Dragon Clan: Lu Mingfei returns from Sekiro

Chapter 374 Our Wedding (7.7k)

April 30, 2010, at the entrance of Shilan High School.

The sunshine in the morning was just right, and the refreshing wind blew in my face.

The wind rustled the locust leaves next to the teaching building.

Scattered sunlight shines through the gaps between the leaves into the classroom. There are many students sitting on the seats, holding pens and immersed in solving problems.

Today is the second day of the May Day holiday. Although it is a holiday, in addition to the teachers on duty, there are also some students studying in the classroom.

The college entrance examination is in one month, and they study every minute and every second.

Su Xiaoqiang saw a boy playing with a girl's hair through the gap in the iron door. The two of them were carrying schoolbags and playfully walked into the teaching building.

In the blink of an eye, she has graduated for a year, and she really misses her high school days.

It's a pity that time has passed and she no longer wears the women's school uniform made of wool today.

She put on a little makeup and wore a dark red dress that reached just above her knees, revealing her slender white calves. She wore short black heels with diamonds on her feet. Leaning next to her, she could smell a faint scent of perfume. .

She was like a princess, her whole body sparkling.

Chen Wenwen stood beside her, wearing a British-style skirt and a dark green beret on the tip of her hair.

With the constant chatter in his ears, Su Xiaoqiang glanced at his watch, it read nine fifty.

"Is everyone here? Let's go first." Su Xiaoqiang waved.

"Where's Lu Mingfei? Have any of you seen Lu Mingfei?" Xu Yanyan looked around, the meat on his face trembling, and the black suit on his belly looked like a large inflatable ball.

"You're so smart. Lu Mingfei is studying abroad. How can he come back by plane during the May Day holiday?" Xu Miaomiao knocked on his head.

The twin brothers looked so alike that it was difficult to tell which one was which.

"If you didn't tell me, I would have forgotten. My brother Lu is now an overseas student and a master. After graduation, he was a turtle. He casually worked as a high-ranking official in a big company." Xu Yanyan's tone had a sour taste, and there was no trace of who he was. In praising Lu Mingfei, it seems to be saying that "bastards can also turn over."

Liu Miaomiao covered her mouth and snickered: "Does the United States also celebrate May Day?"

Zhao Menghua listened to his younger brothers telling "Lu Mingfei" jokes without any special expression.

"We really went to Lu Mingfei's wedding banquet." Su Xiaoqiang explained again.

But no one believed her words. Everyone burst into laughter and advised her not to make fun of Lu Mingfei at this time.

At this time, Su Xiaoqiang's cell phone ringtone suddenly rang.

Chen Wenwen glanced at Su Xiaoqiang's contact note, "Boss Lu".

In order to answer the phone, Su Xiaoqiang stayed away from the noisy crowd, otherwise he would not be able to hear the sound clearly.

"Have you guys set off, little maidens?" Lu Mingfei's voice sounded cheerful.

"Not yet." Su Xiaoqiang looked at the crowd standing at the gate of Shilan High School.

"Then you just wait there for a while. A car will pick you up later. My second uncle said that if there are girls in your place wearing high heels, their feet will hurt when they walk. It's better to take a car."

"That's true." Su Xiaoqiang thought that this was the truth. It was the first time she planned a party like this and she didn't think carefully about it.

"The car has just left. It's going very quickly. You should be able to see it in a few minutes."


"That's it. I have to go change clothes and put on makeup. Someone will receive you."

With that said, Lu Mingfei hung up the phone.

Su Xiaoqiang thought that Lu's boss was really generous, and he even had a motorcade to pick him up and drop him off.

She returned to the crowd, and Chen Wenwen came over and said, "Xiaoqiang, I just counted everyone and everyone is here. Let's go."

Su Xiaoqiang shook his head, "No need to leave, a car will pick us up."

"There are so many of us, and we're not going on a spring outing. Did you hire a big car?" Liu Miaomiao blinked.

"You will know later. Let me emphasize one last time that we are really, really going to attend Lu Mingfei's wedding banquet today."

"Little goddess, you're here again." Xu Miaomiao smiled cowardly while holding her big belly.

He didn't even see Lu Mingfei's shadow, how could he believe Su Xiaoqiang's lies.

