Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 871 Thor’s method

What do you mean? Sol broke away from Roye's hand and sat down on the ground.

He was so tired that he just wanted to lie down. He was just worried about the reputation he had just gained, so he just sat down without being so rude.

When Roye saw this, he stopped holding his head and sat next to Saul. He looked sluggish and in a low mood.

Alfonso is dead? he asked.

Well, it attracted most of the black tide monsters, and none of them died... Thor said, his voice paused, You died too? Were you resurrected?

Thor remembered that the Tribunal did not allow wizards below the second level to conduct resurrection experiments. But third-level wizards are not within the scope of this ban.

Yeah. Royer was still in a low mood, I met an unknown fourth-level wizard and died in a daze. Fortunately, my soul is stored in... Hey, it's okay to tell you. It's stored in Lord Flim's. Lost Corridor. After the death of the physical body, as long as the soul body is not contaminated and alienated, there is still a chance of resurrection.

Originally, I failed to fulfill Lord Flim's instructions this time and should be punished. But now that the Red Sea Tree has been lost and destroyed like this, Lord Flim immediately resurrected me and asked me to come back and find a solution.

Will Alfonso also be resurrected? Sol asked, knowing in his heart that it was unlikely.

...No. Royer looked at the Red Sea in front of him and threw a stone depressedly like an ordinary person. He made a mistake. If he can die in battle, it is because the court master is lenient.

Royer was actually very sad that his friend who had been with him for hundreds of years was stubborn and died in the battle. It's just that after he became a third-level wizard, he was used to seeing life and death, and his emotions were not as outgoing as he showed.

But looking at the red sea tree that was missing less than half, Royer still felt distressed.

This is the tree he has been raising for decades!

Who would have thought that when they were hunting down the ancestral mermaids, the remaining mermaids in the sea would choose to undergo collective alienation and die suddenly.

The reason for the alienation of mermaids has not yet been found, but Lord Frim believes that it is inevitably related to the mermaids who have returned to their ancestors.

Court Master Flim went to track down the fourth-level wizard who killed Roye. After all, no one would rest assured that there was such a fourth-level wizard in the family who came and went without a trace.

Flim went to track down the strange fourth-level wizard, while Royer was troubled by the problem of the Red Sea Tree.

Now there is not a single mermaid in the sea, but the red sea trees are still absorbing excessive pollution from the sea water.

But what about the stem lumps formed after absorbed pollution?

In Royer's plan, the mermaid has never been a crucial link, but it is an indispensable one.

So no matter how Royer experimented with mermaids, he never thought that one day Nephrite would lose all the mermaids.

After thinking for a while, Roye half discussed with Thor and half straightened out his own thoughts and said: The most important thing now is to deal with the pollution caused by the red sea tree as soon as possible. If there are no mermaids, other consumable creatures will do. .”

Thor heard this and asked him, What other creatures have high resistance, are large in number, and are easy to deal with?

Royer thought for a while.

Ever since the wizarding world was closed and the ascending path to fifth level was closed, the species diversity of the entire world has been rapidly decreasing.

The culprit is naturally the wizard.

There are too many experiments and no emphasis on recycling and ecological balance, which ultimately leads to the extinction of a large number of species.

The reason why we were able to raise a group of pig-like mermaids was because mermaids originally settled in the deep sea and were not easily caught by wizards.

After thinking for a while, there was really no suitable creature in a short period of time. Finally, Royer said fiercely: If it doesn't work, just use people!

Thor's eyelids twitched.

It seems that because Thor played a great role in protecting the red sea tree, Roye now trusts Thor more and simply revealed his terrible plan.

Actually, this plan is not something I thought of temporarily, but something that the Tribunal has been preparing for. If one day the Red Sea trees are lost, or the pollution is out of control and cannot be absorbed, then the continental division plan will be launched.

It's just that although the division of the continent can temporarily deal with this pollution, we still need to find a more suitable way to deal with pollution in the future, otherwise our defensive war of more than a hundred years will not be able to persist.

We have persisted for a hundred years, and I don't know if we can persist for hundreds more.

The more Roye talked, the more frustrated he became.

Thor didn't ask in detail. He felt that he might have heard something extraordinary, and immediately began to worry about his situation.

They told me in such detail, don't they want to hold me captive and not let me leave, right?

The excuse for treating the mermaid clearly no longer holds water.

After all, there isn't even a mermaid here anymore.

Will the tribunal let him go next?

It should be possible, after all, Thor still needs to solve the eye of the storm in Borderlands.

The tribunal will trap him for at most half a year before letting him go.

Now except Thor, no other third-level wizard can gain a foothold in the Borderlands, and no one else can seal the eye of the storm as quickly as Thor at the minimum cost.

Thor stared at the red sea trees in the distance.

He needs to make himself more valuable.

Well, it's time for Xander to come over.

Actually, in addition to studying mermaids these days, I am also thinking about red sea trees.

Roye's eyes lit up when he heard Sol finally answered.

He made an exception and talked so much with Sol, wasn't it because Sol could give him some help or tips?

Actually, there is a species that is very suitable for absorbing polluted stems from trees in the Red Sea. You should also know about it.

Thor said slowly and deliberately.

What? Royer asked eagerly.

Many nouns flashed through his mind, but he couldn't find the right one among them.

Sol glanced at Royer and hesitated to speak.

Sir Sol, Lord Sol, please speak quickly! Royer seemed to have returned to his previous activity.

Black Sea Tree, are you familiar with it?

Royer opened his mouth, then sat back down suddenly deflated.

If the lethal effects of black sea trees on red sea trees can be solved, we won't have to clear all the black sea trees in Nephlet.

Seeing Roye giving up, Thor stood up and said to him unconvinced: You can't find a way, but that doesn't mean I can't find it. Since you know the Black Sea Tree, what about the upside-down tree?

Royer raised his head and looked at Sol, who seemed to be excited.

Of course he knew about the Inverted Tree, a very, very rare magical creature. If the Tribunal hadn't reached an agreement with Bess, a third-level wizard from Baidong College, she wouldn't have been able to take away the Inverted Tree so easily.

The upside down tree is powerful and domineering.

Can absorb human souls and control a large number of soul puppets.

But what does that have to do with red sea trees? There are no red sea trees...

No, the red sea tree is conscious.

They are actually more like animals than plants. It's just that their consciousness is distributed throughout the body, so they lack the subjective initiative of animals.

Royer is indeed one of the most important third-level wizards in the Tribunal. Hearing Thor say these two terms, he had a vague inspiration.

You mean to use the Inverted Tree to control the Red Sea Tree...then, then...

Thor continued, Use the combination of the Inverted Tree and the Black Sea Tree Source to give the Black Sea Tree the consciousness to actively control the Red Sea Tree, and then use the Inverted Tree's ability to control all the Red Sea Trees and absorb the pollution inside them!

The biggest difference between Black Sea trees and Red Sea trees is that Black Sea trees have the ability to deal with pollution!

Oh my god, the scheduled time has become a direct release! ! !

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