            Five minutes …

Ten minutes …

Twenty minutes …

Haluk was silent for half an hour.

“Um.” Then said in a husky voice, “Can I guarantee that the death penalty will not be imposed if I cooperate with the police investigation?”

“How to judge, that is the judge’s business.” However, it is the police’s consideration whether to cooperate with the investigation and whether it is in compliance with the commutation policy. “Han Bin said with a serious heart,

” You must now confess your crimes actively, and then you will have the opportunity to be commuted and exempted. The death penalty. “

” Can I believe you? “Haruk asked back.

Han Bin laughed, “As far as I know, only one of me who speaks English in the Criminal Investigation Division, who do you want to believe?”

“I have waited for you half an hour, If you don’t want to say it, I’ll leave first. I have patience, and we will slowly consume it.

Haruk sighed, “Officer Han, how much money can you earn a month?”

Han Bin hesitated for a moment, did n’t expect Haruk would ask, although it was his personal privacy, Haruk showed signs of slackening and had to strike iron while it was hot.

Han Bin was transferred to the City’s Criminal Investigation Division, and again to the Squadron Chief. His salary has also increased, and he answered, “On average, there are about 78,000.”

Haruk Curious, “Do you earn a lot of income in Qindao?”


“In our three countries, it is already a high income. I earn 40,000 a month. Rupee, equivalent to 4,000 rmb, is also good in the three countries. I always thought that only the magic capital can compare with our big cities in the three countries, but after I came to Qindao, I found that it is better than imagined. In terms of infrastructure It even surpassed Mumbai, oh Karma, I did n’t really believe it before. I thought Zelaj was lying to me. “

” The city of Qindao has brought me a lot of shock. They are very friendly to foreigners. , Salary is also very good, do you know how much Shallman make a month? “

Han Bin still has n’t waited for Han Bin to answer. Haruk stuck out four fingers and stared wide-eyed shouted,” Four Ten thousand rmb! Ten times my income! “

” Again The income of Shangzelai, two people can earn 80,000 RMB a month, which is nearly one million RMB a year, which is equivalent to my 20 years of income in Azerbaijan, 20 years, a person has several 20 years in a lifetime, I I really dare not imagine.

” I admit that I am jealous, very jealous, I want to make so much money, and I also want to stay in Qindao Foreign Language Academy. As a foreign teacher, I am in the A3 Kingdom. I ’ve been to college, and Sherman just graduated from high school. I ’m more qualified to be a foreign teacher than him. “

” I found Zeila and asked him to ask me if the Academy has a foreign teacher. Ze Rye told me that there are only five places for foreign teachers in the school, and foreign teachers will not be recruited for the time being. “

” I was disappointed at the time, even the lower-class people like Schalman who had never attended college As a foreign teacher, why does a dignified Kshatriya like me not work, this Academy system is problematic, and simply should not hire people like Salman. “

” I am not willing to, Looking for a job with a salary of 40,000 a month, at this time the opportunity comes, I listen to Zelaj The black Mike wanted to return to the United States, and also offered to resign with Chen Haijing. “

” I was so happy at the time, thinking that my opportunity was coming, I can be a foreign teacher in Qindao Foreign Language Academy, but I am very happy. In a few days, Mike didn’t leave again, and he would not return to the United States. “

” I know that he is also reluctant to take this job. He is a Hooligan in the United States, rich and identifiable in Qindao For me, I was reluctant to leave. “

” But the feeling that gives you hope and suddenly takes away hope is really uncomfortable. I’m getting more and more unbalanced. I want revenge. He shouldn’t take over this injustice. It belongs to him, so I decided to use my own method to get a job as a foreign teacher. ”

Han Bin asked, “What’s your own way?”

“Kill Mike, as long as he’s dead, Academy will have an Academy place available, and I can stay in Qindao Foreign Language Academy.” I have been a foreign teacher. After working in Qindao Foreign Language Academy for one year, I will be able to pay three years in the three Arab countries for ten years. After three years, I will earn more than the income of the second half of my life. I need this job. I am. “

Han Bin is a bit speechless. These foreigners are lazier than one. What does this job suit me? To put it plainly, the threshold for foreign teachers is too low. As long as you are a foreigner, as long as you speak English, If you can make money with the students, no one is happy.

“How did you kill Mike?”

“Ga, I don’t want to think about it, this is not my intention, nor is it a good memory.” Haruk Pats his forehead.

Han Bin lit a cigarette and handed it to him, “To be clear, it is also a relief for you.”

