            The Criminal Investigation Division Conference Hall in the city.

Ding Xifeng sat on the main seat, Ma Jingbo and Han Bin sat on both sides, and the other players lined up in turn.

Ding Xifeng looked at the phone and opened the notebook. “Qindao Foreign Language Academy killed three foreign teachers in succession. Not only the leaders of the municipal bureau attached great importance, but also attracted the attention of the leaders of the municipal party committee. It ’s not too short until now, and everyone has to be tight. “

” I won’t say anything else, lest you have pressure to talk about the case. “

Ma Jingbo smiled bitterly, saying half, the pressure is greater, “Section Chief, let me report the progress of the investigation.”

“The white SUV modern car has been found in Jiacheng neighborhood Underground 2-Layer parking garage. We checked the surveillance video of the garage. After the suspect got out of the car, he wrapped himself very tightly, wearing a hat, mask and sunglasses, and couldn’t see his specific features.

“The suspect left the garage at about one o’clock in the morning, and then entered Cui’an Street, because the light was low at the time and the tracking was a bit difficult. I have sent some people to monitor and continue to track.”

“horses” I want to look at the suspect’s surveillance. “Han Bin proposal.

Ma Jingbo beckoned, asked He Yingsheng to bring a tablet computer, opened a surveillance video and handed it to Han Bin.

Han Bin took a look at it, it is a video of an underground parking garage, there are lights in the garage, you can basically see the suspect ’s body shape, from the other person ’s height, posture, walking posture, step length Judging from the overall situation, such as foothold, it should be the suspect Haruk.

Han Bin insisted, “It’s Haruk.”

Ding Xifeng asked, “I can be sure.”

“Can’t be wrong.”


Zhang Shungu of 2nd Squad took the remarks, “If it was Haruk’s crime, his escape trajectory should be from Jiacheng neighborhood to Sevilla Hotel.”

Ma Jingbo added, ” If the suspect has a certain anti-reconnaissance consciousness, he should go around the city and not return to the hotel innocently.

Ding Xifeng knocked on the table, “Jingbo, this line Leave it to you to continue to check. “

” Yes. “

Ding Xifeng looked at Han Bin again,” What clue did you find, talk about it. “

Han Bin went to the project instrument and put two documents on the project machine. One was in English and the other was a Chinese translation.

I went to the scene again and found a notebook in the drawer of Schalman’s study. The notebook paper is the same as the letter paper left to Zelaj. There is a torn piece of paper. There are still marks underneath. After the Technical Division has processed them, the contents of the letter have been restored. “

” On the left is English, and on the right is a translation. From the complete content of the letter, Sha Salman did not want to commit suicide, but wanted to return to the three countries. At the same time, the letter also explained the fact that Salman and Haruk killed Mike. “

” From the content of this letter It is likely that Shalman was killed by Haruk. “

Ding Xifeng thought for a moment,” How did Haruk poison Salman? “

“At the time of Salman’s death, Haruk was not in a foreign school building, but had already returned to the Sevilla Hotel. According to my speculation, Haruk was likely to use ice cubes to poison.”

“This speculation is also consistent with the fact that there is no unique product in the beer can, but the unique product is detected in the glass. One, I just asked about Zela Yi, put the ice does have the habit of drinking beer when Salman. “

” evidence? ”

“I asked Li Qin and Jiang Yang to search at the Sevilla Hotel. I found a mold of frozen ice in the small freezer in Haruk’s room, which has been sent to the Technical Division for testing. I believe it will soon There are results, “Han Bin said.

“Where are the Haruks?”

“They have been taken to the detention room.”

Ding Xifeng concluded, “From the current situation, Haruk’s suspicion is very high, but the letter alone still cannot convict him. “

” I contacted Daikin Motors, and according to them, the car was rented by Salman Yes, the lease period is one month, and Haruk does not show up at all. “

” If Haruk is really a murderer, what was his motive for killing Mike? “

Ding Xifeng After taking a cigarette, he took a sip and continued, “Mike and Haruk are from different countries. The two people have different time to Domestic, and there is not much intersection. What is Haruk’s motive for killing?”

Han Bin went on to say, “Zerayi is the middle bridge between the two. It stands to reason that she is the person most likely to know, but now Zelayi is emotionally unstable and is a younger of the suspect Sister, may not be able to give an objective answer, I think I can ask Chen Haijing, he is very willing to fight for commutation now Strong. “

Li Zither Dao,” Let me talk to her. I will go to the detention room to see her in these two days, and I know her better. “

At this moment, the knock on the door rang outside.

“Come in.”

“Creak …” A door rang, and Chen Yan from the Technical Division pushed in and walked in.

“Section Chief, the relevant test in the Sherman case has come out.”

“You said.”

“Squadron Chief Han sent it The ice mold has been identified, and a unique product was found in one of the ice cube grooves. After further comparison, it is the same unique product as poison to death Salman. “

” Section We have already checked the driving recorder sent by Chief. We did not find a memory card, but after further testing, we found that the driving recorder has a remote monitoring function that can automatically upload the monitoring video to the cloud. “

Ding Xifeng reminded, “In plain words.”

“To put it bluntly, even without a memory card inserted, the driving recorder will still pass the captured video back to the car rental company.”

Ding Xifeng frowned, “That is to say, car rental companies have monitoring backup.”

Chen Yan nodded, explaining, “Like this kind of camera that automatically uploads to the cloud, it is relatively rare, And the price is more expensive. It ’s enough for a family with a camera with a memory card, but car rental companies may have their own considerations, and they should not tell customers about this. ”

Ding Xifeng snorted,“ I do n’t care if they have No matter what considerations, no matter what taboo they have, Jing Bo, you will now bring someone to bring me the video to come back. “

” Yes. “

” Han Bin, you go To bring Haruk to trial, don’t ask Mike’s murdered case first, but only say of the case of Shallman’s murder. “

” I see. “

Ten minutes later, Han Bin met Haruk in the Interrogation Room.

