Dragon Clan: Lu Mingfei returns from Sekiro

Chapter 240 Huang Wen Ji (4.6k)

"The twins on the throne are complementary. Jörmungandr is a very smart dragon, but weak in strength. Her brother Fenrir is very powerful, but has the same character flaws as me." Constantine Said slowly.

"Where is the territory of the King of Earth and Mountain?" Lu Mingfei asked.

"It's a piece of the Asian continent, and if I had a map, I think I should be able to narrow it down a little bit."

"Are they awake?"

"I don't know." Constantine shook his head.

"Then you continue to do your work, I'll leave first." Lu Mingfei nodded, and left the kitchen with Eryi.

Master Yue changed the DVD to another one, sat on the low bench, and watched the small TV hanging up.

Chaplin's black and white mime was playing on the old TV. Although there were no lines, he watched it with gusto.

Chaplin, in a suit with a funny mustache and a cane, made people laugh just by standing there.

Master Yue smacked his thigh and laughed hahaha regardless of his image.

Business was quiet today, and no one came to buy ramen.

Times have changed, and everyone is more willing to go to ramen shops that are more luxuriously decorated and look cleaner and tidier.

In that kind of bustling neighborhood, there are private movie theaters and hotels around after eating noodles, where young lovers can indulge their youth as much as they want, instead of watching the withered leaves falling in this dilapidated and old neighborhood.

Master Yue plans to give himself a day off tomorrow and go to the community to continue his work as a part-time pastor.

Suddenly there was the roar of a car's engine outside the ramen stall. Master Yue looked up and saw a black sports car appearing at the end of the long street.

The streamlined body was as powerful as a cheetah. It was parked on the side of the road. Two white-haired old men were sitting in the car. One was wearing a black kimono, and the other was wearing a suit and a rose-red bow tie.

Master Yue's expression suddenly changed. He stood up and turned off the TV, tied the CD with a rubber band and put it in the storage cabinet. He turned off the fire on the stove, covered the soup lid, and turned the sign that read "Open" to the back. , wipe the cooking table with a rag.

But even so, the two old men walked straight to the ramen stall and sat on the bench minding their own business.

"Sorry, our shop is closed. Please find another place, please." Master Yue turned off the colored lights surrounding the ramen stall and wiped the table.

"It's too cold. The two of us skipped the banquet to come to see you, and we didn't even have time to eat dinner."

"Follow this street, drive out, turn right and walk 500 meters to the snack street."

"It's too far. For an old man of my age, I have to take two steps without losing my breath. How about you help us go?"

"You can drive there."

"Cars are not allowed in the snack street. Don't you even have this common sense? What if you drive in and hit a child?"

"It's unlucky for a kid to get caught up in a scoundrel like you." Master Yue raised his head angrily.

"You are wrong. I have always been popular with children. Let's cook two bowls of noodles first and solve our dinner problem."

"What kind of noodles do you want to eat?"

"Just the one you're best at."

"Shenghui 1,800 yen." Master Yue spread his hands.

"Don't be so distant. We are all old friends. This meal is our treat. Next time you come to my place, I will treat you to dinner for free."

"Ange, you have been a scoundrel all your life!" Master Yue angrily threw the noodles into the soup pot.

Inuyamaga looked at the two people speechlessly and sighed.

"Tell me, what are you two looking for me for?" Master Yue put the chopped green onions into a celadon bowl and poured soy sauce and other seasonings on it.

"Don't be so anxious. We haven't seen each other for so many years. Why don't you catch up and talk about the past first?" Angers put his hands on the table and smiled.

"You and I have nothing to talk about!" Master Yue snorted coldly, poured two glasses of sake at will, and pushed them in front of Inuyama He and Anger.

"It seems that you have been quite happy these years. You can watch TV and giggle by yourself." Angers took the wine glass and took a sip.

Inuyama Ga drank in silence and looked at the CD cover placed next to the 14-inch small color TV. There was a peach-colored exposed woman printed on the disc, and the words "unblocked", "amateur", and "extreme" were engraved on the disc.

The former underworld emperor secretly admired the Aciton Video of a has-been actress.

At that time, the family prepared seven wives for Uesugi Yue, each of whom was carefully selected. They were perfect in figure, appearance, and education. They were perfect in every aspect. Uesugi Yue lived a luxurious life that ordinary people could not even imagine at that time, but now she does. Huddled in a corner and watching a movie, it really makes people feel complicated.

"What are you looking at? You, a pimp, are still interested in AV?" Master Yue muttered, putting away all the discs and hiding them in the back of the storage cabinet.

"Don't be so angry," Angers said.

"Don't interrupt." Master Yue cursed: "I get annoyed when I hear you talking."

"Lord Uesugi, please don't be angry." Inuyama Ga said slowly.

"Don't talk to me in this tone!" Master Yue became even more irritated, "I tell you, I won't go back. After eating the noodles, leave as soon as possible. I won't be responsible for what happened back then. The shrine should be burned. The thing I regret most is not destroying all that shrine.”

