Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 872 Black branches appear

Royer's eyes lit up when he heard this, but he soon realized that there was a flaw in this idea.

Let's not talk about how to combine the Inverted Tree and the Black Sea Tree. This multiple experiments should have a chance of success. But how do you make the Black Sea Tree have the consciousness to control the Red Sea Tree? The Black Sea Tree has a root attack on the Red Sea Tree. consciousness.

Then give it a more powerful consciousness to control the Black Sea Tree.

Sol is not afraid that if he tells his method, others will learn from him.

When he was studying the black branches, he used the cheating method of diary.

Others want to do so many experiments, but don't have that many materials for them to waste.

Moreover, the black branches also have a very crucial third main material!

That's Xiaowei...

a part of.

But now, the composition of Xiaowei is no longer simply the soul-eating demon swamp.

Even Sol couldn't tell clearly what Xiao Zao had eaten.

Therefore, he mainly did not expose Xiao Zao's ability, and did not worry at all that Royer, or even other wizards from the Tribunal, could reversely deduce the formula for the formation of black branches.

Royer also stood up. He stared at Sol for a long time and said, I can see it. You have been prepared for a long time.

He looked at Thor, conspiracy theories starting to form in his mind.

He had been prepared for it. Was he also prepared for the fact that the red sea tree would be destroyed?

If so, does the mermaid's alienation also have something to do with him?

If the answer is still yes, then when did he start planning all this?

Royer's eyes were filled with surprise and uncertainty.

Perhaps his newly resurrected mood was not stable enough, and his inner thoughts were already reflected on his face.

Seeing this, Thor already guessed what Roye was thinking.

But he wasn't fazed at all. Because apart from the fact that Flo was called over by him, Saul didn't interfere at all.

Thor and Floco communicate through a secret phantom channel, which even a fourth-level wizard cannot know.

Even if the Tribunal were to investigate Thor, they would not find any evidence remotely related to Thor.

Of course I'm prepared. I never make unprepared suggestions. Thor admitted openly, as if he didn't know how far Roye had thought.

He walked to the edge of the cliff and saw Sander who had arrived behind him at a glance.

He didn't see Thor on the cliff, but as soon as he came over, he heard that the mermaids had all transformed into monsters and were killed by the Black Flame Emperor's sword.

He obtained the name of emperor and relied on his special bloodline to attract fish to eat the roots of the red sea tree.

Now that the mermaid is gone, he has no value.

So Sander is very anxious now.

Although he had agreed to Thor's experiment before, he was not a wizard and did not know the specific content of Thor's experiment. So now he has no confidence in his heart. He doesn't know if the black branches that Thor helped him and Midore create will still be useful without the mermaid.

Just when he was in a state of confusion, he finally saw Sol standing next to the cliff. His eyes suddenly lit up, and his heart, which had just been suspended, became much calmer.

Thor waved to Sander, and the wizard who brought Sander over immediately brought Sander over.

Sander felt a little embarrassed when he saw Royer.

In the past, Alfonso was kind to him, but Roye had an unstable temperament, and sometimes he would even do things that humiliated him.

But this time Royer ignored Sander. He was still thinking about Saul's possible conspiracy and had no intention of thinking about Sander.

Did I bring you the branches? Sol asked Sander.

This was actually an agreement between the two. As long as Thor asked Sander to come to the beach, he would definitely bring the branches with him.

As soon as Sander heard what Sol said, he immediately understood that it was time for Midor to appear.

He paused for a second, calming his pounding heart, I carry it with me.

Xander took out a black branch wrapped in a handkerchief from his arms.

Royer reached out and pulled out the branch from Sander before Thor did.

Is this the experimental product that you mentioned that combines the Inverted Tree and the Black Sea Tree? Royer carefully looked at the black branch in his hand, frowning, Can this thing achieve the effect you want?

Sol didn't answer and spread his hand in front of Roye.

At this time, Roye was jealous of Sol because of his suspicion. He touched his nose angrily and put the branch he snatched from Sander into Sol's hand.

Thor took the branch and turned it around.

Midor's soul had adapted to life among the black branches, and she did not feel uncomfortable because of Sol's shaking. On the contrary, she tried hard to convey her joy to see him to Sol.

After confirming that the black branch was in normal condition, Saul said to Royer: Let me tell you the truth, the only experimental product currently has only passed theoretical verification. If you want to confirm that it is really effective on red sea trees, you can only practice it. experiment.

Sol flicked the branch and pointed at the dilapidated red sea forest. Do you dare to let me conduct experiments directly with red sea trees?

Sol's words were not only heard by Royer, but also by nearby wizards.

Because the intensity of the battle has dropped, many wizards who had been holding on were resting on the shore.

The death of the mermaid is not a secret. Even if these wizards rest, their hearts will be heavy.

At this time, they heard what Thor said, and no one directly objected.

This is the benefit of reputation.

Even if some people had doubts about this, they did not object immediately.

Or maybe they were all waiting for Royer to object.

Of course Royer's first reaction was to disagree, but when he thought about his plan, if there was no other way to absorb the pollution from the red sea trees, he would have to use the alternative he least wanted to use.

It's not that Royer cares about human life, but that doing so can easily consume the continent's foundation for reproduction.

A significant decline in population will affect many things.

For example, the replenishment speed of low-level wizards will not be able to keep up with the speed of death in the black tide.

So Royer hesitated.

This matter is no longer something he can decide alone.

But Royer couldn't make the decision, someone else could.

Let him try.

Flim's voice sounded above several people's heads.

But when Thor looked up, he saw nothing.

The ruling court master's uncompromising style of conduct was thoroughly implemented. Royer, who was full of conspiracy theories and hesitant just now, immediately nodded, Yes, sir.

Then, Royer looked at Thor with a complicated face, You can conduct experiments directly here.

Then, considering that Sol's condition might not have fully recovered, he quickly said: Or we can come over together after you have rested.

Thor shook his head, No, just do it now.

If we were to conduct the experiment again in two days, would there still be so many viewers?

She is already a finished product. Thor looked at the black branch in his hand, I just need experiments to confirm whether she has the abilities that she should theoretically have.

Then, Thor no longer delayed, and directly used his mental power to unlock the lock sealed on the black branch, and then aimed the branch at the center of the Red Sea forest and threw it out.


The black branches did not touch any branches of the red sea trees.

In other words, the red sea tree seemed to have its own consciousness and actively avoided it.

The scene became quiet. Except for the wizard who was still fighting in front, almost everyone was staring at the place where the black branches entered the water.

One minute, two minutes...

Five minutes, ten minutes...

Half an hour passed.

There are already wizard apprentices quietly taking a look at Thor on the cliff.

Just when they were wondering whether the experiment had failed from the beginning, a large number of bubbles suddenly appeared in the sea again.

In the middle of the dense, boiling bubbles, a thick black branch with a diameter of one meter suddenly stretched out from under the sea and inserted directly into the trunk of a intact red sea tree!

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