining crude “deuterium” and “tritium” elements from the air as much as possible ……

Put it directly to suppress the Strength to the extreme star force field!

There are three technologies that want to trigger nuclear fusion!

first, electromagnetic constraints.

second, inertial constraints.

third ……

Gravity field constraints.

The Baili Qingfeng used within the body to provide Golden Heavenly Demon Disintegration Technique energy is electromagnetically constrained, and now …

He pryed with 128 spirits to stimulate the stars With the help of the star force field, and with the help of the point at the center of the core converted by spirit World, that is, the “black hole” converted by the will core, this star strength is solidified and compressed, so that the gravity in the “black hole” suddenly rises to the extreme.

Under this huge pressure that is too strong to exceed the physical rules, the extranuclear electrons in the deuterium and tritium that are extracted quickly get rid of the bondage of the atomic nucleus.

The weak force barrier is lost. Two different nuclei suddenly attract and collide with each other, and the nuclei polymerize with each other and generate new heavier nuclei.

During this period, a large number of neutrons escaped from the bondage of the nucleus during this collision and were released, forming an incomparable energy response …

“What kind of magic is this !? I have a sense of great horror! “

” Stop him! No matter what the magic is, try my best to stop him! “

Holy Star Song, Burning Shadow, Pinghuang , Burning a few Demi-God, although I do n’t know what kind of magic Baili Qingfeng is performing, but when the strength of this incomparable strength begins to bloom, a kind of fear of have one’s hair stand on end is also rise in the mind.

For a time, they no longer considered the means of hiding, each and everyone shouted frantically towards Baili Qingfeng and went away.

Mountains and Rivers Chart transformed by Incineration suddenly involved Baili Qingfeng ’s figure …

Unfortunately …

Late !


The dazzling brilliance is centered on the four Demi-Gods …

Instant bloom!

And shine to the extreme under the chain reaction!

Even when Baili Qingfeng, the creator, immediately stimulated the Star Strength to the extreme when he started to bloom the rays of light, he even used electromagnetic ejection and other means to get rid of the rays of light. Center, but in an instant, there is still a feeling that the whole person must be burned into ashes!

You know, at the moment, he is still wearing the Divine Item, Frost God Armor.

It seems that a sun shines over the stars.

Light! Light! Light!

A lot of light!

The endless shining radiance instantly illuminates the entire Heaven and Earth, even covering the blazing sun above the sky, venting its own greatness and destruction.

For a time, the ten thousand meters square above the entire Star City was swallowed up by this burst of light.

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