Haruk took a few cigarettes and was calm. A few, “I learned from Sherman that their foreign teachers are going to have a meal, and I am going to take this opportunity to kill Mike. I understood the restaurant in advance to drive around in the vicinity and saw a Drunk people. “

” I was thinking that killing was not a trivial matter. The best way was to find a dead ghost. The police solved the case, and I was safe. I will come to Mike home in advance. The only way to go is to throw the drunk into the green belt, and then wait for Mike’s car. Mike came later than I expected, but I still waited. “

” I pretend Drunk, forced his car to stop, then lay on the front of his car, Mike came to help me, and when I got up, I stabbed him with blood, blood sprayed out of him, and splashed on me . “

” I thought about this before and put on the drunken jacket in advance On my body, I prepared to kill him after I was ready to kill. It was very smooth. I killed Mike and helped him walk to the back of the car. When I opened the door, I was shocked. There was still a man in the back of the car-Hal. ” /p>

“Hal’s appearance was not in my plan. I was a little panicked at the time, and I thought about killing him too. As I was preparing to start, I found that Har was drunk and lay in the car. The back row is motionless. I hate people who drink most. I never drink. This is a very bad habit. “

” I put Mike in the back of the car and put the dagger in Hal took it, then took off his coat and threw it on the drunk man in the green belt. I found myself two dead ghosts, I thought you would not find me. “

Han Bin I wrote it down in the book, “Did David’s death have anything to do with you?”

“No, it has nothing to do with me.” Haruk shrugged.

“Do you regret it, if you are late, you can become a foreign teacher of Qindao Foreign Language Academy even if you don’t have to kill people,” said Han Bin.

Haruk nodded. “Yeah, I really regret it, because even if Mike and David are dead, I still can’t be a foreign teacher in Qindao Foreign Language Academy.”


“After Mike died, I asked Zelaj to go to Chen Haijing and tell her that I also wanted to stay in Qindao Foreign Language Academy as a foreign teacher, but Chen Haijing refused. I was very upset at the time, I was very angry, but I did n’t know the reason, and Zelaj did n’t tell me carefully. “

” After David died, I found Chen Haijing in person and told her that I wanted to be a foreign teacher Chen Haijing refused again, and the reason for his refusal made me feel nonsense.

“What’s the reason?”

“She said that Qindao Foreign Language Academy has a total of five English teachers. It is impossible to find three people from A and Three Kingdoms to be foreign teachers. They even need a white foreign teacher like Elizabeth. Students also like humorous black foreign teachers like Mike. The two foreign teachers from A and Three Kingdoms are already at their limit. There may be a third. “

” At the time When I heard this reason, I was both angry and shocked. They chose foreign teachers not to look at their abilities but to look at their skin color and nationality. This is simply ridiculous. The leadership of the Academy made me feel sick and hypocritical.

“This is the reason why you want to get rid of Shalman. He died, and the number of foreign teachers in Azerbaijan is vacated, and you can become a foreign teacher in Azerbaijan.” Han Bin said.

“Yeah, this is a reason.” Harman nodded, now that he has pleaded guilty, there is nothing to hide, and he continued, “More importantly, I know the police are looking into that car recently White modern car, many policemen are walking around the neighborhood of Jiacheng, I’m scared. Once you find the car, you will definitely find Shalman, so Shalman has only two exits, or you must leave Qindao and return to Afghanistan . Or it is death. “

” At first, I also thought about letting Sherman return to Azerbaijan, and I stayed in Qindao as a foreign teacher. This is also considered one move, two gains. However, I am afraid After returning to the Three Kingdoms, Shalman saw me unwilling to be a foreign church in Qindao Foreign Academy. When the time comes, he would probably betray me. I will kill him once and for all. ”

“If, I mean, if you haven’t found me, I may already be a foreign teacher of the Qindao Foreign Language Academy, with a monthly salary of 400,000 rupees, and nearly 5,000,000 roubles a year, how happy it should be.”

Han Bin is silent, at this point he no longer knows what to say.

The old horse once said: if it has 50% of the profit, it will take risks; for 100% of the profit, it will dare to trample on all human laws; with 3% of the profit, it will dare to commit any crime And even hanged.

Haruk is faced with a tenfold salary and 1000% profit, and it is not difficult to understand that he can make such a move.

After an hour, at the Criminal Investigation Division Conference Hall in the city.

