Dragon Clan: Lu Mingfei returns from Sekiro

Chapter 239 Unpractical Method

Blackstone Mansion.

The transparent saline flowed along the drip tube and dripped from the blood vessels on the wrists into the bodies of the uncle, aunt and little fat brother.

White lights illuminated the entire room. They were lying on the hospital bed, breathing steadily and sleeping peacefully.

"We did not detect any physical abnormalities." Su Enxi said: "In order to prevent the possibility of being controlled again, we injected them with sedatives."

Lu Mingfei sat by the bed and looked at his sleeping uncle and aunt's family.

It is rare to see the sleeping faces of uncle and aunt, but the little chubby brother can often see them. After all, they live in the same room, and you can't see them when you look up or down.

Auntie lost her majesty when she was asleep. The crow's feet at the corners of her eyes and the wrinkles on her face showed the woman's aging appearance.

My uncle likes to snore when he sleeps, and his snoring sounds like thunder.

Unfortunately, the little fat brother inherited his uncle's snoring.

Putting them in a room like this, the three of them feel like a family. No, they are a family to begin with.

Auntie has all kinds of little problems, including vanity, love to show off, loud voice, and unwillingness to wash the dishes after cooking. When Lu Mingfei is at home, the washing of dishes is left to him, and when Lu Mingfei is away, he yells at her. Let uncle go.

The little chubby brother is her heart treasure. She never lets her son do housework, but she does not fall behind at all in terms of training. Every weekend, the little chubby brother has countless cram schools to attend, such as piano, painting, Mathematical Olympiad, etc. English. You can't escape even if you want to.

Uncle is the peacemaker of the family, with a lazy and easy-going personality. To describe it in one sentence, uncle is like a toad, he jumps when he pokes him. Auntie pulls his ears and forces him to do many things, such as the personnel affairs of the unit. Uncle will never take the initiative to fight for a promotion spot, but if aunt finds out about it, she will lecture her husband severely.

Her aunt was sarcastic, but she almost never quarreled with her uncle. When neighbors spoke ill of her outside, the first thing she did when she came home was complain to her uncle, saying what happened to so-and-so.

One of them is a hot explosive, and the other is a gentle lake. Lu Mingfei feels that it is actually his uncle who has been downwardly compatible with his aunt. With his uncle's personality, he can get along well with many people, but it is difficult for his aunt to find another one. Uncle.

On the other hand, if you think about it, they are actually quite affectionate. How could your uncle tolerate your aunt for so many years if he doesn't love her? When something happens to your aunt, the first thing she does is talk to your uncle. Their marriage can be considered a happy one, and they have already lived a lot. The life one dreams of.

"Can you find out how they are controlled?" Lu Mingfei asked.

"Conventional scientific methods cannot reach this level. The only possibility is alchemy and spirit speaking." Su Enxi said: "I asked Constantine to examine them and found that there was an extremely weak spirit flowing in their blood. , they have not awakened their bloodline, and logically speaking, there should not be spirits existing in their bodies. This is one of the very important methods used by the people behind the scenes to control them."

"The driver of the taxi I took in the afternoon was also controlled. He was like a puppet on strings. His heart was beating like a robot."

"This should be a puppet that has been deeply modified. It uses some method to kill the body's consciousness and control this empty shell like implanting a computer program. This method requires high technical content and involves many aspects. knowledge, and the person who invented it is a genius."

"How long will it take for uncle and aunt to wake up?"

"About 12 hours later, but one thing I have to tell you, we can't amnesize them."

"Can't amnesize? Why?"

"The current method of memory erasure is to use hypnotic words and spirits to deeply hypnotize the person being eliminated, but that remote control method is likely to cause serious damage to the mind of the person being controlled. If the hypnotic words and spirits are used again, The two forces will conflict, just like two horses tying a person's left and right hands and running in different directions. In the end, the hands will be torn off. The worst result will be mental disorder and make them crazy. "

"Is there no way to treat it?"

"Yes, the way to control them must be the effect of a certain kind of word spirit strengthened through alchemy arrays and equipment. As long as you can find the person who uses the word spirit and kill him, the effect of the word spirit will naturally disappear, and then you can proceed. Hypnotherapy.”

"I understand, will there be a problem letting them wake up?"

"It's best to let them sleep. The modifications in their bodies are very weak compared to that of the driver. Even if the other party activates the word spirit under the sleeping consciousness, it will not have any effect. Of course, you can wake them up, but you must do it at any time. Prepare them to be sedated.”

