The wedding ceremony is almost over here.

The beautiful lady in cheongsam brought the dinner plate to the table and distributed chopsticks. Of course, Lu Mingfei and Eli Yi would not run home to the wedding room at noon. They went to the table to toast in turn.

Chen Wenwen said that Lu Mingfei has changed, you have changed a lot.

Lu Mingfei smiled, raised his glass, drank the liquor in one gulp, and said, President, you have a good time, there is a banquet in the evening, don’t miss it.

Eri introduced herself in Chinese, which she had practiced for a long time, and said thank you everyone for taking care of us, and we must have a great time today.

Liu Miaomiao felt that Lu Mingfei and Eli Yi were a good match. He stood next to this beautiful girl who looked like she had stepped out of a painting, and it didn't make anyone feel uncomfortable.

Su Xiaoqiang analyzed that this must be due to his aura. Didn't you find that Boss Lu's aura is completely different from before? It is indeed a male enhancement.

Lu Mingfei and Eri toasted to every table, and finally returned to the private room. The people sitting here were Principal Anger, Vice Principal, Uesugi Koshi, Minamoto Kasho, Minamoto Sasaki, Yabuki Sakura and Sakurai Kogure, they are also eating at this table.

My father-in-law and the others have to go back after lunch. They are the backbone of the Japanese branch and cannot be away for too long.

Principal Angers and the vice-principal took a special plane back to Kassel in the afternoon, and they were talking about work during the meal.

Professor Guderian and the senior brothers and sisters in the laboratory played here all afternoon and left after saying they had dinner.

At 2 o'clock in the afternoon, Lu Mingfei and Eriki sent their father-in-law and uncle to the airport. Uesugoshi, Minamoto and Eri hugged Eriki one after another and said their final goodbyes.

Principal Angers and the vice-principal flew to Chicago on a special plane.

The sky is getting dark, and the evening banquet is taking place.

Eriki took off the phoenix crown. Although it looks good as a decoration, wearing it on her head really affects her movement. If she steps a little faster, the gold chain hanging on her head will bump around.

During dinner, Lu Mingfei's table was filled with his friends. After the dinner, those who could drive each occupied a wedding car.

Lu Mingfei and Hui Liyi sat in Chu Zihang's car, driving all the way to the wedding room.

The trunk of every wedding car was filled with gifts.

Everyone helped carry the gift box to the living room, the lanterns in the yard were lit, and red 囍 characters were posted on the walls and windows.

Ye Sheng and Jiude Aki presided over the ceremony of entering the bridal chamber, and Nono held a digital camera to take pictures. After it was over, everyone took a family photo together, and then everyone found an excuse to leave.

Some went to visit Chu Zihang's house, and some said they wanted to go for a walk. Only Lu Mingfei and Eli Yi were left in the yard.

Lu Mingfei held Hui Liyi's hand and walked into the wedding room. The wedding photos they took not long ago were hung on the wall. The two were dressed in wedding clothes, holding hands and smiling at the camera.

Eryi took off the Xiapei from her shoulders, sat on the bed, and looked at him with crooked eyebrows.

"Sakura, help me take off my shoes." She shook her little feet, and the embroidered shoes were sewn with phoenix tails with gold thread.

Lu Mingfei squatted down, took off the embroidered shoes, held her soles with his left hand, and took off the white socks little by little.

Her small and cute feet were put together, her round and plump toes were shrunk, and the round arches of her feet were slightly bent.

There was no light on in the room, only a red wedding candle was lit on the small cabinet next to the bed.

The girl's face turned reddish when illuminated by the fire. She took off half of her wedding dress, and her crystal-white shoulders were exposed to the firelight. The cinnabar mole between her eyebrows became more vivid, with beautiful curves, and her exquisite shadow was reflected on the thick curtains. .

Lu Mingfei came up and wanted to kiss her lips, but a green-white finger stood on Lu Mingfei's lips, which felt slightly cold.

"You have makeup on your face, so you need to take a shower first," she said seriously.

"Let's go to the bathroom." She shook her cute little feet again.

Lu Mingfei licked his dry lips and picked up the girl.

Eriyi curled up in Lu Mingfei's arms, her crimson eyes reflecting the small flame of the candle.

A pair of hands wandered around Lu Mingfei's chest, and he unbuttoned his wedding dress little by little.

Hot water with white mist washed into the bathtub, and the sound of water flow echoed, and it was difficult to hear any other sounds.

The Monyach moved forward little by little and hit the thick ice in the Arctic Ocean. Under the squeeze of steel, the ice cubes compressed and shattered into ice shards, making a tooth-staining and harsh sound.