Deputy Director Feng Baoguo was sitting on the main seat, Ding Xifeng and Ma Jingbo were sitting on both sides, and the other players lined up in turn.

Han Bin recounted the trial.

After listening, Feng Baoguo concluded, “Three foreign teachers were killed together. If the case is unresolvable, it will definitely affect the reputation of our Qindao Public Security Bureau, and it will make people more aware of the law and order of Qindao. There was suspicion, so the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Bureau paid great attention to this case. Now that the case has been successfully resolved, it can be regarded as a satisfactory answer. “

Ma Baoguo laughed,” Everyone during this time It ’s been hard, I ’ve seen it in my eyes, and remembered that I would ask your superiors for help. ”

Although it ’s good to hear, but the superiors are indeed more concerned about foreign-related cases. Very big, once the reward is detected, it is very generous.

Ding Xifeng took the stubble, “Feng Ju, I say a digression, this Qindao foreign language Academy has to be rectified, or else something will happen, when the time comes, or our trouble.”

“It’s not ridiculous. I have read the data of a few foreigners. All the mess is a trick. I will report it to the director and ask him to come forward and react with the municipal party committee. The city Z government will be one year old.” Tens of millions of dollars were allocated to Qindao Foreign Language Academy, but it can’t be thrown away. “Feng Baoguo hummed.

In the original Qindao Foreign Language Academy, Feng Baoguo could n’t talk about it, but now it ’s different. Feng Baoguo is in charge of the Criminal Investigation. Qindao Foreign Language Academy has successively had homicides. As the spokesperson of Qindao City Criminal Investigation, The actual person in charge must be in charge.

With Feng Baoguo’s words, everyone is not talking about it, and that level is not something they can discuss.

Ma Jingbo laughed, “This group of foreigners is also amazing, especially the foreigner named Hal, it is just a bad luck egg, and Mike and Sherman’s cases almost let him be blamed.”

Feng Baoguo is in a good mood and laughs, “Where is the foreigner now?”

Ding Xifeng couldn’t help laughing, “I’m still on the drug control team, here we are After that, the anti-drug brigade regarded him as a treasure, and he wouldn’t be able to get out at a short time. “

” haha ​​… “Everyone burst into laughter.

After the meeting, Feng Baoguo left Han Bin alone, and spoke highly of his performance in these three foreign-related cases. At the same time, let him not be proud, continue to work, and expressed difficulties. You can go to him directly.

Han Bin naturally agreed.

“Congratulations to Police Officer 577533 for successfully detecting three foreign-related cases.” Han Bin heard a familiar voice in his head.

Oral English: Proficiency +7

Micro-Expression Analysis: Proficiency: +3

Observation Skill: Proficiency +3

Footprint Identification: Proficiency +3

Achievement Points Reward 35 points.

“Police Officer 577533 made his debut in the Criminal Investigation Division of the city, and received unanimous approval from leaders and subordinates, and received an extra gift package.”

Life Skills: Cooking Skills

Category: Japanese materials

Grade: Advanced

Han Bin is a bit surprised that he hasn’t acquired life skills for a long time.

If it is other life skills, Han Bin may not care too much, but the Japanese materials are very practical, and you can have more common topics with Wang Ting.

In the next few days, I will be busy closing the case and sorting out the files, which is different from the previous arm-flinging shopkeeper, because others do n’t speak English, and many of the files have to be handled by Han Bin himself. They are still very busy. , But at least you can get off work on time.

Most recently, Han Bin has been in touch with Wang Ting. It happened to be two days when I was not busy, so I had a time to go to the Four Seasons Restaurant for dinner.

This time, Han Bin did not have a light bulb, and only he went to the restaurant alone.

Wang Ting was behind the counter and saw Han Bin entering the store, and he greeted with a smile. He led Han Bin to a window position. Han Bin glanced at it. All around is already full, and should be reserved for yourself in advance.

Wang Ting blinked his big eyes, “Officer Han, what would you like to eat today?”

“Wang Boss, I’m here for dinner, so the police officer will not It ’s too appropriate, just call me by name. ”

“ You think that Office Han is inappropriate, then Wang Boss is suitable? ”Wang Ting snorted and sat opposite Han Bin,“ I ’m twenty years old The girl in your early days, you sip a boss, and you are called old. “

Han Bin laughed,” Then we will call it by name. “

” You can. ” “

” I’ll try it first. “Han Bin cleared his throat, said in deadly earnest,” Wang Ting, what’s new in the store, please recommend it to me. “

“pu chi …” Wang Ting said with a lovable smile, “My name is so bad, it makes your face look serious.”