"Under the condition of ensuring their health, don't let them wake up for now. I will solve this matter as soon as possible." Lu Mingfei said.

The mastermind behind the scenes is very close, Wang Jiang and Tachibana Masamune, both of whom are very suspicious.

The guy who is currently being prioritized is the king general. Lu Mingfei has formed an alliance with two brothers, Yuan Zhisheng and Yuan Zhisheng, with the same goal of becoming the king general.

Lu Mingfei handed the three of them over to the care of Su Enxi's medical team, opened the door and left to find Eri Yi. The nurse was injecting her with serum in the next room.

As if she heard his footsteps, Eriki poked her head out of the door and waved to him.

Lu Mingfei smiled, walked over and took Eli Yi's hand to look at it.

Her skin was still white and smooth, and the dark purple blood vessels on the back of her hands had disappeared, adding a bit of red moisture. The serum was working, temporarily suppressing the dragon part of her body.

The two held hands and walked in the quaint corridor.

The courtyard was quiet and peaceful, with a faint fluorescent light emitting from the night-light lamps on both sides.

They sat down in a pavilion in the cherry forest. The slight sea breeze blew in front of them, revealing the salty smell of the sea and the fragrance of cherry blossoms. A strand of hair on the girl's temples was fluttering. She quietly leaned her head against Lu Mingfei. He rubbed it against his chest, enjoying the warmth.

"Do you feel better?" Lu Mingfei put his hand on Eli Yi's waist.

Eriki nodded, squinting her eyes like a kitten, hugging him and sniffing contentedly, smelling his scent.

Lu Mingfei remembered Yuan Zhisheng's words.

Of course he understood what his uncle meant.

Anyway, if the sky falls, there will be someone taller to hold it up. King Bai really wakes up, and there are also the principal and the secret party. With the Sheqi family taking care of everything, the matter will always be solved. Even if it can't be solved, you don't have to worry about it. You just need to Just make Eri happy.

At this moment, many fantasy scenes flashed before his eyes. He and Eriki were walking in the sunflower field, going to the amusement park to ride the Ferris wheel and eating ice cream. One day, he would propose to Eriki with a wedding ring. The girl happily hugged him, kissed him, and walked into the wedding hall with him wearing a snow-white wedding dress. They would have a boy and a girl. They each held their children's hands and went to the movies to eat popcorn.

When that day comes, he will think that it's a good thing he listened to his uncle and escaped from Japan. Otherwise, when King Haku woke up, he would have sunk into the deep sea along with the whole of Japan, and he would not have the chance to have such happy memories with Eriki.

He put his arm around the girl's waist, and the two of them looked up at the moon in the sky.

"Is there anything Hui Liyi wants to do?" Lu Mingfei asked.

Eriki poked her chin with her finger and thought for a while, then wrote in her notebook: "I want to marry Sakura! Then we can play together, eat together, and sleep together every day!"

Her eyes were shining with a lot of expectations for the future.

As Yuan Zhisheng said, she will not hide her emotions, her happiness and unhappiness are all written on her face.

"There will come a day."

Lu Mingfei ruffled her hair and kissed her gently.

The girl in turn grabbed the boy's hand, linked their fingers together, and sat on her knees on the seat of the pavilion. She moved forward little by little, forcing him to the edge.

Lu Mingfei took Eli Yi to find Constantine.

The child was staying in the kitchen of Blackstone Mansion. There was a piece of fresh salmon on the cutting board. He used a small stool to rest his feet. He opened a gourmet magazine on the table. Lu Mingfei took a look. It said how to make smoked salmon. .

Eriyi walked over curiously and looked at the contents of the magazine.

"Hello, brother Lu." Seeing Lu Mingfei coming, Constantine put down the kitchen knife in his hand.

"I heard from Su Enxi that you plan to be a chef in the future. Is there a cuisine you want to specialize in?" Lu Mingfei also came closer to take a look.

Constantine really looked like a child playing house, with a sense of joy as if he were in charge of Alone.

"I'm still learning." Constantine clapped his hands on his apron, "Cooking is a skill that needs to be studied."

"Is smoked salmon easy to make?" Lu Mingfei flipped through the pages of the magazine.