"The family has no intention of holding you responsible. They have hidden your traces from the records. Today's juniors don't even know your name."

"That's best, it's best that the whole world forgets about me." Master Yue picked up the noodles with a slotted spoon, put them in a bowl, poured the noodles over them, and placed the sliced ​​barbecued pork on the edge of the bowl.

"Are the braised eggs fresh? Cut one for me." Ange swung the wine glass.

"You old bastard! People like you should be put on the list of old scoundrels, and you won't be allowed to fly or take the subway!" Master Yue grunted and touched the braised egg.

"It doesn't matter, I have a private plane." Ange said calmly: "Let's get down to business. A few days ago we detected traces of the activity of the first generation species in Tokyo Bay. One of our specialists accidentally received a signal from a suspected god. In short, Whether it's a god or a dragon king, something terrible is waiting to awaken in Tokyo."

"The god has escaped from Takamagahara." Inuyama Ga looked gloomy: "The family sent a deep submersible to the burial site of the god, and found an icebreaker there that was eighteen years ago. The ship came from the North Pole, with bloody alchemical inscriptions engraved on the hull. Array, when we found the ship, it seemed to have been torn out of the mud at the bottom of the sea by some huge creature with terrifying force. The new generation of patriarchs recognized it as the awakening of God. Now the family is working hard in Tokyo. Search for signs of God.”

"The Divine Burial Hall? What is that?" Anger asked. He still had a lot to figure out about the Sheqi family.

"God once lived on land. Our ancestors once built a city on this land, but that city finally sank to the bottom of the sea because of a war." Inuyama Ga took out a photo. This is a deep submersible. Photos taken at the bottom of the sea, a huge cavity, a ship lying diagonally on the mud, black flesh spreading on the rusted steel to form strange lines, the entire city collapsed on the bottom of the sea, illuminated by the eternal magma.

Uesugoshi's expression changed, and Ange's expression became serious.

"It seems that the matter is more serious than I thought." Angers picked up the photo and took a closer look. "You are actually guarding such ancient ruins. This is the first case we have discovered in the world."

"We have guarded this secret for thousands of years. The god was buried here together with the city 10,000 years ago, but we found no trace of the god in the burial site. The only inference is that it has awakened after receiving the sacrifice." Inuyama He said.

"Is the matter really so troublesome?" Uesugi thought for a long time, crossed the car and sat down next to Inuyama Ga, "Yes, only such a serious matter can bring you two guys with different horoscopes together."

"There is a traitor in the family, and we are no longer as united as we used to be." Inuyama Ga said.

"But it won't help if you come to me. What I know is limited." Uesugi sighed.

"There are more than us, right?"

"You have to know that my native language is French. I lived in France for more than ten years before I was found and taken back to Japan by people from the Sheqi Hachi family. Those ancient scrolls were all written in ancient Japanese, and it was very difficult for me to read them. "

"You are the emperor."

"I am the emperor of the old era. There is no ship that can carry me in the new era. The emperor should have died in 1945."

"But today's Sheqi family is still dominated by the emperor, isn't it?"

"That is a false emperor. The real emperor has been eliminated in my generation."

Inuyama Ga frowned, but did not make a sound, just drank silently.

"Why do you say that?" Angers asked: "Speaking of how the Emperor was born? I have known for a long time that you are the descendants of the White King. I have been trying to find out how you can break through the critical blood limit, but I have never found a way. clue."

"Of course you can't find it. Let's start with the "Emperor Chronicle". This is the ancient history recorded by the emperor and heard about by him. It is carried in the form of poems and murals." Uesugi said slowly: "The story begins with the battle between the Black Emperor and the White Emperor. The Black Emperor defeated the White Emperor, tied her to a copper pillar that reached the sky, and ordered the ocean currents from the two poles to change direction and converge into that sea area, turning that sea into the world The coldest sea in the world, this sea was used as the White Emperor's 'place of execution' and was frozen for six epochs."

"The Black Emperor drew two cracks 100 kilometers long on the ice. The cracks criss-crossed to form a huge cross. The domain enveloped the place of execution, and all creatures stayed away in fear. The top of the place of execution was always filled with darkness. Clouds and roaring blizzards are constantly reinforcing that ice cage. It is an unspeakable miracle. Humans can only worship in front of such a miracle."

Just from the description, you can feel the power of the emperor in the mythical era.

A major earthquake or tsunami can easily destroy a city. Human beings can only hide in the face of natural forces, but the Black Emperor can manipulate the climate at will, making the sea water freeze for six epochs without melting. The death of Black King Nighogg , it is also an unsolvable mystery so far. It is difficult to imagine how the Black King was killed. For such a being, is there really a concept of death?

"The ice of six eras weakened the White Emperor's power, so the Black Emperor sank the White Emperor to the bottom of the sea and turned it into ashes, and swallowed the ashes, regaining the power he once gave to the White Emperor. He thought he had completely destroyed the White Emperor. The blood of the Emperor and the White Emperor. But in those six eras, someone broke into the cage and made a deal with the White Emperor."