The pale sunlight shines on the deck, without a trace of warmth. The air from Ha's mouth turns into white mist and rises. Even though he is wrapped in thick cotton clothes, his body temperature is still lost little by little in the biting cold wind.

Thelma walked out of the cabin, holding two thermos bottles in her hands, and handed one of them to Fingel, who was standing by the railing.

"Your coffee."

Her hair was covered by a dark green felt hat, with the ears hanging down beside her ears, and a woolen scarf wrapped around her nose.

She looked at this forever pale and empty world, and wrapped her scarf tighter.

Fingel immediately unscrewed the lid of the thermos cup, raised his head, and took a few big sips of the hot drink.

His lips were a little pale, and he wore a felt hat of the same style as Thelma's. His burly body supported the thick cotton coat, making his whole body look swollen, like a fat, furry bear.

"How does it feel to come out and relax?" Thelma also unscrewed the lid of the cup and took a sip of hot water.

"Honestly, I just feel cold. The scenery here is as boring as a female high school student wearing safety pants, except for ice cubes." Fingel retracted his chin into his scarf: "But it's better than It would have been better to lie in bed all day, I don’t know how long I was there.”

"It's almost 12 days. After entering the Arctic Circle, we can only use mechanical watches to determine the accurate time. Starting from March 21st every year, the North Pole will enter the polar day, no matter day or night, it will always be under the sun's rays. Under the irradiation, it will last for half a year. I think people will have mental problems if they stay here for a long time." Thelma turned back and looked at a sea route opened by the Monyach.

Only specialized icebreakers can sail in the Arctic Circle, but even professional icebreakers must be careful every step of the way.

If an accident occurs here, it will really make the sky and the earth not respond, and we can only ask for blessings.

"How far are we from the YAMAL?" Fingel asked.

"It's very close. We found the sea route opened by YAMAL three hours ago. It's easy to distinguish the color and depth of the newly formed ice surface from the old ice surface. Eva has detected their broadcast signal. In about 30 hours We can catch them," Thelma said.

"What are you going to do, old man? Cannon or agreement?"

"Professor Mance asked us to disguise ourselves as a sightseeing boat, have friendly exchanges with them first, and explore their true and false identities." Thelma glanced at Fingel: "It's you, how is your situation?"

"Me? I'm okay, my energy has recovered." Fingel's arm spun around like a windmill.

"Is it time to tell the truth?" Thelma leaned against the railing: "After you came back from the sea, no external injuries were detected, but you suddenly became a sick patient who had to be fed by others. How did you behave? It’s not like the internal organs are being impacted, after all, I’m the one responsible for delivering food to you, and you eat every meal cleanly.”

"The weather is really nice today." Fingel held up the canopy with his hands in front of his forehead.

"Stop pretending to be stupid, I won't be fooled by you again." Thelma rolled her eyes at him: "You are obviously A-level, how did you fall to F-level?"

"Didn't I say before, I suffered a heavy blow to the head." Fingel pointed to the scar on his head.

"But I don't think you're mentally ill," Thelma said.

"The brain is the most mysterious organ in the human body. Can you find a neuroscientist in the world who can clearly explain the working principles of the brain and ensure that it is correct?" Fingel shrugged.

"The water quality inspection report from the college has come out. The water in the lake near Odin's appearance has been compared with the sampling of the scientific research ship, and it has been verified that it is indeed water from the Arctic Ocean. The water pumps were swarmed when pumping water. The herrings were given to the card owner. They were authentic Arctic herrings. It is said that they were still alive and kicking when the water pipes were cleaned." Seeing that he was unwilling to talk, Thelma changed the subject.

"Any speculation?" Fingel's interest seemed to be piqued.

"First of all, herring can only live in water temperatures within 10°C, and according to real-time detection, the water temperature there is -2°C."

"I remember that it was a subtropical coastal area. In this season, how could the water temperature be below 0℃?"

"So there are two current speculations. The first is that there are dragons on Odin's side that can create low temperatures. This has been confirmed because we found several temporarily frozen icebergs at the site."

"Can you create a low-temperature dragon?" Fingel whispered: "It is the same type of substitute as the white whale we killed."

"Substitute? What substitute?" Thelma was confused.

"Nothing, go ahead and tell me what the other theory is." Fingel interrupted.

Thelma felt that there was probably something wrong with Fingel's brain, so she didn't pursue it further and continued: "Another speculation is that the lake is connected to the Arctic Ocean."