"The method is relatively simple." Constantine said: "There are two pickling techniques. Use a needle to inject salt water into the fish, or apply salt on the surface of the fish. The former is more convenient and faster, and the latter is more convenient. It takes a few hours, but it will be more flavorful. The heat and smoke material are also very important. I selected cherry wood branches from the Black Stone Mansion and am preparing to try the low-temperature smoking method to mature it."

"You really worked hard."

Constantine scratched his head sheepishly.

"Come on, I believe the restaurant you open will be world-famous in the future." Lu Mingfei smiled and gave him a thumbs up, and Hui Liyi also gave him a thumbs up.

"Thank you, I will work hard." Constantine nodded, fighting spirit igniting in his eyes.

Lu Mingfei believed that Constantine would definitely become a good chef. Although this child was somewhat stubborn and did not know how to adapt, he was also very perseverant and would not change anything he believed in.

Old Tang would be very happy to see his younger brother find his target, but it's a pity that he is sleeping again now. Today's activity time will be used up in the afternoon, and he will not wake up until noon tomorrow.

"Brother Lu, do you have anything to do with me?" Constantine asked.

"It's like this. I want to ask you how much you know about King Bai, and also about Eri Yi's physical condition. Is there anything you can do about it?"

Originally, Lu Mingfei planned to ask Old Tang, but Old Tang fell asleep.

"The White King." Constantine shook his head, "Actually, I don't know much. My brother and I's territory is in the Nordic continent. The White King's territory is far away from us. In fact, we don't know the reason for the White King's rebellion. , we only know that the Black King used extreme means to destroy the White King's soul and devour its body, but we didn't expect that it would still remain, leaving behind a blood descendant and the hope of resurrection."

"Did King Bai also be resurrected with eggs?"

"The normal situation is like this, but its soul has also been destroyed, and the eggs can't play any role. I think it should only leave a incomplete seed."

"Why does it give blood to humans?"

"Probably as food." Constantine said: "These people are the seeds it sprinkled. The dragons are very weak when they are just hatched. The white king was destroyed by the black king. Even if the seeds left behind can take root and germinate, Nutrition is also needed to bear fruit. For dragons, high-level blood is the best food. Just like my brother once wanted to devour me. At our level, we can only evolve by devouring each other. Humans with the blood of the White King Although not as good as a real dragon, humans are plentiful and serve as an appetizer to satiate its appetite well.”

"This is really cruel." Lu Mingfei smacked his lips.

Professor Guderian once made a guess about the White King, thinking that it might be on the side of humans, but now it seems that this conclusion has been completely overturned. The White King is a very typical dragon, brutal and supreme in strength.

"What about Eri Yi? Lu Mingze told me that she can be restored to health through blood transfusion, but it requires Dragon King-level blood, and the success rate is only 50%. Is there any way to increase the success rate?"

"This" Constantine looked at the red-haired girl beside Lu Mingfei carefully, "there are ways to improve the success rate, but what is needed is not one dragon king, but two dragon kings."

"You two? What do you mean?" Lu Mingfei asked next.

"When a dragon king devours another dragon king, he can evolve. At this time, the power of the bloodline will be sublimated, and the blood that is closer to fetal blood will flow in the new dragon body, and the toxicity will be less. If the new dragon body is reborn, The king is willing to cooperate, and the success rate can even be increased to 100%, but..."


"This is impossible to accomplish in actual operation. My body is incomplete and cannot be used, and my brother is still just a stone. In today's era, it is almost impossible for two Dragon Kings to get together. Secondly, the new king We must cooperate so that we can obtain the fetal blood of the initial transformation, but the evolved king has unparalleled power and power, and no one can guarantee that he will cooperate."

"Is that so?" Lu Mingfei lowered his head and pondered.

There are two dragon kings. There is one in Tokyo. In fact, we only need to find one. The biggest problem is cooperation. If it is Constantine or Old Tang, of course he can trust it, but no one knows what they are thinking about the other dragon kings. What.

With the power to ignore the law, anyone can unleash the devil in their heart, let alone a lawless creature like a dragon.

"Constantine, among the four dragon kings, who do you know best?" Lu Mingfei raised his head and asked.

"King of the Earth and Mountains, we were allies." Constantine lowered his head, "But we did not fulfill our covenant."

Thanks to "Just write and I will recharge" for the 10,000-point reward, "Book Friend 20220129193541521" for the 500-point reward, "My name is not Bai Xiaofei" for the 300-point reward, and "Braised Purple Eggplant" for the reward. 100 points, 100 points rewarded by "Wuweibudu"

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