If Lu Mingfei really wants to get married, he must at least show up. Besides, Lu Mingfei is as old as him and is not even 20 years old, the legal age for marriage. How can he hold a wedding?

Various analyzes proved that Su Xiaoqiang was teasing them.

Su Xiaoqiang took a deep breath and felt her blood pressure rising a little. This group of people really didn't cry until they saw the coffin. They didn't believe it no matter what.

Only Chen Wenwen and Zhao Menghua looked over with frowns.

Chen Wenwen opened her mouth slightly, as if she wanted to say something, but in the end she remained silent.

Zhao Menghua frowned and wanted to go forward and ask, but after taking a look at Chen Wenwen next to Su Xiaoqiang, he retracted.

Anyone with a discerning eye can see that the two of them are not dealing with each other today, but no one dares to bring this matter to light. After all, they will not tease Zhao Menghua and Chen Wenwen like they teased Lu Mingfei.

Liu Miaomiao noticed that Su Xiaoqiang seemed a little angry, and walked up to hold her hand to adjust the atmosphere: "Xiaoqiang, ignore these boys, they just like to joke."

At this moment, a mighty motorcade appeared at the end of the road.

The leader was a silver Bentley, followed by eight white Mercedes-Benz S600Ls occupying the road. There were hearts made of flowers on the hoods of the cars, and red hydrangeas were tied to the apex of the hearts. It was obvious at first glance that it was a happy event.

"Let me go, no young man can get married so domineeringly." Xu Yanyan hurriedly stepped back to the side of the road to make way. The convoy was parked on the road. No one dared to take advantage of it last time, and maybe all his wealth would be involved.

Su Xiaoqiang realized that this was probably the car that Lu Mingfei said was coming to pick them up. It was originally supposed to be a wedding car, but it was temporarily dispatched to pick them up.

Su Xiaoqiang stood on the roadside and waved. Chen Wenwen hesitated and asked, "Xiaoqiang, are we really going to attend Lu Mingfei's wedding banquet?"

"Hmm." Su Xiaoqiang shrugged, and she didn't need to prove anything anymore.

The silver Bentley parked on the side of the road, the windows rolled down, everyone's eyes fell on that face, and the excitement before the party suddenly dropped to freezing point.

Everyone stared blankly at the boy holding the steering wheel with his left hand. He was wearing a festive red robe. He was obviously going to attend a wedding, but there was no "joy" at all on his face, only a cold expressionless expression. .

If this contrast appears to a stranger, he will probably be talked to for a few words, but everyone here knows him. The reason why they are silent is because they have not realized why he appears here.

The boys were stunned, and the girls gently raised their hands to cover their mouths.

"Get in the car and take you there." Chu Zihang glanced at everyone standing on the pedestrian path paved with square tiles, took one more look at Su Xiaoqiang, and said calmly.

Eight Mercedes-Benz S600Ls were parked neatly, each priced at more than 2 million, with their shiny black hoods shining brightly in the sun.

They finally realized that Su Xiaoqiang didn't seem to be joking.

At 10:10 a.m., a Rolls-Royce Phantom stopped in the open-air parking lot in front of Aspasia.

"You're a lunatic!" Uesugi said angrily and slammed the back seat door. "I'm going to notify the vehicle management department to revoke your driver's license! Just wait!"

"Unfortunately, I don't have a driver's license." Angers, wearing a white suit, got out of the driver's seat.

"You old guy, don't you know that driving without a driver's license is illegal?" The vice principal opened the car door and calmly patted the cookie crumbs on his black windbreaker.

A box of cranberry ladyfingers sat in the car seat, half uneaten.

"It's not important. What's important is that we arrived at our destination." Angers locked the car door and pressed the car key to open the trunk. There were three gift boxes sealed with exquisite packaging. In addition, there were three bouquets. Rose flower.

"I'm really looking forward to the wedding. I watched Lu Mingfei grow up. I still remember the way he looked like a baby wearing crotchless pants, as if he suddenly grew so big." Ange picked up a bouquet of flowers and a gift box.

"What did you give him?" The vice principal also picked up a bouquet of flowers.

"Secret." Angre smiled.

"Why are you pretending to be mysterious, you old bastard." Uesugi cursed.

