Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 826 Bloodline

Who would destroy the spiritual body of a mermaid?

Or why make a species that is not smart to begin with even dumber?

That must be someone who doesn't want Pearl to have independent abilities.

Could it be Alfonso? Saul guessed.

But he quickly overturned his previous guess, No, Alfonso's mental strength is not as strong as mine.

Sol still has this little confidence.

And Floco said that the other party's method of destroying Pearl's mental power almost deceived him.

This is faith in the water god.


Thor and Floco looked at each other and thought of this person at the same time.

Flim destroyed Pearl's spiritual body, probably because of the special characteristics of the pearl itself. But this specialness would hinder Flim, so he directly cut off any trend that was detrimental to him.

Sol glanced at Pearl one last time, and she forgot her fear again and lay on the glass staring at Sol and Floco.

Looking left and right, I was too busy.

Let's go, I've got what I want.

Thor did not look for Sander again, but returned to the palace gate, found the attendant who had been waiting for him, and returned to the palace where he temporarily lived.

When there was no one around, Floco sighed, It seems that in this world, my bloodline is almost cut off.

The bloodline passed down by Floco was not found in several atavistic mermaids.

Thor said: It's also a coincidence. Only this smuggled mermaid has your bloodline.

Floco returned to the fish tank. He had just used his power. The mermaid's body was affected by the overload of power. The skin had begun to crack and it was in urgent need of replenishing water.

He heard Sol's words in the water and popped his head out again, It's not a coincidence.

There was a natural determination on his face, The mermaid with my bloodline is destined to be stronger than other mermaids. This mermaid should have been far away from the red sea tree and away from the surveillance of the Tribunal before he could be captured by wizards from other places and sold to Sky City. .”

He also lamented, Because I was excellent, I knew the dangers of the Red Sea Tree and escaped on my own initiative, but I was not strong enough. After escaping, I fell into the hands of others. Except for the Tribunal, other people who got mermaids probably used them for witchcraft. Material.

Success is excellent, failure is also excellent.

Those who are inactive and ignorant have lived on the bottom of the Red Sea until now.

By analogy, Mermaid Princess Pearl was probably taken out and held in solitary confinement because of her excellence, and her mental body was destroyed in the end.

Thor lowered his eyes and couldn't help but think: Before I advance to the fourth level, the essence of the Symphony of Destiny cannot be told to anyone.

He also made a decision that before he advanced to the fourth level, the consciousness in the death wizard's diary could not leave the diary.

Even if he may break his agreement with Beth, he cannot let her go before the fourth level.

Not everyone is willing to let geniuses grow.

Thor does not consider himself to be an absolute genius, but the talents he has gained due to his own experience have definitely exceeded the upper limit of this wizarding world.

Flo is the second target of the Symphony of Destiny. Although he doesn't know exactly what Thor has done, with his fifth-level strength, he can vaguely feel that Thor has a certain connection with him.

After seeing Thor's behavior, Floco did not object to this connection. He would even come over from time to time to help Thor with advice at the critical moment of regaining his strength. In fact, he wanted to take the initiative to deepen his connection with Thor.

Although Thor is still only a third-level wizard.

But don't forget, he has a deep connection with those chaotic guys.

Floco's thoughts stopped here.

He didn't want to think deeply for fear of attracting the attention of those guys.

Now that he had helped Sol once, he no longer had to stay with Sol for a long time.

After all, Floco's most important task now is to restore the strength of the fifth level.

This may take hundreds of years.

Floco didn't want to wait that long.

Who knows how long this world can exist under the influence of the Eye of the Abyss?

He needs to prepare some tonic potions for himself.

For example, a person majoring in the water element is still a powerful being of the fourth level.

Okay, I'm going back now. This body probably won't be able to withstand my next possession. Thor, you can extract the blood of the Green Scales from this mermaid body. It will definitely be better than the one kept by the Tribunal. The royal bloodline must be strong.”

Floco told Thor the best way to extract blood, and then returned to Sky City to continue preparations for regaining his strength.

After Floco leaves, Kate slowly wakes up.

Yawn...ah, I'm back.

He looked confused.

Floco's possession also exerted great pressure on Kate, who was residing in the mermaid's body.

As a result, Kate voluntarily lost consciousness due to the body's self-protection mechanism.

As soon as Kate woke up, she saw Sol leaning very close to her and looking at her body up and down.

He subconsciously covered his chest and found that there were still four exposed, so he had to lie down and put down his arms as if to be ravaged, Boss Sol, do you want to use me for experiments? Can you be gentler?

Seeing Kate's appearance, Sol suddenly had the urge to make him red-hot.

You can't save your body.

Kate trembled all over and looked at Thor in horror.

But before that, I want to take you to the sea first.

Although Floco said that there should be no descendants of his blood here, Thor still planned to take Kate to the sea to search.

What if you find it?

Who would dislike the Blue Scale Clan bloodline and the amount of such powerful witchcraft materials?

However, it is best to go to the Red Sea with the permission of the Tribunal.

Saul was very conscious and did not run around before Alfonso or Royer came to him. Instead, he honestly continued to do research and a bold idea in the temporary palace.

Three days later, it was Alfonso who came to Sol first.

Long time no see, Your Excellency Alfonso. Thor looked up from the thick steam. The crucible in his hand was almost burnt, but he still increased the firepower. Why did you leave in such a hurry that day? Was it because you were out of town? What happened?

Alfonso still had a straight face and looked very gloomy. Today, his face was even more tired.

The court master came to see us for something. Almost all the third-level wizards have gone over.

Alfonso briefly mentioned it, but did not explain the specific matter.

Thor didn't ask further questions, but continued to conduct experiments.

Oh. Alfonso didn't expect Sol to greet him so perfunctorily and ignored him.

Now, he had something to say, but he couldn't say it.

He couldn't hold it back anymore and took a step forward, You... didn't do anything to Pearl that day, right?

Saul stood up and pointed at Alfonso's clothes.

You came here in a hurry, and you didn't even remove the moisture from the corners of your clothes. You were just checking the body of the mermaid princess, right? Didn't you see if I did something?

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