"Currently, there is more evidence to prove the second conjecture. After all, if the lake is connected to the Arctic Ocean, those fresh herrings can be explained. They drilled through a certain channel and came from the Arctic Ocean thousands of miles apart. Show up there.”

"I remember that the beluga also suddenly broke into the radar range of the Monyach, as if it moved over instantly."

Fingel lowered his head and looked at his feet. There was still blood on the deck that had not been cleaned. It was the blood of the beluga whale. In the Arctic Circle, they did not have the conditions to clean the hull of the ship.

"Speaking of which, where did the whale's carcass go? Why didn't I see it?"

"It has been dissected. The Monyach is not a whaler and cannot drag it forward on the ice. We stayed on the spot for three days, dissecting it and removing parts of its various organs. The cell samples and muscle samples were sealed in cold storage, and most of the remaining body tissues were abandoned on the ice. We left the coordinates. The college is negotiating with Russian officials, hoping that they can send an icebreaker to recover the beluga carcass. "

"It really should be recycled. The meat and blood of that thing are not nutrients. Throwing it into the sea will destroy the ecological environment. Maybe in a few years, the herrings nearby will turn into three-eyed mutants. "

"The academy hasn't disclosed the coordinates yet, but I heard that Russia's condition for agreeing to ship out the ship is that they have to keep the body of the beluga whale. They seem to want to study dragon subspecies themselves, and I don't know what the final negotiation will be like."

"It is estimated that each side will give in. The beluga carcass will be kept by Russia, but it will be supervised by people from the academy."

"I think so. I really don't know what the world will be like in the future." Thelma sighed: "Do you think making dragons public is a good choice?"

"This kind of thing can only be known later." Fingel looked up at the sky: "Let's talk about Odin. There is always a reason why the water in the Arctic Ocean appears there. What speculations do the people in the academy have?"

"According to Eva's analysis, Odin's purpose of creating elemental turbulence seems to be to break a certain boundary, and that boundary seems to constrain him."


"The high probability is that the Nibelungen is the boundary between virtuality and reality, a second dimension that overlaps with real space. After Odin broke away from the boundary, he quickly disappeared. The researchers who rushed there were pumping water. After half of the water was gone, we stopped all the pumps and used fishing nets to catch all the herrings. After that, people fished in the lake every day, but we never found new herrings in the lake."

"What does this prove?"

"After Odin disappeared, the passage was closed, so he most likely passed through the passage and hid somewhere in the Arctic Ocean."

"This is that guy's lair?" Fingel stared at an iceberg floating behind the ship.

"I don't know, but some people speculate that the YAMAL is searching for traces of Odin."

"Whether it is, just ask them and you will know."

"Isn't this our original goal?" Thelma left the railing. "Have you had enough fun? Do you want to go back to the cabin?"

"Let's go." Fingel stretched out: "What do you think of those girls who wear safety pants under their skirts? Do they have to be so boring?"

"Safety pants were invented to deal with perverts like you."

"Don't talk nonsense, I just like to appreciate beauty." Fingel smiled meanly.

"You also had this kind of personality before your brain broke?"

"If you are a man, you will know that the thing that supports men's survival is beautiful girls without safety pants."

"Only a pervert like you would think that."

"That's really rude, please call me a gentleman." Fingel performed a standard gentleman's courtesy and opened the cabin door for Thelma. At this time, he was very gentlemanly.

Thelma stared at his forehead and suddenly became silent.

"What? Are you fascinated by this gentleman's handsomeness?" Fingel asked.

"No, I suddenly remembered something and wanted to show you." Thelma dug into her bag and found her cell phone.

"Have you finally decided to enjoy the 'beautiful girls without safety pants' with me?" Fingel said excitedly.

"See for yourself." Thelma handed the phone to Fingel.

Fingel was suddenly stunned when he looked at the photo on the screen.

"This is what we photographed on the tail fin of the beluga whale. There is a scar on its tail. Is it similar to the scar on your forehead? It looks like a tree."

Thelma smiled and shook her phone.

"Hey, girl, this is a big joke."

Fingel lifted his bangs and touched the lines of the wounds with his fingers. The scars were intertwined together, like the mark of the World Tree.

Thanks to "book friend 20180417234538371" for the reward of 5000 points, "Liuyue Newborn Not Newborn" for the reward of 3000 points, "said va", "69*6.qdcn", and "goudan's daddy" for the reward of 500 points,

100 points rewarded by "Structural Mechanics Don't Hang Up", "Captain of the Galaxy with Seven Stripes", and "Sea Road Sky"

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