"If you want to express your dissatisfaction with me, you can wait until the wedding is over and we can find a place to fight alone. Your daughter is still waiting for you to lead her to the auditorium." Angers glanced at his watch: "The wedding is expected to be at 11 o'clock Starting at 30, you have up to an hour and twenty minutes to prepare. You have to change clothes, put on makeup, and do your hair. There is a lot of preparatory work, but the vice principal and I only need to use chopsticks at the banquet."

"You don't need to remind me, I know." Uesugi straightened his collar, took a deep breath, and looked at the stone pillars of Aspasia decorated with red ribbons, with a determined expression as if he was going to participate in a life-or-death battle.

After all, he had to attend as a "father" today, and he was afraid that he would not perform well and let his good daughter down.

At this time, the roar of engines was heard in the distance, and a convoy of wedding cars suddenly drove over.

Uesugi frowned: "Didn't I say it starts at half past eleven?"

"This is probably not a procession for picking up brides. As far as I know, Chinese weddings use sedans and horses to pick up brides. The function of these wedding cars is just to clear the way." the vice principal speculated.

"Ask around. If there are any changes in the process, you can know early. There's still time." Angers glanced at his watch again.

The Bentley and Mercedes-Benz fleets parked in the parking space one after another, and then the car doors opened, and a group of young men and women got out of the car. They were dressed informally in suits and dresses, and some were even wearing casual clothes.

"Who are they? People from Kassel?" Uesugi asked.

The vice principal shook his head: "These people are not even mixed race."

"I guess it's Lu Mingfei's former classmate." Angre smiled and saw Chu Zihang getting on and off the Bentley. Three beautiful girls got out of his car. Only one of them was dressed as if she was going to a wedding. , instead of going on an outing.

Chu Zihang greeted Angers: "Hello, principal."

"This outfit suits you very well." Ange glanced at Chu Zihang's red mantle from top to bottom, "It would be more suitable if you could act more festive."

"As far as I can see, Chu Zihang is already very festive." The vice principal nodded.

"Are you Lu Mingfei's best man?" Uesugi touched his chin.

"It's not me." Chu Zihang shook his head: "In a Chinese wedding, there is no title of best man. Only 'Yu' will attend with the groom. Lu Mingfei's 'Yu' is a twelve-year-old boy."

"I don't quite understand the traditions here." Uesugi Yue looked away: "Where is Lu Mingfei? Where did he go?"

"He went to change clothes and put on makeup. Now he can't get out. If you go in and ask Mr. Humpback Whale, you should be able to find him." Chu Zihang said.

"Won't you introduce the guests to us?" Ange looked at the boys and girls gathered behind Chu Zihang.

"They are all Lu Mingfei's high school classmates." Chu Zihang said.

Lu Mingfei's classmates looked at each other in confusion and seemed to be reluctant to let go.

"Nice to meet you. I am the president of Kassel College, Hilbert Jean Angers." Angers gave a gentlemanly salute, "I wish you all a happy time at Lu Mingfei's wedding."

"You scared them, Angers." The vice-principal patted Angers on the shoulder: "Students don't have as much etiquette as you do among classmates."

It must be said that these two old men were very impressive. Even Su Xiaoqiang, who had seen many people in the market, was stunned for a while.

"Don't pay attention to these two old lunatics." Uesugi walked up to them, smiled and showed his affinity as a ramen stall owner for many years, "You can just let go and have fun when you are here. Come on, let's go in together."

Su Xiaoqiang agreed as the representative. She felt that among the three old people, this one was the easiest to get along with.

So a group of people followed Uesugoshi and entered the gate.

There were welcoming teams standing on both sides, wearing cheongsam, and a beautiful welcoming lady came up to receive them.

The students walked through the fountain and entered the wedding banquet hall.

The guest seats were already full, and researchers in white coats sat at a table, discussing loudly about "documents", "stone slabs", and "copper pillars". The debate was very heated.

Handsome foreign men and beauties were sitting at a table playing cards, with tea on the table.

Bodyguards dressed in black, looking like agents, stood by the floor-to-ceiling windows with their hands behind their backs. Their expressions could not be seen clearly under their sunglasses, but it made people feel that they were very reliable and had a chilling air.

