Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 801 Temporary Coordinates

As early as Floco said that he was from the Blue Scale Tribe, which was the mermaid tribe that Thor recognized, Thor had always doubted whether the ugly mermaid in front of him was related to FloCo.

Although Floco said that the Blue Scales clan has basically moved out of the wizarding world, the mermaid clan currently cultivated by Nefret is somewhat similar to the Blue Scales clan.

Floco sneered, What a shame.

Thor was silent for a moment and could only say, This has always been the case in the wizarding world, where the weak prey on the strong.

When individual power can exceed collective power, the laws of the dark forest become more apparent.

Floco sat up and imitated Thor's example, relaxed and leaned back, You are right. In fact, I am not qualified to speak to others. You see, I call myself the Water God in my own world, but when I meet someone stronger than me outside, At the fifth level, he was sealed at the bottom of the sea. The Water God was drowned, haha, that person was just humiliating me. But the most ridiculous thing is that I didn’t even know who killed me until my death.

The outside world is really scary, but even so, fourth-level wizards like Ophelia are still working tirelessly to advance to fifth level and cross the star gate.

Floco also fell silent.

Before crossing the star gate, he had been very proud; after crossing the star gate, he suddenly understood the insignificance of life more deeply.

After the car became quiet, Sol opened the door and looked outside.

The carriage has been driving on the ground for a while and has not taken off again. Thor feels a little strange. If you want to hurry, wouldn't it be faster to fly in the air?

He opened the door and asked the coachman outside, Have we not left the Dwarf Valley yet?

Although it was bumpy in the air, Thor now wanted to take Floco to see the mermaids of the Eternal Night Empire.

The coachman was silent for a second and answered Thor: Lord Thor, another ultra-long-distance teleportation array leading to the Nephrite continent is opposite the Dwarf Valley, so we are now crossing the Dwarf Valley. It will take about three days.

It would be too boring to stay in this enclosed carriage with nothing for three days. And Thor didn't want to study his own topic here, lest the president of the tribunal, Flim, suddenly appeared at some unknown time.

He thought: This place should not be far from the Borderlands. Can I teleport back and come back when the carriage arrives?

Thinking that Flim was already on the move, there shouldn't be any fear of him escaping halfway.

I'm very sincere. Saul thought like this, squinting his eyes. The bright car in front of him instantly turned dark, and translucent and slightly luminous threads appeared in front of Saul.

Sure enough, I can touch Keli's fate here.

Sol did not set off immediately. He greeted the coachman outside very politely.

This is not far from the Borderlands. I'll go back first. After three days, I will go back to the car directly.

After Sol finished speaking, he felt that the faceless coachman in front of him seemed to chuckle, but because the sound was particularly vague, it seemed like he was sighing.

As long as you can come back in three days, I will not restrict your movements during this period.

Thor touched his chin and raised his hand to summon Herman from his body. At this time, Herman was in a spiritual state, hiding in a dark corner.

Thor said to Herman in his heart: You stay here and serve as my coordinates?

Okay master! Herman responded immediately.

But then Beth made another suggestion.

[Thor, in fact, you can also follow what Frim did just now and leave a short-term coordinate. 】

Thor understood that Beth was referring to the lantern that Flim had placed in the carriage.

But I have never divided my consciousness.

[You have never stored a conscious body in us. 】

Thor suddenly understood.

He turned a section of his fingertip into a gray tentacle and cut it off automatically.

Then he carefully observed the severed finger with the soul fragment, and there was no fate line on it. Because it is not Thor, nor is it a separate part of Thor.

Sol did not give up. After thinking for a moment, a white translucent thread slowly grew from his fingertips.

He wrapped the thread around his severed finger and then tried to cut it.

But the thread inside his consciousness did not break as he imagined, but became more firmly wrapped around the severed finger.

Can't you? Thor maintained his original actions, Sure enough, the line of fate is not something I can cut off casually.

If it can’t be cut off, can’t it leave traces?

Thor did not give up, mobilized his mental body, and began to let his mental power sweep through the entire severed finger over and over again. Time and time again, it seems that spiritual power is embedded in the severed finger.

After the high-frequency mental shock, Thor finally let go of his stretched out destiny thread and retracted it to his fingertips.

Now when I look at the severed finger, I feel that it is vaguely connected to my own body.

Sol placed his severed finger in the corner of the carriage and narrowed his eyes.

As expected, there are two more teleportation points that can be touched inside the entire carriage. The difference is that one is Herman's fate line and the other is a vague point.

Saul said to Herman, who was huddled in the corner of the carriage: You will still stay here during this period. If the temporary coordinates expire before I come back, I will directly use you as the coordinates to come back.

Herman nodded repeatedly and held the severed finger left by Sol in his hand.

Master, don't worry, I will definitely protect this temporary coordinate!

Thor laughed, It's just a fragment of your soul. I can make it up in minutes. You should put your own safety first.

Master~~~ Herman burst into tears.

Sol couldn't stand Herman's behavior. He curled his lips, snapped his fingers, and disappeared.

Disappearing with him was the mermaid sitting opposite him.

The driver who was driving the carriage suddenly froze, then he immediately turned around and opened half of the door roughly.

In the carriage, Herman clasped his hands together and turned to smile at the coachman when he saw the door open.

Don't worry, I am the hostage left by the master. The master will definitely come back in three days.

But the driver didn't seem to hear Herman's words and still braked suddenly, then bent down and walked into the car, and turned around twice in the originally small car.

Hermann sat on the carriage seat and looked at the coachman blankly.

Uh...what's the problem?

Did the driver just say clearly that he would not restrict Sol's movements?

On the third lap, the coachman, who still had nothing to gain, finally stopped and looked at Hermann.

Since Herman was sitting and the other person was standing bent over, Herman could clearly see the other person's expression.

How to describe it?

The other party seemed to be even more confused than Hermann who was left alone.

There are three parts of doubt, three parts of disbelief, and one part of fear in the confusion.

Hermann saw the corner of the coachman's mouth twitching fiercely, and then suddenly returned to sit outside, swung the reins, and let the two pegasus run quickly.

From beginning to end, Herman had no idea what the coachman was doing.

He didn't care about the coachman's reaction, and carefully protected the severed finger left by Saul in his arms, as if someone would come to rob him.

On the other side, after a moment of distorted vision, Thor's figure suddenly appeared in a spacious room.

At the same time, the mermaid who teleported with him also fell to the ground with a bang.

Such a huge movement immediately caused the people in the room who were immersed in writing to raise their heads in surprise.

Thor, are you finally back?

In front of him was Senior Byron, whom he had not seen for half a year.

It's just that although Senior Byron is still the same as before, he always looks a bit... shocking and amazing!

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