Haruk’s face calmed, and he glanced at Han Bin, Bao Xing, and Huang Qianqian, then lowered his head again.

Han Bin looked at each other, “Haruk, how does the environment feel here?”

Haruk spread his hands, “I don’t like this, I don’t Break the law, you shouldn’t keep me here, I’m a foreigner, OK. “

” It doesn’t matter which country you are, what’s important is that you broke the law in Domestic. “Han Bin said coldy.

“No, I haven’t violated the laws of your country, I’m a good person.”

Han Bin laughed, “Good people don’t poison poison in Salman’s beer.”

“Oh Karma, how can you think that I poisoned Salman.”

Han Bin answered, “We have found the second half of the letter, Sha In the letter, Salman wrote clearly that he didn’t want to die at all, but to return to the three countries. You and Salman did illegal things. In order to avoid exposure, you killed Salman. “

Haruk dismissed, “haha, do you have any evidence?”

Han Bin took out a restored copy of the letter, “Look at it for yourself, is this letter, I believe You should recognize it. “

After Haruk read it, he expressed a surprised expression,” Where did you find this letter. “

Han Bin didn’t take it for granted. “Not only did we find this letter, but we found other evidence sufficient to condemn you.”

“You don’t have to scare me, I simply did not do this. Things have nothing to check, and say, I was at the hotel, while Salman in dormitory teacher, how do I go to give him poison?. “Ha Luke asked.

“This is not difficult. You know that Shalman likes cold beer, he frozen the unique product in ice and put it in the refrigerator of Shalman’s house, so even if you are in Hotel, you can also poison to death Shalman. “

” Pa slap. “Haruk pats slap,” Officer Han, you have a good reasoning, can write, but do you have evidence? ? Who saw me add a unique product to the ice cube? “

” We found the mold of the ice cube in the hotel room where you lived, and the remaining unique product was found in one of the grooves, and poison To death Shalman’s is the same kind of exclusive product. “

After hearing this, Haruk swallowed saliva and said, his hands involuntarily twisted together.

Han Bin continued, “You have the motive to kill, and you are the last person to contact Salman. You also found a unique product that killed Salman in your residence. You think the judge will How to judge it? “

After a long time, Haruk took a deep breath,” Officer Han, your so-called motivation does not exist, as you said, since Schallman is going to return to the Three Kingdoms As long as he is gone, you domestic police ca n’t catch him, so why should I risk him to death? ”

Han Bin nodded,“ Good question, I ’ve never been able to figure this out. Why don’t you help me answer it? “

” Since there is no way to answer it, it proves that this question is unreasonable. I don’t need to kill Shallman at all, your police arrested the wrong person. “

“How do you explain the ice mold found in your hotel room, but there are your fingerprints on it?”

“That’s my own, I keep it for myself, where do I give it to Shahr?” Man? “

” Where did you put the ice cube containing the exclusive product? “Han Bin asked.

Haruk asked, “How long will he be there?”

“Oh, I’m not quite clear, I haven’t walked that section of the road.”

“Karma, you idiot, what do you know?”

“Hey, Haruk, please be respectful. I only helped you in the face of Zelai, I Not your servant. “

” OK, I said something wrong, and I apologize. “

” Haluk, I still want to persuade you, stop it, It’s too risky for you to kill Mike. Mike is very strong. “

” Don’t say it’s useless, Mike must die, do you understand? “

” I really I don’t want to participate in this, I … “

” Shalman, don’t be like a coward. I have the confidence to kill Mike. All you have to do is control your mouth, understand? ”

Shalman sighed, and then hung up the phone.

Haruk yelled, “Coward, you’re such a waste, and you are worthy to marry my younger sister?”

Then, Haruk got out of the car and got it from the trunk. A person was lifted out and thrown into the green belt next to it. The rear camera of the driving recorder captured the scene.

Ma Jingbo pressed the pause button again, just to be able to capture Haruk ’s face, introduced, “This person who was removed from the car is drunk Feng Xifan. There is a video before, it is Ha Luke picked up a corpse on the side of the road and put Feng Xifan in the trunk. “

Han Bin pondered for a moment,” Is there a video of Haruk killing? “

Ma Jingbo shook the head, “There was no specific shooting process. After parking, the driving recorder was turned off.”

“When the driving recorder was used again, Haruk was already on the car. And he drove the car all the way to the underground underground garage in Jiacheng neighborhood, which can prove that he has been driving this car. “

” Feng Xifan’s vomit was found in the trunk of the car, the co-pilot storage compartment The discovery of Mike ’s Gold Chain and gold ring, coupled with the audio and video of the driving recorder, is enough to convict Haruk. “

” Good job. “Ding Xifeng stood up and stretched out Lazy waist, “Han Bin, the next I’ll leave the work to you. “

” Yes. “

Han Bin took a closer look at the surveillance video of the driving recorder, and went to the Technical Division again. The evidence was sorted out.

An hour later, Han Bin entered the Interrogation Room again.

Haruk smiled bitterly, “Officer Han, do you guys in the Criminal Investigation Division only speak English? It’s too easy to communicate with them. I want to drink a cup of black tea, and they don’t understand.”

Han Bin replied, “It’s not their problem, it’s your problem. You should learn the local culture in any country you go to, not let the other party accommodate you.”

Haruk shrugged, do n’t think so, “I just want a cup of black tea, can I?”

Han Bin laughed, “Of course I can not only invite you to drink tea, but also please watch the film.”

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