Someone recognized Lu Mingfei’s uncle and aunt. They were sitting at another table, chatting with two handsome men who looked like twins. There were also two super beautiful beauties sitting together. They both put on bright red gowns. Clothes.

When the two men saw Uesugi Echigo, they immediately stood up and walked over, followed by the beautiful woman.

"They are Lu Mingfei's high school classmates. Treat them well." Uesugoshi said.

"We know, Dad, the seats were arranged yesterday." The man nodded seriously.

The students' eyes kept rolling after entering this spacious space, and they did not dare to vent their anger loudly. The luxurious decoration was a thing, but the key point was that the guests seemed to have a good background and were all from the upper class, which made them feel very uncomfortable. Confidence.

Fortunately, they were taken to a specially vacated space. There were enough tables and chairs here, and there was a relatively comfortable space separated from other people's positions, so that they could relax.

They took their seats one by one, drank high-end tea, and discussed nonstop. But before their buttocks got warm, a group of researchers in white coats arrived. The leader was a little old man. They came to chat with him very enthusiastically, saying You are Lu Mingfei’s high school classmates, right?

These people were both male and female, foreigners and Chinese, and they all spoke fluent Mandarin.

They asked about Lu Mingfei's high school life, and also talked about Lu Mingfei's performance at Kassel College. They said that on the first day of enrollment, Lu Mingfei surpassed all other students in terms of skills and became a man of the hour on campus. The rich second generation won a Bugatti Veyron there.

The students felt that they were listening to a legendary story. In their mouths, Lu Mingfei was simply a hexagonal warrior. The key was not just one person who said this, but every one of them.

Professor Guderian also said that one of the most proud things in his life was to become Lu Mingfei's supervisor. When he said this, he was so sincere that his eyes filled with tears and the corners of his eyes were moist.

Then one wave after another, handsome men and beauties from another area also came over. They all seemed to be curious about Lu Mingfei's high school life, and came to inquire one after another.

But it can’t be said that Lu Mingfei was just an errand boy in our class, helping people buy snacks every day. They could only praise Lu Mingfei in embarrassment, saying that Lu Mingfei was very calm in high school, but we didn’t notice it. He is so powerful.

Many beauties looked at the girls with envy and said, it's great that you and Lu Mingfei have been in the same class for three years. They said that Lu Mingfei's autographed photo has been sold for 5,000 US dollars in the Kassel Forum. , just like this, it still has a price but no market.

Even Su Xiaoqiang was confused. Is Boss Lu really that stupid? Could it be that he saved the world?

She even began to wonder if these people were actors hired by Boss Lu, but the acting skills were too real, comparable to those of Hollywood movie stars, and there was no flaw in them.

Between confusion and confusion, they mingled with these upper-class people.

Everyone envied them. It seemed that it was an honor and honor to be Lu Mingfei's high school classmate for three years. Even they themselves enjoyed this feeling of being admired by others.

A large group of beauties gathered next to Chen Wenwen because they heard that Lu Mingfei had a crush on Chen Wenwen in high school, and they all started to inquire about the gossip.

Chen Wenwen didn't know what to say. Each of these sisters was prettier than her, with a model-level figure. She was a country girl, how could she compare.

But they said that when they stripped themselves naked and put them in Lu Mingfei's mouth, Lu Mingfei didn't want them. Now it's better. Kassel's new male idol is getting married to an unknown woman.

Oh my God, Chen Wenwen began to wonder how Lu Mingfei fell in love with her at that time. She felt ashamed and said that it was all nonsense. Lu Mingfei never said that he liked her, he was just warm-hearted, Those who are willing to help themselves.

At this time, Nono, the red-haired interviewer who interviewed Chen Wenwen last year, came out to talk to Xini and said that Lu Mingfei had indeed liked you for a while. If you had caught him at that time, you might have been able to catch him for the rest of your life. He was The kind of idiot who can only like one girl for a while.

Chen Wenwen felt a little sad for no reason, her nose was sore, as if she had missed something.

But then she thought about it, if Lu Mingfei had not become as powerful as he is today, she would definitely not feel this way, but after thinking about it, she did not feel happy, but even sadder.

Time passed like this little by little, and Lu Mingfei's classmates heard many legendary stories from the wedding guests.

Of course, they are all processed versions. They also heard about Lu Mingfei's parents, honorary alumni of Kassel, who are said to be giants in the archaeological world. How could such excellent genes give birth to a stupid child?

