Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 825 Seven Seconds of Memory

Interesting. Looking at the sudden appearance of Alfonso, Sol thought to himself, I have been chatting with Sander for so long, but I haven't seen him come over. He just showed up when he saw this mermaid. Could it be that this mermaid is nothing more than Besides being good-looking, is there anything else special?”

Thor was already beginning to stir in his heart, but on the surface he turned back calmly, I heard there is a real mermaid princess here. Come and see how she is different from other mermaids.

Alfonso bypassed Sol and walked in first, Pearl is the mermaid with the strongest royal bloodline. But that's it, in other aspects, she is not special. Even in terms of intelligence and spiritual performance, she is not special. Not as good as coral.”

He walked up to the glass wall and put his hand on the glass.

Pearl immediately sank curiously, staring at Alfonso's palm against the wall with wide eyes, wanting to get closer.

At this moment, Alfonso's hand suddenly turned over and he knocked hard on the glass with his knuckles, making a very loud thunk sound.

Pearl, who was about to approach, was immediately frightened. The whole fish panicked, turned over several times in the water, wagging its tail, and swayed all the way to the corner of the room, and then looked at Alfonso in horror.

Alfonso, who had no expression on his face and turned his mouth downwards, turned to Sol and said, I have done this trick more than a dozen times, and she will be scared every time.

Sol thought it was funny, but it was not convenient for him to laugh, so he tapped his hands and said, I heard that fish's memory is only seven seconds.

He also walked to the glass, waited for seven seconds, and then followed Alfonso's example and put his hand on the glass.

Alfonso frowned, It's not just seven seconds. Usually she will forget by the next day...

Before he finished speaking, Alfonso's eyes widened.

Because the pearl in the corner is really back.

She stared at her milky white and pearly eyes, and moved closer to Sol's palm as curiously as before.

When Pearl got very close, Sol also knocked on the wall, and then as expected, he saw Pearl being frightened and swimming back to the corner.

Solmer then counted seven seconds and continued to repeat the previous actions.

Pearl was once again led out of the corner by him.

Alfonso frowned more and more.

Sol did not scare Pearl this time and allowed the other party to observe his palm through the glass.

He looked at the confused Pearl and said what Alfonso had not said, Is the intelligence of this mermaid princess...continuing to decrease?

Alfonso frowned so hard that he almost knitted his brows into knots.

Thor tugged on the mermaid he brought over, I want to see the difference between the royal mermaids and ordinary mermaids. Can you take some samples from Pearl?

Alfonso pursed his lips and turned white. After a few seconds, he said, What sample do you want to take?

Thor counted everything, I need at least a bottle of blood and a palm-sized piece of skin. If possible, I also want to cut off a bone, preferably the spine...

Enough! Alfonso suddenly shouted.

Thor raised his head blankly and looked at the other party with an innocent face, What's wrong? Are pearls as rare and precious as the blood of the mermaid royal family?

Alfonso said with some difficulty: Pearl is the mermaid with the most atavistic expressions among the atavistic mermaids. You see, her tail is all blue scales. Although her intelligence is lower, she is also an important experimental subject. . I’m also studying how to extract a sufficient concentration of mermaid royal blood from her, so you can’t move around for the time being.”

Seeing that Sol seemed to want to fight for it, Alfonso quickly added: You can think of Pearl as the current Alessandra. Maybe she is not that precious, but she is still irreplaceable at the moment. Look at her The tail scales are all blue, very similar to the blue-scale tribe mentioned in ancient books. I will not easily turn pearls into experimental materials before I am sure.

At this point, regardless of whether Sol agreed or not, Alfonso was already ready to see off his guests. He raised his palms towards Sol, which was a preparatory action for teleportation. .

If you really want to study atavistic mermaids, go look for them in the Red Sea. You can also find ones with higher blood concentration. Once you can determine the direction of your experiment through other atavistic mermaids, I will take you to study pearls.

Thor asked, Are there atavistic mermaids in the Red Sea?

Not much, but there is. Now, don't resist.

Thor didn't intend to get too entangled at this time. Anyway, he could still see the mermaid in the name of visiting Xander in the future.

However, Alfonso raised his palms for a long time, but did not teleport.

What's wrong? Sol didn't even feel the waves in the space.

Alfonso looked troubled and slowly retracted his hand, Sir Frim has something to do and summon all the third-level wizards to come over immediately.

Normally Alfonso should go there immediately, but he was still a little worried.

He warned Sol again: Pearl is currently the only sample. No matter what, don't touch her without my consent.

Okay, I won't move. Thor nodded, showing that he was unwilling but had to agree.

Alfonso couldn't wait any longer. He glanced at Pearl and then disappeared.

I guess he went to the tribunal. Thor's face immediately relaxed.

Thor returned to the glass.

The pearl in the glass was still lying opposite Sol, but now it was looking at the place where Alfonso disappeared, as if he didn't understand why the person suddenly disappeared.

At this time, Penny, who was not too worried about the excitement, wrote in her diary.

[Hehehe, brother Sol, can’t you talk to her? 】

Thor held the mermaid's hand, Yes, I won't move.

He gently pushed the merman who was levitated by the levitation technique.

Thor's mermaid flew towards the glass, actually passed through it, and fell into the water-filled room on the opposite side.

In the water, the mermaid smiled and seemed very comfortable.

Thor knew that the person controlling the mermaid's body at this time was Floco, a quasi-fifth-level wizard, so he did not remind him deliberately.

Penny chirped.

【Hurry up! Her blood was drawn, her skin was peeled off, and her bones were broken off. 】

Thor ignored Penny and pointed at the water.

Lord Floco, do not cause irreparable damage.

Floco could hear Thor's voice clearly even though he was in the water.

He nodded and moved closer to Pearl.

Pearl saw Floco flying toward the glass, first frightened, then quickly approaching Flom curiously.

Fromm did not draw blood, but just stepped forward and took Pearl's hand.

Pearl was held by Floco in a daze, and even subconsciously looked at Sol outside the glass.

Finding Pearl looking at him, Sol waved his hand, and then he noticed that Pearl's expression became even more confused.

Why is she looking like this?

Before Thor could figure it out, Floco ran out of the water with that ugly fish face.

The whole journey takes less than a minute. Not even a drop of water inside was brought out.

This so-called mermaid princess doesn't have my blood in her body.

Isn't Pearl a member of the Blue Scale clan?

It should be a side branch, with mixed blood. Floco looked a little disappointed.

Maybe deep down he still wants to find his descendants.

After not being lost for long, Floco raised his hand, and a drop of dark red liquid floated from his palm towards Thor.

This is the blood I extracted from her. It is only a small part and will not affect her body. As long as outsiders don't drain her blood for examination, they will not find that there is less. It will repair itself in two months. .”

This really helped Thor. He quickly put away the mermaid bloodline and said, Thank you very much.

By the way, there is one more thing. Floco said hesitantly, I don't know whether you care or not, but her mental body has been artificially destroyed. The method is very clever. I'm afraid you will all think that it is born this way.

The next chapter is in the evening, double monthly tickets, thank you readers for your support! !

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