Diary of the Death Wizard

Chapter 800 The Sorrow of the Mermaid

For the rest of the trip, Thor kept staring at the lantern.

The lantern is more stable than Thor in teleportation. With Thor's mental power, there is a high probability that only a fourth-level wizard can be stronger than him in mental power.

And the fourth-level wizard related to light is also a member of the Tribunal. Except for the president of the Tribunal, Flim, Thor can't think of anyone else.

The spatial changes finally stabilized, and the carriage stopped in place. The driver outside was probably adjusting to his physical discomfort.

The ultra-long-distance teleportation array has a great impact on the human body and the mind. Even if there are protective facilities in the teleportation array, Thor still feels some vibrations in his mental body during the long-term teleportation.

The lantern opposite him was still stable. If Thor hadn't vaguely felt a slight mental fluctuation on the lantern when the magic circle was activated, he might have regarded it as an ordinary item like a carriage.

The court master came to pick me up in person? Saul asked tentatively.

Recognized by Thor, the light of the lantern was still warm and steady.

Flim did not pretend to be absent. A burst of mental power was transmitted into Thor's mind, and a majestic and somewhat ethereal voice automatically sounded.

The mermaids of Nephrite are not allowed to be sold without permission. If found, they will be punished.

Thor immediately replied: I snatched it from someone else. If I go to Nephrite now, it will be regarded as returning it to its original owner.

Seeing that the lantern did not speak, Thor just regarded the incident as a blur.

Is the court master here just to fine me money? Saul continued to test the other party's attitude.

Spiritual thoughts came from the lantern again.

You suppressed and sealed the nearly erupting eye of the storm on your own...

Hearing this, Sol raised his eyebrows in his mind, It's been a year. If the other party brings it up now, is it an excuse?

If the other party makes their purpose obvious, Sol can still find a way to deal with it, just like he deliberately planned to deal with Ophelia.

...I need to determine if there is any potential contamination on you.

Thor immediately thought of the white bone at the tip of his right finger.

The pollution above directly exploded a third-level wizard.

Sol did not move. Thinking that he had been with this lantern for almost a day, he slowly pretended to be enlightened and asked: Then do you think there is hidden pollution in me?

There is almost no pollution unique to the Kuroshio on your body, so it is even more suspicious. But for the specific inspection, I will personally check it after arriving at Yongye.


The person in front of me is not actually him, it's more like his thoughts are attached to it.

No matter what, whether he will go to the tribunal again in the future and not face a real fourth-level boss will still make Thor relieved.

He just ran away from Ophelia, and he didn't want to face another fourth-level person immediately.

Moreover, the Tribunal and Sky City are also different.

Because of the strength of the Tribunal and the Stargate Council, Ophelia's influence is mostly limited to Sky City, so it is impossible for her to pursue Thor all over the world.

But if the Tribunal is really angered and no other Level 4 comes out to protect Sol, then he will have to accept wanted orders or even adjudication orders from all over the world.

Saul was actually very curious when he thought about the ruling.

The wizards of the Tribunal were once ordered to kill people with a paper ruling, and many people were killed for no clear reason. So why did they issue the ruling?

It cannot simply exclude dissidents.

But it was hard for Sol to ask directly.

He then mentioned, The coachman outside said that the destination this time is not the Tribunal, but the Palace of Eternal Night.

Thor suddenly thought that if he was going to the Tribunal, he would have to pass through the Palace of Evernight. Just like he is returning to Stat just to go to the Nephrite continent.

However, Frim's answer was completely different from what Thor expected.

I went to Yongye Palace because I need your help with something.

The tribunal actually wants to ask me for help?

Sol looked surprised, but still asked calmly: What do you need me to do?

Ask Dr. Sol to treat the mermaid clan contaminated by the black tide.

Flim emphasized the word physician.

Thor smiled and said, So my name as a doctor has been spread to Nephrite? Then I am not ashamed of myself. I do have some experience in the pollution caused by the black tide.

If you can solve the mermaid problem, the Tribunal will not let your hard work go in vain.

After delivering the news, the warm yellow light in the lantern suddenly disappeared, and the entire carriage was pitch dark, and Thor could not feel Flim's presence.

He pushed the carriage door open a crack and looked at the coachman's back.

How are you recovering?

You can leave at any time, Sir Sol. The coachman immediately turned around and responded.

Neither of them mentioned Flim who had just left.

Then let's go. Thor snapped his fingers and used lighting to brighten the carriage again.

Anyway, he didn't want to stay in the dark compartment before entering the next ultra-long-distance teleportation array.

The Pegasus carriage did not take off, but moved forward steadily on land. Obviously, the teleportation array leading to the Nephrite continent was not close to here.

Sol looked out through the car door that was not completely closed, and suddenly felt that the scenery in the distance was somewhat familiar.

Which area of ​​the Stat Continent is this?

You should be very familiar with this place. The coachman whispered, This is one of the entrances to the Borderlands, the Dwarf Valley.

Thor is really not familiar with the Dwarf Valley.

However, he knew that unlike the Elf Four Seasons Forest located on the world side, the Dwarf Valley was located in the main world.

The valley has been deliberately transformed by the dwarves into an almost demon-free environment. I don’t know what happened later. The number of dwarves became less and less. The surviving dwarves all left the Dwarf Valley, and it became a dead place.

However, I heard that someone saw a dwarf here, but his condition was very abnormal, like a walking zombie.

The witnesses at the time did not dare to catch up due to lack of strength and preparation, fearing that they would encounter something strange and encounter disaster because they were unable to use witchcraft.

Thor was very curious, but he never had time to go to the Dwarf Valley to find out.

At this moment, Mermaid Kate, who had been lying quietly opposite, suddenly turned his face. The expression on his face was very complicated, sometimes tangled, sometimes indifferent, as if he had suddenly suffered a schizophrenia.

Sol watched Kate's expression change, silently closed the half-open car door, and applied a soundproof protective barrier.

Kate, what's wrong with you? One of Sol's hands has turned into a translucent gray tentacle, ready to go up and subdue Kate who seems to have a problem at any time.

Before Sol could take action, Kate's expression suddenly turned completely indifferent, and she silently glanced at Sol's arm.

Sol changed his hand back to its original shape and felt that the other person's eyes were inexplicably familiar.

At this time, a voice that did not belong to Kate sounded, When the dwarves were at their most glorious, they almost turned the humans in this world into their slaves and workers. Who would have thought that the current outcome would be that they are on the verge of extinction.

Thor exclaimed and leaned forward, approaching the mermaid.

Are you... Floco?

The mermaid nodded calmly and said: Although my strength has not recovered yet, I was at level five at least. It is still possible to separate my thoughts outside.

Thor's separated soul body can only be used as experimental material. He has long been interested in Ophelia's method of splitting her consciousness and Peer's method of leaving soul fragments with her own consciousness.

He asked curiously: How did you separate the conscious body? Is it the same way as Ophelia created the separate body?

Floco shook his head slightly, obviously he was much more skilled in controlling this body than Kate.

It's different. I can transfer my consciousness to this body because this monster-like mermaid actually has a trace of my blood inside it.

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