Everyone gradually believed that Lu Mingfei's talents must have been buried when he was in the class. Once he went abroad, he worked hard and became a top boss within a year. Later, he went to Japan as an exchange student for just one year. Within a month, he won the girl's heart and then returned to his country to hold the wedding.

Lu Mingfei, who was still having his stylist sort out the details, naturally didn't know about the changes in his classmates' mentality. If he knew, he might vomit three pounds of blood.

However, he has indeed saved the world several times. If calculated according to the prophecy that the Dragon King can destroy the world, he has saved the world three times, once as the White King, once as the King of Bronze and Fire, and once as the King of Earth and Mountain.

Speaking of which, he invited Xia Mi, but Xia Mi did not come to the wedding, saying that there seemed to be some movement in Fenrir's cocoon, and she had to stay in the Nibelungs as soon as possible and could not leave.

Lu Mingfei put on custom-made traditional wedding clothes at this time. Compared with the bride's wedding clothes, the groom's wedding clothes were not too particular.

After the details were decorated, he was about to go to the wedding. When Professor Guderian called in the early morning, Eryi returned to the wedding room and waited for him to carry the sedan chair back to the wedding venue.

According to the most authentic tradition, the wedding was originally supposed to be held at dusk. After the wedding, the couple entered the bridal chamber.

When Ye Sheng got married, he did it in the most traditional way. He could only see Yaji once a month for more than half a year. During this period, Yaji kept learning the etiquette of ladies, which was really a bit too much. It’s complicated.

So after some discussion, they decided to hold it at noon to cater to the guests' schedule.

Lu Mingfei glanced at the wall clock on the wall of the dressing room. It was already 11 o'clock and it was time to set off.

He walked to the gate of Aspasia wearing red embroidered shoes. Chu Zihang was leading a tall horse.

Lu Mingfei climbed onto the horse nimbly, Chu Zihang nodded and got into the Bentley's car.

The wedding cars were lined up in two vertical rows, clearing the way for him at the front and rear. Strong men from the school engineering department acted as sedan bearers, and eight retired special forces soldiers carried the sedan behind him.

Playing gongs and drums all the way, Lu Mingfei was riding on horseback, like a champion.

Passers-by cast envious glances, and some people posted videos on their mobile phones. After all, this kind of wedding is rare these days.

He came to the wedding room with great fanfare. The people guarding here were Uesugoshi, Minamoto's son and Minamoto's daughter. Sakura Yabuki led Eri into the sedan chair, and the bride's head was covered with a red hijab.

"From now on, Eriyi will be left to you." Uesugi said solemnly.

"I will take good care of her." Lu Mingfei replied.

They once again returned to the wedding reception with great fanfare.

The sedan was carried through the long corridor, Eriyi got off the sedan, and led by Sakura across the brazier,

Lu Mingfei's "imperialist" is Constantine. It has to be said that after Constantine changed into ancient costumes, he had the same ancient feel as in the poems.

The climax of the wedding was finally reached. Lu Mingfei stood in the shadow of the aisle, his heart pounding.

He heard the humpback whale's voice as the master of ceremonies, and the short film he and Eriki shot was playing on the screen.

The guests sat on seats on both sides of the red carpet. Aspasia's skylights were opened, and the midday sun shone on the road, like gold sprinkled on the ground. Cameras were placed on both sides of the road to shoot in real time.

The screen showed their respective lives before they met, flashing game scenes, then their dates at the aquarium, at the amusement park, at the snack street, and finally, his proposal to Eriki.

The proposal was edited into the video and was not filmed again.

He quietly poked his head out and saw him putting a wedding ring on the girl, and then the girl shed tears and said loudly I do.

He has grown into an upright man and can protect his girl.

"Brother Lu, it's our turn." Constantine said,

The music of the live band played, Lu Mingfei took a deep breath and said, "Let's go."

He stepped onto the red carpet, wearing a red hijab in Eri clothes, and walked from the other side led by Sakura.

They met in the center of the red carpet and walked towards the ancestral hall, where uncle, aunt, and Uesugoshi were sitting.

Lu Mingfei served tea to his uncle, aunt and father-in-law. From then on, he regarded his father-in-law as his biological father and welcomed his father-in-law's daughter as his wife.