"So that's the ancestor of the eight Sheqi families?"

"Yes, that human being is the father of the eight Sheqi families. He reached a contract with the frozen White Emperor and obtained the Holy Infant. This is the origin of the eight Sheqi families. The White Emperor is like our mother, so we use She came to address the White King.”

"What is the Holy Infant? The White King's egg?"

"No, that's just a metaphor. The Holy Infant refers to the bones and blood of the White King, which is her genes. Our genes were given by the White Emperor on his own initiative. This is the origin of the Emperor, so I say you will never find it. There is no way to find a way to exceed the critical blood limit, unless you can find a resurrected god and let her take the initiative to give you bones and blood."

"I see, is this the difference between you and us? But I don't think the difference between you and ordinary hybrids is very big, at least in terms of appearance." Angers took a big mouthful of noodles.

"It is recorded in the "Huang Wen Ji" that in the ancient times, every descendant of the White King was an emperor, and super hybrids were as worthless as Chinese cabbage. Everyone had high-risk speech spirits, and three or two people combined could cause Earthquakes, typhoons and tsunamis, but after a catastrophe, super hybrids only appear occasionally.”

"Is it the battle that led to the Divine Burial?"

"Yes, the White King gave us bones and blood. The blood represents her bloodline, and the bone is really a bone. We call that bone a holy skeleton. It is a piece of the White King's remains. The only one on her body that has not been blackened The king destroys and devours the bones.”

"So the thing we have to deal with is actually not the White King at all, but just a pitifully mutilated bone?" Ange took a sip of noodle soup, "This is really funny."

"Although it is just a piece of bone, God can also use it to resurrect the body. The great disaster was caused by the holy bones. The holy bones attached themselves to the blood descendants of the White King and were resurrected. The three great priests led many ancestors to fight with them, and the volcano erupted with sea water. It surged, the earth tore apart, and finally Amaterasu and Tsukuyomi used Takamagahara as its coffin, sinking both the ancient city and the resurrected Hakuo into the Pacific Ocean."

"Is this the origin of the Divine Burial Hall?"

"Exactly, after that disaster, only a small number of emperors survived, and the family's bloodline gradually deteriorated, becoming what it is today."

"What is the result of the fusion of the Holy Skeleton and the Emperor? King Bai? Or is it something of the next level?"

"No one knows, but when it wakes up, it can spontaneously cause tsunamis and elemental turbulence. Let's call it a god."

"This is really bad."

"What's worse is that Gao Tianyuan's original location was in Tokyo Bay. If the god wakes up, where do you think she will go?"

"Tokyo, the closest to Tokyo Bay, be damned!"

"So go dig every piece of land in Tokyo to find God. I have told you everything I know. If there is nothing else, our reunion will end here. The safety of the world will be left to you, Angers." , Uesugoshi put away Angre's noodle bowl and put it in the sink.

But when he reached for Inuyamaga's bowl, he suddenly found that not a single chopstick had been moved in the bowl.

"What, isn't it to your liking?" Uesugi frowned, "Forget it if you don't want to eat. I'll close the store if you don't want to eat. Anyway, you are the head of the Inuyama family. I won't be hungry when I go back."

But Inuyama Ga held down his bowl and asked: "Lord Uesugi, do you know Tachibana Masamune and Minamoto Chisei?"

"I don't know." Uesugi Koshi waved his hand, "You are really boring, and you are looking for insignificant people from other places to adopt to the Shangsan family. The emperor will be extinct immediately. When I die, there will be no more supers in this world. Half-breed."

"But, sir, Young Master Yuan Zhisheng does have the blood of the emperor. Think about it carefully and see if you have any descendants."

"Descendants?" Uesugi hesitated for a moment, but shook his head resolutely, "No way, I have done very good safety measures, there is no way there will be descendants! I have never heard of Tachibana Masamune and Minamoto Chisei, and I have no impression of them. The last three families have become extinct in my generation, and I am the only one left. How can there be a new emperor born? You must have made a mistake."

Inuyama He opened his mouth to explain, but suddenly, car lights came on from all directions.

Black Mercedes-Benz cars occupied the exits on both sides of the street, led by a black Maybach with a glossy body.

The car door opened, and a girl and a boy got out of the car.

Minamoto was holding a spider cutter and a boy cutter in his hands, approaching the noodle stall seriously, and Sakura followed him slowly forward.

Groups of men in black armed with guns got out of the Mercedes-Benz. Although they did not point their guns at the noodle stall, the strong smell of gunpowder was a bit irritating.

Angers squinted his eyes, reached his palm down into the collar of his suit, and held the handle of the folding knife.

Uesugoshi looked at Gen Zhisheng walking towards him, his brows furrowed.

Thanks to "Lightning Box" for the 16,500 points.

Thanks to "book friend 20210311190530520" for the 100 points reward

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