Han Bin touch the chin, pretending Thinking, “Why not change your name, Tingting?”

Wang Ting rolled his eyes and put the menu in front of Han Bin. “Order your food It ’s dead. ”

Han Bin opened the menu,“ Did you eat? Would you like to eat together. ”

Wang Ting laughed,“ It ’s OK to eat together, but Let’s say it first. Will you invite me, or will I invite you? “

” Of course I treat you. “Han Bin said.

“This can be.”

Han Bin passed the menu, “Ladies first, what do you want to eat?”

“Grilled salmon roll, Japanese-style perfect tofu sushi, seaweed chicken roll, golden spear fish sushi . “Speaking of this, Wang Ting showed a touch of crafty,” these all are new dishes in the store, you don’t mind helping me try the dishes. “

” My mouth is very shy If it ’s not delicious, do n’t blame me for being ruthless. ”

Wang Ting did n’t take it for granted,“ That ’s what I want. ”

“ You sit first Yes, these all are new dishes, not yet on the menu, I went to the back chef and ordered. “Wang Ting finished and left with a scent of incense.

Han Bin touched his nose, it sounds pretty good, a VIP feeling.

Han Bin, after sitting for a while, a waiter came over, and it was still a plate of edamame, ice water, and wet towels as before.

Han Bin wiped his hands and ate an edamame. When he was about to prepare with ice water, he glanced at the ice in the glass and dropped it involuntarily.

For a short time, he didn’t want to drink anything with ice.

“Officer Han!” At this moment, English sounded for a while.

Han Bin turned around and found an acquaintance, Zelaj.

Han Bin was a bit surprised. He got up and said, “Zerai, why are you here?”

Zerai came over and forced a smile, “I didn’t bother you Let’s eat. “

” It’s all right, did you come here for dinner too? “Han Bin asked back.

“Yes, I took a leave of absence, the past few days have been recalling a little Didi with Shalman, I went to a lot of places we two went to before, here is me and Shal Man was eating out last time, and I want to see it again. “Zelaj’s voice was calm.

Han Bin could hear a sadness from her words.

“I’m sorry about Haruk, and I hope you can understand.”

“No, you don’t need to say sorry, Haruk … did something wrong He should be subject to legal sanctions. If it wasn’t for his interest, Shalman wouldn’t … “Zeray’s eyes were red and he touched them with his hand.

Not far away, Wang Ting walked into the restaurant from the back kitchen and just saw this scene, can’t help but wonder what the situation is?

As soon as she left, why was there a woman beside Han Bin’s seat, or a beautiful foreign woman.

Wang Ting also couldn’t explain what she was thinking. Anyway, she felt a little uncomfortable. She was young and beautiful, and also a very confident person. Without thinking too much, in the trend of curiosity, The direct lotus walk section went over.

“Han Bin, is this beauty your friend?”

“Oh, this is Zelai, the teacher of the Qindao foreign language Academy.”

“Oh, I said a little familiar, she seemed to have been here before.”

Han Bin also introduced Wang Ting to Zelai in English.

Zelai said in English, “Hello Wang Boss, I’m glad to meet you.”

In simple English, Wang Ting can still understand, organized the language, and said in English, “Hello, I’m glad to see you too.”

After finishing speaking, both of them were choked, and the atmosphere was a little awkward.

Zeray does not know the relationship between Han Bin and Wang Ting, nor does he know what to say.

Wang Ting is spoken in general, and I don’t know what to say for a while.

Han Bin, please both sit down and say to Wang Ting in Chinese, “I’ll talk to her, don’t you mind.”

“Would you like me to avoid it?” “Wang Ting said.

“No, you are sitting very well.” Han Bin laughed, you do n’t understand anyway.

“Zerai, UU reading www.uukanshu.com, do you plan to return to the three countries, or stay in Qindao?”

“I will not go back, Haruk Something happened, and the family may not want to see me too. “Zelaj revealed a bitterness.

“Will you continue to stay in Qindao Foreign Language Academy?”

“Yes.” Zelaj nodded, “I like Qindao, I like China, and here, the female surname You can get real respect. “

Han Bin laughed,” You are a smart woman. “

” Officer Han, is this King Young Lady your girlfriend? ”

“Of course.”

“She is beautiful.” Zelaj praised.

“Thank you.”

Wang Ting blushed.

This Young Lady has also watched American dramas. The English is not that bad. Really when I do n’t understand?

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