After the ceremony, they worshiped under the auspices of a humpback whale.

As rehearsed, Lu Mingfei lifted Hui Liyi's red hijab.

The girl's rose-colored eyes stared at him, and the luxurious phoenix crown on her head shone brightly, reflecting the golden sunlight.

Every guest present was stunned by her beauty. How could there be such a charming woman in the world?

There were tears in Uesugoshi's cloudy eyes. Every father would be reluctant to send his daughter away.

But he shed tears not only because of reluctance, but also because of joy, joy that his daughter had obtained the happiness that he had never received.

Lu Mingfei smelled the faint scent of lilac on the tips of Eli Yi's hair. He was taller than Eli Yi, so Eli Yi had to raise her head to look at him.

The girl blinked, her eyes moved, and her mouth smiled. Everyone could see that she was very happy now.

At this time, someone outside the court was booing, and I don’t know who shouted first, asking for a kiss.

The voice is getting louder and louder. Traditional Chinese weddings do not include kissing.

But the students in Kassel love to break the rules and break with tradition.

Lu Mingfei caught a glimpse of the mobile phone held by Chu Zihang. On it were Professor Fingel, Zero and Mance, who were watching the live broadcast through the screen.

He probably guessed who was the first to boo, no wonder the voice just sounded like it was coming from a loudspeaker.

Everyone is willing to invite you, but the kindness is hard to refuse.

He held the girl's face and kissed her soft and moist lips.

The whole audience cheered, and even Chen Wenwen and Su Xiaoqiang applauded heartily.

The fireworks exploded, and golden sequins fell on their hair, sparkling.

Then Principal Angers came to the stage to deliver a speech and presented bouquets and gifts, followed by the vice-principal, father-in-law, elder brother-in-law, and second uncle-in-law.

Professor Guderian also spoke on behalf of his laboratory. He burst into tears with excitement and sent a stone slab polished by the brothers and sisters in the laboratory for dozens of days, with the portraits of Lu Mingfei and Hui Liyi carved on it. , lifelike.

Uncles, aunts and little cousins ​​also came forward to send flowers.

There are also Nono and Susie, Qi Lan and Bradley, and the Chu Zihang family.

Zero's gift turned out to be from Mai Shutoku. Su Enxi was pushing the stroller, and Old Tang in the car waved to him.

There were a lot of gifts, a lot of enthusiasm, and Lu Mingfei couldn't count how many people sent blessings and bouquets.

But suddenly two little fat cats climbed onto the stage, one holding a key and the other a note.

They were Xiaoniaoyou and Tou Shou, the two fat cats who were supposed to be kept in the Black Stone Mansion.

There were mischievous graffiti drawn on the paper.

"Brother, these two fat cats are yours to keep. The address of the key is at No. 45 Tianyuan Street. Go find it. I put all the treasures there!

Signed - your dearest brother. "

A treasure box was drawn on the back of the note, containing fish bones.

How could Lu Mingfei not remember where No. 45 Tianyuan Street is?

That was the Internet cafe he went to most often. He sat on Unit 65 next to the toilet for eight years, and spent almost all his lonely moments there.

He suddenly wondered, would Lu Mingze be sitting on the side watching him at that time?

It’s just that he doesn’t know, because that guy doesn’t want to come out, and you’ll never find him.

Maybe he had been with him for many years, just like the two stray cats shivering in the heavy rain many years ago. After he left the umbrella to cover the cardboard box, he took the two stray cats to the Blackstone Mansion and changed them. He named them Tushou and Xiaoniaoyou and raised them until they were fat.

He was always with you, in those moments when you thought you were alone.

"Thank you for the gift, I like it very much." Lu Mingfei smiled and took the key out of Xiaoniao You's cat-haired mouth. The big head on the note seemed to be grinning at him.

He thought that when everything was over, he would return his brother's assets and only keep this key.

He is not used to being a school director or a legendary dragon slayer, and he doesn't like to kill people with a wedge ball. He just wants to find his parents, and then guard Eri, and have a lot of Koji Akihi and Koori Eri with her. , occasionally petting the cat, holding the key to open the door of the Internet cafe, and taking in those homeless Internet-addicted teenagers.

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